Lee Sungmin is my Maid (Chapter 6)


Chapter 6



Kyuhyun was standing outside Sungmin’s room


“Why don’t you get inside?”


Kyuhyun almost jump when he heard someone speaking. He looks around and found his nanny smiling at him


“Did I scare you?”


Kyuhyun nods at her


“A bit”


Kyuhyun’s nanny walks towards him


“Why don’t you go inside? She opens the door around twelve midnight”


Kyuhyun drops his head. His nanny stares at him


“You suppose to explain everything to her”


Kyuhyun stares at his nanny sadly


“But she doesn’t want to talk to me”


“Just give her time. You hurt her, so you need to give her enough time and space. You can talk to her if she’s ready to hear everything”


Kyuhyun nod


“Are you going now?”


“Yes nanny ahjumma”


“You don’t want to eat your breakfast first?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I’ll just eat in my office. I’m not hungry”


Kyuhyun’s nanny pats his cheek


“Don’t stress yourself too much”


“Please take care f Minnie”


“Don’t worry”


“Thank you”


Kyuhyun smile at her before going downstairs. He suddenly frowns upon seeing his fiancée sitting on the sofa while reading a newspaper


“What are you still doing here in my house?”


Seohyun look at him


“Good morning honey”


She stands up and walks towards him


“Are you leaving now?”


Kyuhyun takes a deep breath


“I don’t want to see your face here in my house when I arrive later. If you will not leave, I will throw you outside. I mean it Seohyun”


Kyuhyun told her before going out of the house. Seohyun flash an evil smile


“I’m going back to Australia soon, but before I do that. I need to finish my business with her”


Seohyun laugh softly


“Now that the young master is out to work, I think I should take care of his dear nanny. That will be perfect”


Seohyun smirk and went upstairs. She opens the door of Sungmin’s room and walk towards her bed


“The baby is still sleeping”


Seohyun smile devilishly while staring at Sungmin


“The nanny should wake up now”


She holds Sungmin’s hand and drags her away from her bed, causing her to fall on the floor, hitting her knee on the side table




Sungmin rubs her back


“What the...”


Sungmin’s eyes widened upon seeing Seohyun


“It’s time to wake up now nanny dear”


Seohyun grabs Sungmin’s beautiful hair, forcing her to stand up


“Let go of me hair! !”


Seohyun slaps her and pushes her hard on the wall


“Your young master already goes to his office and you’re still sleeping. I really can’t believe it. What kind of nanny are you? You only know how to flirt with my Kyuhyun-ah”


She holds Sungmin’s chin tightly


“I want you to take a bath now. Fix yourself and wear that uniform”


Seohyun points her finger on the maid’s uniform lying on the sofa


“You’re a maid so you need to wear a proper dress code. I want you to be at the living room within thirty minutes or you’ll see what will happen toy you”


She pushes Sungmin on the floor


“Start moving now nanny!!!”


Seohyun shoot her a deadly glare before leaving the room. Sungmin sigh and rubs her knee


“She’s really evil”


Tears start forming in her eyes while rubbing her knee


“That hurts. That evil girl is giving me a hard time. Aigoo!”


Sungmin carefully stand up


“Aigoo! My knee is aching”


Sungmin takes a deep breath and carefully walk inside the bathroom to take a bath





Seohyun was staring at Sungmin who is standing in front of her


“The maid’s uniform really suits you”


Seohyun bites her lips


“How can that maid uniform suits you so well? Aish!”


Seohyun frowns at her


“You need to start working nanny”


Seohyun stand up and gets the mop at the corner. She gives it to Sungmin


“You clean the floor and I want you to scrub it. After you finish cleaning the floor, you need to clean the windows and cook my lunch. Do you understand?”


Sungmin stares at her


“Who are you to command me?”


Seohyun raise her eyebrow and slaps her


“You’re just a nanny! Don’t you dare talk to me like that, arasso?”


“You’re not my master. I only follow my...”


Seohyun holds her arm tight


“Let go of me!”


“Are you going to follow or not? Don’t forget that I’ll be your young master’s wife soon. You need to follow me, do I make myself clear?”


Kyuhyun’s nanny coughs to catch Seohyun’s attention


“Excuse me Ms. Seohyun”


Seohyun stares at her seriously


“What nanny ahjumma? Do you have any problem?”


Kyuhyun’s nanny walks towards her, pulling Sungmin away from her


“She’s not allowed to do the household chores because she’s our young lady”


Seohyun raise her eyebrow


“What? Who told you?”


“Young master was the one who told us”


Seohyun smirk


“Since my Kyuhyun-ah is not here, then I’ll take over. You will all follow me or I’ll cause a chaos here. I hate it when people are opposing and disobeying me. Do you understand me nanny ahjumma and nanny of my fiancé?”


“But young ma—“


Sungmin holds nanny ahjumma’s hand


“It’s ok nanny ahjumma. I can do it. Fighting”


“But young lady”


Sungmin smile


“Don’t worry about me ok?”


Seohyun claps her hands to catch their attention. She stares at nanny ahjumma


“Go back to your work now before I lose my temper to you”


She stares at Sungmin


“Start working now nanny”


Sungmin bows at her and start cleaning the house





Kyuhyun was sitting inside his office, reviewing some report when the telephone rings. Kyuhyun grabs it to answer the call


“Mr. Cho”




“You have a call from your house. It’s your nanny ahjumma”


“Please connect the call”


“Yes Mr. Cho”


Kyuhyun waits for a few seconds




“Yes nanny ahjumma?”


“Are you busy?”


Kyuhyun nod


“A bit, why?”


“Can you just go home now?”




Nanny ahjumma takes a deep breath


“Your wife needs you”


“Why? Is there something wrong to her?”


Nanny ahjumma nod


“Your evil fiancée is torturing her”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened




“She lets young lady Minnie to do all the household chores and even ask her to cook her lunch. She’s making it hard for her”


“Arasso. I’ll go home now”


“Please hurry”


Kyuhyun hang up. He press the number one button on the telephone


“Mr. Cho”


“Please tell my Vice-President to attend the meeting later at three in the afternoon. I need to go home now. It’s urgent”


“Yes Mr. Cho”


Kyuhyun hang up


“I told her to leave my house soon. She’s really testing my patience. You’ll get what you want Seohyun when I arrive home”


Kyuhyun turns off his laptop and grabs his car key on his desk and immediately leave the office





Sungmin came out from the kitchen bringing Seohyun’s cold lemon green tea


“Here’s your lemon green tea”


Sungmin place the glass on the table. She bows at Seohyun and was about to go back at the kitchen to continue cooking Seohyun’s lunch


“Wait a second”


Seohyun gets the glass on the table and takes a sip. She looks at Sungmin. She stands up and walks towards Sungmin


“I don’t like the taste of this lemon green tea”


Sungmin was shock when Seohyun pours it on her head


“I think you need to take a bath nanny”


Sungmin bites her lips because of anger. She stares at Seohyun


“You’re really getting on my nerves !”


Sungmin slaps her hard


“You don’t have the right to do this to me! You’re not the one who is providing me shelter or paying my salary!”


Sungmin turn her back, but Seohyun pulls her hair


“And where do you think you’re going? We’re not yet over”


She pushes Sungmin on the floor. Seohyun was about to throw the glass on Sungmin’s face when someone holds her arm tight


“Go ahead and throw it on your face or I’ll cut your head now”


Seohyun stares at Kyuhyun who is staring at her seriously


“What did I told you before I leave awhile ago?”


Kyuhyun tighten his grip


“Honey, you’re hurting me”


Kyuhyun pulls her and holds her chin tight


“Who told you to touch my Minnie?”


He tighten his grip on her chin




Seohyun’s heart starts beating fast. She feels so nervous while staring at Kyuhyun’s serious face


“Well...she’s your nanny and I’m going to be you wife soon and I...”


“I warn you not to touch her. I never allow her to do the household chores here and wear maid uniform, but what did you do?”


“Honey, I just wa—“


“SHUT UP! I don’t want to marry you ok! Get out of my house and tell Umma and Appa that I’m not going to marry you!”


Kyuhyun drags her and pushes her out of the house


“I told you to leave immediately, but you’re such a hard headed girl. You want to test my patience? Then you’ll get what you want!”


Kyuhyun shut the door


“Nanny ahjumma, please throw her things out of my house and if she will not leave, call a police officer who will drags her away. Please put the first aid kit and the ice bag in my room”


“Arasso young master”


Nanny ahjumma bows at him before walking away. Kyuhyun walk towards Sungmin who is still sitting on the floor


“You suppose to hit her face”


Sungmin just pout at him. Kyuhyun notice the tears that start forming in her eyes


“I’m sorry”


Kyuhyun carries her on his arms and went upstairs. He went inside his room and carefully put Sungmin down on the bed


“Yah! Why did you bring me here? I have a room”


Kyuhyun sits beside her, holding the first aid kit. He grabs Sungmin right arm and start putting ointment on her wound


“Ouch! Yah! Be careful”


Sungmin notice a bandage on Kyuhyun’s right hand


“What happen to your hand?”


“I punch the wall yesterday”


“Why will you punch a wall?”


Kyuhyun shook his head. He wipes the blood on her lips and grabs her knee and put it on his lap


“Ouch! YAH!”


Kyuhyun carefully touch her bruise


“Your fiancée is really evil. She’s evil than the evil witch”


Kyuhyun carefully puts the ice bag on her knee


“That will make you feel better”


Kyuhyun stares at her, but Sungmin take her gaze away from him


“Are you avoiding me?”


Sungmin didn’t answer


“Baby, are you still mad?”


“Don’t call me that”


Tears start falling from Sungmin’s eyes


“Baby, don’t cry. Please don’t cry”


Kyuhyun holds Sungmin’s face, but she pushes him away


“Don’t touch me you brat ! You’re such a player”


“I’m sorry”


Sungmin stares at him


“Sorry for what? For hurting me and flirting with that girl? You’re sorry because you’re playing on me? Do you really think that we’re playing a game here?”


“I’m not playing on you. I love you Minnie and that’s the truth”


Sungmin shook her head


“Stop saying that you love me! I don’t want to believe on that anymore!”


“But Minnie, I’m tel—“


“No! You don’t love me! You only want to play on me because that’s how you see me. If you love me then why didn’t you tell me about that evil girl? Why do I need to know about her so late? Why do you need to keep that thing from me? How can you flirt with her if you love me?”


Sungmin wipes her tears


“Why are you making me cry? Why are you hurting me like this? I don’t want to play your game anymore”


Kyuhyun stares at her eyes


“Baby, I never play on you. I love you and that’s the truth. I’m not going to force you to believe. I’m really sorry for hurting you. I’m really sorry”


Kyuhyun stares at her sadly, controlling his tears from falling


“I didn’t tell you about Seohyun because I don’t love her and I’m not going to marry her. My parents were the one who told me that she’s my fiancée. I never courted that girl. She didn’t even become my girlfriend and I never proposed to her. Umma and Appa keeps on insisting that I should marry Seohyun. I didn’t tell it to you because I really don’t care about her and we’re not officially engage, but I didn’t know that it will hurt you like this. I’m sorry and I also want to apologize for flirting with her. I fall on her trap. I’m really sorry baby”


“Because you’re a player”


“I’m not a player and I’m not playing on you”




“Baby, please believe me”


Sungmin frowns at him


“Just shut your mouth. I don’t want to hear anything from you. I still hate you and will forever hate you”


“Why do you keep on rejecting me?”


“Because you’re an ”


Kyuhyun holds her hand, but Sungmin pulls her hand away from his grip


“Don’t touch me! You don’t have the right to touch me Cho Kyuhyun. I’m going to step out of your house now”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“You can’t do that”


“Of course I can. Just tell Umma and Appa whatever you want. I don’t care anymore. I just can’t stand being with you. I really hate you”


Sungmin stand up. Kyuhyun holds her hand to stop her from leaving


“Please don’t leave”


“Let go of me”


Sungmin was struggling to escape, but Kyuhyun is holding her hand tight


“Yah! Cho Kyuhyun, just let me go! I don’t want to stay here anymore and I’m going to le—“


Sungmin has been cut when someone opens the door. Donghae came in running. Kyuhyun stares at him blankly


“Hae, what are you doing here?”


“Kyu, I ne—“


Sungmin starts hitting Donghae


“Ouch! Aigoo Minnie!”




Sungmin removes her shoe and start hitting her brother. Kyuhyun bites his lips to control his laughter


“Minnie! Stop it!”


“It’s good that you already show up. Are you bothered by your conscience now? Do you feel guilty for selling your own sister to your evil best friend? I hate you Oppa!”


Sungmin pulls Donghae’s hair


“Aw! That hurts, let go of me Minnie!”


“Shut up Oppa! I’m really going to kill you now! How dare you sell me to Cho Kyuhyun? How can you do this to me? You didn’t even explain and you disappear all of a sudden!”




Kyuhyun stand up and pulls Sungmin away from Donghae. He wraps his arms on her waist, hugging her tight


“Let go of me !”




Donghae fix his hair and stares at his sister


“Aish! You’re such a very war freak girl. Seriously”


Donghae suddenly laugh while staring at Sungmin


“Why are you laughing at me?”


“Why are you wearing a maid’s uniform? Did Kyu tell you to wear it?”


Donghae stares at Kyuhyun as he keeps on laughing


“It’s a long story fish”


Donghae stares at his sister again


“But it really suits you. You look so cute and y”


Sungmin kicks Donghae’s knee


“Ouch! How can you have a long leg?”


“Why are you here?”


Donghae cough and stares at her nervously


“Well...I’m here to fetch you”


Sungmin smile upon hearing that his brother will already fetch her


“Thank goodness”


Sungmin push Kyuhyun away. She walks towards her brother and hugs him tight


“I love you Oppa. I don’t want to leave here anymore. Thank you for fetching me”


Donghae smiles at her


“Only for the meantime”


Sungmin stares at him blankly. Donghae clears his throat before speaking




Donghae takes a deep breath. He looks at Kyuhyun who is staring at him


“Kyu, I need to fetch my sister. She needs to stay at our parents’ house for the meantime because Umma and Appa are back here in Seoul”


Sungmin and Kyuhyun’s eyes widened




They shout in unison


“Yes they are back here in Seoul. I was surprise when Umma calls me awhile ago. She told me that they just arrive at home and they we’re looking for you my dear sister”


“You didn’t tell me that I was here right?”


Donghae nod


“If I do that then they will kill me”


Sungmin smirk


“Ha! Then I’ll tell Umma and Appa on what you did to me. They will surely grill you alive”


“Go ahead. If you do that Kyu and I will spill everything”


Sungmin frown


“Aish! How can you blackmail me like this?”


She steps on Kyuhyun’s foot


“Ouch! What’s that for?”


“How can you tell my brother about our one night stand?”


“Hae is my best friend and we promise each other that we will not hide anything from each other”


“What the is that?”


Kyuhyun smile at her


“That’s life baby. Hae and I are best friends so we don’t need to hide anything from each other”


“So that’s why you need to hide everything from me? Then instead of marrying me, why not marry Oppa?”




Sungmin stuck her tongue out




Donghae stares at them


“What will happen now?”


“Of course I’m going with you”


“Then start packing your things now. We need to go. I’ll drop you to their house”




Sungmin went out of the room. Donghae stares at Kyuhyun


“What happen?”


“Seohyun went here”




Kyuhyun rubs his temple


“I throw her away. Minnie is mad at me for not telling her about Seohyun and for...”




Donghae stares at him curiously


“Flirting with her”


Donghae laugh


“Don’t laugh at me”


“Are you really that ?”




“How can you flirt with other woman when you already have my sister? Do you really need to a lot of girls?”


“YAH! Of course not! I only did that to Minnie”


Donghae start laughing again


“It’s not funny, so stop laughing fish”


“You almost impregnate my sister then you still dare to flirt with other girl”


“That’s the problem because I didn’t even impregnate her. That was such a failure”


Donghae move closer


“I know why”


Kyuhyun stares at him


“Maybe you’re impotent”


Kyuhyun flash a sarcastic smile


“Do you want me to punch you fish?”


Donghae smile


“Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. My body is still aching because of what my sister did awhile ago”


“Then shut your mouth”


“Maybe you should try again. You might succeed on the second try”


“How can I do that if she’s mad at me and taking her away?”


Donghae shook his head


“It’s just for the meantime. Umma and Appa will just stay here for a week. When they go back in LA then I’ll send her back to you”


“She doesn’t want to go back here anymore. What if she runs away from other country to hide?”


“She can’t do that. Don’t worry baby Kyu”


“Baby what?”


Donghae giggles happily and wraps his hands around his arms


“I’ll handle it for you”


Donghae kiss Kyuhyun’s cheek


“Yuck! the hell out of you!”


Kyuhyun pushes him away. Donghae laugh


“Are you mad because I’m not a good kisser like my sister?”


Kyuhyun wipes his cheek


“Aish! Stop being childish fish! You’re being weird again”




Donghae laugh


“I’m going to return my sister to you. It’s just for a week”




“Let’s go down and wait for her. People might think that we’re making love here”




Donghae pats Kyuhyun’s shoulder


“Just kidding”


Kyuhyun smile and punch Donghae’s shoulder


“I know”


Kyuhyun flick Donghae’s forehead and went out from his room with his best friend





Donghae was driving his car happily


“Why did Umma and Appa go back here in Seoul?”


“I don’t know. Maybe they just want to have vacation here and visit us”


Donghae smile


“They will be staying here for a week, so you need to stay with them for a week before I drop you back to Kyuhyun’s house”


Sungmin shook her head


“I don’t want to go back there anymore. I hate him”


“Minnie, don’t run away like that. You need to talk to settle everything”


“I hate him”


“He loves you so much”


Donghae sigh






“Why can’t I stay at your house?”


Donghae shook his head


“You need to stay with Umma and Appa. They miss you that’s why you need to stay with them”


Sungmin pouts


“They didn’t miss you that’s why you’re not going to stay with us?”


“I’m busy with works”


“Busy with your works or busy playing at the casino?”




Donghae smile


“It’s just for a week. You can always go at my house if you want to visit”


“I’m not allowed to stay there?”


Donghae nod


“Because you’re giving me head ache”


“I already surrender all your credit cards”


“You’re still giving me head ache. You can stay there if you promise not to party all night”


Sungmin shook her head


“Now that I am free, I’m going to party all night again”


Sungmin giggles happily


“I miss my friends and the bars and nightclubs”


Donghae sigh


“Oh please honey dear”


Sungmin stuck her tongue out


“You can’t do anything to stop me”


“Let’s see”


Sungmin stares at her brother curiously


“Why did you sell me to him?”


“I borrow two hundred million dollars”


“I know, but you’re damn rich Oppa. You can pay your debts in an instant. Don’t fool me”


Donghae flash a bright smile


“I’m just using my brain Minnie”


“What? You just sell me for two hundred dollars and you call that using your brain?”


Donghae nods happily


“I really can pay my debts, but I sell you to Kyu so I can borrow money from him”


“Why do you need to borrow if you can pay it?”


“Because Kyu will not let me pay him no matter what happen”


Sungmin sigh


“What the hell Oppa”


“See, we both benefit”


Donghae laugh softly


“Mind you, I pay him back but he returns it in my account”


Donghae smile and continue driving happily




Donghae and Sungmin arrive at their parent’s house. Sungmin run inside




She runs towards her parents who are sitting at the living room while talking to each other




Her parents hug her tight


“How’s our baby girl?”


Sungmin smile brightly




“It’s good to hear that”


Sungmin’s mother kisses her cheek


“Why are you here?”


“Just to visit you and Hae, we just want to have vacation”


Mrs. Lee smiles at her children. Mr. Lee notice a bruise on Sungmin’s knee


“What happen to your knee sweetheart?”




She stares at her father nervously


“I fall on the floor awhile ago because I didn’t notice the stone. I accidentally step on it causing me to fall”


Mr. Lee frowns at her


“You’re not taking care of yourself”


“Don’t worry Appa. It’s just a minor injury”


Mr. Lee stares at his children


“I want you to change your clothes now because we’re going to have a formal dinner outside”


“I’m already wearing my suit because I just came from my office before I fetch Minnie at home”


Donghae smiles at his father


“Minnie, please go in your room and change now”




Sungmin smile and went upstairs. Mr. Lee smiles at his son


“How’s Minnie’s stay at your best friend’s house?”


Donghae’s eyes widened


“Do you think you can fool us Lee Donghae?”


“How did you know?”


“Let’s just say that we have eyes here. We know that you sell your sister to Cho Kyuhyun”


Donghae gulps nervously


“Have you already paid your debts?”




“To him?”


“Yes, but he return the money in my account”






Donghae stares at his father seriously


“Are you not mad?”


Donghae’s parents shook their head


“Job well done son”




“Job well done”


“Huh? Why?”


Mr. Lee shook his head and just smile at him


“Just be thankful that we’re not mad at you”




Donghae smile and sit on the sofa happily








The Lee family is having their peaceful dinner at Namu


“It’s been a long time. We really miss you Hae and Minnie”


Donghae and Sungmin smile at their parents


“Hae, are you going to stay at the house?”


Donghae shook his head


“I can’t Umma. I’m busy with my company. I have a lot of works to do and it’s really tiring to travel because the house is far from my office. I need to stay at my house so it won’t be hard for me”


“I see. How’s your company?”


Donghae flash a bright smile


“Fine. We have a lot of investors and I need to deal with them all the time that’s why I always have meetings everyday”


“That’s good”


Mrs. Lee stares at her daughter


“How about you baby girl?”


“I’m still the same”


Mrs. Lee sigh


“Minnie, when do you plan to work?”


“I don’t have any plan on working”


They stare at her with wide eyes open


“What? How about your future?”


Donghae ask her


“Oppa, I have a very rich husband so why do I need to work?”


“But still...aish! Be thankful that Ky—“


Donghae stop talking when he notices their parents staring at them curiously. Donghae kicks Sungmin’s foot


“You still need to work, arasso?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I just want to party all night. I don’t need to work because I’m already rich since birth. I should just sit, relax and party all night”


Mr. and Mrs. Lee sigh


“How can you be so happy go lucky girl?”


Sungmin just smile at her parents


“I don’t have plan on working to our companies. You can give it all to Oppa. He’s the eldest so he’s the one who needs to handle all of it”


“Minnie, half are yours and half are mine”


“Just take all of it Oppa”


Mr. Lee shook his head while staring at her


“You’re really a head ache”


Sungmin stares at her father


“There’s nothing wrong on being a party girl. There’s nothing wrong on being happy”




“Are you going to give back my allowance?”


Mr. Lee shook his head


“Your allowance will be cut forever. We won’t give you any of it”


Sungmin frowns


“That’s rude”


“If you want to party then do everything for you to gain money. We won’t give you back your allowance”


“Aigoo! You’re killing me”


Sungmin look at her brother and smile




Donghae look away


“I’m not listening”


“Bad fishy”


Donghae smile


“Just continue eating and we will talk about it someday”


He whispers to her


“Don’t worry Kyu can provide everything for you”


Donghae smile when Sungmin blush


“Don’t hold back your pride that long honey dear. I know you love him too”


“Shut up”


Sungmin start feeding him


“Just eat because you’re being noisy”


“Guess who’s talking”




Donghae stuck his tongue out and continue eating happily




Sungmin was sitting happily inside their limousine with her mom and dad. They are on their way home after eating their dinner happily




“Yes Appa”


“Your mom and I will tell you something really important”


Sungmin stares at them curiously


“We know that your brother sell you to Cho Kyuhyun”


Sungmin’s eyes widened




“You don’t need to know that”


Sungmin suddenly feel nervous


“What else do you know?”


“Hae sell you to pay his debts and you’re currently living at Cho Kyuhyun’s house”


“What else?”


“That’s all, why is there something else that we didn’t know?”


Sungmin sigh in relief




She smiles at her parents


“Did you already grill Oppa alive?”


They shook their head making Sungmin frown




Mr. Lee smiles at her


“Your brother just did a great job”


Sungmin’s eyes widened


“What? He sells me to his best friend and you favor him? Appa, what the hell is wrong with you? You supposed to grill him alive. Aish! I can’t believe that you will favor him and tolerate him like this”


“Your brother just did the right thing”


“I can’t understand you”


Mr. Lee holds his daughter’s hand




Sungmin stares at him curiously


“It will make you get closer to him”


“What are you talking about?”


Mr. Lee clears his throat


“I know that you and your brother are not aware of this. But I’m going to tell you since you’re living with Cho Kyuhyun”


Mr. Lee stares at his daughter’s confuse face


“Cho Kyuhyun is the son of my number one competitor”


Sungmin’s eyes widened


“What? Is that true?”


Mr. Lee nods at her


“He’s the son of my enemy and I’m going to give you some task to do”


“But Appa”


“Minnie, you need to help me. The Cho family is taking over the business industry and I don’t want to lose with Cho Kyuhyun’s father. He steals some of my investors and I need to know something about their future plan so I can prepare something to get all their investors and stop some of their projects”


He holds her daughter’s face between his hands


“Cho Corporation is one of the biggest companies here in Seoul. I know that they are investing a lot of money for some projects that will make the company and their income much bigger than before”


“But our companies is also good and big”


Mr. Lee nod


“But in this game, we should make sure that we topple down all our enemies. The Cho family is our greatest enemy and you should help me”


Sungmin just stare at her father




“Since you’re living with him, I want you to spy on him. Get all the important documents. You need to find out how much money are they going to invest to get the Park Corporation. We need to get the Park Corporation to invest on us, that’s why I need you to spy on Cho Kyuhyun and know how much money will he invest in order to convince the President of the Park Corporation to sign a contract with their companies”


“You should fight fairly”


“Just do it Minnie or else we will lose another big investor. We need the Park Corporation”


Mr. Lee smiles at his daughter


“You need to manipulate Cho Kyuhyun because I’ve heard that he is falling for you head over heels. You need to use that opportunity”


He pats Sungmin’s cheek


“You’re going to do it right baby girl? I will bring back your allowance, just do it for me”


Sungmin stares at his father and flash a weak smile

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ahhh want to read this again pero huhu di ko sya ma-save offline :--((
korinna26 #2
Chapter 30: I love the ending
ladyrapunzel08 #3
Chapter 28: Tengeneng push and pull to oo hahahahahaha.
ladyrapunzel08 #4
Chapter 27: Kainis ka. Kahit na naiinis ako sayo nakakaawa kaaa. Tengeneng cho kyuhyun ka naman oh
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 25: Bago mi mapigilan ang kasal UMIYAK KA. YESS UMIYAK KAAAA!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #6
Chapter 24: Pagsisihan mo ng mabuti walanghiya kaaa
ladyrapunzel08 #7
Chapter 22: Putanguna mo talaga kyuhyun sarap mong sakalin!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #8
Chapter 21: I shouldn't have read this part. My tearsss my tearrrsss why are u falling like thiiissss :((( CHO KYUHYUN PUTANG INA MO PAKYU KA
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 20: Hay dito talaga nagsimula lahat ng inis ko kay kyuhyun at papa cho. Akala ko ba hindi nya rival si mr. Lee bakit kailangan ng break up? Nakakalito kayo aneeebeee
ladyrapunzel08 #10
Chapter 14: Isa kang kawawang nilalang cho kyuhyun hahaha pero angsakeeet ag papahard to get ang nga tukmol na too huhuhuhu