Lee Sungmin is my Maid (Chapter 26)



Chapter 26



Kyuhyun went at Lee Corporation early in the morning to talk to Sungmin


“I’m sorry Sir”


“I need to talk to Ms. Lee Sungmin”


The security guards block his way


“Please let me in. I really need to talk to her. It’s an urgent matter. Please, let me in. I’m just going to talk to her for a minute”


“Do you have any appointment?”


Kyuhyun shook his head sadly


“I’m sorry Sir, but you can’t enter. We won’t let you in. We’re just following the rules”


“I’m Cho Kyuhyun”


“We don’t care”


Kyuhyun sighs


“And beside Ms. Lee is not yet here”


“What time is she going to arrive?”


The security guards shook their head


“Arasso. I’m just going to wait for her here outside”


Kyuhyun walks away and sit at the corner to wait for Sungmin





Sungmin was standing at the living room, staring at the window sadly while talking to someone over the phone


“I’m going to wait for you baby”


“I’m just fixing something and then I’m going there to fetch you so we can eat breakfast together”


Sungmin nods. Youngwoon sits on the bed while packing his things


“After we have our breakfast, we need to go at our couturier to fit our clothes for the last time for our wedding tomorrow”


“Ok. I’m going to leave Siwon’s condo in a minute. Wait for me baby. I love you”


Youngwoon hangs up. Sungmin sighs and stares at the window blankly. She was thinking about Kyuhyun and her wedding to Youngwoon. She was thinking so deeply that she didn’t even notice her brother walking towards her. Donghae gives her a back hug


“Thinking about Kyuhyun?”


Sungmin didn’t answer


“Seriously Minnie, why are you doing this? I just can’t understand you”


Sungmin turns around to face her brother




Donghae notice her sad face


“What really happen to Kyu?”


Donghae stares at her


“Let me ask you something first. Does the truth will change everything?”


Sungmin stares at him blankly


“Are you going to call off the wedding once you find out what really happen to Kyu? Are you going to stop hurting yourself, Kyu and Youngwoon like this? Are you’re going back to Kyu because of pity?”


Sungmin didn’t answer. She just drops her head


“Why can’t you answer me? Tell me Minnie, what happen to you? Does everything still matter to you? Are you doing this to have revenge?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I never want to have revenge though he hurts me that badly before”


“At the end of the day you alone can make it happen. It’s not Kyu or Youngwoon, but you. I hope you will make the right choice Minnie. I don’t want to see you crying in the end. I love you so much and I don’t want to see you hurting yourself just to pretend that everything is fine when deep inside you’re already breaking your heart. Your decision matters. Please think properly. Listen to your heart so your brain can follow, so you will stop hurting not only yourself but also Kyu and Youngwoon”


Donghae pats Sungmin’s cheek before leaving. Sungmin stares at the window


“Why is this happening?”


Tears start forming in her eyes


“Why do we need to end up like this? Why do we need to meet each other again and hurt each other again? Why can’t I forget you no matter how hard I try? Why can’t I stop loving you no matter how hard I lie and fool myself?”


Sungmin drops her head as tears start falling from her eyes






Sungmin and Youngwoon were eating their breakfast peacefully. Sungmin notice Youngwoon staring at her


“Is there any problem with my face?”


Youngwoon shook his head


“I just want to ask something”


“What is it?”


Youngwoon smile


“Why are you still beautiful even if you’re wearing eyeglasses?”


Sungmin just blush. Youngwoon clears his throat


“But I don’t remember you having an eye defect. Why are you wearing eyeglasses? I mean, this is my first time seeing you wearing eyeglasses”


Sungmin look away. She drops her head and continue eating


“What really happen to your eyes? I’m worried. Why is it puffy?”


Sungmin looks at Youngwoon’s worried face


“Did you cry?”




Sungmin shook his head


“Of course not”


She flashes a weak smile




Sungmin drinks her juice before continuing


“When I wake up awhile ago, my eyes are all puffy. I bet an insect bites me during my sleep”


Sungmin lied


“Oh...I see”


“But I’m fine”


Youngwoon just nods at her. There was a moment of silence between them. Youngwoon coughs to break it




Youngwoon stares at Sungmin who is staring at the window


“Are you not going to work today?”


“I will after we see our couturier”


“I’m going to drop you in your office”


Sungmin stares at him and shook her head


“No need”


“Why not? It’s ok with me”


Sungmin shook her head again


“I already talk about it to my driver. Just let him drop me. Don’t worry because I’m going to be safe. I mean, I just want you to rest for our wedding tomorrow. I will just attend a meeting later then I’ll go home after”


“Ok. Just don’t stress yourself”


Youngwoon holds her hand


“I’m really excited for our wedding tomorrow. Umma and Appa will arrive tonight”


Sungmin smiles at him, but Youngwoon can see the tears that are forming from her eyes


“Don’t worry Minnie because everything will be alright”


Sungmin nods at him


“I hope so”


Sungmin whispers. Youngwoon stares at her. All he can see is sadness and pain


“I’m going to do everything just to see you happy. You don’t need to worry baby. I’m telling you that everything will be alright”


Youngwoon manage to smile for Sungmin, but behind those smiles are great pain and sadness that he’s feeling on that moment. He loves Sungmin so much, but he needs to let her go thought it’s really painful for him to let go of the girl he loves most. He needs to do it for the sake of Sungmin’s happiness. He doesn’t want to be selfish. He doesn’t want Sungmin to live her life in sadness and regrets. He knew that Sungmin love her, but her love for Kyuhyun is different and her heart will always beat only for Kyuhyun





Donghae’s eyes widened while staring at Kyuhyun


“What are you doing here?”


Kyuhyun raised his head to look at the owner of the voice






Donghae sighs and sits beside him


“Of course I know that you’re sitting. I’m not blind”


Donghae flicks Kyuhyun’s forehead


“What I mean is, what are you doing here outside?”


Donghae ask him curiously


“Are you asking the people passing by to give you alms?”


Kyuhyun frowns at him




Donghae laughs to


“Let me guess it baby Kyu”


Donghae flashes a smile


“You’re waiting for Minnie, right?”


Kyuhyun answers him with a nod


“Why don’t you want to go inside and wait for her there? The weather is cold you know and you might catch cold here”


Donghae stand up and holds Kyuhun’s hand pulling him up, but Kyuhyun doesn’t want to stand up


“Yah! Just go with me. Let’s go inside and wait for Minnie”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Why are you being hard headed again? Aish!”


Donghae scratch his head. He stares at Kyuhyun while frowning


“Are you not really going inside?”


Kyuhyun nods at him




Donghae sit down beside him


“I’m going to join you here”


Kyuhyun stares at him


“Why do you need to join me? You supposed to be working. Why are you being lazy? Did Minnie pass her laziness to you?”


Donghae hugs him like a kid


“Why are you hugging me? You’re such a gay”


Kyuhyun pushes him, but Donghae don’t want to let go of him


“Let go of me you gay fish! Aish! I’m going to tell Hyukkie that you’re such a gay!”


Kyuhyun was shock when Donghae kissed his cheek




Kyuhyun stares at Donghae who is smiling brightly at him




Donghae laughs softly, teasing him


“Do you want me to kiss you on your lips?”


Donghae told him happily. Kyuhyun takes a deep breath




Donghae starts laughing. Kyuhyun hits Donghae’s shoulder


“Aw! Why are you so grumpy?”


“Yah! Stop laughing”


Donghae stops laughing and smiles at him. He ruffles Kyuhyun’s hair happily


“That’s the Cho Kyuhyun I know. Welcome back to yourself baby Kyu”


Kyuhyun pushes his hand away and frowns


“Pabo! Don’t touch my hair”


Donghae smiles brightly and ruffles Kyuhyun’s hair again


“Stop it fish!”


Kyuhyun hits Donghae’s hand


“Aw! That was so rude brat young master”


They stare at each other and smile




Donghae raised his eyebrow while staring at Kyuhyun


“Are you going inside now?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I’m only going inside if Minnie let me in”


He looks at Donghae


“Just go inside now. It’s cold here and you need to work. Don’t be lazy fish. We’re going to resume some of our meetings when I already go back as the President of Cho Corporation”


Donghae nods while smiling


“Then I will wait for that President Cho. You need to hurry and be the President of Cho Corporation again because you’re missing a lot of things. You’re the one who’s being lazy, pabo. Taking a break for three years? I really can’t believe it”


“Just go inside now and start working”


Donghae stares at his watch


“It’s still early”


Kyuhyun stares at his watch to check the time


“Ten in the morning is not early. It’s already late in the morning. Stop being lazy fish”


Donghae sighs


“It’s still early. Let’s have a little chat. It’s been a long time you know and I miss having a little chat with you. I become a loner for three years because you isolate yourself from the world for three years”


Donghae stares at Kyuhyun who start playing with a stone that he just found on the ground


“What is your plan now?”


Kyuhyun stop playing




He takes a deep breath and stares at the sky


“I really don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I still deserve Sungmin’s love after all that I did to her. I know that Minnie will never forgive me and will never love me anymore. The only thing that I can do is talk to her”


Tears start forming in Kyuhyun’s eyes


“I’m just going to ask for forgiveness. I’m happy if she will forgive me. If she will choose that man instead of me, then I’m going to be happy for her though it’s painful. Sungmin’s happiness is more important than my own happiness. I don’t know Hae. I really don’t know what to do. I don’t know if fighting for her is the right thing to do. How can I fight if I know that I’m just going to hurt her? How can I fight knowing that I don’t have place in her heart? It’s already late Hae...it’s already late”


Kyuhyun stares at him. Donghae can see a great sadness and pain in his eyes


“Minnie is my strength and my great weakness. I just want to love her again, but that thing is no longer possible”


Kyuhyun flash a weak smile and just continue to play with the stone, holding back his tears





Sungmin was standing inside a big dressing room. She was staring at the mirror sadly. She was staring at herself sadly


“I told you honey, your wedding dress is really the best. You look like a Princess”


Sungmin flash a weak smile on her couturier


“I’m just going to call you groom. I’m sure you’re going to love his tuxedo”


The couturier told her happily before going out. Sungmin sadly sighs and sits on the couch. She stares at her engagement ring sadly


“I wonder what happen to Kyu. He looks so tired and skinny. Why will he give up being the President of Cho Corporation? He works hard on it, but why will he give it up that easy? Did he do something stupid to disappoint Appa and kicks him out of his position?”


Sungmin was thinking so deep when Youngwoon enters the dressing room




Sungmin stares at him. Youngwoon walks towards her


“Why are you not wearing your tuxedo? You’re done fitting it?”


Sungmin stands up. Youngwoon holds her hands tight


“I’m going to tell you something”


Youngwoon told her. Sungmin stares at her blankly


“You’re really beautiful. You’re such a beautiful bride. You have a pure heart. Every man will love you. A beautiful and very precious bride like you deserve to have a groom that will make you happy forever and will always put a smile on your face and that groom is not me”


“Baby, what are you talking about?”


Youngwoon flashes a bright smile for Sungmin




He brushes his fingers on her beautiful face


“Stop fooling yourself. You still love him, right?”


Tears start falling from Sungmin’s eyes


“I love you Youngwoon”


Youngwoon shook his head. He holds Sungmin’s face between his hands


“I know, but your love for your ex-fiancé will never change. You love me, but you love him more than me”


Youngwoon wipes her tears


“You’re crying because of him. You smile, but it’s not a happy smile. You’re suffering so much because you keep on pretending that you don’t love him anymore. I don’t want you to hurt yourself. I want to see you smiling. A happy smile and not a fake smile and he’s the only one who can bring back those smiles on your face”


“I’m sorry Youngwoon. I’m so sorry”


Youngwoon shook his head




He holds her lips


“It’s not your fault Minnie. You don’t need to apologize because it’s not your fault. It’s my fault. It’s my fault because I love you so much. I have loved you so much even though I know that you still love him and your love for him will never change. It will always remain pure and true. It’s not your fault Minnie. It’s not your fault that you love him and not me”


Sungmin holds Youngwoon’s face while tears start falling from her eyes again


“I’m sorry Youngwoon. I’m sorry for hurting you”


Youngwoon controls his tears from falling. He doesn’t want to cry in front of Sungmin because he knows that it will just make her sad


“I’m going to be ok. I told you before and I’m going to tell it to you for the last time”


Youngwoon smiles brightly


“Everything will be alright. You don’t need to worry anymore Minnie. I’m setting you free. Find your real happiness and you can find it with him”


“How about you?”


Youngwoon shook his head


“I’m going to be ok. I can take care of myself. It’s really sad to let go of the girl that I love most, but I don’t want to fight for you. People might think that I don’t love you that much because I’m giving you up that easy without even fighting for you. But, how can I fight knowing that if I do that, I will just end up hurting you? I will give up the fight because seeing you happy with the person you love most is enough for me to win the battle. Your happiness matters most”


Youngwoon hugs Sungmin tight


“I love you Minnie. I’m setting you free because I love you so much. I’m letting you go because I want to see you happy. Letting go of the person you love for the sake of her own happiness is not being coward, you’re just being brave to sacrifice your own happiness just to see her happy with the person she really love”


Youngwoon stares at her and wipes her tears


“Stop crying. I want to see you smiling. You can do that for me right?”


Sungmin nods at him. She wipes her tears and flashes a bright smile


“You need to promise me that you’re not going to hurt yourself like this again. Don’t waste my effort Minnie. I want to see you happy with him. That’s a promise, arasso?”


Sungmin nods at him


“Thank you Youngwoon”


Youngwoon kissed her cheek


“I finally understand why you don’t want me to kiss your lips. Please take care of yourself and always be happy with him. I’m happy knowing that you’re happy. I love you so much Minnie, but I need to say good bye”


Youngwoon hugs her for the last time. He turns around and starts walking away without turning his back. He walks away while tears keep on falling from his eyes because he will be forever walking away from the girl he loves most






It was already two in the afternoon when Sungmin arrives at Lee Corporation. She was sitting inside the car while staring at Kyuhyun who is still waiting outside, sitting at the corner


“What is he doing here?”


Sungmin went out of the car. Kyuhyun saw her




Kyuhyun calls her, but Sungmin just ignores him as she starts walking. Kyuhyun immediately stand up to block Sungmin’s way before she can enter inside the company




Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun’s hand. He was holding her arm to stop her from walking inside. Kyuhyun immediately let go of her


“I’m sorry...I just want to talk to you”


Sungmin raised her eyebrow as she stares at Kyuhyun


“You want to talk to me?”


Kyuhyun answers her with a nod






Kyuhyun stares at Sungmin sadly


“You want to explain?”


Sungmin bites her lips to control her tears from falling


“You want to talk to me because you want to explain yourself for pushing me away from your life and for not listening to me?”


Kyuhyun just nod. Sungmin smirks


“I’m sorry Mr. Cho, but I don’t have time to listen to you”


She stares at her watch


“I have a lot of things to do and I can’t put them aside just to listen to every nonsense things that you’re going to tell me”


Sungmin walks away, but Kyuhyun follows her


“Minnie! Please, just listen to me”


Sungmin ignores him and went inside. Kyuhyun follows him, but the security guards block his way and hold his arms tight


“Let go of me! I need to talk to her!”


“You can’t go inside. You don’t have any appointment to Ms. Lee”




Kyuhyun struggles hard to escape from them, but they are holding him tight




Kyuhyun shouts




Sungmin ignores him as she went inside the elevator. The body guards drag him away and push him outside. Kyuhyun bows his head and sits at the corner. He takes a deep breath




He raised his head and stares at the sky


“I’m going to wait for you hear. I don’t care if it’s cold outside or what. I’m going to wait for you the whole day until you finally find time to talk to me”


Kyuhyun rubs his hands and put it inside the pocket of his leather jacket. The weather starts to get cold and the sky starts to get dark. The sun seems to be shy to show its beauty that’s why it’s hiding on the dark clouds. Kyuhyun stares at the sky and watches the rain pouring slowly





Sungmin was staring at the window, watching the rain that keeps on pouring hard


“Oh dear, it’s raining and it only makes my day so gloomy”


She was thinking about Kyuhyun. The memory of her begging Kyuhyun to listen to what she’s going to say is going back slowly. She will never forget that day. It was also raining hard on that day. It was the day that she say goodbye to the man she loves most and it is also the day wherein heaven cry a river with her


“That painful memory is going back. Why do I need to remember it whenever it rains?”


Sungmin stares at the window sadly. She was a humming a nursery rhyme that she always sings to Kyuhyun whenever he will go to sleep. Her tears slowly falls from her eyes while crying. Her heart is aching thinking about him. She wants to forget about him and forget everything that happens between them. She wants to forget Kyuhyun completely, but she just can’t do it. She can’t understand why she can’t do it. When she saw him at the party, she felt so sad and worried at the same time


“He’s not taking care of his self. I bet he always makes his self busy and he always skip meals that’s why he looks skinny and tired. I told him to take care of his self, but he doing?”


Sungmin sighs


“I thought he will marry Seohyun? But what really happen to them? What really happen to Kyu when I left Seoul? Oppa doesn’t even want to tell it to me”


Sungmin immediately wipes her tears when someone knocks on the door. Her secretary went inside


“Ms. Lee”


Sungmin turns around




Sooyoung stares at her sadly


“Mr. Cho is still outside”


Sungmin’s eyes widened


“I told you to tell the security guards to send him away”


“But he doesn’t want to leave. We can’t just send him away. The rain is pouring so hard and...”


Sooyoung sighs


“He just doesn’t want to go away. He told us that he will only go away if you talk to him”


Sungmin sighs and stares at the window


“No matter what happen, don’t let him in. I don’t care if he freezes to death outside. It’s his decision not mine. I didn’t tell him to wait for me. Why is he stupid?”


Sooyoung coughs


“Ms. Lee...It’s not that I’m meddling in your business, but I guess you should talk to him”


Sungmin looks at her


“Why should I talk to him?”


“Misunderstanding can only be fix through good communication”


Sungmin stares at her watch; it’s already five thirty in the afternoon


“I think he loves you so much”


Sungmin frowns at her


“Oh...I just heard him shouting awhile ago”


Sooyoung flashes a weak smile


“What time is my next meeting?”


Sungmin asks her secretary. Sooyoung immediately scans her planner


“Your meeting with Mr. Park will start at six thirty in the evening”


Sooyoung smiles at her boss


“It only means that you still have time to talk with him”


Sungmin frowns again


“Why are you so talkative Ms. Choi?”


Sooyoung holds her lips. She bows at Sungmin before going out of her office. Sungmin sits on her chair. She opens her drawer and gets her pink notebook. She scans it slowly and smiles at her drawing of a baby wearing a pumpkin costume


“Your daddy is really hard headed. He never learns at all”


Sungmin holds her tummy


“Baby Kyumin, I miss you. Maybe if you just live, your daddy and I will not be like this. We will never push each other away and hurt each other like this. I’m sorry, but I just can’t forget the hardship that your daddy brings into my life. I’m not having revenge and I’m not mad at him at all. I’m just being stupid of hurting him like this. I don’t know, but I’m still afraid to accept him again into my life. I just want to forget him completely because we don’t deserve each other. I don’t deserve to be his wife because I hurt him and leave him. Maybe I don’t deserve his love anymore. I hope you understand that mommy is not yet ready to accept daddy in her life again. But I hope that if ever there will be a second chance between us, I hope it’s not yet too late”


Sungmin stares at her drawing and continue scanning her notebook. She stares at Kyuhyun’s picture


“Pabo! What the hell are you doing to yourself? I told you to take care of yourself, but what did you do? Do you think I’m happy seeing you like that?”


Sungmin wipes the tears that fall from her eyes


“It’s really painful to see you again, that’s the truth. I want to hug you and kiss you, but I can’t. We can’t live the way we live before because we already hurt each other that much”


Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun’s picture sadly


“We need to say goodbye to each other properly. I hope you will forget about me as much as I want to forget about you”


Sungmin closed her pink notebook and put it back in her drawer. She closes it carefully and stand up. She went out of her office


“Are you going to talk to him?”


Sooyoung asks Sungmin happily. Sungmin coughs


“Ms. Choi, please make sure that everything is ready for my meeting with Mr. Park later”


Sungmin told her before going out


“Seriously, Ms. Lee is still cute even if she’s serious and mad. Wait a second, she’s getting married tomorrow right? How come she’s here working all day?”


Sooyoung just shook her head and went out to prepare everything at Conference Room 19 for Sungmin’s meeting with Mr. Park





Sungmin walks at the lobby slowly. She saw Kyuhyun outside, watching the rain that keeps on pouring hard while waiting for him


“So, the situation favors me now. I’m going to let you feel the pain that I felt during that night. Pabo! You shouldn’t come here. Why do you always need to make it hard for me Cho Kyuhyun?”


Sungmin told herself before going out of the building


“I’m giving you thirty minutes to talk”


Kyuhyun raised his head and stares at Sungmin who is standing beside him. She stares at her watch


“Your time starts now”


Kyuhyun stand up and stares at her


“I’m sorry Minnie”


Sungmin raised her eyebrow


“Don’t you think it’s too late for you to ask for forgiveness? Are you feeling guilty when you find out the truth that I’m not the one who spies on you but Mr. Shin? Does your conscience keep on eating you for three years because you didn’t even listen to me?”


Tears start forming in Sungmin’s eyes


“Does it bother you a lot that’s why you become like that?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer


“Why can’t you answer me?”


Kyuhyun kneel in front of her


“Do you think everything will change if you kneel down in front of me?”


“I’m sorry”


“It’s too late Cho Kyuhyun. You hurt me so much and it’s too late to ask for forgiveness. You can’t do anything even if you beg in front of me”


Sungmin was about to walk away, but Kyuhyun holds her hands tight


“I’m sorry Minnie”


Tears start falling from Sungmin’s eyes while staring at Kyuhyun


“Why are you doing this to me? I beg for you before. I kneel in front of you, but you didn’t listen to me. You left me suffering alone when I lost our baby. You didn’t even cry with me. You abandon me during the time that I needed you most. You hurt me so much and you keep on hurting me, don’t you know that?”


“I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say and what to do for you to forgive me. I’m sorry Minnie. I’m sorry for everything. For all the pain and suffering that bring into your life, I’m sorry. I know that you will never accept me again into your life. I’m just asking you to forgive me”


Kyuhyun get something inside his pocket and gives it to Sungmin


“Minnie, can you give me another chance to love you? Can we just start over again? Please give me another chance to prove you how much I love you”


Sungmin stares at the ring that Kyuhyun was holding in front of her. Sungmin gets it and throws it away


“I’m going to get married tomorrow and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. I want to forget about you and there’s no way I’m going to go back in your arms again. I hate you so much Cho Kyuhyun”


“Minnie, please...we can start all over again”


Sungmin shook her head


“There’s no more us because it’s already me and Youngwoon and you’re no longer part of my life”


“Please don’t do this to me”


Kyuhyun holds her hands tight


“Don’t do this to me. Don’t tell me that there’s no chance for both of us to be together again. I love you so much Minnie”


“Stop lying”


“I’m not lying”


Kyuhyun stares at her eyes


“Please believe me. I never lie to you when I tell you that I love you”


Kyuhyun’s tears start falling slowly from his eyes


“Minnie, I lose my life when you left me. I know that I made the stupid mistake in my life when I let you go and I’m already paying that biggest mistake. I long for you for three years and still longing for you. I miss you every day and I keep on regretting everything that I told you and did to you before. I love you and that’s the truth. You’re the only girl that I love. I never marry Seohyun because I don’t want to betray you. You’re the only girl that I’m going to love and you will always stay in my heart”


Kyuhyun bows his head


“Please don’t marry him. I’m begging you. I only have this day to stop you from marrying him. Please don’t do that. Please Minnie, I’m begging you”


Sungmin pulls her hands away from his grip


“Stop being selfish Kyu. Remember the night that I beg for you not to marry Seohyun? What did you do? You push me away and told me to give your happiness. I didn’t become selfish. I give you your happiness because I love you. I let you go though it breaks my heart into pieces”


Sungmin kneel down to have the same level to Kyuhyun. She holds his face between her hands


“Now it’s time for me to ask you to let go of me. Stop being selfish Kyu. Baby, please stop hurting me. Just let me fly on my own without in my life. I don’t need you in my life anymore. Just let go of me and let me find my own happiness away from you. Please, let’s forget each other”


Kyuhyun holds her face and wipes her tears away


“I’m sorry Minnie, but please stop crying now. I always make you cry. I always bring you pain and sadness, but don’t worry because you’re free now. Nobody will hurt you anymore and will make you cry. I’m sorry. It’s ok if you won’t forgive me. I deserve to suffer. My suffering and tears are not enough to pay what I did to you before”


Kyuhyun brushes his fingers gently on her face


“I just want to love you again and keep on loving you, but I guess everything is already late. Saying I love you is not enough to heal the deep scar that I left in your heart”


Kyuhyun holds Sungmin’s cold hands


“I always dream of you to be my wife. I always dream to grow old with you and be with you forever. I always dream to have a happy and wonderful family, but I guess those thing only happens in a dream”


Tears keep on falling from Kyuhyun’s eyes


“I’m sorry baby if we need to end like this. I’m sorry for everything that I did to you. I’m sorry if I hurt you so badly and for not crying with you when baby Kyumin left us. I hope we could meet again in our second life, maybe we can already end up together at that time. I love you so much baby and I will forever love you. Don’t forget that you’re the only girl that I love and will always love even if we don’t meet in our second life”


Kyuhyun kissed her forehead and wipes the tears that keep on falling from her eyes


“This is the only option left to me. I know that you will never accept me again in your life, but it’s ok at least I try. At least I fight for you in my own little way. Stop crying now. I don’t deserve those tears and you’re too precious to cry over a stupid man like me”


Kyuhyun pick up the ring on the ground. He slowly stands up. He holds Sungmin’s hand, helping her to stand


“I love you so much baby. Please be happy with your husband. I know that he can take care of you more than I do and he will love you more than I do”


Kyuhyun stares at her


“You will forever be my weakness and I will always regret the day that I let go of a very precious girl whom I love with all my heart and soul”


Kyuhyun removes his jacket and wraps it around Sungmin


“Go inside now. It’s getting cold out here and the rain is pouring so hard. You don’t want to catch cold for your wedding tomorrow”


He hugs her tight


“Thank you Minnie. Thank you for giving time to listen to me. I love you baby and I will always love you with all my heart and soul even if I were to be born again, I will choose to love you. Go inside now and always take care of yourself. Goodbye baby. Goodbye to you forever”


Kyuhyun smiles at her. He turns around and starts walking away from her. Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes again as she watches Kyuhyun walks on the rain


“I love you Kyu. I love you so much. I love you and goodbye”


Sungmin wipes her tears and went inside




Kyuhyun was walking on the street. He was holding the ring in his hand. He was walking on the street as the rain keeps on pouring hard. He doesn’t even care if the people passing by were staring at him with a weird glare. His tears keep on falling from his eyes. He feels so lost, weak and he feels a lot of pain in his heart. Kyuhyun was walking on the street while thinking about Sungmin. He was crossing the street blankly, but unfortunately a huge truck lost its break. Kyuhyun stares at the light when everything went black. The street is quiet, only loud scream can be heard as the people gather around and stare at Kyuhyun’s body covered in blood. The street is quiet, only loud scream can be heard, the police’s siren and the ambulance that rushed him to the hospital





Kyuhyun’s parents were standing outside the ICU. They were staring at their son through the glass. Mr. Cho hugs his wife who is crying so hard


“Honey, what is happening? Why does our son needs to suffer like this?”


Mr. Cho didn’t answer. He doesn’t know what to say. He too can’t understand why Kyuhyun needs to suffer like that. He can’t understand why the situation is getting too complicated for their son


“When will our Kyuhyun-ah wake up?”


Mr. Cho shook his head as an answer. Mrs. Cho stares at him


“He will be fine right? Our Kyuhyun-ah will not die, right? He won’t leave us. I don’t know what I will do if he closes his eyes forever. He needs to wake up”


“We need to be strong and keep on praying. Our son will be fine. I know he will be fine. He will open his eyes soon. He will not leave us like this. We need to hope for the better and the doctors are doing everything. Kyuhyun will wake up soon”


Mr. Cho wipes his wife’s tears


“We need to be strong for our son. Please stop crying honey. Kyuhyun will be sad to see you like that. He will wake up soon. Kyuhyun will be fine. He needs to be fine”


Mrs. Cho stares at the ring that she’s holding. It is the ring that Kyuhyun was holding when he met the accident. It is the ring that he bought for Sungmin. The doctor gives it to Mrs. Cho before Kyuhyun’s operation




She stares at her husband


“Honey, I need to go”


“Where are you going? You can’t leave Kyuhyun”


Mrs. Cho holds her husband’s hands


“Honey, please watch over him”


Mrs. Cho wipes her tears


“I need to go and talk to Minnie”




Mr. Cho holds her arm


“You’re not going to talk to her”


He shook his head


“Please, you’re just going to disturb her. She’s getting married tomorrow”


“But our son needs her”


“But honey”


Mrs. Cho starts crying again


“I need to talk to her. Please don’t stop me. Our son needs her. I’m sure that Kyuhyun will wake up if he hears Minnie’s voice”


She holds her husband’s face between her hands


“Just wait for me here. I’m going to bring Minnie with me. She’s our last hope. Kyuhyun needs her. If she talks to him, he will open his eyes. Kyuhyun is just waiting for Minnie. He just needs to hear her voice”


“Please be careful. If Minnie won’t come, just don’t force her. She has her own life now and we must not bother her anymore”




Mrs. Cho kissed her husband before leaving the hospital





It was already eleven in the evening. Sungmin was still in her office, keeping herself busy. She takes a rest for the meantime. She opens her drawer and grabs her mobile phone


“I forgot that I turn off my mobile phone awhile ago. Why am I stupid?”


Sungmin sighs and opens her mobile phone. She listens to her voice mailbox number, it was Tiffany


Minnie, where are you? Kyuhyun is in the hospital. He got hit a truck. Please call me as soon as you received this message


Sungmin stares at her mobile phone


“What kind of frank are they trying on me again? Does Kyuhyun really think that he will get me with his lame drama? He did that before, but not now”


Sungmin just put down her mobile phone on her desk and continue working again. She was typing something on her laptop when her phone rings






Sungmin sighs


“Unnie, if you think that you guys can fool me again with your lame drama, please stop it. I’m not going to believe anymore and please tell Kyu to stop bothering me because we’re over and I’m not going to return into his life again”




Tiffany shouts


“Will you please listen to me first before you talk?”


“Unnie, I’m busy ok. I don’t have time to listen to your joke”


“I’m not kidding”


Sungmin’s heart beat starts beating fast when she heard Tiffany crying


“Kyu is really in critical condition right now. If you don’t want to believe go ahead and open the TV and you will see the news. I actually don’t know about it. I was shock when I open the television awhile ago. He’s all over the news. I call Hae to confirm and it’s really him. Kyuhyun got hit by a huge truck. If you still don’t want to believe, call your brother. He’s on his way to the hospital now”


“Are you kidding me?”


“Why will I joke around? According to the doctors he’s in coma condition right now”


Sungmin drops her mobile phone on the floor. Her hands start trembling upon hearing the tragic news


“This is not happening”


Sungmin shook her head, controlling her tears from falling


“Fany Unnie is just joking. It’s not true”


Sungmin stand up and starts walking around her office when someone enters. Her eyes widened upon seeing Mrs. Cho, crying


“We’re sorry Ms. Lee, but we can—“


Sungmin raised her hand to stop the security guards from talking


“I get it. Just leave us alone”


They bow at Sungmin before leaving her office. Sungmin stares at Mrs. Cho


“What are you doing here? I didn’t remember having an appointment with you”




Mrs. Cho walks towards her. She was crying so hard




Mrs. Cho kneels in front of Sungmin, hugging her feet tight


“I’m begging you sweetheart. Please come with me. Kyuhyun is in the hospital”


Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes


“Kyuhyun needs you. I’m begging you Minnie. Please come with me. Kyuhyun is sleeping and he’s not yet waking up. The doctors don’t know when Kyuhyun will wake up. He needs to wake up. He needs to open his eyes. Please, I’m begging you. I know that if you talk to him, Kyuhyun will open his eyes”


Sungmin stares at Mrs. Cho who is crying so hard


“Kyuhyun needs you. I know that he hurts you so much, but please forgive him. You only need to forgive him. He just needs to hear your voice and I’m sure that he’s going to wake up. You’re our last hope. Kyuhyun is waiting for you, please talk to him and tell him to wake up. Minnie, please save our Kyuhyun-ah. He must not die, please save him. He needs to wake up soon. I’m begging you”


Sungmin sits on the floor




Mrs. Cho stares at her




She holds Sungmin’s hands


“Please come with me. I need to bring you to Kyuhyun. He needs to hear your voice. You’re the only person who can wake him”


Mrs. Cho gently brushes her fingers on Sungmin’s face


“I’m sorry sweetheart. I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry if I need to bother you, but please...you’re the only one who can save him. Kyuhyun loves you so much. He never loves any other girl. He keeps on waiting for you. I know that you’re getting married tomorrow. I’m not asking you to love him again, all I’m asking you is to forgive him and talk to him. Tell him to wake up. Kyuhyun will listen to you, please”


Sungmin shook her head


“I’m sorry Umma, but I’m not ready to see him. I don’t want to see him anymore”


“But Minnie”


“I’m sorry. It’s really hard for me to see him and it’s much harder for me to see him like that. Please go now. I’m not coming with you”


“Minnie, please”




“You’re the only one who can save Kyuhyun. Don’t do this to him. Please don’t do this to him. Kyuhyun need you. I’m begging you, please save my son”


Sungmin shook her head again


“I’m sorry Umma, but please understand me. I really can’t stand seeing him. I just don’t want to see him. I’m sorry, but please go out now”


Sungmin wipes her tears and stand up


“Go away and don’t bother me anymore. I don’t want to see your son ever again and I don’t care about him anymore. I don’t care if he dies. Just leave me alone”


Sungmin sits on her chair


“Please leave now Umma. I don’t want to call the security to drag you out from my company”


Mrs. Cho stands up and walks towards her


“I know that we hurt you so much. But I hope you will change your mind”


She places the ring on Sungmin’s desk


“Kyuhyun loves you so much. I’m sorry sweetheart. I’m really sorry. The doctor gives me that ring before his operation. They told me that he was holding it. He’s actually planning to propose to you, but I guess it’s too late. Good luck on your wedding tomorrow”


Mrs. Cho kissed Sungmin’s forehead before leaving the office. Sungmin get the ring on her desk. She stares on it and hold it in her hand tightly. She buries her face on her desk and start crying hard





Donghae arrives at home at three in the afternoon. He saw Sungmin sitting at the living room, waiting for him


“How is he?”


Donghae stares at his sister


“Why are you doing this Lee Sungmin? How long do you plan to hold your pride? Kyuhyun is dying, don’t you know that?”


Sungmin stares at her brother and notice Donghae’s puffy eyes


“The doctors told us that if Kyuhyun didn’t wake for the next twenty four hours, he will never wake up again. Is this what you want?”


Sungmin shook her head


“Then why are you putting your pride on top? I know that he hurts you so much, but that was before. Is there really no more room left in your heart for him? Why do you need to keep on pretending Minnie? I can’t understand you anymore. I can’t understand why you need to do this to yourself and to Kyu”


Sungmin remains quiet


“You’re so disappointing, don’t you know that? You’re not my sister anymore. That’s not the Lee Sungmin that I know. You’re no longer the Lee Sungmin that Kyu loves before because you already change. The Lee Sungmin that I know is the one who will put down her pride just for Kyu. The girl who will do everything for Kyu and the girl who has a heart that so pure and not selfish”


Donghae stares at her sadly


“Why Minnie? Why are you doing this? Kyu just want your forgiveness, was it hard for you to give it? He’s already sorry, what else do you want? Do you want him to die before you can forgive him? Minnie, Kyu needs you at this very moment. Please don’t make it hard for him. Nothing will happen if you will hold your pride. Don’t wait for the time that you’re already late. Don’t wait for the time that you can no longer tell him how much you love him. You’re the only person who can save him”


Donghae sighs and went upstairs, leaving Sungmin alone


“He can’t die. Kyuhyun must not die...please fight for me baby. Don’t leave me like this. I love you so much, so please fight for me”


Sungmin whispers while tears keep on falling from her eyes



Next chapter preview: Kyuhyun-ah, please wake up. Sungmin is going back in California to forget about Kyuhyun completely...awwwww when will this sadness end?

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ahhh want to read this again pero huhu di ko sya ma-save offline :--((
korinna26 #2
Chapter 30: I love the ending
ladyrapunzel08 #3
Chapter 28: Tengeneng push and pull to oo hahahahahaha.
ladyrapunzel08 #4
Chapter 27: Kainis ka. Kahit na naiinis ako sayo nakakaawa kaaa. Tengeneng cho kyuhyun ka naman oh
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 25: Bago mi mapigilan ang kasal UMIYAK KA. YESS UMIYAK KAAAA!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #6
Chapter 24: Pagsisihan mo ng mabuti walanghiya kaaa
ladyrapunzel08 #7
Chapter 22: Putanguna mo talaga kyuhyun sarap mong sakalin!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #8
Chapter 21: I shouldn't have read this part. My tearsss my tearrrsss why are u falling like thiiissss :((( CHO KYUHYUN PUTANG INA MO PAKYU KA
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 20: Hay dito talaga nagsimula lahat ng inis ko kay kyuhyun at papa cho. Akala ko ba hindi nya rival si mr. Lee bakit kailangan ng break up? Nakakalito kayo aneeebeee
ladyrapunzel08 #10
Chapter 14: Isa kang kawawang nilalang cho kyuhyun hahaha pero angsakeeet ag papahard to get ang nga tukmol na too huhuhuhu