Heaven's Scroll

Say 'I love you' It's Simple!

Many years have passed since we’ve seen each other…and I miss you…a lot. My heart stings knowing that you might or might not be alive but if this letter is with you now, I’m grateful that you’re able to read it.

Jun suddenly cracked up with loud laughter, "What the hell is this letter? Is this a love letter?" He joked and was about to crumple it in his palm before Heejoon snatched it out from Jun’s loose grasp.

"Heejoon" Jun and Minki looked at Heejoon in surprise.

Tears gathered in her big eyes and dripped onto the paper she was holding. Heejoon bit her lips and her grip tightened on the scroll of paper. Her gaze became gentle, *Kai oppa, is this really from you?* She was in disbelief.

Jun and Minki silently assessed her as she read on quietly. They’ve never seen Heejoon shed tears, she was always radiating with cheerfulness. Seeing her in that state pinched their hearts.

It’s been years since I’ve last seen you and I miss you so much my princess, why are the heavens playing with us? I want you here next to me…I need you.

Heejoon cupped . She tried hard to cage her emotions but her feelings just flooded her, she was already in a tearing mess.

"Heejoon ah" Minki slid over to her and put a comforting arm around her shoulder. He gently pushed her head on his chest and her back. "Oh Heejoon" Minki whispered onto her hair and squeezed his eyes closed. He didn’t like that one of his best friends was crying.

*I miss oppa so much too, but why is he still searching for me? He should be having fun with Suho, Sehun, Chanyeol, D.O and Baekhyun oppas. Why is he wasting time looking for me?* Heejoon couldn’t help but feel baffled with her own questions. She continued to read.

There were times I truthfully thought you were dead but I know you couldn’t be. I still somehow sense your existence. There’s a reason I can’t let you go….I’ve never actually told you this but….I love you. I love you Heejoon. When I find you, I won’t let you out of my sight. Ever. So come back to me quickly, I’ll try my best to find you.

Stay safe and healthy my princess,

I love you so much


*Oppa* Heejoon cradled the scroll to her chest and closed her eyes. *I love you too*

After the weird and awkward emotional moment, Jun was staring at Heejoon too intently. She awkwardly shifted on the end of the couch, blinking back at Jun with her red, swollen eyes.

Jun was also on the couch as well as Minki. Minki was seated in the middle and Jun was at the left end of the couch.

"Heejoon ah" Jun leaned forward and went on all fours. He stared at Heejoon and crawled towards her but before Jun’s upper half could cross Minki; Minki pushed him to the floor and went back to watching the TV.

Jun groaned and got up. He glared at Minki before diverting his stare at Heejoon. Heejoon just remained blinking innocently, wondering why Jun was staring at her like that.

"Do you have staring issues?" Minki lifted his attention to Jun, "You’re staring at Heejoon like you love her. Do you have something to say?" Minki raised a brow.

Jun pointed to Heejoon, "Are you hiding something from us?"

Heejoon was beyond confused, "What do you mean oppa?" She tilted her head with another set of innocent blinking.

"I swear you’re hiding something from us" Jun continued.

Heejoon knew what he was referring to and became quiet. She couldn’t explain her situation now but some day she would when the right time had come. She smiled up at Jun, "Although I can’t tell you, I promise I will tell you when the time is right. But when I tell you…the both of you" Heejoon gave Minki a warm smile then to Jun, "Promise me you two will remain my friends"

It was silent until a tiny ‘yes’ emitted from Jun was heard and a quiet response from Minki.

Jun flopped back onto the couch with a sigh.

Heejoon got up and positioned herself in-between the males. She wound her arms around their shoulders and pulled them closer to herself, "I love you two"

Jun and Minki softened and put their arms around her also, "We love you too, our angel"

Heejoon smiled.


During the night, Heejoon snuck out onto her balcony. The night was surprisingly warm. She draped her arms over the cold, metal rails and gazed up to the dark sky. She gazed at the stars in complete awe. *So beautiful* her eyelids closed as she felt the light breeze caress her cheeks.


Kai had ignored sleep and went to watch the shooting stars. He couldn’t help but feel incomplete. Heejoon completed him. Without her, he had trouble adjusting to life without her and putting up an act that he was happy when he truly wasn’t. His heart yearned for Heejoon. He couldn’t just carry on living like nothing had happened. He was desperate to find her.

"My princess, have you received my letter?" Kai whispered to the skies.

Although he didn’t get a direct answer, he was determined to find her.

Kai took one last gaze to the beautiful scenery and closed his eyes. *Please make my princess safe*

Heejoon’s eyes soon snapped open. She sensed something eccentric as if something dramatic was going to happen. *Maybe it’s just me* Heejoon shook her head.

She pulled out her black ring from her pocket and squeezed it in her hand. Kai’s letter motivated her to keep trying. *I hope I can find that person who’ll return me back to heaven soon* She tucked the ring safely back into her pocket and returned to sleep in her bedroom.

Jun and Minki yawned, resting their long legs over the desk tops. They seemed tired and restless today.

School just seemed to worsen them.

Concern shaded Heejoon’s face, "Are you two alright?"

"Yeah, totally fine" Jun yawned again and fixed his position so that he was comfortable.

"What he said" Minki replied in a mutter and suddenly fell asleep with Jun following right behind.

*Didn’t these two rest well last night?* Heejoon became guilty since they were in her care last night. She decided to grab them some hot drinks from the school’s cafeteria to waken them. She quietly slipped passed her snoring best friends and ran to the cafeteria. She turned a corner and came to an abrupt stop. She spotted Chen, Tao and the other 4 handsome guys. Judging from their expressions and serious conversing she didn’t want to interrupt. She took cover behind the wall and waited patiently for them to leave.

"Now what do we do?" Xiumin massaged his temples. "Where the hell are we going to find another member of our gang? Doesn’t that Jjing know he just offended our capabilities? We can handle his missions well, so why doesn’t he believe in our abilities?"

"It’s because he’s Jjing. He’s not the type to exactly ‘believe’." Luhan reminded.

"Right" Xiumin shook his head.

It was silent for a while until Kris said something that caught everyone off-guard. "How about that girl…Heejoon?" He slowly but carefully proposed.

s stared wide-eyed at him like he had lost all his sanity.

"Kris, do you seriously think making up jokes at this time is funny?" Xiumin laughed a bit, covering his mouth.

"Who said I was joking?" Kris returned a poker face.

The rest of EXO-M had become too shocked by their leader’s choice, they were speechless.

Why in the world would they want a vulnerable girl in their gang? How will it benefit them?

All they could think about were the negatives if she were to join. Even Chen, the closest one to Heejoon so far had doubts of her participation. She was a girl for goodness sakes; it would just burden them if she was to be added into their gang.

Kris spoke up again in his dead serious tone, "Having her in our team will benefit us"

Okay, now everyone was super confused.

Did he just say ‘having her on our team will benefit us? Seriously outrageous…

"Kris-" Luhan was about to say something until Kris sent him a stare that made him shut up in an instant.

Kris cleared his throat and adjusted his collar, "Don’t you remember her healing powers?" Kris questioned.

Xiumin couldn’t supress his laughter and erupted, "BWAHAHAHAHA! D-did you j-just say she has healing powers?" Xiumin clutched onto his belly and laughed some more.

"Yes, why?" Kris was still serious.

"Umm Kris" Lay put a hand on the latter’s shoulder, "Are you taking any…you know…dope?" Lay raised a brow to Kris.

Lay’s comment just made every one of the males spill into laughter.

Kris was now furious, "YOU IDIOTS WERE THERE WHEN SHE HEALED ME!" He lashed out in annoyance.

The guys stopped with their laughter and stared at Kris with round, wide eyes.

First of all, Kris never yelled or talked as much like he was now and second, he sounded too absurd. His claim of Heejoon having healing powers really had s wondering what had gotten into their leader.

In that span of time, Heejoon was frozen behind the wall she was shielding herself from view. Her eyes were big while her stare focused solely on the ground, *How does he still know?* Then it hit her, when she brainwashed them, Kris was the only who wasn’t present at the table. *Oh no* Heejoon panicked.

Kris put his attention on Tao and Chen, "Go get her and bring her here now" He instructed.

Chen and Tao obeyed and left.

Lay, Xiumin and Luhan were left to sort out whether they were hallucinating or purely in a dream. Kris was acting abnormally to be the same Kris they knew.

Tao and Chen raced to their first class. Tao deftly twisted the knob of the door and the door shot open. They both went in, ignoring the loud gasps and stunned expressions from their classmates. They just disturbed a lesson with their abrupt actions.

"Where’s Han Heejoon?" Tao turned to Mrs Oh.

Mrs Oh shook her head, "I believe she’s absent or maybe arriving late"

"Damn" Tao bawled his fist. *Ran for nothing* was all he could think about.

Chen checked the crowd of students once more, and true to Mrs Oh words, she wasn’t at her desk. It was empty. Chen’s shoulders slumped automatically not because he failed an order but he really wanted to see her today. Chen soon bowed to Mrs Oh and apologized before exiting while Tao simply tailed behind Chen without doing either.

Chen and Tao headed back on an opposite route where their members were waiting for them at the same place. Instead of running, they were walking ever so slowly just to pass time. Chen lifted his head and halted. In the distance he could spot a figure of a girl, leaning against the wall with her head lowered. Just before he could confirm, Tao said, "It’s her"

They both approached Heejoon and Chen placed his hand on top of her head.

Heejoon jumped in alarm and tilted her head back up to see who it was. She relaxed when she saw Chen, smiling warmly towards her. "Hey" He greeted casually.

"Hey" Heejoon returned a greeting.

"Hurry, Kris gege wants her" Tao hissed into Chen’s ear, getting impatient with their gazing competition.

Chen remembered and clasped his hand around Heejoon’s wrist. Heejoon stared at Chen wondering what he was doing. He leaned closer to Heejoon, putting his lips near her ear. "Just follow us Heejoon, we won’t harm you" He whispered and stepped back to catch Heejoon nod.

"Good" Chen began to take her to where the others were waiting.

Heejoon felt the ring on her chain around her neck glow with warmth. She glanced down and saw that it was becoming brighter as she neared the boys. *There it is again* She thought, *Why does it decide to glow now?... Wait…That person must be near* She lifted her head and saw that there were 6 males near her, *It has to be one of these men* She realised.

Chen stopped in his tracks, making you do the same. He coughed to gain his gang’s attention, "I got her" He announced.

Heads turned, and Heejoon could feel the stares drilling her face. She hid herself behind Chen to avoid it.

Luhan couldn’t help but scoff with Heejoon’s appearance, *Duizhang wants her to join our gang? She’s obviously weak. Once something scares her, will she always hide like that?*

Xiumin was on the verge of laughing but Lay had slapped his hand over his mouth before a sound could peak from him. Lay silently observed the girl, *If Duizhang thinks she should be in the team, then I’ll agree to it*

Kris kept his intense stare locked on her. "Bring her with us" He ordered and sauntered down the corridors to the limo parked at the entrance of the school.

The males followed after Kris while Chen and Heejoon were still standing at the same spot. Her expression was easy to read and Chen grew concerned, "A-are you alright?" He asked in worriment.

"I’m fine, let’s go" Heejoon assured with an amiable smile.

Chen nodded, and the two went inside the black limo.

Heejoon found it awkward how they didn’t share a conversation during the ride; it was the only thick silence that lingered in the air. Heejoon transferred her gaze outside the tinted window and sighed. She watched the scenery pass in interest. She had a hint of why Kris wanted her, and she knew that her powers were going to be revealed again to the boys.













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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;