7th Member

Say 'I love you' It's Simple!
Everyone assembled in the large, primeval living room of the mansion. Heejoon sat in a single, leather couch positioned at the head of the room while the boys sat on the other long leather sofas located in the room.
Heejoon felt edgy, she could clearly feel the stares burning onto her. She just lowered her head a bit more and played with her fingers. It perturbed her how they shamelessly gawked at her without a word.
Chen couldn’t let Heejoon feel more disturbed, so he coughed and gained his friends attention. “So Kris, what was it that you said that concerns Heejoon?” He asked as his friend’s heads reluctantly turned to him.
Kris snuck a glimpse of Heejoon before directing his penetrating stare back on Chen. 
Chen flinched when Kris layed his cold eyes on him.
Lay, Luhan, Tao and Xiumin focused closely on the words that Kris would say. 
Kris intertwined his fingers together, “She’s the best option for us now.” He spoke rather lowly but firm. “I believe her healing powers will be an advantage-“
“Seriously Kris, healing powers?” Luhan scoffed, interrupting Kris. “I think you’re delusional. How can a being possess healing powers? That’s ridiculous.” Luhan crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes.
The others were stunned that Luhan had just opposed on their leader’s sentence. No one did. It was common sense if you wanted to survive. 
It was silent, and everyone feared for Luhan’s safety. Was Kris going to upper cut him in any second?
Instead Kris rose from his seat. He disappeared into the kitchen and appeared holding a chopping knife in his hand.
Eyes rounded, Luhan twitched. *He isn’t going to stab me, right?*
“Holy !” Xiumin backed up against the sofa with wide eyes.
“Duizhang” Lay calmly spoke, keeping his eyes on the knife Kris was holding. “Luhan didn’t mean to-“
“I’m not going to kill him” Kris rolled his eyes, offended that s thought so lowly of him. Kris held the knife, shining it in the minimal amount of light streaming through the room. 
They relaxed but questioned why he was holding it.
Heejoon watched Kris with the knife. He glanced up and caught Heejoon’s staring at him, slightly feared and quaking in her seat. Kris only smirked and Heejoon’s eyes rounded.
What the hell was he planning?
He slowly approached Heejoon and she leaned back and felt the cold leather of the couch press onto her back. She clenched onto the sides of the chair and kept an eye on the knife.
Chen jumped from the chair, with his arms out. “K-Kris, what are you doing? D-don’t hurt her”
Kris ignored Chen. He rolled up his sleeve and poked the sharp end of the knife on the back of his wrist.
“KRIS!” Lay shouted in alarm, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!”
Completely relaxed, Kris took the knife and sliced it through his skin.
Heejoon trembled in shock. *W-why?*
Tao couldn’t react at all. He was too mortified to do anything.
Kris winced feeling the cold blade dig into his skin. He slowly pulled the knife from his skin. An ugly, knife wound traced across his wrist. It took less than a second to comprehend what he just did. He stared blatantly at the wound he created in shock. *S-* He dropped the knife, realising that he cut himself.
“” Luhan went to Kris’ side, “Why the did you do that for?” Luhan flinched when he saw the blood seeping. It made his feel queasy. “S-Stay here, I’ll go get the first aid kit-“ 
“No” Kris cut him off, not looking him in the eye.
Luhan threw Kris a panicked look. “W-What?” He stuttered, taken-aback by his response.
Kris didn’t reply but held his arm towards Heejoon, “Heal me” He simply ordered with that signature poker-face stored permanently on his face.
Heejoon forced herself to look into the cold, unfriendly eyes of Kris. Fear d her, not because of the menacing way he was looking at her, no. The amount of blood he was spilling was excessive. She was crestfallen because of his reckless act; she knew this was his way of proving that his point was true. That she beheld the ability to heal.
Luhan appeared by Kris’s side, he glanced up at Kris with a worried expression. 
Kris’ eyes demanded her to obey his order, and slowly her eyes flitted to the cut on his wrist. She slowly brought her shaking hands from her sides and placed it gently on Kris’ wrist. Kris cringed at the light weight applied onto his wound but he didn’t care. He wanted his point proved already.
Everyone expectantly watched Heejoon, anticipating her next move.
Heejoon closed her eyes and felt a warm glow emit from her palms. Despite her trembling hands and loud gasps from her surroundings, she focused on healing the wound he inflicted on himself. When she felt that the wound was no more, she opened her eyes and sighed in relief when there was nothing but a clean, pale wrist in front of her eyes. *Thank goodness*
Kris warily pulled his healed wrist to his eyes and examined it closely. No scar remained. Not even a pink tint. His eyes were in awe for a quick fraction of a second before it became hard and emotionless. He looked up at Heejoon and then turned to his gang mates. 
They’re mouths were left agape, and their eyes were friggin enormous in complete amazement.
Now they knew that they shouldn’t have doubted their leader. Their Duizhang never spouted a lie.
Knowing that he confirmed everything, Kris stared at his wrist once more. He touched it carefully and felt no pain. Satisfied, he rolled his sleeve back down, glanced at Heejoon and his friends before walking away without another word.
Heejoon was left with 5 other guys now, whose expressions were still taking in the inhuman revelation.
Heejoon sheepishly rubbed her arm from the all the attention she was attracting. She wondered if she was to brainwash them again but she knew that Kris would reveal her gift again somehow. It was pointless.
Luhan especially had his eye on Heejoon, something felt strange about her. *I have to keep an eye on her*
“Well” Xiumin started, “I guess she’ll be in our gang, I wonder what Jjing will say when he discovers we recruited a girl?” Xiumin snickered.
“Recruited?” A gentle voice interrupted Xiumin’s moment of snickering. He blinked up and saw Heejoon staring back at him with her child-like image. She blushed when Xiumin wouldn’t look away from her so she lowered her head and played with the hem of her uniform skirt.
“You’ll be part of our gang now” Lay spoke up.
Hearing another voice, Heejoon followed the low but serene type of voice. It led to a boy with brown, lightly tousled hair also siting amongst the guys. His posture was quite composed compared to how the others sat lazily on their spot on the couch.
He looked kind as he showed a small, timid smile but something nudged at her. Like, he wasn’t to trust because he seemed a bit too polite and wary around her. Her eyes seeped in his good features, he was handsome and even more when his lips curved into an attractive smile.
“Umm, what do you mean I’ll be part of your ‘gang’?” Heejoon’s brows wrinkled, finally waving off his utter handsomeness.
“Well…” Lay began his wavering sentence, exchanging glances to his gang members for some help to explain the weird situation.
Luhan and Chen had already returned to their seats, their eyes still widened from before. It scared them but persuaded them to actually consider her to be part of their merciless gang. Her addition would make great benefits to the team.
“It’s either you’re in or you’re out” Tao spoke up, his arms crossed sternly over his chest and lasering a lethal, unfriendly glare to Heejoon.
Heejoon however did not flinch under his glare but stared right into it without fear or the thought of stuttering in his presence, “What if I don’t want to join?” She curiously asked.
Tao merely showed a smirk, “You die” He simply concluded.
Heejoon’s eyes rounded in bewilderment, “Pardon? You’re going to kill me if I don’t agree to join your gang?!”
“Pretty much…” Tao uttered with nothing else to add.
Heejoon continued to stare at Tao in panic mode and he only assured her death with a lazy shrug of his shoulders as he turned his head and focused his eyes on something other than her. It was like what he said earlier wasn’t anything serious or unsettling. 
Since Tao wasn’t showing her or telling her anything good, he turned her attention to Chen who struggled to say a word. He was visualizing on the situation, breaking cold sweat. He knew very well that Tao was right. If she didn’t join, she still knew that they were in a gang. Chen knew that Tao would kill her without guilt, regret or hesitance.
He was pure cold and merciless, almost like Kris.
Chen lifted his arms and tugged on his collar with his index finger. He didn’t know how to lighten up the mood other than telling her that she will die if she doesn’t oblige.
Heejoon calmed herself down, taking out of mind that they may kill her before she even tries to reach the door to her route of escape. She broke the silence with a cough, “Before I can agree on anything…may I ask what a ‘gang’ is? Or whatever your gang thing is?”
EXO-M stared at each other in disbelief. They then put their gazes on her, blinking stupidly. “Y-You don’t know what a gang is?”
Chen blinked his eyes a few more hurried times as he waited for her to say her reply.
Heejoon nodded, she wondered if that was bad or good. In EXO-M’s eyes they didn’t think either but thought she must be an absolute lunatic for not knowing them or knowing what a ‘gang’ is.
Xiumin’s once happy face dissolved into a serious one, “If you really don’t know what a gang is or who we are, I’ll be disappointed.”
“But I don’t know what a gang is or who you guys are?”
“Nonsense” Xiumin sneered, clicking and cracking his knuckles into a painful tune. “All I can say is that the word ‘gang’ will not and never associate with the word ‘good’ but everything with the word ‘bad’.” One of the corners of Xiumin’s lips pulled upwards to form a lopsided grin.
Heejoon didn’t fear from that, so she resumed on questioning their status, “Then who are you? Are you famous around the place?”
She innocently asked the boys who only erupted into immature fits of laughter. 
Tao, the first to stop from laughing wiped a stray tear away to say, “I suggest you’ll say that you don’t want to join our gang. It’s already a disgrace that you don’t know who we are.”
Was it a threat? Cause Heejoon didn’t know. She was slightly taken-aback by his choice of words to say that but she urged them to tell her what or who they were. She was becoming more puzzled from the unexplained things.
“We’re known as EXO-M.” Lay decided he would be the one to tell her.
Heejoon prepared herself. She had an idea that whatever Lay was going spout next, it would instantly change her perspective of them, including her friendly mate, Chen.
“We’re the most deadliest, merciless and smartest gang in the whole of Asia. We’re everything but ‘good’.” Lay smirked proudly at that statement and EXO-M responded with multiple claps to symbolise how proud they supported it.
“Do you know of Kevin Choi?” Lay raised a brow.
Heejoon thought of it, “…Isn’t he the guy in a coma at the hospital because some people had broken a few ribs of his and fractured a couple of his leg bones and also his teeth…no way.” Heejoon’s jaw dropped when she saw their straight faces formed cheeky looks.
“Yes…way” Lay’s shrewd smirk darkened. “And it wasn’t some people who crippled him but ‘someone’.” Lay directed his gaze to Luhan who sat at the edge of the leather couch.
Heejoon gulped seeing Luhan grin like devil. He couldn’t possibly single-handidly do that to Kevin Choi. He was a boxer for goodness sakes. A professional boxer, how could that small, cute and innocent looking boy impose harm on someone twice their body mass? Unbelievable.
“Also heard of Kwon Junhyung?”
“As in the Kwon Junhyung, that assassin who murdered more than half of the illegal trade company owners?” Heejoon almost shrieked aloud but cupped her hands over mouth to prevent herself from exploding.
EXO-M just smirked.
“Hmm…that’s weird…You know a lot about these people? And why is that?” Xiumin raised a sceptical brow.
Heejoon didn’t actually understand what he was implying but pointed to the TV instead. “I watch the news.” She answered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
The boys followed her finger to their big plasma fitted against their wall and wondered if they should believe her or not. They clearly wouldn’t know since they don’t or bother to watch the news.
“Oh..okay.” Chen ended their awkward conversation. “So you in or not? Cause if you’re not….” Chen’s voice trailed off subtly into the air and he avoided eye-contact. 
“We’ll kill you” Tao butted in eagerly.
Chen stared wide-eyed at the maknae.
Heejoon watched Tao’s unchanging expression for a while, he wasn’t even twitching or attempting to hide a smile to ensure her that Chen was lying. She gulped when the air grew heavy with intensity; Chen apparently wasn’t lying when he said they’ll kill her. She didn’t know if she were to be afraid or not but she wasn’t. It was impossible to her since she already defined them as her friends. They couldn’t feasibly kill her, right?
“I don’t want to join” Heejoon casted her head low with her saddened eyes. She focused her gaze on the clean carpet when she heard and felt rigid movements surround her.
“Did she really just oppose us?” An unfriendly hiss was heard and it made Heejoon frown.
These people must despise her, but what had she done to deserve their hatred?
“Her problem. Now, who will have the honour to kill her?” A voice she recognised as Tao’s asked. 
Still, Heejoon kept her gaze sunk on the carpet, letting them deal with her fate.
Chen turned his gaze onto Heejoon, noting she didn’t tremble in fear like others would in her position. It made him curious though, “Heejoon”
Heejoon could easily identify that gentle, kind voice amongst the others, “Hmm?” Her head lifted and her eyes locked with Chen.
Chen had forgotten how sweet and innocent she looked. He swatted those thoughts away and unleashed his question, “Aren’t you perhaps atleast afraid of death?”
Stares found their way onto Heejoon’s face. She didn’t falter when she admitted her reason, “Death is not something to fear. Once we’re gone from this world, a better place awaits us when we’re finished from here.” She smiled angelically towards them.
They merely scoffed in response, “You make it sound like you’ve been to heaven or whatever place you’re talking about it.” Tao rolled his eyes with a sarcastic chuckle. He couldn’t stand being in the same room with someone so dumb so he stood up abruptly from his seat and advanced upstairs as he pressed his hands into his pockets. *What is her problem?*
His steps echoed and divided through the silence and Heejoon shifted restlessly in her chair. “Why are you acting like this? Don’t you believe me?” She was quite offended by their reactions.
She just earned another load of scoffs and ‘whatever’s’ from the gang. They seriously weren’t going to believe her despite how compelling she sounded. Even Chen, was being a total , waving her claim like it wasn’t plausible.
Heejoon’s shoulders slumped lazily. *Why are they acting like this?* Her eyes wondered from face to face at how they gave her a look suggesting she was maddened.
Chen was the first to stop and straighten his uniform. He glanced over to her and said, “Heejoon.” He uttered more tenderly, “Please just accept the invitation and join us.”
*I can’t join them when I know they’re the bad ones in society…but that person is amongst these boys. I’ll need to search for him as soon as possible. I also want to see oppas too…Kai especially.* Her grim expression swapped into a bright one and soon, Heejoon found herself agreeing to the plan.
She’ll just search for that special person and then she’ll leave. It was a good plan.
That night, the EXO-M boys, excluding Kris went to Heejoon’s apartment and brought all her belongings into their mansion. She was going to live permanently in their house or until that Jjing decides they do not need another member to their already unstoppable gang.
Lay easily ploughed a big suitcase of hers up the inwardly curved stairs and chucked it into Heejoon’s room before leaving to get more things from downstairs.
“Thank you Lay!” She called, scrambling out from the bathroom where she was stacking her towels into the tall cupboards located at the very corner of the bathroom.
Lay already disappeared out the door when she appeared out from the bathroom in a panting mess. She pouted slightly, the emptiness of the room greeted her. *He’s really quiet* She latched onto the handle of the suitcase Lay delivered to her and hauled it towards her bed with some force.
While at her apartment packing her belongings, she learned all their names since they wouldn’t quit yapping or arguing with another when they were packing up her things into large boxes. She also over -heard Chen mention that tall, creepy guy. Kris was his name if her memory served her right.
*Kris* She recalled, dropping the suitcase. It landed with a soft thump. She leant over it, ping it and flipping it open to reveal rows of neatly folded clothes. Her hands picked up on a shirt and automatically she transferred the clothing into the wooden drawers on either side of the room.
While her hands concentrated on doing that, her mind focused solely on Kris. Why was he so intriguing to her to let her think of him like that? Weird. But no doubt that mysterious, secretive aura that dawdled around him allured her to him like a magnet.
“He’s a little scary too” Heejoon muttered to herself as she slid the last of her clothes into the cupboard. She closed it and walked to her bed, sitting down on it. 
Heejoon didn’t know what to expect now being official to EXO-M’s gang. She just hoped it wasn’t anything that would defy her angel morals. 
I know, I haven't been updating for so many months now and I'm terribly sorry.
Sorry for the long chap, I didn't mean for it to be so long.
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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;