
Say 'I love you' It's Simple!

Heejoon swiftly gathered her hair into a high, neat ponytail before she went to fulfil her usual morning activities.

After 30 minutes of preparing, she headed to the kitchen in her over-sized knitted sweater and tight, long pants.

Unlike other girls, Heejoon kept her appearance clean and appropriate. Kai was partially to blame for this as he always forbade Heejoon wearing anything above her knees or anything that exposed a lot of skin.

Heejoon rinsed her hands under running water and grabbed the ingredients she needed from the fridge. She was going to make a quick treat to take with her. *I hope he likes my kimbap*

Heejoon rolled her sleeves up and began to lay out the nori flat across the counter, adding the rice.



"Come play with us" Sehun urged Kai off the bed, "It’s boring playing with hyungs!"

"I’ll just stay here Sehun, I have things to do" Kai sighed with his distant look he always had.

Kai was never happy anymore,

He always furthered himself from his friends more each day and it worried his friends.

Sehun pouted, *Kai, do really have to act this way? I know that Heejoon has been gone for a long time but I think it’s time to release her. Noona might be…dead* He hoped that wasn’t the truth but he was beginning to doubt Heejoon’s existence.

"What do we do?" Sehun smacked his palm over his forehead.

Kai wondered out to the balcony of his room and gulped in the fresh airs.

He planted his elbows upon the white rails and over looked the breath taking scenery. *Where are you Heejoon? I’ve looked everywhere for you but still…still I can’t find you. Could you possibly be…no…I’m sure you are alive*

"Still searching for her?" D.O came to view.

Kai looked back and lowered his head, "I know you guys may think it’s useless for me to do this but I want to see Heejoon again" *I didn’t get to express the way I feel for her too*

"How long has it been since you loved Heejoon?" D.O joined Kai on the balcony.

He grasped onto the rail, resting his back against it. "I know you’ve loved Heejoon for a while now" D.O smirked and lifted his head to admire the clear sky.

Kai’s eyes were perfectly round in shape; he didn’t expect that D.O would have discovered his feelings so easily, "I must’ve been obvious, huh?" Kai softened, switching his attention to D.O.

"Obvious? Please, your feelings for Heejoon have always been out there. Even a blind man would know" D.O cracked up, "But I admire your love Kai, if I remember correctly, you’ve liked Heejoon ever since. Your eyes never wondered off her, you’re so sweet~" D.O suddenly pinched Kai’s cheeks, cooing as if Kai was some child.

Kai slapped his hands away, rubbing his cheeks. "Ya, what are you doing?" He threw D.O a disapproving look.

D.O just laughed, "Aigoo"

"Owl!" Kai whacked D.O on the head, "Do that again and you’ll regret"

"My poor head~" D.O whimpered. He rubbed his head, hoping the pain would subside quickly so he could attack Kai.

"And thanks D.O" Kai sincerely smiled.

D.O whipped a smile, "You’re welcome, just don’t tire yourself when you go looking for Heejoon today"

"Will do" Kai accepted his friends advice. He gave a tough pat on D.O’s shoulder before flapping away to begin his daily search for Heejoon.

*Such a loyal boy* D.O watched Kai disappear through the bunch of fluffy clouds.


Heejoon pressed the doorbell and waited for the door to open.

She heard shuffling of feet and a few noises from the locks being unclamped.

The door whooped open and there, she was greeted by Chen’s friendly smile.

"Anneyong~" She waved cutely.

*Kyeopta* Chen thought. He stepped aside and widened the door, "Come in" He beckoned.

Heejoon smiled and nodded. She entered the mansion and Chen shut the door. "My room is upstairs, follow me" He told.

Heejoon followed closely behind, marvelling over the beautiful and intricate patterns painted on the wall. *Interesting…* she halted at one point of the hallway and bent forward to examine the piece of art.

Chen paused, twisting around. *Where-*

"Woah" Heejoon clapped in fascination. Her eyes were twinkling with amazement.

Chen walked over; stopping beside her as he also examined the art, "Do you like it?" He turned his head, facing Heejoon with a bright smile.

"Mmm" Heejoon nodded, *It reminds me of home* Heejoon straightened and walked ahead, "Let’s go finish some assignments!" she chanted, pumping one fist in the air. "Fighting!"

Chen had to laugh, "Fighting" He pumped his own fist and caught up.


Kris rolled onto his back and dangled the delicate item hanging from his necklace chain.

It was a white, crystal clear ring he had owned since little. Nothing seemed special about this ring until you shone it in the light.

Carefully, Kris held it out into the minimal light in his bedroom. It glittered at first before bursting with light. Then a few letters spelled across this mysterious ring, the initials ‘H.P’.

Kris clamped his hand shut and stored the ring back into his drawer along with the necklace chain. He drew in a long breath of air and closed his eyes. "Whenever I have this ring, it somehow lessens my stress"


"Tidy huh?" Chen rolled one of the maroon wheelie chairs from the corner and towards Heejoon, "Sit" He gestured.

Heejoon sat down and Chen pushed her speedily, almost making her topple right off the chair.

Heejoon clutched onto the seat tightly, squealing as Chen pushed her all the way to the table. Chen held the chair to an abrupt stop and Heejoon finally let a slip of breath escape her lips.

"You okay?" Chen giggled before sitting on another chair, opposite from Heejoon.

Heejoon fixed her posture, straightening out her sweater. "I’m fine" She assured.

He layed his folder and a couple of books he collected from the library out onto the table and took out his own writing equipment as Heejoon did the same.

With the both being satisfied, they started their work.

Heejoon jotted a few notes onto one of Chen’s notebook while she studied one of the books based on the Joseon Era. "…lasted for approximately five centuries?" Heejoon mumbled, sinking the new lot of information into her mind.

This was hard work; Heejoon was terrible with dates and numbers. Her memory was also bad, if she read a short passage, she would immediately forget it the very next day.

Chen took his eyes from his book for a brief moment and gazed at Heejoon. His lips quirked up into a soft smile, "Are you stuck on something?" He asked.

"Ummm…yes" Heejoon sheepishly admitted.

Chen scooted his chair around and sat back down, this time beside her. He brought out his highlighters and pinpointed the key facts and information.

In admiration, Heejoon watched Chen scribble some notes and highlight the key points with brightly lit eyes. From the corner of his eye, Chen could clearly see her staring at him; therefore, his every move was an attempt to look cool.

It didn’t seem like it, but Chen was quite a heart stealer, regardless of his Straight A profile, Chen was still able to catch the attention of many girls.

Purposely, Chen ruffled his hair slightly, biting down on his lips as he made notes look more like signatures of a kpop idol. *I must look so cool right now* Chen smirked, closing the cap of his highlighter and turning his attention to Heejoon.

Heejoon blinked, unaffected by his little show. She had many experiences with these kinds of people.

"Just write down the texts I highlighted" Chen smiled and slid the book back to Heejoon.

Thankful, Heejoon picked up her pencil and began to write.

Chen tilted his head, confused. Most girls would have been calling him oppa and purring strange phrases by now. *That’s weird* Chen scratched his temple and resumed with his part of the assignment, *She didn’t fall for it*

Once in a while Heejoon would ask for help as Chen gladly assisted, and when the pair finally finished the history assignment, they relaxed into their chairs.

"Man I’m starving" Chen rubbed his grumbling stomach, he glanced at Heejoon, gesturing to her container beside her, "May I ask what that is?" He keenly eyed it.

Heejoon realised she hadn’t opened it and quickly sat it on her lap. She unclipped the lid and revealed her gorgeous kimbap. "I made this for you, I thought we would get hungry" She held it out with her small palms.

Chen stared at the delicious kimbap stacked neatly in rows. He had to his lips, "Wow, you made this?" His eyes swept over the scrumptious treats.

Heejoon nodded and placed the container on the table in front of Chen, "You can eat this all"

"Really?" Chen beamed. He had never been given home-made kimbap; they were always brought from stores. "I can really eat this all?" He asked.

"Yip, eat" Heejoon urged him.

"How about you? Aren’t you hungry?" Chen questioned.

Heejoon raised her hands with a chuckle, "I ate a lot before I came, I don’t think I can handle much more food"

Chen still didn’t eat yet, this time Heejoon probed him for what was wrong. "Don’t you like kimbap?"

"Of course I do like kimbap, it’s just that…I don’t have any chopsticks to eat with" Chen sheepishly revealed.

Heejoon automatically stood up, "I’ll get them for you" She raced out the door before Chen could protest.

*Aigoo, she is really weird* Chen thought but was smiling like a fool. *And I like that*

Heejoon skipped down the stairs and came to a complete stop upon seeing Kris in the kitchen, alone. She quickly hid behind the wall and peeked at him. She didn’t know why she was hiding herself from view, but she knew she had to. Something told her to.

From what Heejoon saw, Kris didn’t seem to do much. He just stared at the fridge for a long time before actually opening it up and pouring himself a drink of water.

She then noticed, Kris didn’t smile much either. She had never seen him smile, now that she thought about it. Maybe she didn’t know him too well to catch him smile.

Heejoon remained hidden behind the corner wall until Kris sensed something off. He quickly finished his drink and caught Heejoon peeking at him. "What are you doing?" He stared straight at Heejoon with his sharp, cold eyes.

Heejoon came out of her hiding spot and awkwardly bowed, "I-I’m sorry, I just came to get something" She sped into the kitchen and searched the drawers for a pair of clean chopsticks, once she found them, she left in a hurry.

Kris sighed and left to his room.


"Here." Heejoon handed Chen the metal chopsticks.

"Thank you." Chen accepted them and rubbed it in-between his palms before picking a single kimbap and chewing on it.

"Is it alright?" Heejoon anxiously waited for his score he would give her.

Chen deliberately made a show of tasting; he swallowed and then tapped the table as if debating whether it needed improvements. "It was…"

Heejoon crossed her fingers; hoping feed-back would be good.

"Of course it was delicious. Thank you for this, I’ve never had anyone cook for me." He confessed.

"Well then, you can always come to me if you need any home-cook meals." She beamed.

"I will." Chen laughed and ate some more.

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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;