
Say 'I love you' It's Simple!

It had roughly been a week since Heejoon resided with the gang. They weren’t the nicest people to be around but her identity was endangered if she were to leave. She knew they’d hunt her down.

Heejoon nervously watched as the men armed themselves with deadly weapons. She saw glimpses of metals and other things being chucked into their bag packs. Once they finished with the preparations, Kris had stuffed a mini torch inside his pocket before shuffling silently out the door. The others followed in perfect synchronisation, except for Chen.

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked, stopping in front of Heejoon.

Heejoon gulped and shook her head. “No….I can’t do this.”

“But you aren’t going to do anything.” Chen assured, “Just some healing here and there.” He smiled amiably. Despite his dark attire, there was this certain glow that radiated around him. “I won’t let anything happen to you when we arrive. Just stay in the car and nothing will happen.”

“Okay.” Heejoon sighed and followed Chen into black van. Lay closed the door shut while both Chen and Heejoon filled the empty two seats.

“Everyone in?” Luhan’s voice sounded from the front. From the rear mirror, Heejoon could see Luhan staring straight at her. Quickly, she averted her eyes and mumbled a ‘yes’ like the others. Kris was seated at the driver’s seat and fuelled the engine. Puffs of smoke gathered near the windows before it drove off into the night with a mild squeak of the tires rubbing against the street.

Everyone was dead silent. No one dared to break the muteness, not even Tao who always had something nonsensical to say.

Heejoon bit her lip tracing patterns on her lower thigh. She shouldn’t be involved in this assassination mission. This was a sin. A sin she would commit by the end of the night.

Horror, panic and fear had conjured within her body.

The drive was atleast 10 minutes but if Kris hadn’t sped, it would’ve been a 30 minute drive. Kris parked the van a block away from the actual location and killed the lights. Instead, he flashed his torch into the darkness, lighting the van slightly.

“Okay, so Luhan. You already know where you’ll be stationed?”

“Yip, the outside of the warehouse.”

“And you Xiumin and Chen?”

“With you, entering the warehouse.” They both answered in unison.


“The back of the warehouse.” He promptly answered.

“…And I’ll be circling the place at a 30 metres radius in case of uninvited guests.” Tao said before Kris could check. Kris nodded sharply and switched the torch off. “Let’s go then.” He opened the door only to be interrupted by Xiumin.

“How about Heejoon?”

Kris looked to the back, his eyes searching the darkness but surely looking at Heejoon. “You stay inside the van and don’t come out. Wait until we come. If we don’t return in 20 minutes, here are the keys.” He chucked it towards her, “And call the police.”

Heejoon caught the keys clumsily and glanced back down.

Without another word, Luhan, Kris, Tao and Xiumin left. Chen gave Heejoon a small pat on her shoulder to ease her nervousness. “We’ll be back before you know it.” He smiled in the dark and closed the door as he left.

Alone in the vehicle, Heejoon clutched onto the keys tighter. She hoped she wouldn’t have to use them.


Xiumin, Kris and Chen entered the warehouse through a shattered window they’ve come across. They crept from room to room like shadows, camouflaging into the obscurity.  Lay and the others had successfully stationed themselves and were now checking premises.

Clanks of metal brought attention to Kris. He signalled both Xiumin and Chen to follow him. Using long strides, the trio cascaded some metal stairs and turned left to walk down another set of stairs. The noise had become clearer.

A dim lighting in a room had caught their eyes, and swiftly, they headed towards the place. Chen peeked inside, seeing a maximum of 10 men inside.

They all wore suits, whilst their ties were etched with symbols belonging to their gangs. Xiumin elicited a strange gasp, “Kris, the phoenixes are in there.” Kris already had spotted the gold embroidery of the golden bird on 3 of the men’s ties. They were the ones standing before the others who surrounded a man on a desk, the one which Kris and the others were supposed to assassinate tonight.

Despite EXO-M being a dangerous gang, there were others who possessed almost the same amount of skills like theirs. One of them being the phoenixes. It was unexpected to see them down here; usually they handled their mission at their base. Kris had come across paths with them only once in his whole life being in the mafia. He almost lost his life that day.

“We have to change our plan.” Xiumin whispered.

Kris nodded silently.

“We’ll just wait for the phoenixes to leave then we could accomplish what we came here to do.”


Tao had spotted a Mercedes at his checkpoint. Suspicious, he treaded over to examine the car. What he hadn’t anticipated was the insignia on the back of the rear mirrors. *Crap* He thought. He dug into his pocket and pulled out his cell, texting a frantic message to both Lay and Luhan to keep their eyes and ears alert.

Once Lay received the message, he ditched his post and snuck inside the building. The phoenixes possibly being inside were dangerous itself. Luhan on the other hand remained outside, assuring no other unplanned occurrences would commence.


It had been 10 minutes since they left, another 10 more minutes would mean she would have to drive away and inform the police.

As soon as they left, Heejoon had the time to assess how immoral she was being, assisting in this kind of thing. She could no longer sit in the car and let them kill a man because he wasn’t loyal to their leader.

Without much thought to what she would do, she raced outside the van and through the bushes that would lead to the warehouse. She had almost been caught by Tao as he was circling the area but she luckily escaped his eyes. Instead, she had crossed into Luhan’s area.

Immediately she was pushed onto the ground as a weight kept her from escaping. “What are you doing here?” Luhan spat, annoyed by her sudden presence. “You were supposed to stay inside the van until we came back.” He said through gritted teeth.

Heejoon ignored the pain burning at the back of her head from Luhan attacking her to floor. “I can’t let you kill the man!” She hissed which caught Luhan completely off-guard. She’d never acted so malicious before.

Luhan smirked bitterly, “It’s too late. Kris probably has the guy begging for his life already.”

“YOU CAN’T KILL HIM!” She screamed as she furiously struggled under Luhan. “Shut up!” Luhan spat, trying to settle the girl down. “If you don’t, people may hear inside and one of us will end up dead.” Luhan finally caught hold of her elbow and slammed it down with a vehement look in his eyes.

Heejoon winced in pain. She glared at him, wanting to slap his face; unfortunately he had both her hands pinned down. “If I were you, I would release me.”

Luhan scoffed as he cracked his neck, “Just shut your mouth. Once Kris comes back, I’ll make sure you’re a dead woman.”


The trio were shocked when Lay had joined them. “What are you doing here?” Kris asked, not liking the fact he had ruined their plan. Lay gave each of them a serious look, “The phoenixes are in there!” He commented.

Kris raised his brow, “How’d you know?”

“Tao saw their ride parked near his base.” He replied in a hushed tone.

“Okay then, since you’re here that means no one is guarding the back of the warehouse?”  Xiumin almost seemed bothered by that.

“We don’t have time to worry about that, we need to leave now.” Lay beckoned them to the way he entered. Kris shook his head, remaining on the spot as Xiumin and Chen froze mid step. “We can’t go back yet; we haven’t finished what we came here to do.”

“We can do that later; the phoenixes will detect us if we’re here any longer.”

Kris shook his head, “I can’t.” He then stepped back into the shadows. Lay stared at him with wide eyes before his sight averted to Xiumin and Chen. The two exchanged glances before they noiselessly followed Kris. Lay cursed when he stood alone, “Just great.” He muttered, dragging himself to stay with the stubborn three.


A raspy scream escaped amongst the group of trees. Luhan perked up in alarm, “That was Tao.” He whispered, stunned. He quickly shuffled onto his feet and sprang into the bunch of trees to where Tao was patrolling in.

Heejoon hoisted herself up, she was about to run inside the warehouse like she planned but she couldn’t after she heard another one of Tao’s screams emit from the forest. She decided she would check up on him, and so she sprinted into the plantation of trees.

It wasn’t long before she reached Tao. Luhan was kneeling beside him, shaking his body with one of his hands placed on his chest. Heejoon stumbled towards the two and crashed onto her knees beside Luhan. “What happened?” Her voice cracked as she assessed the amount of blood pouring from Tao’s body.

“Someone shot him.” Luhan said, his eyes flaring a dangerous colour.

Tao shivered in the cold, clutching his wound like he wanted to rip it off. “Tao, hold in there.” Luhan tried to calm the younger down. Tao grimaced in response, trying to sit up but the older restrained him to the ground. “Don’t. The blood will come out quicker.” Tao just rolled his eyes and stayed still.

Heejoon placed her hand over Luhans. At first Luhan’s eyes widened, but then he remembered her abilities flashed into his head. A warm light wrapped around her fingertips before they encased her whole hand, the light slowly glowed over Luhan’s before it circled around Tao’s open wound. Tao gasped as the light absorbed into his wound.

“This may hurt a bit.” Heejoon appeared guilty as she poked her fingers into his open injury and removed the bullet from his chest. Tao coughed in response, his eyes bewildered from her action. She could feel that he wanted to scream but he was too stunned to do much. The light pulsed and Heejoon watched with a gentle smile as Tao’s skin reknitted together.

“Damn that hurt.” Tao scowled, pulling himself up to sitting position.

“Sorry” Heejoon sheepishly grinned, “I should’ve numbed you before I pulled this out.” She showed him the silver bullet. Tao took the object from her and stared at it with passionate hatred. “Stupid phoenixes.” He cursed, gripping the metal tightly within his palm.

“Phoenixes?” Heejoon curiously asked with an innocent blink of her eyes.

“Our number 1 enemy…….wait, what are you doing here?” Tao’s eyes narrowed.

Heejoon remembered her reason and jumped to her feet. “Oops, I almost forgot!” She suddenly ran back inside the thick forest like area. Luhan seemed startled, and a bit panicked in Tao’s opinion. “What’s with the face?”

“Quick. She’s going to try and stop Kris from killing the target.”

“.” Tao scrambled to his feet and followed after Luhan.


“They’re leaving.” Xiumin whispered as the yellow tied men shook hands with their customers. The taller one looked familiar to Chen but he couldn’t exactly remember where he knew his face from. The phoenixes left a few of their cases sitting on their desks and Kris was itching to barge inside and slaughter the guy already.

“We shall meet again.” The familiar guy smirked to the opposition. The man nodded, “Of course.” His tone was light but radiated a deadly underlining.

The enemies forwarded through the back door and Kris waited for 5 minutes before her made an entry with Lay, Xiumin and Chen trailing right behind him.

“Jay.P” Kris growled, striding towards him. The man perked up seeing 4 shadows approach him in the dark.

Jay.P’s guards pulled out their handguns but Xiumin chuckled, effectively shooting bullets through each of his guards. One by one, they dropped to the floor, lifeless. However, the main man hadn’t winced nor tried to run away but he was stunned to see familiar faces.

Jay.P was a short male with many tattoos; his hair was spiky and his clothes branded top to bottom. “Never thougt I’ll see you annoying brats here.”

“Enough.” Kris loaded his gun, holding it out. The main’s eyes widened in alarm but before Kris could pull the trigger, the doors slammed opened. “WAIT, DON’T KILL HIM!”

“Heejoon?” Chen gaped as she ran forwards.

“.” Lay immediately thought.

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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;