Merciless Murderers

Say 'I love you' It's Simple!

Heejoon was stopped mid-way as a tall, black figure emerged from the shadows and threw her back against the wall. She groaned from the impact and struggled as an arm wrapped around her neck in a deadly grip.

Kris was more than furious, “WHO TOLD YOU TO COME BACK HERE? I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN THE VAN SO CRAP LIKE THIS WON’T HAPPEN!” His nostrils flared out in outrage. Heejoon shot him an apologetic look as she couldn’t say a thing since the person half-strangling her was preventing her efforts.

A flash of yellow shone caught Lay’s attention and he had to curse again, “Look Chen, he’s a phoenix.” He nudged ’s arm secretly.

Chen was tense while he nodded. His eyes glanced around and he found other phoenixes camouflaging in the shadows. “He’s not the only one.” Chen whispered, clandestinely gesturing to the other men in the corners.

Lay was just as pissed at Kris; he didn’t like it when things fell off plan.

Luhan had noticed the shadows in the darkness as he walked in; some even had laser guns in their possession ready to strike if they were to make the wrong move. He really wanted to slaughter that girl now, if she hadn’t run inside like a phycso, this situation wouldn’t be happening.

The moment of distraction was perfect for Jay.P to escape. He’d quietly shoved sheets of papers into his pocket but Kris wasn’t stupid. He’d saw his meek attempts to run away. He shot a bullet straight at him and the unfortunate man dropped to the ground, dead like his accomplices.

Bullets began to shoot and the boys swiftly took out their guns and weapons, launching them at the enemies they’d encountered.

Tao ran up to one of yellow-tied men, jumping up and wrapping his legs around his neck. They fell to the ground and Tao twisted his neck effortlessly. He dusted his clothes and growled, running towards Lay who was cornered by the armed men.

Heejoon gulped as the man beamed his white teeth with a venom-like grin. He was incredibly handsome too but very deadly. She wouldn’t be fooled by his good looks. Instead she gazed into his eyes, “Sleep.” She mumbled. The male cringed, his hold on her wavering. “Sleep.” She repeated. She watched with a smirk as he released her and collapsed to the ground. She stepped over him and saw the violence EXO-M imposed towards the other men.

She desired to haul them off their feet to reprimand them but she couldn’t. They were just as endangered as their enemies. They were all equipped with numerous, metal weapons. She even saw how Chen drove his knife into a man’s stomach with so much anger, and fury she could no longer recognise him.

She was more shocked by Kris. His aura was so passionate and menacing; she feared that he’d lose control. He’d pulled out a small dagger from his jeans, ramming it in a clean line of 4 men. They screamed out in discomfort but he merely reacted, just getting down on one knee to finish them all off.

It was more evident to her now that they were merciless murderers.

She’d never seen so much blood and dead bodies either. The closest thing to violence she’d witnessed was when Kai play fought with Sehun and Baekhyun. She winced as blood splattered on her cheek and a disfigured person rolled to her feet. She closed her eyes and tried to block out the sounds of metals clashing and guns firing bullets but it was no use. Screams for help invaded her mind and she felt uncomfortable.

Chen searched amongst the fighters for Heejoon, but she was no longer at the place he once saw her. *Dammit, where’d she go?* He continued to search for her through the violent clangs.

A mangled cry caught her attention. She gasped seeing how Lay crushed a man against the wall, his head cracking sickeningly and huge amounts of blood gushing from the raw wound. How could he do that? She was disgusted.

She was about to stop Lay but one of the opposite team gripped onto her, slamming her hard to the ground. She bit her lip to keep a scream down but it hurt a lot considering Luhan had thrown her to the ground earlier.

“Y-You, I’ll kill you.” His eyes were mixed with killing intentions and some craziness.

“Don’t you dare.” Chen came behind him and punched him hard. He tumbled away in injury and Heejoon looked up at him with horror. “Chen!” She gaped at him. She crawled away from him; wanting him to go away but he just pulled her up like a feather, “We’ll talk after this, okay?” He returned back to fighting the yellow-tied men and instinctively her eyes landed on a group of men, clutching their heads as if pain was running through them.

They piled onto their knees, gripping onto their heads tighter. Heejoon recognised this familiar technique. The only thing was, it was a power. Someone in the room was torturing them with it. She only knew of this since her father had the ability.

She keenly eyed the room but no one stuck out, everyone was running back and forth, cursing each other out and slaughtering whomever crossed their path.

Xiumin gladly took out the last of them, allowing the rest to flee from the warehouse.

Kris searched the room for anymore foes but they already escaped. His eyes soon landed on Heejoon, “You, you were supposed to be in the van.” He spat, his expression indifferent and cold. “What part of ‘stay in the van’ did you not comprehend correctly?” His breathing rate was heavy and pressured.

Heejoon flinched a bit but gave him a stern look, “Since when did you have the right to kill people?”

Kris snorted, not amused, “You can’t tell me what to do.” He said, his words cold and dripping with venom. “If you want to correct my ways and be some type of saint, you’re wasting your time. I don’t have time to repent; I’ve got more important things to fulfil.”

“Kris, do you really think I’m afraid of you?”

That lone sentence made Kris paralysed.

“I’m not afraid of you if that’s what you think.” She whispered, though it sounded like a clear yell in Kris’s ears. In silence, she walked away and Kris watched, something inside him changing only the slightest.

Usually people feared him, his parents were even afraid of him except for his little sister. That was the only reason why he cared for his sister more than anything and loved her. She was the only one who saw him as Wu YiFan, her older brother, the one who bought her ice-cream when she was sad and the same Wu YiFan who read stories to her when she slept.

It was strange to hear those words from someone whom he barely known.

“Let’s go.” He motioned the others who exchanged baffled gazes.


Heejoon couldn’t look in the eyes of anyone of them, including Chen. All she could see were killers walking back and forth in front of her eyes. It was the very first time she witnessed their cruelty yet she was not intimidated. They were still people in her eyes.

“Where are you going?” Tao asked Luhan who slipped on a leather jacket and fixed his hair, “Out.” He mumbled. Tao knew he was angry, specifically at Heejoon. He never liked failing his missions but today was a pure fail caused from the girl’s stupidity. “Don’t wait up for me.” He grabbed the keys from the table and headed to the door.

Heejoon watched Luhan angrily turn the knob of the door and slam it behind him. Soon after, she heard the engine of a car animate crazily before the tires screeched noisily as Luhan raced out the mansion’s gates.

*He’s mad.* Heejoon thought, feeling guilty that she caused unhappiness to a being.

“Oh don’t worry, he’ll come back.” Chen fell on the spot near her. Heejoon narrowed her eyes at him before she plainly ignored him, switching on the television. She was not impressed by Chen either. “What business do you have with me?” She asked, clearly pissed.

Chen furrowed his eyebrows at her, “Excuse me?”

“You murderer.” She whispered, “How could you do that?”

“Really Heejoon? You really want to have this argument with me?” He sounded tired but also annoyed. “You know that we were never good, so why the cold shoulder now?” Chen didn’t like the fact he was being a , but his night was ruined already, why not go along with the crappy mood.

Heejoon gaped at him, genuinely surprised by his change of attitude. “Chen, what are you talking about?”

Chen scoffed, “What? If you don’t like me how I am now, then I guess we can’t be friends…that’s if we were.” His words were hurtful and straight-forward.

Heejoon held back her battered emotions. Tear threatened to escape her eyes but she squashed them down as she glanced sorely at Chen before she fled to the balcony. She ran to the edge of the platform and placed her arms over the rails. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she cried quietly. She didn’t want to cry but the whole ordeal was just pressuring. She shamefully wiped her eyes and silently gazed at the sky. The star winked towards her but Heejoon didn’t have the strength to smile or bother trying. It would’ve been a failed attempt.

Kris had watched her for a while now from the moment she ran onto the balcony and teared up quietly. He’d seen many girls shed tears but this girl; her tears seemed too precious to waste. He noiselessly paced towards her, coming near her side and holding out a handkerchief. He didn’t know what overcame him but it felt right to offer the tiniest of care. “Here.” The word alone snapped Heejoon from her sad trance.

Heejoon sniffled and straightened up instantly. Her eyes widened from Kris’s presence and she quickly wiped her tears. Kris however brought his handkerchief closer to her face, rubbing it gently against her wet cheeks. His humble action softened Heejoon’s heart. *Why waste your tears on something so trivial?* Kris silently questioned, soaking more of her tears that escaped her eyes.

“Thank you.” Heejoon hiccupped as he finished. Kris nodded expressionlessly, pushing his handkerchief back into his jacket’s pocket.

The silence overwhelmed the two as it was very awkward. She couldn’t tell what Kris was thinking but judging from his uneasy glances, he was just as uncomfortable as she was.

“How’s Meixiu?” Heejoon decided to make small conversation but she was also genuinely curious whether the young girl was fine.

“She’s fine.” Kris replied a while after. Heejoon could feel how his menacing aura dispersed into an affectionate one. It was shocking seeing this side of him but Heejoon was stupid to believe that Kris was only cold-hearted. From her understanding, humans were emotional creatures. It was their choice if they wanted to express their feelings or chain it. Her father once told her that the cold humans were simply terrified of showing weakness, thus they only show their strengths and hard exteriors.

“Thank you for finding her and keeping her safe that day.” Kris suddenly said.

Heejoon blinked but smiled up at him, “You’re welcome.”

*Are girl's smiles usually this bright?* He thought as he almost found himself bearing a smile.



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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;