Chapter 4


Daehyun blinked and the last thing he knew was that he was being dragged out by Yongguk and seeing the others crowd around his new roommate.


Jongup opened his eyes and the first think he said out was "I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!"

The person next to Jongup chuckled and said "Told you he was going to wake up soon" to someone else.

Jonup blinked and stared at the two "I...."

"Hey there, we meet again" one of them said to Jongup. Jongup kept staring and realized that he was the stranger from the cafeteria.

Jongup tried sitting up straight away but as soon as he tried, he was welcomed with a slight headache. "Ow.."

"Easy there, I'm actually surprised you're this fine" the stranger said. "By the way, I'm Himchan. 2 grades up from you"

Jongup's eyes rounded "N-nice to meet you sunbae!".

"Just call me Himchannie hyung~" Himchan smiled and made Jongup lie down again.

"Huh? But--"

"No buts. Something tells me we're all be great great friends" Himchan chuckled. "Oh, and this is Junhong" he said pointing to the kid next to him.

"Hello Jongup hyung, you can just call me Zelo" Zelo said smiling and Jongup immediately smiled back.

"Hows the head?" Himchan asked and Jongup shuddered at what happened in the cafeteria.

"My head hurts.. a little.. Not as much as before" Jongup said looking down. Why did his roommate hate him so much?

"Daehyun doesn't hate you. He's just...... I don't know how to put this put he's just the way he is. He would have done the same even if it wasn't you and by the looks on his face, he seemed quite surprised it was you actually" another person said walking in. Honestly, Jongup didn't know how to handle all these people crowding around him.

"You're not used to having lots of people around, are you? Name's Youngjae, one grade up from you, same class as Daehyun" the Youngjae person said.

Jongup was stuck deep in thought. So... Daehyun was older than he was which meant Daehyun is a hyung to him...

"What happened to Dae hyung?" Zelo asked Youngjae which made Jongup look up.

Youngjae shrugged "I can't sense both Yongguk hyung and Daehyun. Which means Yongguk hyung probably took Daehyun pretty far away"

"I hope Yongguk hyung doesn't go too harsh on Daehyun hyung.." Zelo said looking out the window.

"Don't worry. They're just talking through things right now" Himchan assured them all and they all nodded except Jongup.

Jongup stayed quiet with lots of thoughts and the others didn't notice this except Youngjae.

"Dude, don't think too much." Youngjae said and pointed to his head "Your head will start hurting again" he added and smiled.

"So what's your ability hyung?" Zelo asked with big round eyes.

Before Jongup could answer, Himchan answered for him "He can go invisible"

Jongup blinked. How did he know? Jongup opened his mouth to ask but got interupted by Youngjae.

"Himchan hyung can not only see into the future but he can control the future as well but he doesn't control the future. Never. Weird if you ask me" Youngjae said "Zelo can bring people back from the dead and I, can read your mind"

Jongup took a mentle note of their abilities, also to be careful of what he thinks when he's around Youngjae and he swore he just heard Youngjae chuckle...

"Anyways, don't hate Daehyun too much. He's just an idiot. I should know." Youngjae said.

Zelo nodded in agreement "Daehyun hyung doesn't talk about himself much nor talk in general but Youngjae hyung's probably the only person here that knows Daehyun hyung inside and out"

"Mostly inside" Himchan added as Jongup just blinked at everything he heard.

"Are you seeing what I think you're seeing hyung?" Youngjae suddenly asked Himchan with a grin and Himchan nodded.

"3.. 2.. 1.." Himchan counted down and at 1, the door opened.

"Hey buddy. Where'd ya leave Daehyun?" Himchan asked Yongguk.

"I locked him up and I'm gonna make him starve to death" Yongguk said until he saw the horrified expression on Jongup's face. "Just kidding man. Daehyun should be back in his room..." Yongguk said and looked at Jongup "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing... fine I guess. Still alive" Jongup said adding a weak smile at the end. He was honestly afraid to go back to his room and face Daehyun again.

But would it be kinda weird if he was actually thankful to Daehyun in some ways? Jongup shook his head and looked at all the people in front of him. He has never had so much people caring for him and it made him feel like he was wanted there. 

Jongup smiled 'I guess thanks to you I met these people Daehyun... hyung..'
First of all. I'm sorry OTL I was too busy fan girling over BAP's new album and MV ; - ; 
Second of all, I'm sorry for the boring chapter. I was still in my fangirling/spazzing mode u__u

Have Youngjae in apology? ; ~ ;

And hello to new subscribers :D

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 15: This is great, I hope you'll continue this one...
Chapter 15: Please keep writing!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyrichi #4
Please2 continue, what happened with those 3! So Jae likes Dae and he jealous coz Dae kiss Uppie then this evil thing controlling his mind and then what!?!? Ahhh so curiouss
nonino #5
Chapter 15: Please continue the story,i really want to know what happen to jongup:(
Cinder123 #6
Please update your story is amazing
Hyrichi #7
Chapter 15: I finnish all your story today, and its getting more interesting. I really like this story hope you keep updating and dont leave it hanging like this when DaeJong just begin to start :) Fighting
Chapter 15: Waaah! I readed all of your story today and asdfghjkl its love it! ;w;
How can you end the chapter in this way?! HOW?! *cries, faint, then cries again*
You have to update again soon okai?!
Or I will posses Jae and I will come to kill ya nae?
Fighting! :D
Chapter 15: AHHHHHH!! I started squealing internally when I refreshed the page and saw "Unbreakable". Thank you for updating this wonderful story despite being so busy! I know how tough college can get xD I can't wait until the next chapter! How could you end it just as Daehyun comes back?! GAH!
Chapter 14: Hi, I've been a big fan of this story for the longest time (I would've commented earlier but I JUST made an account ^^) and I really really reallly realllllly hope that you'll finish this story one day! It's one of my favorite Daejong ones and I find myself re-reading it (and getting the same feels) all the time ^^ I hope you'll come back to this story someday!