
Say 'I love you' It's Simple!

Heejoon timidly entered the mansion. She bit her lip and warily scanned her surroundings.

Everything was large and expensive. She gasped seeing a line of solid, gold statues standing along the main corridors. Her eyes wondered around the pristine, shiny statues, she had only imagined such giant statues in her dreams but seeing them in real life left her speechless. *They’re beautiful*

She continued to trail behind Tao and Chen until they turned into a room.

She peaked into the huge room and tentatively walked after the two.

Tao went over to the round, wooden table and chucked the first aid kit to Heejoon. She stumbled back, barely catching the kit in her hands.

"Come here." He gestured.

"Don’t scare her panda bear." Chen warned and plucked open his soda can with an amused grin.

Heejoon nervously approached Tao, "Yes?"

"Fix this." He pointed to the aching spot on his forehead. "Since you created this, you shall fix it up. It’s only fair isn’t it?"


"Tao." Tao cut in, "and that boy over there is Chen, now, shall we get back to business?" He slumped onto the nearest chair and leaned his head back, ready for treatment.

Heejoon set the kit on the counter and examined the objects inside. *I’ve never used any of this before, what do I do?* She touched the foreign things, panicking a bit.

"I’m waiting" Tao impatiently tapped his wrist.

"Do you know what to do?" Chen asked with an arched brow from the lounge room.

She shook her head and Chen giggled. "I’ll do it" He offered and placed his half empty soda on the floor. He walked over and rolled his sleeves up. "You use this spray to disinfect and this to cover up the wound but since Tao only has a bruise…I don’t know what to do" Chen sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"Where can a man receive a decent amount of medical treatment?!" Tao buried his face in his palms.

"GUYS! HELP ME! KRIS GOT SHOT!" Lay’s voice yelled.

Both Chen and Tao’s eyes widened.

Lay kicked the door behind him shut and struggled to support Kris. "Everything is fine gege, don’t move too much. Lean on me and I’ll support you" Lay breathlessly heaved Kris along the long corridor.

"Thank you Lay" Kris coughed weakly and forced his legs to harmonize with Lay’s steady pace.

Lay nodded and continued to haul his friend along.

Kris winced feeling the cool air brush across the small cuts running across his face, it was the first time he regretted going after those thugs. *Is this really the end of me?*

Chen and Tao ran to Lay, their eyes enlarged in horror. Their leader was drained of colour and his clothes were fully drenched with fresh, red blood.

"Let’s take him to the hospital" Tao panicked, tearing up.

"No, Kris will not go to the hospital, we’ll get caught there" Lay explained, he struggled to support Kris’s body weight to Tao’s room and carefully put Kris on the mattress. Kris let a painful groan as his body contacted the bed, the pain was unbearable.

"Where’s the kit? Grab it" Lay ordered. Chen was the first to react, he returned with it and Lay quickly flipped it open. He poured the contents out and ruffled through the medicines, "Where’s the tweezers? It isn’t here" He was frustrated yet scared for his friend.

"It’s on the top shelf in my room" Kris breathed heavily. He latched onto the blankets beneath him and bit his teeth together to ease the pain.

"Is there something wrong?" Heejoon tilted her head. Chen and Tao had left. She stood outside the bedroom and peeked her head inside.

On the bed was a tall, weak male. He was constantly coughing blood and if it wasn’t for the blood smeared across his face, he was extremely handsome.

Kris felt the presence by the door and forced his head to the side. *Who is she?* He continued to stare at the girl for a few seconds before erupting into loud coughs. He to his back and closed his eyes.

"CRAP! KRIS!" Lay took a fistful of his shirt, "YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO US!"

"I guess it’s my turn to go, huh?" Kris mumbled with the little strength he had left.

"DON’T TALK !" Lay screamed in his face. "Stay alive!" His fists quaked, his knuckled colouring white.

"GEGE!" Tao crashed to his knees with discreet sobs.

Chen blinked his tears away, was his hyung really going to die and leave them?

Heejoon sensed the stranger’s heart beat faintly; she couldn’t just stand there and watch without lifting a finger. She slipped into the room and shut the door behind her. She wedged between Tao and Chen and examined the injured Kris. *I know I shouldn’t be using my powers for this, but I need to.* She traced her eyes to the gaping wound and placed her soft palm on it.

Kris groaned louder, it hurted like hell.

Lay snapped his head up and followed the arm up to its owner. "Who are you?" Lay hissed, his tears falling ruthlessly.

"Let me help" Heejoon pleaded, "I can make him better"

"Can’t you see he’s on the verge of dying? He’s going to die!" Lay firmly pushed the unknown girl away, "What are you doing here anyways? Who are you? Please just leave"

Heejoon heard Kris’s heart beat weaken, he was going to die unless she used her powers.

She held her palm out and Lay stared at her with menacing, dark eyes, "Didn’t you hear the first time? Leave!"

Chen and Tao watched the scene before them; they didn’t know what to do. They weren’t even thinking straight. Their leader was dying.

Heejoon trembled but held her palm out straight; she refused to listen to Lay’s threat. Her hand hovered over Kris’s wound and slowly, a beam of light emitted from her hand.

"What’s happening?" Tao, Chen and Lay watched with big eyes.

The light intensified and obscured the boy’s visions. They squinted their eyes and witnessed the unthinkable.

The blood and cuts were beginning to fade away, leaving nothing behind. Even the gun wound had completely disappeared without a trace.

"S-she’s healing Kris gege" Chen stuttered, pointing in disbelief.

Lay and Tao gulped, "Healing?" The two boys watched, they were scared yet awed.

*Almost there* Heejoon soon closed her hand, she was breathing heavily now. Healing would use a lot of her energy and almost every day she was healing something. "Done" She smiled in satisfaction, "I did it"

"H-Heejoon" Chen muttered, his eyes were still enlarged from what he saw. "How did you do that?"

Heejoon found herself getting dizzy, "I…." She saw black dots blinking before her sight and soon, she limply sailed towards the floor.

"HEEJOON!" Chen’s voice alarmed; luckily Tao had caught her before she could fall. He exchanged uncertain glances with s and reluctantly, he effortlessly pulled her into his arms and to Luhan’s room.


"Do you think she’s awake?" Xiumin poked Heejoon’s cheek with caution.

"Oh nah" Lay rolled his eyes, "Does it look like her eyes are open?"

"They could be" Xiumin zoomed into her face and investigated, "Nope, her eyes are officially closed" He declared and pulled back.

"Freak, you don’t need to go that close to her" Tao flipped his hair to the side, irritated.

"What can I say; the chick is pretty. Of course I’ll be shoving my way to her, she’s cute" Xiumin more than gladly shared his thoughts.

"True, she is quite cute" Chen stared at Heejoon’s peaceful sleeping figure.

*She saved me, how?* Kris had distanced himself; he was near the door, leaning against it with crossed arms. When he woke up this morning, he couldn’t believe that all the scars, wounds and cuts he collected over the years vanished.

Then s told him what had happened, that the girl had healed him and revived him from near death experience.

"And then there was light!" Chen made a big scene of opening the curtains. He stretched his arms out and angled himself towards his friends, "Should I be an actor guys?"

"Pfft, no way" Lay replied. He tilted his head, staring at the stranger on the bed. "Who let her in?"

"Us" Chen and Tao raised their hands, "She hurt me so I brought her back to fix it but I didn’t know she had freaky powers." Tao added.

"Tao, didn’t I tell you not to bring strangers into the house?" Lay didn’t let his eye wonder from the girl lying on Kris’s bed. He was suspicious and wary.

"Well I didn’t know she was mutated" Tao shrugged and dipped his hands into his pockets. "She bruised my hot face, so I brought her here to fix it"

"It’s true" Chen nodded, confirming what Tao had said.

Lay sighed, "She knows where we live…that’s not a good thing…our residence was supposed to be secretive but now that she knows…what do we do?"

"Kill her?" Luhan suggested his expression void from any emotions. He reached inside his pocket and flipped out a sharp knife, "Should we?" He neared the tip of the blade and positioned it near Heejoon’s neck.

"NO!" Xiumin snatched the knife and threw it away, "We can NOT kill the hot chick, we can use her for other things" Xiumin grinned slyly, wiggling his brows. He nudged Luhan on the arm and winked suggestively which earned him a hard smack on the face.

"Owie" Xiumin placed his palm over his red cheek. He groaned feeling the heat in that one spot. He death glared Luhan from the corner of his eye and muttered a few curses under his breath.

"You’re gross." Tao pushed Xiumin his head away and crossed his arms.

Xiumin stumbled back and put his other hand on his pained forehead. *Aren’t I the older one? Why are they abusing me? Aish, these brats will regret messing with baozi* Xiumin frowned deeply, rubbing the sore spots on his face.

"When she wakes up, we’ll just threaten her not to tell a single soul where we live and if she doesn’t agree…" Tao turned to Luhan with a smirk, "…we then kill her."

Luhan snapped his fingers, "I like the way you think." He approved straight away, "Can’t wait to use my new gun I got from Hong Kong."

*Immature guys* Lay shook his head.

Every day was like this.

Luhan the blank expression boy who loved weapons or killing, Tao would be the short-tempered and snappy guy, Xiumin being the weird but cute one, Chen the normal being, Lay being the one who was collective and quiet and lastly Kris, the one who barely talked unless it had something to do with other gangs. He rarely smiled and was always distant. It was like he prevented himself from getting closer to anyone.

"We should let her rest considering she collapsed when she finished healing Kris gege" Chen was the first to leave.

The others filed out the room except for Kris. He was curious and had many questions that were sure not going to escape his lips. When he heard the footsteps lighten down the hall he decided to take the opportunity to look at the person who supposedly rescued him. He pressed his foot against the wall and pushed on it, walking over to his king-sized bed.

"Appa~" Heejoon mumbled as she squirmed into another comfortable position.

*Appa?* Kris furrowed his brows. He craned his neck and listened for a while.

"I’ll…I’ll come back appa…don’t worry about me…I’ll surely come back…to see you…and oppas" A sad smile reached her pulp, red lips. Heejoon rolled back into her previous sleeping position and stayed like that-facing Kris.

Kris stared silently at the girl, being infatuated with her with every passing second. He found her interesting. Although it was the first time he laid eyes on her, he already was pulled in by her angelic aura she held and it was odd. Nothing caught his attention so easily, girls in particular.

So why was he gazing at the girl like he had known her since forever?


I know I haven't been updating like I should be and I'm really sorry :(

I'll try and update more often!

Thank you for subscribing and commenting guys and enjoy!!!

P.S as you guys should know by now, I changed the way I wrote the story. I hope you'll still read even thought it changed slightly^^







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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;