Lee Sungmin is my Maid (Chapter 13)


Chapter 13



Sungmin and Kyuhyun are back in Seoul after having a one week vacation in Athens, Greece. Sungmin go straight at their room and lay down on the bed


“It’s good to be back in Seoul”


Sungmin smile while lying happily on the soft bed


“I miss our room”


Sungmin rolls on the bed like a kid. Kyuhyun enters their room. He smiles brightly while watching Sungmin rolling on the bed


“My baby is playing like a kid again”


Sungmin stops rolling. She stares at Kyuhyun who is standing at the doorway, watching her happily. Sungmin smiles at her


“I just miss our bed”


She sits on the bed


“Baby, please come here”


Kyuhyun walks towards her. He sits on the bed. Sungmin smile before sitting on his lap


“Are you tired?”


Sungmin nods at him


“But I’m happy that we’re back in Seoul. I miss our house”


Sungmin kisses him


“Thank you for giving me a great vacation in Greece. Maybe we can go in Jamaica or Caribbean next time. I want to go at the beaches there”


Kyuhyun smile, he brushes his fingers on her beautiful face


“Maybe we can spend our honeymoon there”


“Do we still need to have honeymoon?”


Kyuhyun nod


“Can you still consider that as a honeymoon if we already make love for so many times?”


“I think so”


Kyuhyun brushes his nose from hers


“What do you want to do now? Do you want to go out?”


“You don’t have work today?”


“I’ll resume my work tomorrow”


“If that’s the case...”


Sungmin kissed his lips


“Let’s just cuddle on our soft bed and sleep all day”


“You’re being lazy again”


“I’m always lazy and you know that”


Sungmin gives him a sweet kiss before lying on the bed


“Come on Minnie. Don’t sleep”


Kyuhyun smile and start tickling her




Sungmin starts laughing


“Baby, stop it!”


“Don’t sleep”


Sungmin jumps on the bed and starts running around the room happily while Kyuhyun chase her


“Don’t run too fast! Ahhhh!”


Kyuhyun caught her and carry her on his shoulder


“Baby, put me down”


Kyuhyun laid her carefully on their bed while he lay on top of her


“You’re being a naughty baby girl”


Sungmin bites her lips to seduce Kyuhyun. She brushes her fingers on his soft lips


“Baby, have you heard of a fact on how to have a baby boy?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“My friend once told me that in order to have a baby boy, the couple must have the day before the girl’s ovulation and it must be a deep penetration”


Kyuhyun her hair gently


“But are you aware of your ovulation day?”


Sungmin flash a smile and shook her head


“Ok. Then let’s forget about that deep penetration thing. I really don’t care if our first baby is a boy or girl”


Sungmin pouts


“But I want to have twins. Let’s make twins”


Kyuhyun flicks her forehead


“Don’t ever think about it Minnie because it’s not possible”


Kyuhyun was about to kiss Sungmin’s lips when someone knocks on the door


“Aish! What a very wrong timing”


Kyuhyun sighs and immediately jumps off the bed. He walks towards the door and opens it. His nanny bows at him


“Young master, please sign here”


Kyuhyun stares at the paper and smile


“It’s already here?”


Nanny Ahjumma nods happily. Kyuhyun sign on the paper, Nanny Ahjumma hands her a small box


“Thanks Nanny Ahjumma”


Nanny Ahjumma smiles at her young master who looks so excited


“Enjoy your time with her and don’t be a short tempered man while teaching her”


Kyuhyun nods happily. Nanny Ahjumma bows at him before going downstairs. Kyuhyun carefully close the door and walk towards Sungmin who is still lying on their bed




Kyuhyun sits on the bed. Sungmin crawls like a baby towards him. She lay down on Kyuhyun’s lap


“I have a surprise for you”


Kyuhyun smiles at her




Sungmin sits on the bed while staring at him curiously


“Let’s go outside...”


Kyuhyun wears his back pack


“And you’ll find out”


He holds Sungmin’s hand tight and drags her outside their house




Sungmin’s eyes widened while staring at the black Maybach Exelero


“This is for you baby”


Kyuhyun gives her the small box that he’s holding


“Open it”


Kyuhyun told her excitedly. Sungmin opens the small box and stare at the car key. She grabs the key on the box and stares at Kyuhyun with teary eyes


“Is this the car that you bought for me?”


Kyuhyun nods happily and notice her teary eyes


“You don’t like it?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I love it. I love it so much, but that car is so expensive. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to buy me a car”


“Don’t worry because I’ll deduct it from your salary nanny dear”


Sungmin frown


“Just kidding baby”


Kyuhyun holds her face and brushes his nose from hers


“All cars are expensive ok”




Kyuhyun kisses her lips to stop her from talking


“No more buts. Baby, you’re my Princess and that’s the reason why I’m working, so I can give you luxurious life.  What do you want me to do with my money? Do you expect me to hide it? Of course I need to spend it with you because you’re my wife. All my money are yours exclusively”


He holds Sungmin’s hand


“Ok. Let’s start your first day of your driving lesson with your loving and very handsome husband, Cho Kyuhyun”


Sungmin suddenly laugh making Kyuhyun pouts


“Am I not handsome to you?”


Sungmin smile and kissed his lips


“Of course you’re the most handsome man in the whole world”


Kyuhyun smile


“Thank you”


He holds his wife’s hand tightly


“I’ll drive the car at the park. We’re going to drive there because there’s no car passing by and there are only few people there, so it won’t be hard for you”


Sungmin nods happily. She gives the car key to Kyuhyun


“Let’s go baby”


Kyuhyun opens the car door for her


“Please enter carefully my beautiful Princess”


Sungmin giggles happily


“Thank you my dear handsome Prince Charming”


She went inside happily. Kyuhyun gently closes the door. He runs towards the driver’s seat and go inside


“Are you ready?”


Sungmin nods happily


“Ok. Let’s go and learn how to drive”


Sungmin claps like a kid. Kyuhyun laugh softly and start driving the car









Sungmin was sitting nervously at the driver’s seat. Her hands are trembling while holding the steering wheel


“Baby, I don’t think that I can do it. I’m really scared and very nervous at the same time”


Sungmin’s knees start to shake as her heart starts beating fast


“Baby, I’m scared. I can’t do it. Let’s just go home, please”


Sungmin looks at Kyuhyun. She suddenly frowns upon seeing her loving husband busy playing on his PSP




Sungmin shouts, but Kyuhyun ignores her as he continues to play happily




Sungmin grabs the PSP away from Kyuhyun


“Minnie! I’m playing”


Sungmin turns it off and puts it back inside Kyuhyun’s back pack


“Aish! I almost defeat the enemies”


Kyuhyun sighs. He notice Sungmin staring at him with teary eyes


“Don’t look at me like that”


Sungmin bites her lips, controlling her tears from falling and her anger towards Kyuhyun


“YAH! You told me that you’re going to teach me how to drive. Why are you playing on your PSP? Is that game more important than your own wife? Why are you like that?”


Sungmin was about to cry, but Kyuhyun pulls her for an embrace


“I’m sorry baby. Please don’t cry. I’ll focus now my attention to you”


Sungmin looks at him while pouting




Kyuhyun nods at her


“Let’s start driving?”


Sungmin stares at him nervously


“Baby, I’m scared”


Kyuhyun holds her hand tight to take her worries away


“Don’t be because I’m here”


“What if I can’t do it? What if I end up hitting the car somewhere?”


Kyuhyun smiles at her


“Then I’ll buy you a new car”


He gently pinches her nose


“You won’t learn how to drive if you won’t try it. Of course it will be hard and scary at first, but you’ll definitely learn it if you want to learn”


He kissed Sungmin’s lips


“Smile now. You can do it. Fighting!”


Sungmin flashes her brightest smile


“Arasso. Let’s go”


Sungmin closes her eyes and try to recall all the things that Kyuhyun told her. She slowly opens her eyes and takes a deep breath




Sungmin nods


“Just take it slow Minnie”




Sungmin sigh and start driving her car slowly


“That’s right baby. The speed is just fine. Keep going and take it slow”


Kyuhyun smiles at her


“Am I doing the right thing?”


Kyuhyun nods at her. Sungmin suddenly steps on the brake causing Kyuhyun to hit his head on the window




Kyuhyun rubs his head


“Be careful baby. Don’t step on the brake like that”


Kyuhyun notice Sungmin resting her head on the steering wheel


“Baby, are you ok?”


Sungmin slowly raise her head. She looks at Kyuhyun and shook her head


“I’m sorry Kyu, but I suddenly felt so dizzy. I’m not feeling well”


“Are you sick?”


Kyuhyun stares at her with worried face


“I just don’t feel nice. Let’s go home. I want to take a rest. I think I’m still tired because of our long flight”




Kyuhyun went out. He carefully opens the door of the driver’s seat. Sungmin went out. Kyuhyun carries her and lie her down on the passenger’s seat. He closes the door and went inside the driver’s seat. He stares at Sungmin with worried face and start driving the car






Sungmin was lying on the bed while rubbing her forehead


“I don’t feel nice. I think I’m going to die. What’s happening to me?”


Kyuhyun went out from his walk-in closet wearing a corporate attire


“Where are you going?”


“I need to go to work”


Sungmin frown


“You’re going to leave me with my condition?”


“I’m sorry baby, but I really need to go. My Vice-President calls me and it’s an urgent matter. I need to attend three meetings today”


“Baby, don’t go. Just stay here with me”


Sungmin stares at him with puppy eyes


“I’m sick and you need to take care of me”


“It’s not that serious, so don’t over react as if you’re going to die. You’re just tired, so just take a rest and you’ll soon be fine”


Sungmin stand up and walk towards him. She holds her husband’s hand to beg him not to go to his work


“Baby, just stay here please”


Kyuhyun stares at her


“Minnie, I’m trying to control my temper because I don’t want to get mad at you. Don’t make me lose it. Stop being childish, I’m not your playmate. I need to go now”


Sungmin stares at him with teary eyes


“What time are you going home?”


“I don’t know”


Kyuhyun pulls his hand away from her grip and leaves the room


“Why is he like that?”


Sungmin holds her head


“Aigoo! I’m feeling dizzy again”


Sungmin go back on the bed


“I think I’m going to die. What the hell is happening to me?”


Sungmin sigh and lie down on the bed to take a rest








Kyuhyun was taking a ten minutes rest in his office. He closes his eyes to relax after finishing two meetings in Incheon with his Vice-President


“What a very tiring day?”


Kyuhyun sigh while rubbing his temple. His secretary knocks on the door before going inside


“Mr. Cho”


He bows at him


“Everything is ready. They are already waiting for you at the Conference Room 2”


Kyuhyun nods at him


“I’ll be there in a minute. Please bring all of this”


Kyuhyun’s secretary gets all the folders on Kyuhyun’s hands


“Tell them that we will begin in fifteen minutes”


“Arasso Mr. Cho and by the way...”


Kyuhyun’s secretary coughs


“Your wife calls awhile ago when you’re in Incheon. She told me that she leaves a message on your voice mailbox”


Kyuhyun just nods at him. His secretary bows at him before leaving the office. Kyuhyun stares at his mobile phone


“I’ll just turn it on after the meeting”


He puts it inside his drawer and went out of his office. He went inside the Conference Room 2 wherein his Vice President, Junior Executives, Senior Executives and the ten members of the Board of Directors are waiting for him. Kyuhyun sits beside his Vice President


“Let’s start our meeting. I won’t take this long. We’re going to discuss some important matters about our partnership with the Park Corporation”


Kyuhyun begins the presentation. They all look at the white screen. Kyuhyun stand up and start explaining


“I’m investing ten billion dollars for the company’s partnership to the Park Corporation”


Shindong raises his hand to speak


“Yes Mr. Shin?”


Shindong clears his throat before talking


“Mr. Cho, don’t you think that it’s a big money?”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow while staring at one of his Junior Executives


“I think you’re risking a lot of money just to get the deal”


“And what are you trying to imply Mr. Shin?”


“It’s risky to invest ten billion dollars just to get that deal. President Cho, you’re not even sure if you really can get that deal. Mr. Park is hard to convince. What will happen to the Cho Corporation if we lose those ten billion dollars?”


Other Board of Directors nods their head, agreeing to Shindong


“Don’t forget that the Cho Corporation is just an extension of the main company of your father in Australia. If you lose the ten billion contract, you’ll be putting your father’s company in trouble as well”


Shindong added


“And what to do you want to suggest?”


Shindong stares at Kyuhyun whose eyes are only focused on him


“I suggest that we should lower the investment into three billion dollars”


Kyuhyun smirk


“Are you kidding me? How can we get the deal if we will lower the investment into three billion dollars? Do you think we can attract Mr. Park to sign a contract with us in that amount of money? You yourself told me that he’s hard to convince. Tell me Mr. Shin, how I can convince Mr. Park if I’m just going to invest three billion dollars? He will never get that deal because he knows very well that there are a lot of companies who are willing to invest a lot of money just to have a partnership with him”


“But President Cho...”


Kyuhyun raised his hand


“That’s my decision and you can’t do anything about it. For those of you who are not in favor with the ten billion dollars investment, you may leave now”


Shindong left the conference room with some of the executives and eight members of the board




Kyuhyun’s Vice President stares at him


“You’ve only got two members of the board, one Senior Executive and your Vice President in your team”


Kyuhyun smiles at them


“I don’t need some arrogant and bastard people in my team. I only need few and loyal people. I’m the President of this company and they can’t do anything about it. I don’t care if they pull out their shares from the company because the Cho Corporation can still stand without them”


“But if we lose that ten billion dollars then the Cho Corporation will be going down and I’m sure that your father will kick you out on your position as the President of Cho Corporation”


Kyuhyun nod


“I know. But we will not go in a war without weapons and unprepared”


Kyuhyun’s Vice President smiles at him


“That’s the spirit. Don’t worry Mr. President because I’m always here for you and we know that you can do it”


The Senior Executive and the two members of the Board nod in agreement. Kyuhyun smiles at them


“Thank you”


He looks at his Vice President


“Please go to my office later. I need to talk to you. It’s an urgent matter because I’m going to give you a very important job to do”


Kyuhyun takes a deep breath


“I guess our meeting will end here. I’ll just call another meeting if needed”


They bow at Kyuhyun


“I’ll see you in my office within fifteen minutes”




Kyuhyun salutes at them before going out of the Conference Room 2








Sungmin was having a peaceful dinner with Junsu




Sungmin stares at Junsu


“When do you plan to an—“


He notices the ring on her finger


“What is that?”


Junsu points his finger on Sungmin’s engagement ring




Sungmin smiles at Junsu brightly while showing her finger on him


“This is my engagement ring”


Junsu’s eyes widened


“You’re already engaged?”


Sungmin nods happily. Junsu frowns at her


“You didn’t even tell me”


“Do I need to tell you?”


“Of course”


Sungmin raised her eyebrow




“You need to ask my permission first”


Sungmin laughs softly


“Junsu honey, you’re not my boyfriend. We don’t have any relationship at all. We’re just friends who love to flirt with each other, that’s all”


“But you’re mine”


Sungmin shook her head


“Junsu please stop it. I’m getting married soon”


“You want to go at the bar with me?”


Sungmin shook her head


“Just drop me home”


She stares at her watch


“I think my husband is already waiting for me”


Junsu sigh and nods his head




He stands up and went outside, leaving Sungmin alone


“What’s wrong with him? Why is he acting as if something happen between us and he’s my boyfriend”


Sungmin holds her head


“Aigoo! Why am I feeling so dizzy again? It’s killing me”


Sungmin carefully stand up and went outside to chase Junsu





Kyuhyun was driving his car. He gets his mobile phone inside his pocket and opens it to listen to his voice mailbox


Baby...I’m going out with Junsu. We’re going to have dinner together. Don’t worry because he will drop me home. I promise to be home early. Don’t tire yourself. I love you



Kyuhyun’s eyes widened on what he heard


“Who told her to go out with that man?”


Kyuhyun dials Sungmin’s number, but she’s not answering her phone. He keeps on calling her again and again, but Sungmin is not answering any of his call




Kyuhyun throws his mobile phone on the floor


“Aish! I’m really losing my temper on her”


Kyuhyun drives his car fast while frowning





Kyuhyun arrives at his house. He immediately went inside


“Nanny Ahjumma!!!”


Kyuhyun calls his nanny


“Yes young master?”


Kyuhyun stares at her seriously


“Where is my wife?”


“She went somewhere with her friend. His name is Junsu. He fetches young lady here at around five in the afternoon. Young lady told me that they will just go out and have dinner together”


Kyuhyun bites his lips because of anger


“Who told you to allow her to go with him?”


“But young master, young lady also need to go out with her friends sometimes. You don’t need to locked her inside the house”


“I’m her husband and I’m the one who will decide”


“But young master”


“Shut up!”


Kyuhyun sighs. Sungmin arrives at the house. Nanny Ahjumma bows at Kyuhyun when she saw Sungmin running towards Kyuhyun


“Hi baby. Did you miss me? How’s your work?”


Sungmin gives Kyuhyun and back hug. Kyuhyun pushes her away


“Go upstairs and we will talk”


Kyuhyun went upstairs, leaving Sungmin




Sungmin holds her forehead


“Prepare to die Lee Sungmin. I’m in great trouble now”


Sungmin takes a deep breath and went upstairs. She holds the door knob of their room as her hand starts shaking


“I’m really scared now”


Sungmin carefully opens the door and went inside their room. Kyuhyun is walking around, waiting for her




Sungmin walks towards him. Kyuhyun stop walking and stares at her seriously


“Who told you to go out with Junsu?”


“Baby...Junsu and I just...”


Kyuhyun holds her arm tight, pulling her closer to him




Kyuhyun raises his voice because of anger towards Sungmin




Sungmin’s tears start to form in her eyes


“Are you doing this on purpose because you know that I’m jealous of Junsu?”


Sungmin shook her head


“It’s just a friendly date”


Kyuhyun holds her arm tight


“Baby, you’re hurting me”


“I don’t care if that’s a friendly date or not! You didn’t even ask a permission to go out with him”


“I keep on calling you, but your mobile phone is always off”


Kyuhyun pushes her away and go out of the room


“Where are you going?”


Sungmin run outside to follows him. Kyuhyun run downstairs, Sungmin follows him


“Baby! Please stop, where are you going?”


Sungmin chase him outside. Kyuhyun go inside his car. Sungmin blocks his way before he can drive his car


“Yah! If you want to go away!”


Sungmin takes a deep breath to catch some air


“You need to hit me first! Go ahead and do it!”


Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes. Kyuhyun went out and drags her. He pushes Sungmin inside his car and drives it fast


“Baby, don’t drive so fast. I’m scared”


Kyuhyun ignores her. Sungmin was breathing hard


“Aigoo! Why do you walk so fast?”


She holds her tummy because of a sudden pain


“You’re making it hard for me”


Kyuhyun ignores her


“Are you listening to me?”


“SHUT UP!!!”


Kyuhyun shouts


“I told you not to go out with him! Is that hard to understand?”


“You’re not allowing me to go out with boys”


“That’s because I’m jealous”


“Why are you so possessive? I’m not doing anything”


Sungmin hits her head on the dashboard when Kyuhyun suddenly stops the car




Sungmin stares at him while holding her head


“Why did you stop the car?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer. He went outside, leaving Sungmin alone


“Where on earth is he going?”


Sungmin holds her tummy


“Aigoo! Why my tummy does needs to ache at time like this? Aish!”


Sungmin opens the door and went out




Sungmin shouts at the top of her lungs but Kyuhyun ignores her. He didn’t even look back. He just continue to walk as if he’s not hearing Sungmin shouting at him




Sungmin shouts


“Aish! He’s killing me”


Sungmin start walking to chase him


“YAH! Don’t walk so fast! I’m wearing heels ok!”


Sungmin keeps on walking to follow him


“Why are you following me? Go away”


“Kyu, let’s talk and not like this”


Sungmin was about to reach his hand, but Kyuhyun starts walking so fast again


“Are you going to kill me? Honestly”


Sungmin sigh


“Baby, please. I’m tired of walking, have mercy on me. Let me explain and let’s talk about this. I know that I hurt you, but I’m really sorry”


Kyuhyun ignores her. Sungmin stops walking


“Why are you ignoring me? I know that I hurt you, but don’t hurt me like this. I’m not feeling well don’t you know that?”


Kyuhyun stops walking. He turns around and stares at Sungmin seriously


“You’re not feeling well? You’re telling me that you’re not feeling well”


Sungmin nods. Kyuhyun flash a sarcastic smile


“But you can flirt with boys with that condition”


“I didn’t flirt with Junsu! We just eat dinner outside”


“That’s still the same”


“I’m sorry”


“I don’t care”


Sungmin starts walking towards him


“Baby, let’s go home and talk about it”


She holds Kyuhyun’s hand, but he pushes her away


“Don’t touch me flirt! You’re such a player and you always play on me”


“I’m not playing on you”


“Yeah right. I don’t believe you anymore. You never love me at all because if you do you will never disobey me. You just love to play around because you know that I love you and you’re using that as my weakness”


Sungmin shook her head


“That’s not true. Kyu, I lo—“


Kyuhyun raised his hand to stop her from talking


“Shut up! I don’t want to hear anything from you. Go away. I don’t want to see you anymore. I’ll just send your things to your brother’s house tomorrow morning. I don’t want to see such a flirt girl like you”


“But I’m not flirting around”


Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes


“I just want to go out with Junsu. He’s my friend and I’m just bored at home. I’m sorry”


“Just go away”


Sungmin shook her head


“I don’t want to go away. I want to stay with you. Please don’t push me away from you. Baby, I’m sorry. Please don’t do this to me”


Kyuhyun smirk


“Why do you keep on holding on? Because of my money? What a very social climber girl?”


Sungmin slaps him


“I never love your money. Is that really what you think about me?”


“You’re a , flirt, party girl and a social climber. I can’t understand why I love such kind of girl like you”


Kyuhyun start walking towards his car. Sungmin follows him


“Kyu, please stop walking for awhile. I’m already tired”


“I told you not to follow me! I told you to go away!”




Kyuhyun ignores her. He walks fast and goes back inside his car and start driving it fast, leaving Sungmin behind


“Aigoo! He just drags me along so he can leave me here?”


Sungmin sighs


“Where the hell am I?”


Sungmin sits on the ground and start crying like a child


“Where am I going now?”


Sungmin slaps herself


“Why are you so stupid Lee Sungmin?”


Sungmin keeps on crying. The rain starts to pour




Sungmin stand up


“What am I going to do now? I don’t even have money to ride a cab”


Sungmin start crying again as the rain continues to pour. Sungmin removes her shoes. She drops her head and start walking on the street





Sungmin arrives at home soaking wet. She falls on Nanny Ahjumma’s arm


“Young lady, what happen to you?”


“Where is Kyu?”


Nanny ahjumma stares at her with worried face


“Young master is not here. I thought you are together?”


Sungmin shook her head. Nanny Ahjumma calls Kyuhyun’s driver to carry Sungmin


“I’ll prepare her warm bath. She needs to take a bath and change her clothes before she catch fever. Please carry her upstairs”


Nanny Ahjumma goes upstairs to prepare Sungmin’s warm bath. Driver Ahjusshi carries Sungmin on his arms and follow Nanny Ahjumma upstairs






Donghae stares at Kyuhyun as he drinks his third can of beer


“Broken hearted?”


Donghae grabs the beer away from Kyuhyun’s hand


“What happen to you and my sister?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Come on Kyu. You’re not going to act like that if you didn’t fight with her”


Kyuhyun stares at Donghae with teary eyes


“Hae, where did I go wrong?”




“I give everything to her, but why is she hurting me like this? She just go out with Junsu”


Donghae’s eyes widened


“She didn’t even ask permission to me. He just leaves a message on my voice mailbox. I can’t understand why does she needs to go out with other man if she’s already getting married soon”


“You know what?”




Donghae stares at his watch


“You need to go home and talk to her. You will never solve anything like this. I’m sure Minnie is waiting for you, so you need to go home now”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I don’t care about her anymore”


“Oh really?”


Kyuhyun stand up


“I’m going at the bar and flirt around”


“Don’t ever think about it Kyu”


“Don’t you dare follow me Hae or I’ll knock you down”


Donghae shook his head


“Why are you doing this?”


“You’re the one who told me that the best way to drift my problems away from my mind is go at the bar”


“But I didn’t tell you to flirt around”


Kyuhyun pats Donghae’s shoulder


“That’s still the same. I’ll let her wait for me this time. If she can flirt around with other men then I should do the same to be fair”


“What kind of mind do you have?”


Kyuhyun smiles at him


“Come on Hae. Let’s go together. You don’t have a girlfriend, so why are you afraid?”


“FYI Cho Kyuhyun, you already have a wife”


“I don’t care about her. She will just nag nonstop and I’m used to it”


Kyuhyun pulls Donghae


“Come on. Let’s go. Let’s just try it. Let’s just have a party all night and flirt with girls. We’re just going to do this once and it will help us relax. It’s a bit tiring to work. We deserve to have fun”


Donghae smile


“But don’t you ever sleep with other woman or else I’ll punch you”


Kyuhyun laugh


“Flirt is different from ”


“Pabo! That’s still the same. Just don’t be so or you’ll end up impregnating other woman”


“Pabo! Come on let’s go. I’ll drive behind you”




Donghae ruffles Kyuhyun’s hair


“Aish! Don’t touch my hair!”


Donghae laugh like a drunken man before going inside his car. He blows the horn before driving it. Kyuhyun smile and went inside his car. He heard his mobile phone ringing


“So, she’s already home”


He turns off his mobile phone and start driving his car, following Donghae from behind





Sungmin sigh and sits on the bed


“He turns off his mobile phone?”


Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes


“Where is he? I’m already worried”


Sungmin dials Donghae’s number but her brother’s phone is also off




Sungmin stand up and start walking around the room


“Where am I going to look for him?”


Sungmin dials Kyuhyun’s number again


“Your call has been transferred to a voice mailbox number”


Sungmin takes a deep breath and leaves a message. She hangs up and sits on the bed


“He’s really mad at me and it’s all my fault”


Sungmin stares at the clock sadly


“Where are you baby? It’s already twelve midnight. I’m really worried now”


Sungmin holds her head


“I’m not feeling well”


She stares at Kyuhyun’s picture on her mobile phone


“Baby, where are you? Please go home now. Please”


Sungmin sigh and start calling Kyuhyun again, hoping that he will turn on his phone and answers her call





It was already three in the morning. Sungmin is still awake because she’s waiting for Kyuhyun to arrive. She stops walking when she heard someone opens the door. She stares at Kyuhyun who carefully went inside


“Where have you been?”


Kyuhyun stares at Sungmin’s pale face


“I’m so worried about you”


Sungmin hugs him, but Kyuhyun pushes her away


“Don’t touch me”


Kyuhyun notice the tears that start forming in Sungmin’s eyes while staring at the kiss marks on his neck and the lipstick on his lips


“Where have you been?”


Kyuhyun smile


“I have a party at the club and flirt with some girls”


He stares at Sungmin


“Does it hurt Minnie?”


He holds Sungmin’s face


“Does it hurt to know that your husband is flirting with other women? Are you now feeling what am I feeling whenever you flirt with other men?”


Kyuhyun smirk


“We’re fair now”


Kyuhyun kissed her lips and smile


“You know baby? I met a girl who is a great kisser like you. But she’s much better than you and we almost end up on bed. Maybe she’s also much better than you on bed”


Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes


“OMO! Why are you crying?”


Kyuhyun teases her




Kyuhyun stares at her blankly


“Are you doing this to me?”


Sungmin starts crying like a kid


“I know that I hurt you, but why do you need to hurt me this much?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer


“Why do I always end up crying because of you? Why are you doing this to me? All I did was to eat dinner with Junsu outside, but why...”


Sungmin’s tears keep on falling from her eyes


“Why do you need to kiss other girl and flirt with them? Did I really hurt you that much for you to hurt me hundred times as much as I hurt you? Did I really commit a big crime for you to do this to me?”


“Minnie, will you please stop nagging around? I’m tired and I want to sleep. I don’t have time to listen to your drama”


Sungmin keeps on crying like a kid


“Kyu, do you really love me or you’re just playing on me?”


Sungmin shows her finger on him. Kyuhyun stares at her engagement ring


“Is this even true? Do you really want to marry me because you love me or you just want to marry me so you can play on me whenever you want?”


Sungmin wipes her tears and went inside her closet. She grabs some of her things


“Where are you going?”


“I just wait for you to go home so I know that you’re safe. You told me awhile ago that you don’t want me to stay right?”


Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes again


“Let’s just have our own world for the meantime”


Sungmin holds her head because she feels so dizzy again


“Minnie, please don’t go”


Kyuhyun holds her hand, but Sungmin pulls it away from his grip. She grabs her luggage and leaves the room


“Aish! Go ahead and leave. Do you think I’m going to chase you? No way”


Kyuhyun lay down on the bed. He gets his mobile phone in his pocket. He turns it on and listens to his voice mailbox



Baby, I’m sorry. I know that you’re mad at me and I hurt you so badly, but please go home now because I’m really worried about you. I know that you’re not going to be happy when you see me in your house. I’m just going to wait for you to arrive, just to make sure that you’re safe. I’ll leave your house if I already see you because I can already breathe properly knowing that you’re safe. Let’s just talk if you already want to talk to me. I can always wait. I’m really sorry baby, but I really love you and not your money...please go home now, arasso?



Kyuhyun sighs


“Aish! What the hell did I just do to her? Aigoo!”


Kyuhyun sits on the bed and notice something on the table. Sungmin left all the credit cards that he gives her as well as the car key. He saw a big envelope and opens it. He was shock to see money inside


“Aish! Who told her to pay me?”


Kyuhyun went inside her walk-in closet. Sungmin left all the things that Kyuhyun bought for her. Those expensive clothes, shoes, jewelries and bags, she left all of those. She only brings the things that are originally from her


“Why am I so stupid?”


Kyuhyun sigh


“Aish! How am I going to bring her back now?”


Kyuhyun takes a deep breath and calls Donghae to ask for a help

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ahhh want to read this again pero huhu di ko sya ma-save offline :--((
korinna26 #2
Chapter 30: I love the ending
ladyrapunzel08 #3
Chapter 28: Tengeneng push and pull to oo hahahahahaha.
ladyrapunzel08 #4
Chapter 27: Kainis ka. Kahit na naiinis ako sayo nakakaawa kaaa. Tengeneng cho kyuhyun ka naman oh
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 25: Bago mi mapigilan ang kasal UMIYAK KA. YESS UMIYAK KAAAA!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #6
Chapter 24: Pagsisihan mo ng mabuti walanghiya kaaa
ladyrapunzel08 #7
Chapter 22: Putanguna mo talaga kyuhyun sarap mong sakalin!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #8
Chapter 21: I shouldn't have read this part. My tearsss my tearrrsss why are u falling like thiiissss :((( CHO KYUHYUN PUTANG INA MO PAKYU KA
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 20: Hay dito talaga nagsimula lahat ng inis ko kay kyuhyun at papa cho. Akala ko ba hindi nya rival si mr. Lee bakit kailangan ng break up? Nakakalito kayo aneeebeee
ladyrapunzel08 #10
Chapter 14: Isa kang kawawang nilalang cho kyuhyun hahaha pero angsakeeet ag papahard to get ang nga tukmol na too huhuhuhu