Chapter 1



Daehyun never enjoyed talking much nor interacting with others. He liked being by himself, reading a book, listening to music, taking video cameras of the most randomest things. He naturally shut himself away from others but that didnt mean he didn't reply them when he was asked something.
Daehyun's whole life changed at the age of 10 during school lunch break. He's been bullied by this one kid and his gang due to the fact that Daehyun barely spoke a word, stayed by himself and had no friends. Daehyun couldnt take it anymore. The whole bullying thing started to annoy him. He stood up and spoke, gritting his teeth together.
"You know what I hate about this damn world so much? People like you. People like you really, and I mean REALLY bug me. And do you know what should happen to bugs like you?" he said, getting angrier by the second. "Be squished and dead." he ended his sentence and as soon as he did, the strangest thing happened. The boy in front of him, was rolling on the ground, in pain.
"S-stop it! I'm sorry, I wont d-do it again JUST MAKE THE PAIN GO AWAY" the boy yelled.
Teachers came out due to the noise and Daehyun snapped back to reality. And the boy, was no longer in pain.
"What is going on here?" Mrs Lim asked.
One of the kids said "He's in pain!" pointing at the boy on the floor.
The teachers immediately assumed Daehyun had punched the boy down or something but had no proof as the boy looked perfectly clean. No blood, no bruise, no nothing. They took the boy to the nurse and called Daehyun's parents in.
Daehyun stood outside as he waited for his parents to finish talking to his teacher. When they were finally done, they crouched down and looked at him.
"Daehyun..." his father started speaking and Daehyun looked up at him, confused.
"We're moving you to a special school, okay?" his mother spoke.
Daehyun nodded once before looking out the window.
Here's the short introductory chapter ^^;
I'll try and write longer next time :)
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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 15: This is great, I hope you'll continue this one...
Chapter 15: Please keep writing!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyrichi #4
Please2 continue, what happened with those 3! So Jae likes Dae and he jealous coz Dae kiss Uppie then this evil thing controlling his mind and then what!?!? Ahhh so curiouss
nonino #5
Chapter 15: Please continue the story,i really want to know what happen to jongup:(
Cinder123 #6
Please update your story is amazing
Hyrichi #7
Chapter 15: I finnish all your story today, and its getting more interesting. I really like this story hope you keep updating and dont leave it hanging like this when DaeJong just begin to start :) Fighting
Chapter 15: Waaah! I readed all of your story today and asdfghjkl its love it! ;w;
How can you end the chapter in this way?! HOW?! *cries, faint, then cries again*
You have to update again soon okai?!
Or I will posses Jae and I will come to kill ya nae?
Fighting! :D
Chapter 15: AHHHHHH!! I started squealing internally when I refreshed the page and saw "Unbreakable". Thank you for updating this wonderful story despite being so busy! I know how tough college can get xD I can't wait until the next chapter! How could you end it just as Daehyun comes back?! GAH!
Chapter 14: Hi, I've been a big fan of this story for the longest time (I would've commented earlier but I JUST made an account ^^) and I really really reallly realllllly hope that you'll finish this story one day! It's one of my favorite Daejong ones and I find myself re-reading it (and getting the same feels) all the time ^^ I hope you'll come back to this story someday!