Lee Sungmin is my Maid (Chapter 11)


 Chapter 11





Kyuhyun was staring at his sleeping wife. Sungmin was sleeping peacefully on the bed while Kyuhyun hums a lovely melody. He was her hair gently while staring at Sungmin’s very beautiful yet innocent face


“I really love you Minnie”


Kyuhyun kissed her forehead


“I bet you’re tired yesterday night. Our traveling time is really long since our flight has been delayed. Sleep tight my Princess. I’ll just wake you up when the chef finished cooking our breakfast”


Kyuhyun smiles brightly. He kisses her lips before going out from their room. He sits on the living room and dials his mother’s number






Mrs. Cho smiles upon hearing her son’s voice


“How are you sweetheart?”


“I’m fine”


“And your wife?”


“Minnie is fine. She’s still sleeping. I bet she’s really tired because of our flight. We arrive at twelve midnight here in Greece because our flight has been delayed for one and a half hour”


“Your dad and I will be there tomorrow morning”


Kyuhyun nods happily


“But we’re not going to stay with you”




Mrs. Cho giggles happily


“Your dad and I want to give you and Minnie a private time. We won’t disturb you. You need to impregnate her as soon as possible”


Kyuhyun can hear his mother laughing softly while giggling happily




“Kyu sweetheart, I envy my friends because some of them already have grandchildren. I also want to have one and I’m really demanding it from you and Minnie or else your dad and I will hate you forever”


Kyuhyun smirk


“That was rude”


“Why are you so slow? Honestly, is there any problem with your or there’s something wrong with Minnie?”


Mrs. Cho’s eyes suddenly widened


“OMO! Don’t tell me that you guys are not doing it”


“Doing what?”




Mrs. Cho shouts at the top of her lungs


“Umma! Do you really need to shout? Aish! It’s early in the morning here in Greece and all I hear is your voice. How can you shout at me?”


“I’m sorry sweetheart. I’m got carried away with my emotion”


Mrs. Cho sigh


“Well, just do it ok? I want to have a grandchild soon or else I’ll kill you, arasso?”


Kyuhyun holds his forehead


“Why are you giving me so much head ache? You’re such a pressure Umma”


“Your dad and I really want to have a grandchild soon. I will bother you over and over if Minnie is not yet pregnant after your vacation in Greece”


“Umma, we’re not here for vacation. I bring her here because I will propose tonight”


Mrs. Cho nods her head


“Pabo! That’s still the same. You’re still going to have vacation there after the proposal. How long do you plan to stay there?”


“It depends on Minnie and of course I also want to relax. I’m tired of working and Minnie wants my time and attention so I must give it to her”


“That’s right. You’re being a good husband like your dad”


Kyuhyun smile


“Let’s just talk tomorrow when we arrive”


“No problem Umma”


“Your father wants to talk business with you”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Just tell Appa to leave it first because I want to enjoy my vacation with my wife. I don’t want to think anything beside her. We can just talk about it when I go back in Seoul”




Mrs. Cho smiles brightly


“See you and Minnie soon. I’m really excited to meet my daughter in law. I bet that she’s really beautiful”


“Much beautiful than you”


Kyuhyun laugh




“I’m serious Umma”




“See it for yourself so you’ll believe it. Minnie is the most wonderful and beautiful girl in the whole universe”


“That’s so sweet. You really love her”


“Of course”


Mrs. Cho giggles happily


“I’m happy to hear that. I’m looking forward to my grandchild and your wedding with her. Good luck on your proposal later. Fighting”


“Arasso. Thanks Umma. I love you and Appa”


“I love you too and Minnie. You take care of your wife and see you tomorrow”




Kyuhyun hangs up. He gets a small box in his pocket


“Do I really need to bring this all the time?”


Kyuhyun smile


“Of course Cho Kyuhyun, you need to bring it all the time or else your wife will see it. She will have the idea that you’re going to propose to her tonight”


Kyuhyun takes a deep breath


“I think I need to practice because I’m really nervous. I need to follow what my fishy best friend told me. Always look at Minnie’s eyes full of love and let her feel how much I love her”


Kyuhyun nods his head


“How come fishy Hae know a lot of things about girls? He doesn’t even have a girlfriend. It was a long time ago since he last has a girlfriend or maybe because he has a sister that’s why he knows how to deal with girls”


Kyuhyun stand up and start walking around the living room while holding the box on his hand


“Ok. I need to practice my line so that I’ll know what to do later”


Kyuhyun clears his throat before speaking. He saw an angel figurine on the table. He picks it up and stares on it


“I’ll just pretend that you’re my lovely Minnie”


Kyuhyun smiles at the figurine. He stares at the figurine while imagining that it was Sungmin


“Lee Sungmin, I love you so much and you know that right?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Pabo! Why do you need to ask her if she knows that you love her? Isn’t obvious? Of course you love her that’s why you’re proposing for marriage”


Kyuhyun sigh


“Let’s do it again Cho Kyuhyun”


Kyuhyun clears his throat before talking. He stares at the figurine


“Lee Sungmin, you’re my everything, my heart and my soul. I love you so much...”


Kyuhyun stares at the figurine


“Hey, do you think that’s so cheesy? Aigoo! How can it be so hard?”


Kyuhyun clears his throat again


“Lee Sungmin...”


“Yes Cho Kyuhyun?”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened while staring at the figurine


“OMO! The figurine speak and she sounds like Minnie”




“YAH! Are you a ghost?”


Kyuhyun stares at the figurine nervously. He jumps when someone hugs him from behind. Kyuhyun immediately turns around while holding his chest, feeling his heart beat that starts beating fast because of fear




Sungmin stares at him while laughing


“Someone is scared of a ghost”


She starts laughing hard while staring at Kyuhyun who starts pouting at her


“Yah! Don’t ever do that again, arasso?”


Kyuhyun takes a deep breath


“You’re going to kill me. I thought there was a ghost because the figurine just talks”


“Pabo! It’s me and not that figurine”


Kyuhyun sigh in relief


“What are you doing? Why are you talking to the figurine and what is that small box that you’re holding?”


Kyuhyun shook his head and immediately hide the small box in his pocket


“Oh! It’s nothing. I’m just practicing something”


Sungmin stares at him curiously. Kyuhyun move closer and kissed her lips


“It’s nothing baby. I’m just practicing because I’m planning to have an audition for musical”


Sungmin raises her eyebrow


“Since when did you become interested on those things?”


“Well...I just realize that I’m good in singing and my voice is so lovely. Women will surely fall for it”


Sungmin frowns at him and pinches his nose




Kyuhyun rubs his nose


“Yah! Why are you such a flirt?”


“Flirt? I’m not yet doing anything”


Sungmin pouts


“That’s still the same”


Kyuhyun flash a bright smile


“Oh honey dear. I think someone is jealous here”


Kyuhyun whispers to Sungmin’s ear. He smiles at her, teasing her


“If you want to flirt around...fine...I hate you”


Sungmin was about to walk away, but Kyuhyun pulls her closer and hugs her tight


“I love you so much Minnie. You’re the only girl for me and I promise that I won’t look at other girl’s . I can’t live without you and I’m always thinking about you every day and night. I love you from head to foot and you know that very well”


Kyuhyun frown when Sungmin suddenly laugh


“There’s nothing funny”


“So corny, I never knew that a brat, over confident and grumpy man like you is such a corny person at all”


“I’m just being true to my feelings towards you”


Kyuhyun brushes his nose from hers and kissed her lips. He holds her hands tight and drags her outside


“This place is really beautiful”


Sungmin smiles brightly and sits on the chair. She was shock when she heard someone playing the piano


“Who is that?”


Kyuhyun sit on the other chair, facing her


“We have a pianist here”


“Oh really?”


Kyuhyun nods at her


“That’s part of the bill. We have a butler, chef and pianist. Do you love the place?”


Sungmin nods happily


“I love it so much, but don’t you think it’s a bit expensive to stay here?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“$50, 000 is not that expensive”


The chef arrives with their breakfast. He puts it on the table and bows at them before leaving


“How long are we going to stay here?”


“It’s up to you”


“Can we stay here forever?”


Kyuhyun nod while chewing his food carefully




He nods again


“If that’s what you want”


Sungmin smiles and pinches Kyuhyun’s cheek gently


“Why are you so sweet? Of course I’m just kidding. I still love our house because that’s our home and it is where our love resides. That’s still the most beautiful place for me”


Sungmin starts eating her breakfast. Kyuhyun stares at her




Sungmin stares at him while chewing her food gently


“What’s your dream wedding?”


Sungmin shook her head


“You don’t have a dream wedding?”


Sungmin nods her head making Kyuhyun laugh




Kyuhyun drinks his orange juice before talking


“Why are you so weird? All girls have their own dream wedding. How come you don’t have one? Are you really planning to get married?”


Sungmin nod


“I want to get married with you. I don’t mind what kind of wedding we’re going to have as long you’re my groom then its fine with me. Is there something wrong with that?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I’m just asking for your opinion”


“Why? Are we going to get married now?”


Sungmin giggles happily


“It’s fine with me”


“Who told you that we’re getting married soon? I still don’t want to tie the knot. I’m not yet ready Minnie”


Kyuhyun told her. He purposely lies to her because he wants Sungmin to get mad at him. He thinks that the proposal will be more exciting and romantic if there will be a little drama


“What if I get pregnant?”


“So? It doesn’t mean that we need to get married soon”


Sungmin stares at him sadly


“Baby, are you just playing on me?”


“I don’t know”


Kyuhyun smiles brightly. Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes


“But I really want to marry you soon”


“I’m not yet ready Minnie. I still have a lot of things to fulfill and being married is not yet on my plan. We’re living together. It’s enough for me and I don’t think that marriage will be good for both of us. I’m a very busy person and I can’t handle my work and my married life at the same time. You also need to learn on how to be a good wife”


“I’m being a good wife. I’m already behaving”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I want you to stop your flirty attitude, your being wild and being a party girl”


“But I already stop those things just for you. What else do you want?”


“That’s not enough for me. I want a wife that acts like a lady and talk like a lady. I hate your attitude because it’s too flirty for me. You’re just beautiful but you don’t have a good attitude and brain”


Sungmin just stares at him


“To be honest baby, Seohyun is way too better than you. The only difference is she’s evil and you’re nice”


“I’m sorry, but I’m trying my best to be the perfect wife for you”


Sungmin told him before walking away


“I think I overdo it”


Kyuhyun gets his mobile phone in his pocket and call Donghae


“Yes baby Kyu of my honey dear sister Minnie? What can I do for you this time?”


“Hey fish. I think I overdo it”


“Overdo what?”


Kyuhyun gulps nervously


“You told me to argue with Minnie on purpose, right?”


Donghae nod


“Is she mad at you now? You need to do that so there will be a drama. Minnie will be surprise later”




Kyuhyun sigh


“I think I overdo it. I think I hurt her that much”


“Pabo! What the hell did you do to my sister?”


“Yah! I’m just following you”


“I told you to so she will be mad at you, but I didn’t tell you to overdo it and make her cry. You’re really stupid when it comes to love. You only know how to compute and make strategy for your clients and business partners. Aish!”


“What will I do now?”


“It’s up to you. I can’t help you this time. It’s your fault. I need to hang up now because I have a meeting. Honestly, you’re disturbing me”


“Why are you so snobbish?”


“Because you’re calling me in the middle of a meeting”


Kyuhyun smirk


“Then why did you answer it?”


“Be thankful that I love you as a best friend and real brother or else I wouldn’t help you with my sister”




Donghae laugh


“Just go back to your meeting”


“Arasso. Call me if you encounter another problem again. Kyu, don’t forget to take it slowly”




Kyuhyun hangs up


“What am I doing? Why am I following that fish? His ideas are all weird”


Kyuhyun drinks his orange juice. He stands up and went inside to look for Sungmin. He went inside their room and found his wife sitting on the bed while crying




Sungmin immediately wipes her tears upon hearing Kyuhyun’s voice. Kyuhyun walks towards her. He sits on the bed and hugs her


“I’m sorry”


Sungmin shook her head


“You don’t need to apologize for telling the truth”




Sungmin holds his lips to stop him from talking


“Just don’t talk. I don’t want to fight with you”


Kyuhyun can see her tears that were about to fall any minute


“Just leave me alone for the meantime”


Sungmin went at the bathroom to take a bath. Kyuhyun sigh


“Aish! What the hell is this fishy Hae?”


Kyuhyun lie down on the bed and start kicking his legs, throwing tantrums like a kid


“I shouldn’t listen to that fish! What am I going to do now? Aish! I’m going to drown him at the ocean when we see each other again. He’s giving me some stupid advice and of course I’m also stupid for following it”


Kyuhyun rolls on the bed


“Now what? I hurt my baby. Aigoo! What to do? What to do?”


Kyuhyun sigh and sit on the bed


“I need to lure her. I need to think of a good way to lure her”


Kyuhyun takes a deep breath and start thinking for some plan to lure Sungmin





Sungmin was sitting on the pool while reading a fashion magazine and listening to the beautiful melody of the piano. She was playing the water with her feet. The butler approaches her because of a phone call


“Excuse me Mrs. Cho?”


Sungmin look at him while smiling


“You have a phone call”


Sungmin stares at him blankly. The butler hand her the telephone. He bows at her before leaving


“Phone call?”


Sungmin stares at the telephone for the meantime. She takes a deep breath before answering the call




“Hi baby”


Sungmin look around


“Where are you?”


“Secret, you need to find me”


Kyuhyun laugh softly. Sungmin stand up and look around, but she can’t find Kyuhyun


“I’m not playing on you”


“I’m also not playing on you. I’m not home. I leave you first there because I have some important business to do”


Sungmin frown


“How can you bring your work in our vacation? I really can’t understand why you are so workaholic”


“It’s really an important meeting. I’m sorry, but I’ll see you later. Someone will fetch you at six in the evening”


“Are you not going to fetch me?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“No. I’ll just see you at Athens Concert Hall. We’re going to watch some opera later”




“I love you Minnie”


Kyuhyun hang up. Sungmin sigh and stares at the telephone sadly


“Honestly, it’s our vacation but I’m not enjoying it because you’re busy doing other things”


Sungmin pouts and went inside their room to prepare herself





Sungmin was smiling while staring at the full body size mirror


“I look like a Princess. He really chooses the best dress for me. I love it”


Sungmin was wearing a black twist drape corset dress and pair of lovely black platform heels. She curls her hair and ties it in a half ponytail and put a very light makeup and her favorite red lipstick


“Ha! Cho Kyuhyun, you’re going to fall for me from head to foot. You’re going to spend more time with me and forget about your work. Your attention will be mine. All mine”


Sungmin laugh softly. She heard a knock on the door. She wears her diamond earrings and immediately opens the door. The butler bows at her


“You look so lovely Mrs. Cho”


Sungmin smiles brightly




“The carriage is already waiting for you outside”


“Carriage? What carriage?”


“The one that will bring you at the Athens Concert Hall”




Sungmin follows the butler outside. Sungmin’s eyes widened upon seeing a beautiful open carriage waiting for her outside


“Do I really need to ride on that carriage?”


The butler nods at her


“What the hell is he thinking? Honestly, what will the people on the street think if they see me riding a carriage?”


“They will think that you’re a Princess because you look like a Princess”


The butler smiles at her and gives her a long stem pink rose


“Someone wants to give that to you”




Sungmin saw a paper tied on the rose stem. She reads it carefully





I’m waiting for you



The butler smiles at her


“Your Prince is already waiting for you”


Sungmin nods happily. The butler helps her to get in the carriage. He bows at her


“Enjoy the rest of the night with your Prince Charming”


“Thank you”


Sungmin waves her hand happily as the carriage leaves the place





Sungmin was sitting happily in the carriage while enjoying the beautiful scenery of Greece. The carriage stop and she was shock when a little girl gives her a long stem pink rose


“Someone wants to give it to you beautiful Princess”


Sungmin smiles at her


“Thank you”


The coachman starts driving the carriage again. Sungmin read the paper that was tied on the rose


Love is the simple but very meaningful word to describe how I feel when I first saw you


Sungmin smile


“This is getting weird. What the hell is he planning this time?”


The coachman stops the carriage again


“How can I reach the Athens Concert Hall if we always stop?”


Sungmin whispers. A little boy walks towards her and hand her a long stem pink rose


“Someone wants to give it to you beautiful angel”


Sungmin smiles at him


“Thank you so much”


The coachman start driving the carriage again


“What the hell is happening here?”


Sungmin ask the coachman, but he just smile at her


“It feels so weird, but romantic”


Sungmin smiles and start reading the paper tied on the rose


You are my everything, my heart and my soul


Sungmin giggles happily


“This is so sweet”


The carriage stop for the third time, an old couple hand her a long stem pink rose


“Your Prince wants to give this to you. He’s waiting at the Athens Concert Hall”


Sungmin smiles at them


“Thank you”


The coachman starts driving the carriage. Sungmin smiles while reading the paper tied on the rose


Finally...Lee Sungmin is only for Cho Kyuhyun. I love you so much my Lee Sungmin. I want to grow old with you and be with you for the rest of my life. I’ll be waiting for you my Princess


“What is this? What is happening? It’s not our anniversary or something, but why is he so romantic?”


Sungmin smiles brightly while thinking about Kyuhyun








Sungmin arrives at the Athens Concert Hall. The coachman opens the door for her and helps her go down the carriage. She went inside and was shock to see a lot of people and the opera is already starting


“Aigoo! I’m late”


Sungmin was walking slowly when the spotlight has been focus on her. The people stares at her. Sungmin bite her lips


“Do they need to focus the spotlight on me? I’m not one of the casts. I’m just late. Honestly, where is Kyu?”


Sungmin was looking around, trying to find Kyuhyun but because there are a lot of people sitting inside, she can’t find him. Sungmin’s eyes widened when she heard one of the cast calling her up on the stage


“Please come up the stage Ms. Lee Sungmin”


Sungmin look around. All eyes are focus on her


“Please join us on stage”


Sungmin gulps nervously because she can’t understand what’s happening. She walks towards the stage, ignoring the people who are looking at her. She smiles at the casts of the opera


“You’re such a lovely Princess. Your husband is really lucky to have you”


“He loves you so much”


Sungmin just nod at them while flashing a weak smile. Sungmin’s heart starts beating fast when the lights suddenly die




She feels warm hands around her waist


“Don’t be afraid baby. I’m here”


Kyuhyun whispers to her ear. Sungmin was shock when a spotlight has been focused at them


“Please turn around and look at me”


Sungmin turn around. Kyuhyun was smiling at her. The lights slowly come back one by one. Sungmin focus her eyes upon Kyuhyun


“Baby, what’s this?”


Kyuhyun smiles at her. Sungmin’s eyes widened when Kyuhyun kneel in front of her, holding a beautiful ring


“Baby, I don’t want to say a lot of cheesy words or something. I just want to tell you what is really inside my heart”


Tears start forming in Sungmin’s eyes as she stares at Kyuhyun


“I love you Minnie. I love you so much and I want to be with you. I want to be with you all the time and for the rest of my life. I want to love you more every day. I want to marry you and be your husband. Will you marry me Lee Sungmin? Will you be my wife and the mother of my kids and the girl of my life?”


Sungmin kneel down to have the same level to him. Tears start falling from her eyes as she hugs Kyuhyun tight


“Of course I want to marry you. I always want to marry you”


Kyuhyun smile brightly. He cups her face and wipes her tears. He puts the ring around her ring finger


“I love you Minnie. I always do”


“I love you too Kyu and thank you for loving me so much”


Kyuhyun kissed her lips. The people clap their hands while smiling brightly. Sungmin just realize that they are on the stage while a lot of people are watching them


“Yah! The people are watching us”


Kyuhyun nods at her


“I know. That’s part of the show”


Sungmin stares at him blankly


“Baby, all of these people know that I’m going to propose to you”


“As well as the people who gives me pink roses on the street?”


Kyuhyun nods at her


“I plan everything. I just tell you that I’m having an important meeting, but actually I’m really preparing my proposal to you and I purposely tease you awhile ago for you to get mad at me”


Sungmin pouts at him


“That was so mean, but...”


Sungmin kisses his lips


“Romantic at the same time. Thank you baby. I love you so much. This is a very wonderful night and very meaningful”


Sungmin hugs him tight


“Let’s continue our celebration at Matsuhisa Athens. Let’s have our dinner now. I’m really hungry”




Kyuhyun and Sungmin stand up and bow at the people, thanking them. They hold each other’s hand and went out of the Athens Concert Hall wherein a black limousine is already waiting for them outside

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ahhh want to read this again pero huhu di ko sya ma-save offline :--((
korinna26 #2
Chapter 30: I love the ending
ladyrapunzel08 #3
Chapter 28: Tengeneng push and pull to oo hahahahahaha.
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Chapter 27: Kainis ka. Kahit na naiinis ako sayo nakakaawa kaaa. Tengeneng cho kyuhyun ka naman oh
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Chapter 25: Bago mi mapigilan ang kasal UMIYAK KA. YESS UMIYAK KAAAA!!!
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Chapter 24: Pagsisihan mo ng mabuti walanghiya kaaa
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Chapter 22: Putanguna mo talaga kyuhyun sarap mong sakalin!!!
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Chapter 21: I shouldn't have read this part. My tearsss my tearrrsss why are u falling like thiiissss :((( CHO KYUHYUN PUTANG INA MO PAKYU KA
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Chapter 20: Hay dito talaga nagsimula lahat ng inis ko kay kyuhyun at papa cho. Akala ko ba hindi nya rival si mr. Lee bakit kailangan ng break up? Nakakalito kayo aneeebeee
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Chapter 14: Isa kang kawawang nilalang cho kyuhyun hahaha pero angsakeeet ag papahard to get ang nga tukmol na too huhuhuhu