
Sehun's Wish




It’s been one month filled with pain for Yixing. Losing weight every week, feeling week with each day. His grades have been slipping, arguments with his father have been happening on a regular basis. His family looks at him with disbelief. For Yixing, he has no one. Tao is busy with his new boyfriend, while Sehun has his ual frustrations with Luhan.  No one is there to help him, to comfort him. All he can do is just to live a lifeless life.


The depressed Yixing made his way through the busy hallways. Taking his time, he walked up to his locker and put in his combination. With a sigh, he tried again. The bell rang and he gave up after his third try. He held his backpack in front of him tightly. With his head down, he walked into his first period classroom. He heard the teacher snicker and his classmates whisper disgusting words.  He took his seat which was unfortunately in front of Suho. Sadly, he fell in love with the Korean man. But it was too late.


He could hear Suho giggle with his new fling. This time it was a girl; every week he has someone new either a girl or boy.  Both genders hurting the poor Chinese man’s heart.  Still hearing the small giggles, he rests his head on the desk, trying to fall asleep. Even though he knows sleeping wasn’t the option these days. Every time he would close his eyes he would have nightmares. So for the past week he hasn’t slept.


After the first two classes ended he actually had a free period. He walked to his locker hoping this time he would be able to open it. Luckily he was able to. He took some books he would need for the rest of the day and closed it back up. When he turned around to walk to the nearest bathroom, he was greeted with the face of the man he fell in love with. He clutched onto the books and squeezed them closer to his chest.  Suho took a few steps closer, to take a better look at the slightly shorter boy.  For the first time in a month, both of them stared into each other’s eyes; understanding the other’s feelings. Suho was about to reach his hand up to Yixing’s cheek, but a squeaky girl’s voice interrupted the two men.


While running down the hallway with his 5-inch heels and a skirt way to short, she reached the two men. She was a bit confused on why her boyfriend would talk to the loner, Yixing. She chewed on her gum, loudly, and wrapped her arm around Suho’s arm. “Oppa, I thought you wanted to meet at the library! I was waiting forever!” The girl named Sunny whined. Suho rolled his eyes, which only Yixing caught this little action. While Sunny was glaring down at Yixing. “I got caught up with something,” Suho said while sweetly smiling at Sunny.  The girl giggled and all of the sudden Yixing felt out of place. He tried to back away, but Sunny grabbed onto his jacket. “Why don’t you join us?” She batted her long eyelashes.  Yixing replied with a small, mouse like voice,”o-only...if y-you want.”


Somehow, Suho ended up sitting in the middle of them two. Even though Yixing tried to sit on the other side; Suho insisted for Yixing to sit next to him. Yixing sat there biting his lips, while he took the time to look through all of the homework he had to make-up.  At the corner of his eyes, he would notice Sunny trying to get Suho’s full attention. But Suho’s attention was fully on Yixing. This made Yixing’s heart speed up. It’s been awhile since Yixing felt energy spreading throughout his body.


While Yixing was enjoying the energy that was exploding throughout his body; Suho was trying to shoo away his “girlfriend”. She has been annoying him and he already regretted saying yes to being her boyfriend. All he wanted to do was to spend time with Yixing. Yes, it has been a month. But, Suho Stopped blaming Yixing and wanted to start things over. But this damn girl was getting in the way of that. “Sunny, why don’t you go off with your friends and I’ll text you later on?” Sunny quickly retorted,” Why should I leave you alone? You wanted to spend time together!” After hearing this reply, Suho got annoyed and snapped,” Sunny…I was going to wait until after school but… Let’s break up?”  The girl let out a gasp and slapped Suho’s right cheek. He knew he deserved that. She got up with a stern, “whatever, I was cheating on you anyways,” and pranced out the library.


Yixing, who witnessed the whole thing, started to giggle. How he can be such an idiot, he thought. Suho raised an eyebrow when he heard a mouse-like giggle. Suho started to laugh at his own dumbness. Yixing look over at Suho and admire the Korean man’s laughing face. Yixing felt like he was getting a fresh breath of air. Once Suho stopped laughing he met Yixing’s gaze. They sat there enjoying each other’s company.  “I missed you,” is what they both said at the same time. They both awkwardly laughed at each other. Yixing insisted that Suho should speak first.


“Yixing, I was stupid for blaming you. I don’t know why I was so mad at you. It’s not your fault if you can return my feelings. I was just so in love with you, that.. I was getting possessive. And I totally understand if you’re pissed at me right now. I’m kind of mad at myself for doing that to and for saying the things I said to you-“Suho was interrupted by a pair of lips on his. He didn’t kiss back, because the shock was too much for him to handle. When Yixing pulled back, he shyly looked down at his lap. “Suho I Like you. No, actually I fell in love with you. And I’m in love with you still.” This time Suho captured Yixing for a sweet kiss; both at the sweet taste of each other’s lips.  


“Yixing, so does this mean that we’re together?” Suho intertwined their fingers together.  Yixing’s cheeks were now tinted with a rosy pink color. “Yes, but taking things slow right?” Yixing replied. Suho leaned down to kiss him on the cheek and nodded yes.


When they made their way out the library to go to their next class; they heard a girl whisper to her friend, “That’s Suho new fling?” Both Yixing and Suho laughed and continued their own lovely way down the hallway. 

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Robins124 #1
Chapter 3: Im sorry but minho is taemin's but this is cute tho
chokochipp #2
Chapter 18: LALALALALA~ *skipping in a fluffy meadow* ><
Chapter 18: Ahh its so sad that this story is going to end soon :/ Its really good <3 oh well..
Haha jealous Suho is so cute !
Chapter 16: So hunhan is together now? <333 asdfghjkl
I really like Sulay's character here !
especially Yixing's.
Chapter 16: @@ and so they are together~~ HUNHAN
Chapter 14: New~
soOO taoris XD
zianasue #7
Chapter 13: Is that Chen in the last pic looking so at peace in sleep land??
Chapter 13: lol chen in the last pic