Chapter 2



Daehyun spent his next 9 years in that school, learning that he was different from others and that there were other people like him as well.. but.. not completely the same. Over the past 9 years, Daehyun had tried running away multiple times. And everytime he did, he was caught and brought back to his room. On the days that happened, the people around him suffered greatly. Not because Daehyun complained or beat them up due to his frustrations, but because whenever he was in a bad mood, he induced pain to those around him without knowing it.
On his 19th birthday, Daehyun wished for nothing more than to be out of there. He lied down on his bed, looking up the ceiling when suddenly the door opened.
"Your..." the headmaster paused before continueing. "Your new roommate. Please dont chase this one away."
Daehyun stared at the boy in front of him. The headmaster said nothing more before leaving the two together. The boy looked at Daehyun and smiled.
"Hello.. My name is Jongup. Moon Jongup" the kid introduced himself.
Daehyun kept staring, making Jongup frown a little and let out a quiet "Oww.."
Daehyun immediately stopped and ignored the boy, moving his attention elsewhere wondering why the pain didn't have so much effect on the boy.
"What's your name?" Jongup continued to ask but didnt get an answer. No matter how hard he tried. Jongup pouted and went over to his side of the room and sat on his bed.
Hours must have passed since when Daehyun woke up it was around 5am. He looked around and saw no one, making him think that the whole thing was a dream. He stood up and looked around the room quietly. He looked out the window and just like that day 9 years ago, it was raining. Daehyun twitched his eye at the sound of thunder. He never enjoyed them much.
"Make it go away.." a small voice was heard. At first Daehyun wasnt sure if he had heard right. He looked towards where the voice came from but nothing was there.
"I must be going crazy..." he spoke to himself then something hugged him around his waist. At first Daehyun couldn't see anything but soon two arms appeared.
"S-sorry.. I just.. The thunder.. I'm scared of it and--" Jongup spoke.
"What are you" Daehyun cut Jongup off and pulled himself away from the boy.
"Me? I'm Jong--"
"No. I mean, you werent here and then you're here" Daehyun wasn't sure if he was making any sense at the moment.
"Oh.. OH. I'm sorry! I thought you didn't like me being here so I was making myself invisible from you..."
Daehyun blinked and stared at Jongup. Jongup looked away uncomfortably, not knowing what to do. Daehyun soon looked away and crawled into his bed once more before closing his eyes.
Jongup stood, unsure of what to do.
"Sleep" Daehyun emotionlessly said.
"I-I um.. I--"
"If you don't want to, at least stay quiet" and after Daehyun had said this, not another world was heard from Jongup.
Luckily the next day was the weekend. This meant Daehyun would be less grumpy than usual. Or so we thought...
Jongup sat on his bed, being invisible ever since that time Daehyun told him to stay quiet. He sobbed quietly. He wasn't used to his new enviroment, the thunder scared him and he somehow fiered Daehyun.
Daehyun twitched, hearing something he wasn't used to. He groaned and got up then looked around.
"Kid." Daehyun said once and as soon as Jongup heard him, he froze but didn't visible himself.
Daehyun crawled out of his bed and walked towards Jongup, Jongup started to panic. Daehyun somehow managed to get hold of Jongup and Jongup immediately became visible again.
The now startled Jongup looked away to hide his tears as Daehyun continued to stare at him. Honestly, Daehyun was kind of pissed. He didnt like people crying, it annoyed him. A lot.
"Stop" Daehyun spoke, staring at Jongup. "It's really annoying".
Jongup looked back at Daehyun with his teary eyes "W-wha--"
"You're annoying."
Okay so... first of all.. Thank you to everyone who subsribed ; A ; It means a lot adkgbadgkadgb
And thank you for the comments as well, it makes me actually want to continue this story ; w ;

I'm sorry that this chapter also seems short though OTL I felt like it had to end there.
I swear I'll try and write more next time OTL OTL
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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 15: This is great, I hope you'll continue this one...
Chapter 15: Please keep writing!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyrichi #4
Please2 continue, what happened with those 3! So Jae likes Dae and he jealous coz Dae kiss Uppie then this evil thing controlling his mind and then what!?!? Ahhh so curiouss
nonino #5
Chapter 15: Please continue the story,i really want to know what happen to jongup:(
Cinder123 #6
Please update your story is amazing
Hyrichi #7
Chapter 15: I finnish all your story today, and its getting more interesting. I really like this story hope you keep updating and dont leave it hanging like this when DaeJong just begin to start :) Fighting
Chapter 15: Waaah! I readed all of your story today and asdfghjkl its love it! ;w;
How can you end the chapter in this way?! HOW?! *cries, faint, then cries again*
You have to update again soon okai?!
Or I will posses Jae and I will come to kill ya nae?
Fighting! :D
Chapter 15: AHHHHHH!! I started squealing internally when I refreshed the page and saw "Unbreakable". Thank you for updating this wonderful story despite being so busy! I know how tough college can get xD I can't wait until the next chapter! How could you end it just as Daehyun comes back?! GAH!
Chapter 14: Hi, I've been a big fan of this story for the longest time (I would've commented earlier but I JUST made an account ^^) and I really really reallly realllllly hope that you'll finish this story one day! It's one of my favorite Daejong ones and I find myself re-reading it (and getting the same feels) all the time ^^ I hope you'll come back to this story someday!