Chapter 7



Jongup froze on the spot and just wanted to cry out 'GET THIS DEAD WOMAN OFF MY BACK' but he swallowed all his desires to do so and turned slightly to look towards the owner of the voice.

Daehyun looked back at Jongup and tilted his head "And you told me I needed to manage my anger problems"

Jongup's eyes rounded, surprised that Daehyun has heard what Jongup has said in the morning when he was so sure that the older was asleep.

"H-how--- Wh---"

Daehyun walked closer to Jongup, taking the corpse off his back and carrying it bridal style before giving Jongup a questioned look.


Jongup wasn't used to Daehyun being like this, not that he didn't like it or anything. He shook his head slightly before giving Daehyun a nod.

"Control class?" Daehyun asked once more which earned him another nod and the two soon started walking.

It's not that Daehyun started caring for Jongup. The way Jongup carried that body really annoyed Daehyun. Seeing Jongup sulk on his way like a little weakling really really got to him and he found it less annoying if he were to get rid of the thing that caused the annoyance, in this case it was getting that corpse away from the sulking boy.


Soon they arrived at their destination and Daehyun dumped the lifeless body onto the floor before turning back to Jongup.

Jongup sensed Daehyun looking at him and froze immediately before mumbling "I... didn't kill anyone..."

Daehyun stared emmotionlessly and nodded "I know. That's why I asked if it was Zelo earlier."

Jongup started cursing at himself in his head for being such an idiot.

"...and Himchan hyung said you were a good kid. He would have known if you were to go around killing pretty people" Daehyun added, sitting down on a table and looking towards the dead lady.

Jongup awkwardly stood and started questioning himself whether the dead person in front of him was actually pretty or not, to him she seemed average.

Daehyun patted the spot next to him "Have a seat"

Jongup shook his head, smiling slightly "It's fine, I'd rather sta-"

"Sit down. I don't want to see you awkwardly standing there. It's.. annoying" and as soon as Daehyun said the word 'annoying', Jongup did as he was told

Another long pause came between them.

Jongup didn't like the silence and in all honesty, he wanted to say something but he decided not to. He also found it weird how Daehyun seemed nice today... well sort of nice but couldn't help being a little worried of what might happen next.

What doesn't annoy Daehyun?

Would Daehyun suddenly get mad again?

Will Daehyun make him wish to be dead once more like last time?

Jongup couldn't predict Daehyun's actions and he desperately wished he could be Himchan at the moment. Or maybe even Youngjae.

"I hate myself" Daehyun spoke grabbing Jongup's attention back.

Before Jongup could reply Daehyun continued talking, pouring out everything that seemed to have bottled up inside him.

"I'm so sick and tired of everything. I question myself why I'm alive. I hate how I was born like this. I don't like being here. What is happiness? What is pain? What is sadness? Do I even know how to cry?"

Jongup blinked. He knew exactly how Daehyun felt as he has said those exact phrases to himself almost everyday. Jongup wanted to say something back, something that'd make Daehyun feel at least a little better but no words came to him. He didn't want to say something wrong.

"Just ignore me" Daehyun face palmed himself, leaving a quiet frustrated sigh before he stood up and headed out, leaving Jongup confused to what had just happened.


During his lunch break and the rest of his class times, all Jongup could think about was Daehyun's frustrated words. He's never seen Daehyun speak so much and he for sure didn't expect Daehyun to let out his thoughts to him like that. Since it was pretty much fact that Daehyun didn't favor him much.

Jongup was more than happy when his classes ended that day and decided he wanted some alone time. He went to the library, sat in a corner and made himself invisible for the whole day.

He just wanted to think. To think about what could be bothering Daehyun, to think about what he could do to make things better, to think about if that was even something possible for him to do...


Daehyun was mad. Mad at himself for spilling out all those stuff to Jongup. To the kid that annoyed the hell out of him. How did that even happen anyways? It was weird, it was as if he just had a need to let himself go, to let out everything... He needed someone to listen to him. But why Jongup?

"Yo buddy" 

Daehyun looked up with a glared and saw Youngjae walking towards him with a slightly painful look.

"You might want to stop with the glare.. It's kinda getting almost hard to approach you" Youngjae said weakly.

Daehyun sighed and stopped his actions from attacking those around him. Maybe Jongup was right, he really does need to control his angers.... most specifically he needs to control his abillity.

"Go away Youngjae." Daehyun said looking away.

"I thought you needed someone who could listen to you"

"I don't."

"That's not what you think though Daehyun"

"Get out of my head"

"You know I can't control that"

"Then you obviously didn't learn anything in class"

"Since when do you care about class?"

By this point Daehyun gave up trying to deal with Youngjae and just started ignoring him by closing his eyes and lying down on the grass.

Youngjae chuckled silently "Guess what Dae... Himchan hyung told me a secret.. But that secret is too... painful for me. Almost as painful as your ability."

Daehyun didn't open his eyes but gave a small nod instead.

Youngjae weakly smiled before he looked up at the clear blue sky.


Okay, I am very very sorry for slow updates u__u It might sound like an excuse but I have a lot of school work to do OTL
Anyways here's an update Q u Q


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 15: This is great, I hope you'll continue this one...
Chapter 15: Please keep writing!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyrichi #4
Please2 continue, what happened with those 3! So Jae likes Dae and he jealous coz Dae kiss Uppie then this evil thing controlling his mind and then what!?!? Ahhh so curiouss
nonino #5
Chapter 15: Please continue the story,i really want to know what happen to jongup:(
Cinder123 #6
Please update your story is amazing
Hyrichi #7
Chapter 15: I finnish all your story today, and its getting more interesting. I really like this story hope you keep updating and dont leave it hanging like this when DaeJong just begin to start :) Fighting
Chapter 15: Waaah! I readed all of your story today and asdfghjkl its love it! ;w;
How can you end the chapter in this way?! HOW?! *cries, faint, then cries again*
You have to update again soon okai?!
Or I will posses Jae and I will come to kill ya nae?
Fighting! :D
Chapter 15: AHHHHHH!! I started squealing internally when I refreshed the page and saw "Unbreakable". Thank you for updating this wonderful story despite being so busy! I know how tough college can get xD I can't wait until the next chapter! How could you end it just as Daehyun comes back?! GAH!
Chapter 14: Hi, I've been a big fan of this story for the longest time (I would've commented earlier but I JUST made an account ^^) and I really really reallly realllllly hope that you'll finish this story one day! It's one of my favorite Daejong ones and I find myself re-reading it (and getting the same feels) all the time ^^ I hope you'll come back to this story someday!