Gods of Black Holes

Say 'I love you' It's Simple!

Heejoon screamed as she rapidly descended down towards the ground.

She was spat out from the black hole and transported into another world.

"Oppas!" she squealed so loud she could feel herself being deafened.

She tried to flap out her wings but there was no time, she was going to have a hard fall. She furiously twisted and turned in the air, attempting to gain control but there was no use, she was just a few metres from contacting the floor below. *Help!* she squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself for the ugly fall.


"Found you~" Suho called out.

Kai’s shoulder’s sagged as he came out of hiding. He suavely jumped from the tiled roof and landed perfectly on his two feet. "How did you find me so easily?" He asked.

Suho eyed D.O and laughed.

D.O pretended not to notice and glanced around. *Aish! I’m dead!* He thought, biting down on his lip. He was now regretting his decision for telling Suho where Kai hid; after all he was offered a supply of yummy treats. How could anyone reject such an offer?

Kai’s eyes narrowed at his victim, *you’re dead D.O*

"Now we just need to find Heejoon. I didn’t know she was that good of a hider. She’s even better than you Kai since I found you before her." Suho stated with a glint of amusement sparkling in his eyes. No one could beat Kai when it came to hide and seek, he was a legend and now he got beaten for the first time.

*Damn* Kai smirked and trailed behind Suho and the others. *You beat me Heejoon* he chuckled to himself.



Heejoon’s eyes popped opened and she cautiously looked around, it was pitch black and dead silent. Nothing was in sight; the place was vacant and soundless. Only her heavy breathing and rapid heart rate echoed throughout the dark place.

Where was she?

Suddenly light appeared and she was able to see but there was nothing to look at. It was just plain white. The only existing thing was her. Heejoon forced herself up to her feet and she warily glanced around the place with curiousness. "Hello?"

"We’ve been waiting for you" A voice rang and made her jolt back a little.

She snapped her head around and gasped.

5 tall men stood in a line before her, all dressed in black, elegant robes that fitted their flawless bodies finely. They had straight, charismatic expressions stored on their handsome faces and their posture was of royalty. They were indeed perfect.

One of the robed men approached Heejoon and held out his hand, "Pleased to meet you princess Heejoon of heaven, we’re the gods of the black holes, DBSK." The tall, brunette greeted. His eyes were sharp and full of power. You could tell he was the leader. She hesitantly slipped her hand into his and shook it lightly before retracting her hand. "DBSK? Gods of black holes?"

"Yes" The same man nodded, "I am the leader, Yunho while the ones you see behind me are Jaejoong, Yoochun, Changmin and Junsu. They are also gods but hold a much lower status than I but that’s not what you want to hear is it. The real question you want to ask is, ‘why are you here?’ I believe." Yunho guessed accurately with an arched brow.


Yunho grinned taking her silence for a ‘yes, you’re right’.

The other 4 males took stand beside Yunho and kept their plain, bored expressions locked on their pale faces. There was no point in getting friendly since she wouldn’t be staying for long.

"You are actually in the world between Earth and Heaven." The guy named Junsu said. "This is a place where angels and humans come to when they are at lost or seeking something."

"But I just got into a black hole and pulled in here. I was playing hide and seek with my friends" She explained, "Are you sure there isn’t a mistake?"

DBSK their chins, if someone had fallen into their world, it was never a mistake but hearing what she said was quite strange.

"Can’t you return me back to heaven?" She asked, glancing between the 5 gods with hope reflecting from her meek smile.

"It isn’t that easy." Jaejoong met contact with her eyes and held it there. His were a deep shade of brown and it scared her, it resembled those of a devil.

Her smile faded in an instant, *what does this mean?* she pondered.

Yoochun creased his brows, tapping his cheek in thought. It was awfully odd that heaven’s princess would be trapped in their world without a proper reason.

"But there is a loop hole" Changmin spoke up.

Heejoon turned to him and waited for him to continue.

"But it isn’t that easy" Yoochun said, "…But it’s the only way you’ll be able to return back to heaven safely"

"Are you sure you want to go with this?" Changmin raised his brow.

Heejoon hesitantly shook her head, gesturing them to continue. "I’ll do anything to get back to heaven, that’s where appa is and my friends are." she whispered too quietly for anyone‘s ears to pick up *Kai is there too* "Tell me what I have to do" she glanced up with determination pulsating from her very soul. Heaven was home, the only place an angel like her belonged and being their princess, she was needed and wanted there. She held very important responsibilities.

Jaejoong waved his slender fingers about and slowly black little balls of light lingered in the air and gathered in one spot, there appeared another black hole, this one seemed less frightening and furious.

Heejoon blinked, tilting your head.

"You’ll need to go to Earth and find ‘the one’; this person will be your special guide, he’ll be your saviour. He will be the one who will safely return you home." Yunho said but then his face turned gloomy and dark, "But let me remind you Heejoon, you’ll be wondering Earth for many centuries. ‘The one’ will appear in front of you many years from now. He is not even in existence yet, are you sure you want to continue with this?" Yunho firmly stared at Heejoon as the four did the same.

This was the second time something like this happened but that angel who descended down to find his ‘one’ died.

Heejoon didn’t hesitate to reply with a firm ‘yes’. She needed to return, no matter how long it would take.

"And by the way, that ring you have in your pocket will lead you to your helper, now go before I close this portal" Jaejoong ordered.

She nodded, "Thank you and goodbye" She bade farewell.

With that she willing jumped into the black hole and disappeared, maybe forever.

Jaejoong flexed his fingers and the black hole closed up, he glanced at s, it was clear he was uncertain about your fate. "Hopefully she doesn’t end up like the other angel"


"We can’t find her!" Sehun broke into another round of sobs; it had been exactly 16 hours and 27 minutes since they have been frantically searching around for Heejoon. All 6 boys were covered in tears and hot sweat but it was all the worth looking for her. They combed through the whole of heaven but there was no trace of her, it was like she was taken out of their world.

The sun was long gone and yet these boys were foolishly searching for her, they were losing much of their sleep because of this.

"Maybe she’ll come back in the morning, we’re too tired to go on" D.O yawned drowsily. His big, friendly eyes were now pink and swollen from weeping in the bushes. He needed sleep badly.

Kai took notice of his sleepy members gathered in the middle of the forest and heaved a long, frustrated sigh. *Everyone is so tired*

Chanyeol was nodding off to sleep, Sehun kept rubbing his eyes, Suho and D.O were non-stop yawning and Baekhyun had already fallen into a deep slumber on the prickly grass.

Kai raked his fingers in his hair before deciding their next move, "Guys, I think you all should sleep. I’ll do the rest of the hunt. I’ll find our Heejoon and return her to us." He promised. He flapped out his gorgeous wings and flew gracefully across the painted night sky. *I’ll find you*

D.O, Suho, Sehun and Chanyeol watched as their friend went to search on his own. *Come back safely the two of you* they wished and carried their sleeping Baekhyun back to their house and slept uncomfortably.

Throughout the night Kai flew around heaven looking for his dear friend but there was no luck, she was gone. Kai couldn’t sense her presence anymore. *Where are you?* A tear tumbled from his eye as he tiredly flapped his wings and searched the premises down below him.

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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;