Lee Sungmin is my Maid (Chapter 12)


Chapter 12



Sungmin was sleeping peacefully beside Kyuhyun when her phone rings




Sungmin lazy get her phone on the table and answers her call






Sungmin hangs up when she recognizes the owner of the voice. Her phone starts ringing again. Kyuhyun grabs a pillow and covers his ear


“Baby, just answer the call. It’s a bit annoying because it’s ruining our sleep”


Sungmin ignores the call. She turns off her mobile phone and put it back on the table


“Who is it?”


Kyuhyun pulls her closer to him


“It’s Appa”


“Why didn’t you answer the call?”


Sungmin shook her head while Kyuhyun cuddles her in his arms


“I don’t want to talk to Umma and Appa. They just give me head ache whenever they will call me”


Kyuhyun slowly opens his eyes and stares at Sungmin


“Is there any problem?”


Sungmin shook her head with her eyes closed


“Let’s just go back to sleep. It’s still early”


“By the way baby. We’re going to have lunch with Umma and Appa later. They want to meet you”


Sungmin opens her eyes and stares at Kyuhyun with her eyes wide open




Sungmin shouts


“Umma and Appa are here in Greece. I told them to go here so they can meet you, but they will not stay with us. They will stay at the hotel. We’re going to meet them later so we can have lunch with them”


Sungmin stares at him nervously


“Is there something wrong Minnie?”


Sungmin bite her lips because of nervousness. She was thinking of a good excuse so she can’t meet Kyuhyun’s parents. She pulls the blanket and holds it tight, covering her body




Sungmin sigh


“Can we just move the date?”




“I mean...can you just set another date for me to meet them?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“They are already here and they really want to meet you so badly, especially Umma. She keeps on bothering me about you and our baby”


Sungmin holds her tummy and stares at Kyuhyun sadly


“But I’m not yet pregnant”


Kyuhyun holds his wife’s beautiful face


“No pressure at all. Just don’t mind Umma. She can be childish sometimes”


“Do I really need to meet them today?”


Kyuhyun nod


“But I’m not feeling well”


Kyuhyun holds her forehead


“You’re not hot”


“I don’t have fever. I’m just not feeling well because...because...”


Sungmin holds her head, pretending that she’s dizzy


“I think I’m going to die. My world is spinning and my body is really aching because of our love making”


Kyuhyun stares at her with worried


“I’m sorry baby. I make it hard again for you”


“I’m really lazy to go out today. Can you just set another day for me to meet them?”




Sungmin notice Kyuhyun’s sad face. She felt a bit guilty for pretending that she’s not feeling well


“I’ll call Umma”


Kyuhyun grabs his mobile phone on the table. He was about to call his mother when Sungmin grabs his mobile phone away


“Baby, what are you doing? I’m going to call Umma and tell them that we can’t ha—“


Sungmin holds his lips to stop him from talking. She puts his mobile phone under her pillow


“Don’t cancel it. I think I just need to have more sleep then I’ll be fine later”


“Are you sure?”


Sungmin nods happily


“Let’s go back to sleep so I’ll feel better later”


Kyuhyun smile and lay down on the bed, hugging Sungmin tight





Sungmin was walking inside the room while talking to her brother over the phone


“Oppa! You need to help me”


Donghae can sense that there’s something wrong with his sister because of her voice


“Calm down Minnie. What’s happening to you?”


Sungmin sits on the bed and sigh


“I’m actually nervous right now”




“Oppa, I’m going to meet Kyu’s parents today. We’re about to leave to have lunch with them”


Donghae’s eyes widened




Sungmin sigh


“What will I do?”


“Where is your husband?”


“He’s at the living room. He’s talking to his Vice-President over the phone”


Donghae takes a deep breath


“I told you to tell Kyu about Appa. Just be honest to him before the situation become worst”


“I’m scared. Kyu will surely be mad at me”


“He will be mad at you if you will keep on lying to him. You don’t need to be afraid. Kyu will understand, but if you will not tell him then it will be too late”


“Oppa, just talk to him and tell him everything about Appa”


Donghae shook his head


“You’re the one who suppose to tell him and not me”


“You’re he’s best friend”


“But you’re the wife and Appa told you to spy on him”


Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes


“I’m so nervous to meet his parents. I want to meet them. I really do and I’m really excited, but I’m scared. I’m scared that they will recognize me”


“I don’t think so”


“Why not?”


“Because Kyu doesn’t even know about the rivalry between Appa and his father”


Donghae cough


“You see, if his parents know about us, they will probably tell Kyu about it. Since Kyu doesn’t even know who the rival is then I’m sure that his parents don’t know that their son’s wife is their rival’s daughter. I met them once, but I think they didn’t know that I’m their rival’s son”


Donghae sigh


“Actually, I think Appa is the only one who sees Uncle Cho as his rival. When I met him before, he’s nice and he doesn’t even care about his rival in business industry. He just wants to work for his companies. I also don’t have any idea about the rivalry, Appa just told me about it before because he wants me to spy on Kyuhyun too”


“Why is our situation so complicated?”


“Minnie, Kyu never lie to you. I hope you do the same thing”


“But I’m not spying on him. I’m not doing what Appa wants me to do”


Donghae nod


“I know, but as long as you keep it from him then that only means that you’re lying to him. Have the courage to tell him before its too late. Kyu hate liars and you know that”




“Don’t worry Minnie. I’ll talk to Appa when I fly in LA. I’ll be leaving tomorrow evening. I’ll do my best to stop him. Just take time talking to Kyu about it and have fun with him in Greece. You take care and don’t think too much. Everything will be alright, but it will depend on you. Your decision matters here”


“Arasso. I’ll just give you a call again”


“Arasso. I love you and take care”


“I love you too Oppa”


Sungmin hang up


“What will I do? I don’t have the courage to tell him about it”


Sungmin sighs. Kyuhyun went inside their room and gives her a back hug


“Are you ready?”


Kyuhyun notice her sad face


“Baby, what’s wrong?”


Sungmin shook her head. She turns around to face Kyuhyun


“I’m just scared to meet Umma and Appa. I don’t know if they will like me”


Kyuhyun kissed her lips


“Don’t worry. Of course they will like you”


Kyuhyun holds her hand tight, taking all her worries away


“I’m here. Don’t be afraid”


Sungmin manage to flash a smile


“Let’s go? Umma and Appa are already waiting for us”




Kyuhyun smiles at her. They went out together. Kyuhyun opens the car door for Sungmin. She went inside and wears her seatbelt. Kyuhyun gently close the door and immediately run towards the driver’s seat. He went inside and wears his seatbelt. He starts the car and stares at Sungmin while smiling brightly


“We’re going now”


Sungmin nods happily. Kyuhyun smile and start driving the car








Sungmin’s heart beat starts beating fast as she stares at Kyuhyun who is smiling brightly at her


“Let’s go inside”


Kyuhyun holds her hand tight




Sungmin stares at him nervously


“I really can’t do it. I’m so scared. I think I’m going to die. My body is shaking because of nervousness”


Kyuhyun can feel her hand trembling


“Minnie, it’s going to be ok”




Kyuhyun hold her face


“I promise you that it will be ok. You don’t have to be afraid”


“You don’t understand”


Kyuhyun sigh


“Look, I know that you’re nervous to meet Umma and Appa. But you need to meet them no matter what happen because we’re getting married soon. Come on. Let’s go inside”


“Baby, please...”


“Minnie, please. I’m trying to control my temper here because I don’t want to fight with you. Please do this for me. I’m here. You don’t need to be afraid. They’re waiting for us. Let’s go”


Sungmin nods at him. Kyuhyun holds her hand tight as they went inside the restaurant. Kyuhyun smiles brightly upon seeing his parents. He walks happily towards them with Sungmin


“Umma, Appa”


Kyuhyun smiles at his parents. Mrs. Cho immediately hugs her son tight


“I miss you sweetheart”


He kisses his cheek


“Umma! Yuck!”


Kyuhyun frown while rubbing his cheek


“Who told you to kiss me? You put lipstick on my cheek. Aish!”


Mr. Cho laughs at him


“Don’t ever do that again”


“It’s because you already have a wife that’s why I’m no longer to kiss you? Aigoo! This boy is really...”


Mrs. Cho notice Sungmin standing beside Kyuhyun, holding his hand tight. Sungmin was staring at them blankly. Mrs. Cho flashes a bright smile, brighter than the son upon seeing her


“Is she your wife?”


Kyuhyun nods happily. Mrs. Cho giggles happily and pushes her son away. She pulls Sungmin closer to her and hugs her like a teddy bear


“Why are you so cute and beautiful at the same time? I never see such a cute creature like you”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow


“Creature? What do you mean by creature Umma? Do you think my wife is an alien?”


Sungmin bites her lips to control her laughter. Mrs. Cho squeeze Sungmin like a teddy bear


“Yah! Don’t squeeze her like that. Are you planning to kill my wife? Give her to me”


Kyuhyun holds Sungmin’s hand and was trying to pull her away from his mother, but Mrs. Cho was hugging her tight


“Umma, let her go”


Mrs. Cho pushes her son away


“Go away. Just sit beside your father. She’s mine. I’ll return her to you later, right Minnie sweetheart?”


Sungmin nods at her happily. Mrs. Cho kissed her cheek


“Let’s take our seat now”


Sungmin sits beside Mrs. Cho making Kyuhyun frown


“Why do you need to sit with Umma?”




Mr. Cho suddenly laughs


“Don’t mind this brat boy sweetheart”


He smiles at Sungmin while patting his son’s head


“He’s really possessive and get jealous easily”


Kyuhyun push his father’s hand away


“Don’t touch my hair”


Sungmin laugh softly while staring at Kyuhyun


“Baby, don’t be so childish ok”


Kyuhyun frown even harder


“Yah! I’ll return your wife to you after our lunch. How can you be so selfish? Such a very brat boy, you’re already with her every day and night, just let me borrow her for the meantime. What’s wrong if she sits beside me? You’re jealous with your own mother”


“Aish! Just stop talking Umma”


Mrs. Cho smiles at him


“Let’s just start our lunch now”


She looks at Sungmin


“You need to eat a lot, arasso?”


Mrs. Cho puts a lot of food on Sungmin’s plate making Kyuhyun laugh softly


“Umma, Minnie will grow like a hippo if you will feed her like that. She’s concern with her figure you know”


Mrs. Cho pouts at her daughter in law


“You need to eat all of it, arasso? You need to be healthy in preparation for your pregnancy”


Sungmin and Kyuhyun cough


“Did I say something wrong?”


They shook their head


“Umma, just eat and stop being talkative”


“I just want to discuss the pregnancy matter”


“We can talk about that later”


“Arasso, but I just want to remind you sweetheart. I’m really going to kill you if you can’t give me a grandchild soon”


Mr. Cho nods in agreement. He holds Sungmin’s hand and smile at her


“But you don’t need to be pressure Minnie. Let my brat son carry the entire pressure”


Sungmin laugh softly


“Why me? Am I the one who will give birth?”


Mr. Cho hits Kyuhyun’s head


“Aw! Such an abusive father”


“You guys are so cute together”


Sungmin told them happily




“Yes Appa?”


“You’re the younger sister of Hae, right?”


Sungmin gulps nervously. She nods at Kyuhyun’s father


“I miss that boy. He’s a bit childish like Kyu. I wish to meet you parents soon”


Sungmin drops her fork on the floor


“Are you ok sweetheart?”


Mrs. Cho stares at her with worried face. Sungmin nods at her


“I’m sorry. It slips on my hand”


“It’s ok”


Mrs. Cho calls the waiter and asks for another fork. Sungmin manage to smile


“Appa and Umma are currently staying in LA. They are a bit busy with their work”


“Maybe we can set a date so we can meet each other since you and Kyu will get married soon”


Sungmin nods at Mr. Cho


“I’m going to talk about it with them”


“I bet they are also nice since Hae and you are such an angel”


Sungmin just smile at Mr. Cho


“They are nice Appa because I already meet them”


“It’s good that they like you as their son in law”


Mr. Cho teases his son


“Yah! Of course they will love me. They are lucky to have a son in law like me. I’m good, loving, sweet, handsome, smart, and above all, I’m a very successful CEO of Cho Corporation”


“Baby, you forgot something”




“You’re a brat, over confident, grumpy, and above all, a very proud CEO of Cho Corporation”


Sungmin laugh with Kyuhyun’s parents to tease Kyuhyun


“You’re teasing me again Minnie. Let’s have a duel later. I won’t let you escape from me”


“Fine, if you can catch me”


“Of course I can”


Mrs. Cho giggles happily


“OMO! Honey, I think the kids will make love later. Let’s finish our lunch so we can send them away and have their intimate time together”


“What the hell are you talking about honey?”


Mrs. Cho stares at her son


“Kyuhyun-ah fighting! This is your chance to give us a grandchild. Your dad and I are eagerly waiting for our grandchild to arrive”


Kyuhyun grabs his fork and start feeding his mother


“Just Umma because you’re being talkative again. Don’t be too excited or else the baby won’t arrive”


Kyuhyun stares at Sungmin and smiles at her. Sungmin mumbles the word ‘I love you’ and secretly gives him a flying kiss. Kyuhyun smiles brightly and mumbles the ‘I love you too’. Sungmin nods happily and continue eating her lunch feeling so happy and relief. Happy because she’s having a lunch with her husband and his parents, she feels so happy because she finally meet her in laws and they are really good person and she likes them so much. Relief because they didn’t recognize her as the daughter of their rival in business industry or maybe her brother is right. They just don’t mind their rival that much and it seems that they are not concern about that matter because they are too busy to work and make their companies grow in a nice way unlike her father who will do anything that is illegal just to make his companies grow.





Mrs. Cho hugs Sungmin tight


“I’m going to miss you sweetheart”


She holds Sungmin’s face and kiss her cheek


“You visit Australia next time, arasso?”


“Yes Umma”


“Let’s have a girl bonding when you go there”


Sungmin nods happily


“Your father in law and I will be flying back in Australia later”




“He can’t have vacation that long because he’s a very busy man. He just grants the wish of his son because Kyu wants us to meet you. He asks us if we can go here in Greece to meet his lovely wife. I’ll see you in Australia soon, arasso?”


“Arasso Umma”


Mrs. Cho hugs her again


“It’s nice to meet you Minnie. I really love you. Our Kyuhyun-ah is really lucky to have you”


“Thanks a lot Umma. I’m really nervous awhile ago because I thought that you and Appa will hate me that much”


Mrs. Cho stares at her


“How can we hate a very lovely and beautiful girl like you? Kyu is right you’re really beautiful than me”


“He told that to you? Aigoo! My baby is really...”


Mrs. Cho laughs softly


“He’s just telling the truth and of course you’re way too better than Seohyun. I’m really glad to have a daughter in law like you and of course”


Mrs. Cho holds Sungmin’s tummy


“I want my grandchild soon, arasso?”


Sungmin nods happily


“You’ll have one soon, that’s a promise”


Mrs. Cho giggles happily and hugs her tight






Kyuhyun and his father was walking far away to Sungmin and Mrs. Cho


“I like her a lot”


Kyuhyun stares at his father who is smiling brightly at him. Mr. Cho pats his son’s shoulder


“You really know how to choose a girl”


“Thanks Appa. Thank you for going here just to meet my wife and for accepting my decision about Seohyun. I know you and Umma like her for me, but I really love Minnie”


Mr. Cho shook his head


“Don’t be sorry son. Minnie is better than Seohyun. I know that you’re happy with her and it looks like she loves you that much because whenever I look at her, I can only see love in her eyes. Love that is only meant for you. Call us when you already decided for the date of the wedding”




“About the ten billion contract”


Kyuhyun looks at his father


“I’m finalizing the investment. We’re still having a meeting about it”


“Good luck on that. I know you can do it. I trust you”


“Thanks Appa”


“I’ll see you in Australia soon, arasso?”


Kyuhyun nod


“Bring Minnie with you”


“No problem”


Mr. Cho smiles at him and ruffles his hair


“My son is really a grown-up now. So cute”


Kyuhyun push his father’s hand away


“Don’t touch my hair”


“Such a brat kid”


He smiles at Kyuhyun and start walking towards his wife and daughter in law


“You’re done talking with your son?”


Mr. Cho nods at his wife. He walks towards Sungmin and gives her a hug


“I’m going to miss you. You must visit us in Australia ok?”


“Yes Appa”


Mr. Cho stares at his son


“You take care of your wife and don’t give her head ache or else I’m going to hit you”


“I never give her head ache. I’m such a good boy”


Mr. Cho hits him


“Aw! Why are you being so mean?”


Sungmin laugh


“You take care”


Sungmin nods at her father in law. Kyuhyun holds her hand


“Have a safe trip back to Australia. Minnie and I will be there soon. I’ll just give you a call”


Sungmin and Kyuhyun bows at them


“We’re going now. Take care”


“Drive safely son and take care of Minnie”




Sungmin hugs her in laws before going inside the car. Kyuhyun waves his hand before going inside. Mr. and Mrs. Cho wave their hand while watching the car leave the place


“We’re so lucky to have a daughter in law like her”


“Our Kyuhyun-ah is such a lucky man”


Mrs. Cho nods happily


“Let’s go. We need to prepare some of our things for our flight later”




Mr. Cho holds his wife’s hand as they walk together towards their car




Sungmin was smiling brightly while staring at Kyuhyun


“Yes baby? Is there something wrong? Why are you staring at me?”


Sungmin shook her head happily


“Thank you”




“Introducing me to Umma and Appa. I really love them”


“I’m getting jealous”


Sungmin pinch his cheek




Kyuhyun laugh softly


“Just kidding. I’m glad that you are getting along very well with them. They like you so much”


“I like them too so much”


“Are you still scared of them?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I told you that everything will be fine”


“Thank you baby”


“I’m the one who suppose to thank you”


Kyuhyun stops the car when the traffic light turns red


“We need to grant their wish”


Kyuhyun stares at her tummy


“I can’t understand why I can’t impregnate you”


Sungmin laugh and pinches his nose gently


“The baby will arrive soon”


“How soon?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I don’t know”


“I’m getting so frustrated now because you’re not yet pregnant”


“Don’t be because I’ll surely be pregnant soon”


“Hope so”


Kyuhyun starts driving when the traffic light turns green






Sungmin clears before speaking


“About that ten billion contract”


“What about it?”


“Is that really important?”


Kyuhyun nod


“The future of Cho Corporation lies on that contract. It’s very important to me. It’s a big investment”


“What if you can’t get it?”


“Then I’ll lose ten billion dollars and it’s really a lot of money. If that happens, I don’t know what will happen to the Cho Corporation. It’s not that I’m going to lose it, but that’s a lot of money and it will be hard on my part to invest if ever I lose that ten billion contract”




Kyuhyun look at her




Kyuhyun smiles brightly


“Thank you”


He holds Sungmin’s hand and kisses it


“As long as you’re here with me, I can do everything because you’re giving me strength”


“I’m always here to support you and I won’t let anyone destroy all your hard work”


Kyuhyun stares at her blankly


“What I mean is I’ll support you until the end. Let’s do this together, arasso?”


Kyuhyun nods happily


“I have a great idea Minnie”




“Since you study business...”


Sungmin shook her head


“Don’t ever think about it Kyu. I hate that matter and you know that. I told you that I hate working because I’m lazy. I just want to be a housewife”


“Just give it a try please. I’ll be your teacher. I’ll teach you some things on how to handle a company. Just learn it. I’m not requiring you to work, I just want you to learn and give it a try so if ever I’ll be absent, you can replace me since you’re my wife”


Sungmin holds her forehead


“Please don’t give me head ache”


“I’m not giving you head ache and I know that you can do it. I’ll teach you. Just have knowledge about it. It will be fun working with you”


“You’ll just have head ache”


“It’s ok. I don’t mind as long as you’re the one giving me head ache”


Sungmin laugh


“Yeah right. You’re just going to scold at me”


“If you will not behave properly”


Kyuhyun look at her




“I’ll think about it”


“Just say yes. There’s nothing wrong if you try. I know that you’re so lazy and stubborn, but just give it a try. Please, just do it for me. It’s just a little favor”


Sungmin takes a deep breath


“You buy me ice cream first”


“I’ll buy you tons of it”


Kyuhyun gently pinch her nose


“You’re such a brat baby. Be thankful that I love you”


“You’re the one who supposed to be thankful that I love you”


Kyuhyun kissed her lips


“I’m always thankful and will forever be thankful”


“Just focus on the road”


“Stop distracting me”


Kyuhyun whispers to her


“You just can’t resist my attractive aura”


Sungmin told him seductively






Kyuhyun takes a deep breath


“I’m driving, you can do that later”


Sungmin laughs at him


“Arasso. You need to drive fast before I change my mind”


“I thought you still want to eat ice cream?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I’ll just eat your ice cream”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened




Sungmin laugh


“Just drive ok”


“You’re killing me Lee Sungmin. You’re killing me because of your seductiveness”


“You’re falling on me again Cho Kyuhyun”


Kyuhyun stops the car at the corner. He takes off his seatbelt and moves closer to Sungmin


“Stop distracting me because I’m driving”


Sungmin brushes her lips on his


“That’s why I’m telling you to drive fast so we can reach our bedroom now”


Kyuhyun stares at her body


“How can I ever resist you?”


Kyuhyun ran his hand on her body. He was about to kiss her, but Sungmin holds his lips


“Baby, we can do it here. Please drive now”


Sungmin bites her lips


“Don’t bite your lips because you’re seducing me more”


Sungmin smiles at him


“That’s why you need to drive now and stop being inside the car”


“Because you’re seducing me”


“Just drive”


Kyuhyun return to his seat. He wears his seatbelt


“You know baby?”


Kyuhyun looks at her




“I bet that we will always end up on top of your desk if ever you’ll teach me about business”


“That’s why you need to learn not to seduce and distract me”


Sungmin moves closer to him


“But you also need to learn to resist me”


Sungmin whispers to him seductively






Kyuhyun kissed her lips


“Please sit properly. I’ll drive now. Stop distracting me, arasso?”


Sungmin smiles at him


“Please behave baby girl and don’t play around”


“Arasso baby Kyu”


Sungmin laugh softly and sit properly


“Lee Sungmin”


“Pabo! It’s supposed to be Cho Sungmin since I’m your wife”


Kyuhyun smile


“I love you baby”


Sungmin smiles at him


“I love you too. Start driving now, arasso?”


“Please behave now”


Sungmin nods at him. Kyuhyun smiles brightly and continue driving the car

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ahhh want to read this again pero huhu di ko sya ma-save offline :--((
korinna26 #2
Chapter 30: I love the ending
ladyrapunzel08 #3
Chapter 28: Tengeneng push and pull to oo hahahahahaha.
ladyrapunzel08 #4
Chapter 27: Kainis ka. Kahit na naiinis ako sayo nakakaawa kaaa. Tengeneng cho kyuhyun ka naman oh
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Chapter 25: Bago mi mapigilan ang kasal UMIYAK KA. YESS UMIYAK KAAAA!!!
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Chapter 24: Pagsisihan mo ng mabuti walanghiya kaaa
ladyrapunzel08 #7
Chapter 22: Putanguna mo talaga kyuhyun sarap mong sakalin!!!
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Chapter 21: I shouldn't have read this part. My tearsss my tearrrsss why are u falling like thiiissss :((( CHO KYUHYUN PUTANG INA MO PAKYU KA
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 20: Hay dito talaga nagsimula lahat ng inis ko kay kyuhyun at papa cho. Akala ko ba hindi nya rival si mr. Lee bakit kailangan ng break up? Nakakalito kayo aneeebeee
ladyrapunzel08 #10
Chapter 14: Isa kang kawawang nilalang cho kyuhyun hahaha pero angsakeeet ag papahard to get ang nga tukmol na too huhuhuhu