Chapter 8


Jongup didn't realize that the time had passed by so fast, infact, he fell asleep in the library. He looked up to check the time from the clock hanging on the wall and he groaned when it read '11.55pm'. He looked around the quiet library then shuddered. It wasn't dark or anything but he still felt scared for some reason.

He pulled himself up before heading towards the exit, sighing in relief when it was still open. He made himself visible again and was surprised he was even invisible for that long.
He walked through the quiet school, the hallways, then walking out to go to where the dorms were. He looked around carefully, afraid that something might jump out of nowhere and eat him up... even though that was highly unlikely.
He finally reached his room, quietly unlocking the door to make sure he didn't wake up Daehyun but was surprised that he didn't see his roommate on his bed. Jongup the light and looked around before closing the door behind him.
"Where were you" a low voice came from the side and Jongup immediately turned to face the owner of the voice.
"I-I was in the library.. then I kinda fell asleep..."
Daehyun stared at Jongup and Jongup felt like he was being attacked by Daehyun's eyes.
"I had to wait for you to come back" Daehyun said, pissed off.
"I'm sorry if I worried you I--"
"Worried? Me? Of you? Lets get one thing straight kid. I don't ever worry about others. The only reason I had to wait was because I didn't want to be awoken in the middle of the night when you came back cos then I won't be able to fall back asleep"
Jongup gulped and nodded "I'm v-very sorry hyung..."
Jongup felt like crying. He felt stupid for assuming that Daehyun was truly worried about him. 
Daehyun rolled his eyes "Whatever".
Jongup stared as Daehyun crawled into his bed then looked away, quickly grabbing his stuff before heading to the bathroom.
Jongup washed himself in a hurry before coming out and turning off the lights and laying down on his bed trying to be as quiet... as that corpse he carried earlier.
Jongup ignored his complicated thoughts before falling asleep again.
"Daehyun hyung, lets play!" a kid said running towards Daehyun.
Daehyun stared at the kid emotionlessly. The kid tugged on Daehyun then pulled him towards a park.
"We're gonna play throw and catch!" the kid smiled, holding up a ball in his small hands and Daehyun just gave a small nod.
The kid threw the ball towards Daehyun and Daehyun caught it, staring at the ball.
"Come on! You're supposed to throw it back!" 
Daehyun looked up and blinked, throwing the ball with a bit more power than he intended.
The ball went beyond the kid, landing on the road. The kid ran towards the road then bent down to pick up the ball. 
It happened all too quickly. Daehyun watched in horror as a car ran into the kid, the kid's body flying across aimlessly before landing onto the ground.
Daehyun looked into the kid's eyes, not being able to move. The kid was smiling weakly, mouthing 'hyung' towards Daehyun, then closed his eyes, letting go of the ball he had tightly hold onto even when he was being crashed by the car.
Daehyun watched as the life in the kid's body faded away. He could have done to prevent that. He could have called for help. But he didn't.
'You're a killer Daehyun...'
Daehyun woke up sweating all over, he panted. This unknown dream had been haunting him for quite a while now and Daehyun didn't know what to make out of it. He wasn't sure if it was real, it felt too real to believe it was just a dream. It felt like it had happened to him long ago or of some sort but he had no memory of it. At all.
Daehyun tried getting up but felt dizzy, his body immediately falling back onto the bed.
"I'll be heading out first then hyung.." Daehyun heard a voice but didn't react to it.
Jongup was honestly really going to go but he felt something was wrong, he wasn't sure what but we felt like something was... wrong? 
He turned back and walked towards Daehyun and carefully called out "Hyung?"
However yet again Daehyun gave no reactions.
Daehyun was in a really bad condition, one could tell straight away that he was sick.
Jongup placed his hand on top of Daehyun's forehead then pulled his hand off straight away. Daehyun was boiling hot with a high fever.
Jongup was unsure of what to do, he rushed off to the bathroom, wetting a towel then coming back and putting it on Daehyun's forehead.
Daehyun, who had no power nor energy stayed completely still. If it was any other day, he would have shouted at Jongup to off. But no, not today. Daehyun didn't even have the energy to shout. And plus, before he even had the chance to do or say anything he fell unconscious.
Jongup stayed in the dorm, skipping classes to look after Daehyun. He made sure to bring down Daehyun's fever, re-wetting the towel every once in a while. Jongup sighed and sat next to Daehyun's bed and stared at him closely for the first time and was quite amazed.
His perfectly silky and smooth hair..
His perfectly closed eyes..
His perfectly pointy nose..
His perfectly plump lips..
His perfectly carved face..
He never realized how Daehyun was actually really good looking, it made Jongup start to feel quite jealous and envious of the other. On top of that, Daehyun looked quite peaceful right now. How looks could be so deceiving...
Jongup then wondered off, starting to get curious as to what Daehyun could be dreaming about every night. Jongup had noticed Daehyun having nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night panting. Jongup wanted to help but he knew Daehyun would get mad so he pretended he was asleep all the time.
"It'd be nice if you knew people actually care for you even though you're really mean like those evil characters on TV and selfish, self centered, bossy and--" Jongup was about to continue complaining until he saw Daehyun's face twitch a little, a groan escaping the older's mouth.
'..' Jongup thought, worried that Daehyun might have heard everything he just said.
Daehyun eventually opened his eyes and Jongup froze.
'Please, please, please, please tell me he didn't hear me say that' Jongup crossed his fingers.
Daehyun slowly turned his head to the side and looked at Jongup quietly.
Daehyun slightly smirked at himself. Jongup... 
Jongup reminded him of the kid in the dream that keeps appearing every night. 
Jongup saw the smirk and gulped thinking Daehyun had heard everything "I'M SO SORRY HYUNG I DIDN'T MEAN EVERYTH--"
Daehyun kept looking and cut Jongup half way through his sentence "Thanks"
Jongup stopped and stared. Did he hear right? Did Daehyun just..
"Thank you.. really.." Daehyun said again and stood up, taking the wet towel off his forehead and heading out the room, leaving Jongup by himself.
'Moon Jongup... seriously.. what are you?'
Okay, first off it was really scary because when I tried uploading it the whole chapter disappeared but I was like smart me for saving it elsewhere on my laptop and-- just yeah ; w ;
Idek but here, enjoy T u T;;
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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 15: This is great, I hope you'll continue this one...
Chapter 15: Please keep writing!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyrichi #4
Please2 continue, what happened with those 3! So Jae likes Dae and he jealous coz Dae kiss Uppie then this evil thing controlling his mind and then what!?!? Ahhh so curiouss
nonino #5
Chapter 15: Please continue the story,i really want to know what happen to jongup:(
Cinder123 #6
Please update your story is amazing
Hyrichi #7
Chapter 15: I finnish all your story today, and its getting more interesting. I really like this story hope you keep updating and dont leave it hanging like this when DaeJong just begin to start :) Fighting
Chapter 15: Waaah! I readed all of your story today and asdfghjkl its love it! ;w;
How can you end the chapter in this way?! HOW?! *cries, faint, then cries again*
You have to update again soon okai?!
Or I will posses Jae and I will come to kill ya nae?
Fighting! :D
Chapter 15: AHHHHHH!! I started squealing internally when I refreshed the page and saw "Unbreakable". Thank you for updating this wonderful story despite being so busy! I know how tough college can get xD I can't wait until the next chapter! How could you end it just as Daehyun comes back?! GAH!
Chapter 14: Hi, I've been a big fan of this story for the longest time (I would've commented earlier but I JUST made an account ^^) and I really really reallly realllllly hope that you'll finish this story one day! It's one of my favorite Daejong ones and I find myself re-reading it (and getting the same feels) all the time ^^ I hope you'll come back to this story someday!