Lee Sungmin is my Maid (Chapter 18)


A/N: I'll be leaving for vacation tomorrow evening (Nov. 6, 2012). I'll be back on Nov. 11, 2012. I'll post the next chapter when I comeback from my vacation :) Thanks everyone. Saranghae <3





Chapter 18



Sungmin wake up in the morning seeing her husband lying beside her. Sungmin smiles while staring at his gorgeous face


“You’re such an angel”


Sungmin gently kisses his lips. She giggles happily while watching Kyuhyun sleep like an angel. She gently brushes her fingers on his face


“I love you baby Kyu”


Sungmin was shock when Kyuhyun holds her hand and kissed it


“I love you too Minnie. Stop brushing your fingers on my face because I’m still sleeping”


Sungmin smiles at him. She stares at Kyuhyun and moves closer to him




Kyuhyun turn his back away from her




Sungmin pouts




Kyuhyun ignores her. Sungmin hugs him


“I’m talking to you”


“I’m still sleeping”


Sungmin sits on the bed and starts shaking him


“Baby, wake up”


Kyuhyun grabs a pillow and covers his face


“Baby Kyu, wake up”


“Minnie, please. Stop disturbing me. I’m still sleeping. I still have a work later. Just let me rest for a bit”




Sungmin frowns at him


“I’m going to cry if you will keep on ignoring me”


Kyuhyun sighs and removes the pillow on his face. He turns around and looks at Sungmin


“What do you want baby?”


Sungmin smiles at him and hugs him tight


“I want you”


Sungmin rest her head on Kyuhyun’s chest. Kyuhyun hugs her


“You already have me. I’m already yours, what else do you still want?”


“I just want you to stay at home with me”


Kyuhyun yawns


“That’s a very bad idea Minnie”


Sungmin stares at him and pouts


“Who told you to pout?”


Kyuhyun pinches her nose gently


“I have a meeting today. I have a new investor. My secretary calls me yesterday informing me about it. I should meet him today”


“I thought we’re going out today because it’s Friday? You promise me that”


“Let’s just go out on Sunday, arasso?”


Kyuhyun stares at her teary eyes


“Stop being a brat baby girl for awhile”


“But I want you to stay by my side. I want to see you every minute”


Kyuhyun smirk


“Minnie, I’m not a watermelon, so stop craving on me”


“I hate you”


“It’s ok”


Sungmin stares at him with teary eyes


“Yah! I said I hate you. I really mean it this time”


“It’s ok Minnie. I also mean it this time. Do you think I’m playing with you?”


Kyuhyun gets a pillow


“Go back to sleep because it’s still early”


He smiles at Sungmin and covers his face with a pillow and continue sleeping. Sungmin pouts




Sungmin rubs her tummy


“Don’t worry baby Kyumin. I’m going to do everything to stop your daddy in going to work later. We’re going out with him today”


Sungmin gets her mobile phone on the table. She jumps off the bed carefully and go out of the room carefully avoiding waking Kyuhyun who is sleeping peacefully again. She dials Tiffany’s number








“Did I disturb you?”


Tiffany shook her head


“Not really. Just woke up, why?”


Sungmin coughs


“I’m going to ask you something”






Sungmin takes a deep breath and smile


“Remember the ritual that your mom was telling Sunny Unnie before?”


“What ritual?”


“About pregnancy”


Tiffany snaps her fingers


“Ah...the ritual wherein the husband is the one who is experiencing pregnancy symptoms?”




“What about it darling?”


“Can you teach me that?”


Tiffany raised her eyebrow




“So Kyu will just stay by my side, I don’t want him to go to his work today and he promise that we will go out today”


Sungmin pouts


“But he told me that he needs to go to work and he even cancelled our date today”


Tiffany laughs softly


“I see. That’s a great idea Minnie. Listen to me carefully, arasso?”


Sungmin nods


“Is Kyu still sleeping?”




“That’s good”


Tiffany giggles happily


“Here’s the thing that you need to do”


Tiffany clears before continuing


“You need to step over Kyu while he’s sleeping. It is believed that a wife will pass her pregnancy symptom to her husband when she steps over him while he’s sleeping. You need to do it carefully so Kyu will not notice it. Avoid waking him ok? He must know that you step over him”


“Arasso Unnie”


“Good luck my darling Minnie”


“Thank you Unnie”


“Fighting. I love you darling”


“I love you too Unnie”


Sungmin hangs up


“Ha! Cho Kyuhyun, you’ll be under my spell”


Sungmin laughs softly




Sungmin return inside their room carefully. She walks towards the bed. She stares at Kyuhyun


“He’s still sleeping peacefully”


Sungmin whispers. She carefully stands on the bed


“Be carefully Lee Sungmin. Don’t wake your loving gorgeous husband”


Sungmin smiles and carefully step over Kyuhyun who is still sleeping carefully. Sungmin jumps off the bed carefully. She stares at Kyuhyun while smiling brightly


“I’m sorry baby Kyu. I just need to do it. Please bear with it, arasso?”


She her husband’s hair gently


“It’s just for the meantime”


She kissed Kyuhyun’s forehead


“I love you”


Sungmin smiles and sits on the bed. She grabs her book about pregnancy and child birth and start reading it happily





Kyuhyun immediately lay down on the bed after going at the bathroom to puke. He feels so dizzy and weak at the same time. Sungmin stares at him


“Baby, are you ok?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Why do I’m feeling this way?”


“Morning sickness?”


Kyuhyun stares at her blankly


“Just what pregnant woman is experiencing every morning”


Kyuhyun lay down on her lap. He closes his eyes. Sungmin his hair


“It’s so hard. I’m feeling really dizzy”


“That’s why I told you to stay home with me”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I really need to go to work because I have a meeting”


“Just ask your Vice-President to attend it for you”


“He’s still in London”


Kyuhyun holds his head


“I’m feeling so dizzy right now. Is this the thing that you’re experiencing?”


Sungmin nods at him


“Aigoo! It’s hard to be pregnant”


Kyuhyun slowly sits on the bed and notice Sungmin looking so happy


“Why are you happy today? It seems that you’re not experiencing that morning sickness. I never saw you going at the bathroom to puke and you’re not even complaining that you’re feeling dizzy and weak”


“Oh...that thing...well...”


Sungmin flash a weak smile


“Day off”


“Day off?”


Sungmin nods happily


“Ah, today is my morning sickness’s day off”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow


“Is there such thing as that?”


“I think so”


She wraps her hands around Kyuhyun’s arms


“Baby, just stay here with me. I’ll take care of you”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I need to go”


Kyuhyun takes a deep breath while holding his forehead


“Baby, please”


Sungmin stares at him with puppy eyes, but Kyuhyun ignores her. He grabs his car key and wears his back pack and went out of the room




Sungmin throws the pillow on the floor


“Why is he like that?”


She rubs her tummy. Tears start forming in her eyes


“Baby Kyumin, your daddy leaves us for his work again. I’m so lonely now. I want him so badly”


Sungmin grabs her mobile phone and calls her cousin


“Yes my darling Minnie?”




Tiffany can hear her cousin crying


“Aigoo! Why are you crying darling?”


Sungmin starts crying like a kid


“It’s Kyu”


Tiffany frowns


“What did that brat did to you this time?”


“He left me”


Tiffany’s eyes widened




“He still goes to his work even though he’s not feeling well”


Tiffany suddenly smile


“Is the ritual effective? Is he feeling those pregnancy symptoms right now?”


Sungmin nods


“Yes, but he still go to work and leaves me alone in the house. I’m so lonely”


Sungmin keeps on crying like a kid


“Come on Minnie. Don’t cry or else baby Kyumin will be sad too. Don’t worry. Kyu will be back for sure because he’s not feeling well. He will feel so weak all day and he will feel sleepy as well so he will definitely go back home later”


“You think so?”


Tiffany nods


“Stop crying now, arasso?”


Sungmin nod and wipes her tears


“Let’s just go out today?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I don’t want Unnie. I want Kyuhyun. I only want him and no one else”


“Aigoo! Why are you craving for your husband?”


“Unnie, please talk to him and tell him to go home now. He will just get mad at me”


“Arasso. Just stop crying ok?”




“You hang up now and I’ll do what I can to bring him back home in an instant”


Sungmin hangs up


“I already miss Kyu”


Sungmin pouts


“Baby Kyumin”


She rubs her tummy while pouting


“Let’s do our best to bring daddy home as soon as possible”


She lay down on the bed


“Because mommy really wants your daddy to be always here by our side”


Sungmin sigh


“I really want to stare at him every minute”


Sungmin pouts and starts calling Kyuhyun








Kyuhyun went inside his office after his meeting. He lay down on the sofa, feeling so sleepy


“Why am I so sleepy all of a sudden?”


Kyuhyun yawns. He heard his mobile phone ringing. He gets it in his pocket


“Why is Fany keeps on calling me?”


Kyuhyun sighs and answers the call


“Yah! I keep on calling you and this is the only time that you’re going to answer it. Aigoo!”


“Fany, what do you want from me? You see, I’m busy ok and I don’t have time to answer phone calls. Why do you keep on calling me? You’re just disturbing me”


Tiffany frowns


“Yah! I just want to tell you that your wife calls me awhile ago. She’s crying”


Kyuhyun sighs


“Fany, you should get used to it. She’s very sensitive and moody lately. She always cries whenever she can’t get what she wants”


“Because she’s pregnant that’s why she’s always sensitive”


“She’s always like that even though she’s not pregnant”


Tiffany takes a deep breath


“Kyu, just go home ok? Minnie really needs you. You see, your wife always want to see you”


“But I can’t be with her 24/7 and she should understand that. I also need to work. What will happen to my company if I will not work?”


“But at least give her more time because she’s pregnant. Is that hard on your part?”


“Fany, I need to go. Bye”


Kyuhyun hangs up and turns off his mobile phone so Tiffany and Sungmin will stop bothering him. Kyuhyun sighs


“Minnie is so brat”


He takes a deep breath and closed his eyes to sleep when his secretary knocks on the door. He went inside and bows at Kyuhyun


“Mr. Cho”


Kyuhyun ignores him


“Mr. Cho”


Kyuhyun ignores him for the second time. He coughs to catch Kyuhyun’s attention


“I’m sleeping. What is it?”




He clears his throat before speaking again


“Mr. Cho, you’re new investor already arrive and he’s waiting for you inside the conference room 1”


Kyuhyun stares at him




His secretary nods at him


“Please tell him that I’ll be there in a minute”


“Arasso Mr. Cho”


He bows at Kyuhyun and immediately leaves his office. Kyuhyun stares at his watch


“Aish! Time travels so fast. I really want to sleep”


He holds his forehead


“What the hell is happening to me?”


Kyuhyun stand up and fix his self. He yawns like a baby


“I’m going home after meeting my new investor”


Kyuhyun sighs and went out of his office. He holds his head as he starts feeling dizzy again


“Aigoo! This is killing me”


He holds his tummy


“I suddenly want to eat watermelon”


He went inside the elevator and went at the 5th floor. He walks on the hallway slowly because he’s feeling a bit dizzy and he also feels that he’s going to throw up any minute. He just bites his lips and continue walking until he reaches the Conference Room 1. He opens the door and went inside


“I’m sorry. I’m late, I ju—“


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened upon seeing his new investor


“Surprise to see me?”


Donghae was sitting on the chair while smiling brightly at him


“Why are you here?”


“I’m here to have a meeting with you”




Kyuhyun walks towards him and sits on the chair


“I’m your new investor”


Kyuhyun smirk


“Stop joking around”


Donghae flicks his forehead


“I’m serious baby Kyu. I’m going to invest in your company”


Kyuhyun flash a sarcastic smile


“If Minnie asks you a favor...”


Donghae raised his hand to stop him from talking


“FYI Mr. Cho Kyuhyun, Minnie didn’t ask me anything. Why didn’t you tell me what happen?”


Kyuhyun stares at him seriously


“Hae, I’m ok”


Donghae nods at him


“I know, but we both know that the Cho Corporation is hanging on air and it will crash into pieces once you lose the deal”


“Cho Corporation is fine. This company still stands though we lose almost half of our income and it will be hard for us to stand again because some of the investors are already afraid to invest, but we’re going to be ok. Park Corporation is my last hope”


“That’s why I’m investing”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I’m not yet asking for your help”


“But you’re going to ask for it soon”


Donghae stares at him sadly


“Kyu, will you please put down your pride for the meantime? I know that you don’t want to ask for your father’s help because you want to prove him that you can make this company grow and you stand on your own without his help. You want him to be proud of you and you want to step out from his shadow. You want other CEO recognize you as Cho Kyuhyun and not just a son of Mr. Cho, the owner of eight well known and big companies worldwide”


Donghae pats Kyuhyun’s shoulder


“Come on Kyu. I’m your best friend and best friends always help each other, especially at times of troubles and great problems like this”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer. He just looks at Donghae with sad face. He can see his best friend’s worried face. He knows that Donghae is really worried about him


“I know that you’re worried about me Hae, but...”


Donghae cough and stares at him seriously


“Stop being hard headed Kyu, just accept my offer. We’re business partner, so what’s the difference if I invest in Cho Corporation. I know you so well Kyu. You smile whenever you’re with my sister because you don’t want her to worry about you, but beneath that smile, you’re hiding your worries and sadness”


He hands Kyuhyun his business proposal


“Siwon will buy 20% of the shares and I’ll buy the 30% of it”


Kyuhyun stares at his business proposal. He starts scanning it


“I’ll sell it back to you once you get the deal with the Park Corporation and then Siwon and I will divide the 20% between us. 10% share goes to him and I’ll but the other 10%. Come on Kyu. Cho Corporation is still yours. We’re just going to play a little game to lure Mr. Park”


Kyuhyun stares at Donghae who is smiling at him


“It’s a game of strategy Kyu and I know that you understand what I’m talking about because you’re such a smart ”


Kyuhyun laughs softly and hits Donghae’s head with the folder that he’s holding


“Pabo! I’m the one who taught you this strategy”


Donghae nods happily


“That’s why I’m doing it to you. You know that everything is just for a show so you can lure Mr. Park easily. It’s much better that he will know that you’ve got my company and Siwon’s company as shareholders of Cho Corporation rather than letting him know that you lose half of your income. What do you think?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer


“Come on Kyu. I’m offering the best solution that Minnie can...”


Donghae covers his lips




Donghae shook his head


“Hae, I’m not going to accept this business proposal if you will not tell me that truth”


Donghae sigh


“Please promise me first that you will not get mad at my sister”


Kyuhyun nods at him


“I promise”




Donghae takes a deep breath and stares at his best friend who is waiting for his explanation


“Well, it’s actually Minnie’s idea”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow


“She’s the one who told me about that strategy. Did you happen to teach her that strategy of yours?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I only taught that strategy to you”


“How did she know about it?”


Kyuhyun shook his head again


“Anyway, let’s just forget about it. It doesn’t matter how on earth Minnie learned about that strategy. The most important thing here is to save Cho Corporation or else your father will surely kick you out of the company”


Donghae smiles at Kyuhyun


“Your wife really cares a lot for you. She actually calls me last Wednesday, telling me about the business proposal and she also calls Siwon and talk about it with him”


“That’s the reason why she asks me to drop her at your company yesterday?”


Donghae nods at him


“Because we finalize the business proposal, that girl really loves you and everything is really her idea”


Donghae suddenly laugh


“Why are you laughing?”


“I never knew that Minnie is also smart when it comes to business”


Donghae starts laughing hard


“I thought she’s always sleeping in her classes. Honestly, I never saw her report card. I mean, we never saw it because she never shows it to us. Umma and Appa think that she gets failing grades that’s why she’s not showing it to us”


“This is really Minnie’s idea?”


Donghae nods at him while laughing


“Actually, she’s the one who did that business proposal”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened


“Are you sure?”


“Hundred and one percent, she gives it to us yesterday and we didn’t edit it because everything is well organized and well prepared”


Kyuhyun scans the entire document again


“Aigoo! I can’t believe it. Her business proposal is much better than us. I mean, wow...it’s really hard to believe that a very lazy, brat and stubborn girl like her is actually a smart. She can be a CEO”


“But since she’s lazy, she just wants to be a good housewife”


Donghae smiles at him




Kyuhyun smiles at him and reach his hand out


“Mr. Lee”


He stares at Donghae happily


“I’m going to accept the deal. Let’s work together”


Donghae smiles at him and shake his hand


“Arasso Mr. Cho”


Kyuhyun holds his head because he feels dizzy all of a sudden. He rest his head on the table


“What’s wrong with you?”


“I think I’m sick. I can’t understand what’s happening to me”


Donghae stares at him blankly


“You see, I have this morning sickness just like pregnant woman”


Donghae starts laughing hard


“Yah! Stop laughing. I’m serious”


“You’re pregnant? Is that even possible?”


Kyuhyun bites his lips


“I’m really dizzy and I always feel that I’m going to throw up every minute. I crave for watermelon and I also feel sleepy”


Donghae’s eyes widened


“Aigoo! Don’t tell me that you’re having a secret affair with a guy? You’re a gay?”




Kyuhyun hits Donghae’s shoulder


“Since when did I become a gay? If I’m a gay, I wouldn’t your sister”


Donghae starts laughing again


“Aigoo! Our Kyuhyun-ah is preggy”


He ruffles Kyuhyun’s hair while laughing so hard


“Yah! Stop laughing and don’t touch my hair!!!”


“OMO! You’re becoming moody as well. I can’t believe that my brother in law is pregnant. Is that a twins?”




Donghae leans closer and kissed his cheek


“Yuck! YOU FISH! GO OUT!!!”


Donghae wipes his tears because of laughing


“I’m sorry because you’re such a gorgeous human being. I can’t help, but to fall for you”




He ruffles Kyuhyun’s hair


“Stop being grumpy honey”


Kyuhyun raised his head and punch Donghae’s shoulder




Donghae rubs it while smiling at Kyuhyun


“Does your anchovy girlfriend know that you’re being gay again?”


“Pabo! I’m going to have a dinner with her later”


“Oh, that was so sweet. I’m really jealous”


Kyuhyun laughs at him. Donghae kissed his lips




Donghae starts laughing so hard again


“Aish! Be thankful that I’m not feeling well today or I’ll bury you alive or drown you at the Han River”


“That was so sweet. You’re really romantic my baby honey Kyuhyun-ah”


Donghae wink at him to


“YAH!!! Just go now and have a date with your anchovy girl!!!”


Donghae holds his tummy. He stops laughing and stares at Kyuhyun


“I love you Kyuhyun-ah”


Kyuhyun punches Donghae’s shoulder gently


“I love you too fish!”


Donghae coughs to clear his throat


“There’s one more thing that I’m going to tell you before we end out meeting”


“What is it?”


Donghae’s facial expression suddenly becomes serious


“I want you to watch over Shindong. Don’t trust that man so well”


Kyuhyun nods at him


“I know. Don’t worry because I give that important job to my Vice-President. I asks him to spy on Shindong because he’s really mysterious and I bet he’s planning something evil because he always opposed me and I bet he’s the one who brainwashed those eight Board of Directors to pull out their shares in the company. I still don’t have a proof, but once I get it, I’m going to send him out of the company”






“Do you trust Minnie?”


“I trust her with all my heart and soul, why?”


Donghae shook his head. He stands up and smiles at Kyuhyun


“That’s good”


He pats Kyuhyun’s shoulder


“Please trust my sister until the end because she will do everything to protect you and all your dreams, especially this company because she knows how important Cho Corporation to you is”


Donghae walks towards the door


“You go home now and take a rest for you to feel better. I bet Minnie is already waiting for you and baby Kyumin too. You take care of my sister because she loves you truly”


Kyuhyun nods at him


“I’ll see you around baby Kyu”


“Good luck on your date to your anchovy”




Donghae smiles at him. He salutes at Kyuhyun before going out of the room. Kyuhyun stares at the business proposal


“It’s time to go home now”


Kyuhyun smiles and went out of the Conference Room 1 bringing the business proposal with him





Nanny Ahjumma immediately runs towards Kyuhyun upon seeing him arrive at home


“Young master”


Kyuhyun notice her worried face


“Young lady”


Kyuhyun starts feeling nervous


“What happen to Minnie?”


“She doesn’t want to eat. She’s not yet eating anything”




“She doesn’t want to listen to me. She told me that she will not eat unless you already go home”


Kyuhyun holds his forehead


“Aigoo! She’s really killing me”


Kyuhyun immediately run upstairs. He went inside their room and saw Sungmin lying on the bed. Kyuhyun sits beside her


“Baby, I’m home”


Sungmin crawls towards him and rest her head on his lap


“You’re not answering my call and you even turn off your mobile phone so I can’t call you”


“I’m sorry”


Sungmin pouts at him


“I’m waiting for you. Why do you always keep me waiting?”


Sungmin hugs him


“Baby, just stay here please. I don’t want you to go far away from me. I always want to see you every minute”


Kyuhyun her hair


“But I need to work”


“But I also need you”


Kyuhyun sighs


“Nanny Ahjumma told me that you’re not yet eating anything. I’m already mad at you”


Sungmin stares at his serious face. She sits on Kyuhyun’s lap


“What the hell are you doing Minnie? Are you planning to kill yourself and our baby in your womb?”


Sungmin shook her head


“Why are you like that? Why are you being hard headed? You know that I can’t be with you 24/7 because I need to work. I really don’t know what to do to you. You’re not even taking care of yourself”


Kyuhyun notice her teary eyes




“Why are you getting mad at me?”


“What do you want me to do? Be happy because of what you’re doing? Aish! You’re always making me lose my temper because you don’t even listen!”


“You know that I can’t eat without you because I always want to see you whenever I’m eating”


Kyuhyun bites his lips because of anger


“Stop that childish reason of yours! Minnie, you’re pregnant. You’re carrying our baby, but what the hell are you doing to yourself?”


Kyuhyun shoots her a deadly glare


“But you promise that we’re going on a date today”


“We’re not going out, arasso?”


“But baby...”




Kyuhyun can see her tears that were about to fall


“If you want to cry, go out of the room!”


Sungmin bites her lips to control her tears from falling


“Get off”


“Baby, don’t get mad at me”


“GET OFF!!!”


Sungmin get off. She sits on the bed


“Kyu, I’m sorry”


“Shut up”


Kyuhyun lay down on the bed


“Stop disturbing me because I’m going to take a rest. I’m tired and not feeling well”


Sungmin stares at him with worried face




“Minnie, please. Just go out”




Sungmin pouts and went out of the room


“Why is she so irritating? Aish!”


Kyuhyun takes a deep breath and closed his eyes to take a rest





Kyuhyun was looking for Sungmin. He went downstairs to ask his nanny


“Nanny Ahjumma, where is my wife?”


“Young lady is eating awhile ago at the dining room, but she’s no longer there”


Kyuhyun sigh


“Where on earth is she?”


Nanny Ahjumma stares at Kyuhyun who is wearing a suit


“Where are you going?”


“I’m going to ask her for dinner”


“But your mom will arrive later”


“Just tell her that I have a date with my wife”


Kyuhyun smiles at her and went upstairs to look for his wife. He saw the door of his office slightly open. He walks towards the door and saw Sungmin inside. She was busy reading a thick book about business. Kyuhyun knocks on the door before going inside


“Can I disturb you?”


Sungmin looks at him


“Where are you going?”


“You’re going with me”




“We’re going to have a dinner outside”


“How about Umma? She arrive here later”


“Just don’t mind her. She will understand it. Are you coming or not?”


Sungmin closed the book that she’s reading and smiles brightly at him


“Of course I will come”


She stands up and walks towards Kyuhyun


“We’re going to have a date, right?”


Kyuhyun nods at her


“You better change your clothes now”


“Wait for me”


Sungmin kissed Kyuhyun’s lips before going out of the room


“She’s so childish like Hae”


Kyuhyun walks towards his desk


“She forgot to turn off the laptop”


Kyuhyun stares at his laptop


“Why is she reading the complete details of the ten billion contract?”


Kyuhyun turns off the laptop and saw Sungmin’s pink notebook. He carefully scans it


“That girl is really”


Kyuhyun smiles while staring at the drawing of a baby wearing a pumpkin costume


“So this is baby Kyumin”


Kyuhyun start talking to the drawing


“Hi baby Kyumin, please be healthy and don’t make it too hard for your mommy. She’s really having a hard time being pregnant because this is her first time. Please be good and behave so mommy won’t have a hard time. We love you baby. Your mom is really good in drawing. She’s a good wife, artist, business woman, daughter, sibling and hopefully she will be a good mommy to you”


“Of course I will”


Kyuhyun stares at his wife who is standing at the doorway, pouting at him. Kyuhyun stares at her body


“Minnie, why are you still y in spite of being pregnant? Nobody will notice that you’re pregnant”


“Pabo! That’s because my tummy is still small”


She went inside Kyuhyun’s office. She walks towards Kyuhyun and wraps her hands around his arm


“Baby, let’s go. I’m hungry now”


“You’ll soon grow like a hippo”


“I don’t care. You will still love me even though I grow like a hippo, right?”


Kyuhyun kissed her


“I will always love you no matter what happen. I will continue loving you even if you tell me to stop loving you”


“Why will I tell you to stop loving me? Of course you must love me forever or else I’m going to cry”


Sungmin pouts at him. Kyuhyun laugh softly


“Let’s go now because you’re being so childish again”




Sungmin smiles brightly and drags Kyuhyun outside





After eating their dinner, Kyuhyun and Sungmin went at the park. Kyuhyun was watching his wife eat ice cream


“You want?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Just eat everything. You need to eat a lot and be healthy for our baby”




Sungmin looks at Kyuhyun while eating her ice cream


“Where on earth did you learn that strategy?”


“What strategy?”


“I’m talking about business”


Sungmin’s eyes widened


“OMO! Oppa told you about it?”


Kyuhyun nods at her


“Aish! Oppa is really not good I hiding secret. I hate him”


Kyuhyun gently pinches Sungmin’s cheek


“It’s not his fault. He doesn’t want to tell me about it. I just force him to tell me the truth”


Sungmin stares at him nervously


“I’m sorry baby. Are you mad at me? I don’t want to intervene in your business, but...”


Kyuhyun holds her lips


“I’m not mad. You don’t need to explain because Hae explain to me everything”


Sungmin stares at the sky


“To tell you the truth baby, no one taught me that strategy”


Kyuhyun stares at her blankly


“I’m just a smart girl”


“Yeah right”


Sungmin laughs softly


“I keep on analyzing your problem every night before I sleep until I come out of that idea. I told you that I’m smart. I’m just lazy and stubborn but I have brain”


“I know and I’m proud of it. You even know how to make a business proposal. To be honest, it’s much organized compare to my business proposals. You can be a great CEO”


Sungmin shook her head


“Not a chance. I told you that I don’t want to work because I’m too lazy for that. I just want to be a good housewife. I just want to sleep, eat, take care of you and our kids and shop every day”


“You don’t want to party all night at the bar and nightclub?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I’m a good girl now”


“It’s good to hear that”


Kyuhyun embraces Sungmin in his arms


“Baby, I want to see your report card”




“I’m just curious because Hae told me that you didn’t even show it to anyone. I bet you got failing grades that’s why you’re hiding it”


Sungmin shook her head


“I’m hiding my report card because if Umma and Appa saw it, they will bother me to be a CEO like them”


“But you still need to show it to me”


“You don’t believe me? I graduated with honor. I’m the Summa Laude”


Kyuhyun cough


“I’m also a Summa Laude in Harvard University”


Sungmin pinches his nose


“Aw! Minnie!”


“I’m not denying the fact that you’re smarter than me, please don’t remind me about it”


“Why didn’t you study at Harvard University like Hae?”


“Baby, I really hate business. To take my revenge to my parents because they told me that they will cut my allowance if I choose other course, I didn’t accept the scholarship that the Harvard University is giving me. I choose to study in LA rather than in Massachusetts”


Kyuhyun suddenly laugh


“Bad girl”


“I hate them. Why will they force me to be a CEO like them? I just want to party all night and enjoy my life with my friends. But I set that aside for the meantime because I’m studying and I’m sure that Umma will die instantly if I have a failing grade. I just return being a party girl after my graduation”


Sungmin giggles happily


“That’s the reason why Umma sends me back here in Seoul because I always give her head ache and that’s also the reason why we meet again. That’s why you need to be thankful that I become a party girl or else you will never see me again and become your loving wife”


Kyuhyun flicks her forehead


“Minnie, I have brain. I can look for you in LA. That’s possible because Hae is my best friend. I can easily find you, pabo”


Sungmin rest her head on his chest


“Umma and Appa hate me because I always disobey them. Hae Oppa is their favorite because he knows how to obey them. Appa actually wants to disown me in our family, but Oppa stopped him from doing that. I actually don’t want to study in college because they keep on bothering me to take business course”


“If you business course then what do you?”


Sungmin smile and shook her head






Kyuhyun’s eyes widened


“What? You don’t even have a dream?”


“Of course I have”


“Then how are you going to achieve it if you’re not going to study?”


“I only have a simple dream”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow


“And what is that?”


“To become a housewife”


“Is that even a dream?”


Sungmin nods happily


“Come on Minnie. We’re now in the modern generation. Wife also work and they’re no longer called as a housewife because they become a working girl now. Don’t apply the old tradition that the girl will just stay at home and be a housewife”


“But I want that and I still believe that old tradition is better than the modern generation”


“You’re just lazy that’s why you’re telling me that”


Sungmin pouts


“Baby, why do you think there are a lot of men cheating on their wife and divorce is getting higher? That’s because husband and wife lack communication because they are busy working. The intimate time between them is getting lower because they have their own world. Why children today are getting rebellious? Because both parents are working and busy. No one will guide them and teach them a proper way to live a life”


Sungmin stuck her tongue out


“You will never understand that Cho Kyuhyun because you’re always busy”


Sungmin smile and hold his hand


“And for your punishment”


“Yah! What punishment?”


“Because you make me wait for you and you’re not even answering my calls. For switching off your mobile phone and for making me cry and because of that our baby Kyumin becomes sad”


“Minnie, you’re the one who loves to cry. Why do you need to blame it on me?”




Kyuhyun holds his forehead


“I’m not feeling well today Minnie”


Sungmin pouts


“But you still need to do your punishment”




Sungmin smiles brightly. She stands up


“You need to stand up too”


Kyuhyun follows her


“Throw this first”


Kyuhyun throws the empty ice cream cup on the trash can. Sungmin holds his hand


“Give me a piggy back ride and let’s walk around the park”


Kyuhyun sighs


“What will I do to you? Why are you so childish?”


“But I want a piggy back ride and our baby Kyumin wants that too”


“And you keep on using our baby to torture me”


Sungmin shook her head


“I’m not torturing you. Come on baby, please”




Kyuhyun smiles at her and carry his wife on his back


“You hold on tight and don’t play around or else you’ll fall”




Sungmin kissed his cheek


“Let’s go baby”


“Since when did I become a horse? I’m not Siwon”


Kyuhyun sighs and start walking around the park


“Baby, you hate party girls, right?”


Kyuhyun nods


“Then why do you love me?”


“Minnie, I love you since we we’re kids”


“And you still love me even though I become a party girl?”


“Yes because you will always be my Minnie. The little girl who loves to cry, especially when she didn’t get what she wants. The little girl who is so snobbish. The little girl who always frown at me and of course the little girl who loves to pout making me fall for her even more”


“Can you still remember the first time we met?”


Kyuhyun laughs softly


“How can I forget that Minnie? You’re really an evil”


“I’m not”


“Yeah right. How can a five year old girl slap an eight year old boy like me? That’s our first meeting. Do you really love slapping the person you just met? Aigoo! I really cursed Hae for introducing me to you”


“That’s because I hate your face and you tell me that you love me that’s why I slapped you”


Sungmin starts laughing


“Why will you tell someone you just met that you love her? You’re so weird”


“That’s what you call love at first sight. I really can’t understand why I fall for a very snobbish and evil girl like you”


“That’s because you can’t resist me”


“Oh yes. I really can’t resist you. You know that you’re my weakness. I’m falling for you head over heel every day”


“I’m really seductive”


Kyuhyun smirk


“And you’re using it to distract me”


“Because you’re falling for it”


Sungmin smile


“Baby, let me bathe you tomorrow morning, arasso?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Why will you do that? I can take a bath on my own”


“I really need to do that so you will feel better tomorrow”




Sungmin laughs softly


“I perform a certain ritual awhile ago when you’re still sleeping”




“I learn it from Fany Unnie. She learns it from her mom because her mom once told the ritual to Sunny Unnie when she’s carrying her first baby”


“What ritual is that?”


“If you want to pass the pregnancy discomforts to your husband, you need to step over him while he’s sleeping and that’s what I did to you awhile ago”


“Minnie, what the hell did you do to me? It’s so hard you know”


Sungmin laughs hard


“I only did that so you’ll stay at home, but you still go to work though you’re not feeling well. I’m sorry baby, but don’t worry because tomorrow you will be fine again”


“Then why do you need to bathe me?”


“I ask Nanny Ahjumma if she knows about the ritual and she’s the one who told me to bathe you early in the morning so you’ll be back to normal”


“Don’t ever do that to me again. Why are you so evil?”


Sungmin kissed his cheek


“I’m sorry baby. I’m not going to do that to you again”


“But if it’s really hard for you then I’m going to bear it for you”




Kyuhyun nod


“So you won’t experience those pregnancy discomforts anymore and that way being pregnant won’t be too hard for you. Let me bear it for you”


Kyuhyun smile when he realizes that Sungmin is already sleeping


“Aigoo! How can you fall asleep when I’m still talking here?”


Kyuhyun laugh softly


“Good night baby and baby Kyumin. I love both of you so much. Let’s go home so you can take a proper rest”


Kyuhyun walks towards his car. He gently lay down his wife on the passenger’s seat. He puts her seatbelt before going inside the car. He stares at his sleeping wife


“You really make it hard for me today. But thank you for being here always for me. I really can’t make it without you. I love you so much Minnie and please always stay by my side. You may be my weakness, but you’re also my strength”


Kyuhyun moves closer to her and kissed her forehead


“I love you Minnie”


He holds her tummy


“Sleep tight baby Kyumin. Daddy loves you too”


Kyuhyun kissed her tummy


“I’m really lucky to have them in my life”


Kyuhyun smile while staring at Sungmin


“Let’s go home”


Kyuhyun kissed her lips. He wears his seatbelt and start driving his car

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ahhh want to read this again pero huhu di ko sya ma-save offline :--((
korinna26 #2
Chapter 30: I love the ending
ladyrapunzel08 #3
Chapter 28: Tengeneng push and pull to oo hahahahahaha.
ladyrapunzel08 #4
Chapter 27: Kainis ka. Kahit na naiinis ako sayo nakakaawa kaaa. Tengeneng cho kyuhyun ka naman oh
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 25: Bago mi mapigilan ang kasal UMIYAK KA. YESS UMIYAK KAAAA!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #6
Chapter 24: Pagsisihan mo ng mabuti walanghiya kaaa
ladyrapunzel08 #7
Chapter 22: Putanguna mo talaga kyuhyun sarap mong sakalin!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #8
Chapter 21: I shouldn't have read this part. My tearsss my tearrrsss why are u falling like thiiissss :((( CHO KYUHYUN PUTANG INA MO PAKYU KA
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 20: Hay dito talaga nagsimula lahat ng inis ko kay kyuhyun at papa cho. Akala ko ba hindi nya rival si mr. Lee bakit kailangan ng break up? Nakakalito kayo aneeebeee
ladyrapunzel08 #10
Chapter 14: Isa kang kawawang nilalang cho kyuhyun hahaha pero angsakeeet ag papahard to get ang nga tukmol na too huhuhuhu