
Say 'I love you' It's Simple!
The morning breeze had filtered into Heejoon’s room. She sat up in her bed, hearing the mattress squeak under her movement. Her mind had been consumed with the insecurity of Kris whom believed every person feared him, yet even as Heejoon claimed to be unafraid, he denied her, persisting that she was indeed scared of him, right to her bone.
Her thoughts then travelled to Luhan, Lay, Tao, Xiumin and Chen who had arrived late last night, bearing the blood of another soul. She avoided asking anything but she did heal Xiumin and Lay- who refused strongly, ridding of their cuts and bruises. 
Lastly, she thought of her family and friends in heaven. She hoped they weren’t looking for her. It was far too dangerous and risky. She just needed to pick her pace up and find the one who would send her back home.
Flinging the covers away from her legs, Heejoon slipped from her bed and got prepared for the morning. She showered and brushed her teeth before slipping on a sweater dress that dropped at her knees, and black stocking. She let her hair out to dry naturally, and she soon joined the others downstairs.
“Come sit here.” Xiumin patted the seat beside him.
“Thank you.” Heejoon took a seat, ignoring the stares of the others on her. She looked at the soup in front of her, the steam and aroma caressing her smell. *Delicous.* She picked up her spoon and immediately dug in.
After finishing the soup and swallowing some pineapple and mango pieces, Heejoon was full. She leaned against the chair and realised the others had left the table, well almost everyone. Her gaze connected to Kris who was eating a piece of watermelon slowly, studying a book in his hand intently. As if he felt her gaze on him, he looked up and his dark eyes enchanted her wordlessly.
She gulped and conjured a smile, “Did you sleep well?” She asked in a conversational tone.
Kris stared blankly at her, “No.”
Her smile faltered, “Well I slept great.” She added, just for the sake of it.
Kris only blinked before his gaze returned to his book. It was obvious he had no intention to talk to her.
Grabbing her empty bowl, Heejoon stood up and politely excused herself into the modern kitchen. She placed the dishes into the sink and greeted the maids and butlers before she ambled back out. Kris was no longer at the table, and wondered where he may go.
She made her way to lounge where Tao was dozing off and Luhan was busy watching TV to notice her entry. She pulled back from the room and headed to her bedroom but she needed to check up on Kris first.
She needed to know if he was fine.
She strolled towards his door, lifting her hand to knock but his voice stopped her from proceeding. He didn’t sound too happy either as Heejoon listened to his conversation.
“You can’t do that! I’m your son!” His voice boomed from within the room.
There was silence, before Kris cut in, in a ruff tone. “Mother listen. If you cease my rights to the business, that won’t end too well for either of us. You know grandfather left the business for me to inherit, not you or father. Can’t you accept that?.....No, you can’t do that. It’s been set out already….Yes, I know but Meixiu is far too young. Don’t mingle her up in these petty affairs. She doesn’t need the trouble…..Just listen……Fine, Goodbye.” He promptly cut the call with a firm, resolute tone.
Heejoon heard his depressed sigh, and felt bad for the human. *Is this part of why he isolates himself?*
She rapped on the door, but no answer greeted her. “Kris?” She asked softly. When he didn’t answer to the nth time, she twisted his knob and was surprised that his door was unlocked. She stepped inside, closing the door lightly behind her. 
Her gaze softened as she saw Kris sitting on the edge of his bed, his back hunched over and his head lowered. He was clutching onto his smartphone, and the muscle his shirt accentuated well was tense.
“Who said you could enter?”
Heejoon bit her lip, and dared to approach him, “Kris.” She whispered touching his shoulder.
Kris’s muscles bunched under her touch, and his head snapped up. His eyes were filled with so much emotion; Heejoon gasped and stumbled slightly aback. His eyes quickly returned to their lifeless and dull state, but she couldn’t ignore the earlier emotions playing in his eyes- fury, regret and vulnerability.
She wanted to wrap her arms around his sturdy frame, and whisper things that would soothe away the negativity he was holding, but she couldn’t. Kris wouldn’t appreciate it and would deem himself weak.
She warily sat beside him instead, and placed her warm palm on his shoulder, “Everything will be okay-“
Kris stood up immediately and her hand dropped from his shoulder. She looked up at him curiously but his face was stoic. His eyes were sharp though, “Get out.” He gritted out. “Just get out. I don’t need you here.”
Heejoon stood up, and looked Kris straight in the eyes. A move many would not dare a cower under but Heejoon was nothing compared to those humans. She stood tall, her head held high and her shoulder squared but her eyes were soft. “I’m not here to cause trouble.”
Kris scoffed, “I’ve had enough of this.” He rubbed his eyes, and picked up a coat from the chair pushed under a desk. He shrugged on the long, thick material and buttoned it up swiftly. He threw Heejoon a warning glare, before he left, his face completely grim.
Heejoon felt guilty that she caused Kris to leave. She retired to her room and sat on her bed, pondering thoughts of Kris. Was he usually cold and heartless? She believed not. She wasn’t going to break down his walls but see through them. She didn’t need to strip away all his defences; she would simply look past his shell and understand him. 
Pulling on a coat, she decided she would take a quick visit to the shop and it wasn’t a surprise when Xiumin begged to come along. Eventually Lay, Luhan joined too. Chen and Tao were out of sight, so they didn’t participate.
As soon as Heejoon pulled out the trolley, Xiumin already darted into the supermarket and disappeared in an aisle. Luhan had vanished too, only leaving Lay by her side. 
Heejoon never really conversed with the guy. He usually kept to himself, quiet and intimidating, similar to Luhan. He tucked his hands into his pockets and followed her to the fruit area. She bagged some grapes, apples and pears while Lay curiously watched her from the corner of his watchful eye.
He hadn’t realised it later, but now as he assessed her. There was a certain elegance to her movements, even her steps were quiet and swift. She kept a small smile on her face the whole time. They somehow ended in the meat aisle, and he was caught off-guard when Heejoon began to talk to him.
“Have you examined me enough already?” She asked, her eyes glinting in amusement as she placed her eyes on him.
Lay didn’t expect her to say that, and for the first bloody time in his whole existence, he blushed out in embarrassment. He quickly recovered, tugging at the collar of his jacket, “S-Sorry. I usually assess people closely.”
She nodded in understanding, “A way of sensing for danger I presume?” She asked.
“Y-yes.” Lay nodded, “How do you know? Mostly, I tend to be discreet about analysing my surroundings. That is, until now.”
“I have a friend like you.” She confessed, her lips pulled into a smaller, dimmer smile. “He was always on alert. He couldn’t risk anything or anyone being endangered, so he kept his guard up.”
“It’s true. It’s essential to always be on the look-out.” Lay said, his voice firm and serious.
“Trust me.” Heejoon snapped her head in Lay’s direction. Her usual content, happy expression was gone, leaving a bitter, plain expression that shook his core. He’d never seen the girl look so….dangerous and void of positive energy. 
…..sometimes it’s better to let your guard down.”
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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;