Boredom leads to sly things......

Say 'I love you' It's Simple!

“I don’t even want to know what they did last night.” A voice said –it sounded a lot like Tao though.

A snicker was heard before something poked on Luhan’s forehead.

Extremely irritated, he groggily elevated himself with his elbow. “What?” He snapped, his eyes wincing open.

The first thing that came into his line of vision was Xiumin’s chubby face. His finger was ready again; ready to poke his forehead but Luhan glared at him before he could even attempt to do it.

“Oops.” Xiumin retracted his hand and scampered away, frightened.

Lay raised his brow. Luhan could tell he was stifling a smirk. “What were you two doing together last night?” He asked, amused.

“Two?” Luhan was confused until flashbacks of his drunken-self clouded his vision. “N-Nothing!” Luhan immediately shouted. Heejoon jerked up from his loud voice, rubbing her eyes that Xiumin had to fuss over, claiming the action was SUPER cute.

“L-Luhan?” Heejoon rotated her head to see Luhan blinking back at her with the blankest expression she’d ever seen. *Crap* He thought. *What if she reveals we had a ‘heart to heart’ last night.*

The thought made Luhan shudder; his friends would never stop chatting about it, especially Tao, Chen and Xiumin.

“Good morning.” Was the only thing she said before she got up and shuffled quietly to her bedroom located on the second floor. 

Luhan sat up straighter, the thick marron blanket that was once cocooning his body slipped around his waist in a thick bundle. He moaned out in agony feeling the terrible feeling of what we call a ‘hangover’. “Damn.” He groaned, slamming his head against the couch.

“Woah, calm down boy.” Lay snickered, “What were you two doing?”

“Nothing.” Luhan replied curtly, wincing a bit.

“” Tao pronounced the words in two separate syllables. 

Luhan started to feel uncomfortable with their teasing and so he swapped the topic, “So, what’s the mission today?”

“We have none.” Kris responded.

Luhan’s gaze swivelled towards the tall bloke dressed in a warm sweater, black jeans and inside slippers. He also wore a beanie, which was quite unusual for his sense of fashion. Kris liked leather, and it was an unexpected surprise to see that not a single article of clothing latched onto his body was leather. 

“I thought there was one.”

Kris shook his head, his sharp gaze making Luhan unintentionally quiver under their watch. 

The way Kris was just plain confusing and well, intimidating. The air around him was purely dense with power and his personality was very cold. Luhan secretly admired him. He was cool in Luhan’s eyes. If Kris were to stroll down the street completely while being chased by the police, he’d make it look cool. Not everyone had the potential to be like that.

“Then what are we going to do?” Chen asked, slipping onto the one-seater chair. He looked troubled and tired, like he didn’t sleep a wink last night.

“Nothing.” Kris replied stonily, taking a seat on the L shaped couch. He switched on the television.

Everyone was occupied with something except for the curious Xiumin who plopped beside him with a knowing smile. “Soooo Luhan.” The overly happily baozi laced his fingers together over his lap. “Why do you smell like alcohol?”

“W-what?” Luhan stuttered, pulling at his shirt and smelling it.

“I’m so going to tell Kris.” Xiumin evilly grinned before hopping over to Kris and tapping his shoulder innocently.

Luhan stared at him, wide-eyed and in disbelief. Like a cheetah, Luhan dashed for his room, only hearing Xiumin’s last words that sounded suspiciously like”…..Luhan’s been a bad boy, he partook of the sinful soju and most likely played strip poker with Heejoon….”


It had been 4 hours since Heejoon joined them in the living room. They were all staring blankly at the television except for Tao and Chen who were aiming toothpicks at Kris’s head. 

The awkwardness between her, Kris, Luhan, Chen and Lay was really evident as they ignored her visibly. 

“I wish there was something we could do.” Xiumin sighed dramatically, playing with the hem of his shirt with a pout on his adorably chubby face.

That definitely peeked Heejoon’s expression since she plopped down beside him with a big smile. “Heejoon?”

Xiumin straightened up in surprise. “Do you want to play with me?” She asked. Xiumin gawked at her, “Really? What game?” He asked, almost jumping from the seat in excitement.

Heejoon leaned over to him, cupping her hand over the corner of his lips as she whispered the plan.

“Got it?!” Heejoon leaned back to look Xiumin in the eye. Xiumin nodded eagerly before racing to his room.

Heejoon also excused herself, sprinting to her own bedroom.

Chen, Luhan, Tao, Lay and Kris caught their little exchange of talks. They couldn’t help but be curious, so their eyes all rested at the end of the stairs, waiting for the pair to arrive.

Heejoon slammed her door open and the maid that was in there squealed in surprise. “Oh, sorry!” Heejoon apologised, rubbing her arm in a sheepish manner. Yeseul shook her head, an amused look on her small face.

“Don’t worry.” She dismissed. Heejoon gratefully beamed, skipping over to her closet and pulling out a plain white shirt and black shorts. She speedily gathered her hair into a high, neat ponytail before disappearing in the bathroom to change into her clothes.

Yeseul perked a brow, “I wonder what she is up to …..” She murmured under her breath while she obediently resumed with her maid duties. 

Here’s another chap!


I wonder what Xiumin and Heejoon have planned….hmmm…..

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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;