Bonding 1/2

Say 'I love you' It's Simple!
Yesterday’s water fight seemed to leave everyone in a more relaxed tone until Lay received a call at dinner.
Yeseul gave the young master his mobile and he answered. The chatter around the table quietened and all eyes traced to the spiky-headed male with the grim expression.
“Ok, I’ll be right there.” Lay hung up and handed the smartphone back to Yeseul whom bowed and bustled away silently.
Lay gave the others a certain look and they immediately stopped eating, heading to their rooms with tense muscles.
“Kris.” Lay called. Kris halted mid-way through the door, casting a blank look back to Lay. “You stay.” Lay announced. Kris’s eyes narrowed at him, “What do you mean I stay?”
“Boss’s orders.” Lay sternly said, taking one last bite from his lasagne. 
“I’m going.” Kris finalised, going to his room but Lay stopped him again. “Kris.” He said firmly. “Don’t go. You know the consequences if we reject the bosses orders.”
Kris glared at Lay, “But I’m the leader. I should be going.” 
Lay shook his head with utmost resolute. “Kris. Stay.”
The two had a glaring battle, the atmosphere around the two intensifying. Without a word, Kris shifted gave a sigh and reluctantly sat back at the table. 
Lay looked somewhat relieved but perplexed that Kris couldn’t go on their mission.“Do you need me to come?” 
Heejoon stood up. Lay snorted, “No. Not after that little prank you pulled off last time.”
Heejoon frowned but then smiled a little, “Okay.”
Lay glanced back to Kris, a sorrowful look plastered on his face. “We’ll be back in the morning.”
Kris nodded solemnly, refusing to talk about anything.
Lay strode away leaving Heejoon with an anti-social Kris. 
Kris inserted a disc into the DVD player then slumped back onto the couch, staring boredly at the screen.
 Heejoon sat on the further couch, subtly staring at him from the corner from her eyes.
He was like a robot; he didn’t move an inch or blink. It was kinda scary in a way.
During the movie, he would check his smartphone only to slump further into the couch in disappointment, throwing the electronic device to his side.
Heejoon thought of something to do, *Hmmm, cooking?* With a cunning smirk, she sat up and stared blatantly at Kris from where she was. 
Kris could feel her stare digging at his side-profile, irritated, he finally turned his head. “What.”
Heejoon’s smirk widened. She went over to the leader, standing in front of him, successfully blocking his view from his movie. “Let’s cook.” She clasped her hands together, smiling convincingly. 
Kris decided to ignore her. They’d already eaten their dinner. 
Heejoon then took his hand and somehow managed to haul him up to his full height. He was tall, really tall and Heejoon still was not used to it. Only her father had been the tallest man she’d seen until Kris came along. 
“Come on.” Heejoon dragged him to the kitchen, passing an amused Yeseul.
Kris blinked, unaware of the whole situation. His focus was on her hand, which was clutching his own big one.
 Note: No girl except his younger sister held his hand or had the privilege to do so.
It was not at all surprising that her hand was soft and warm. Her personality was similar- *What am I thinking?*
He stopped himself from thinking or irrelevant things.
Once Heejoon released his hand, Kris stared at his hand. It was no longer warm nor was there anything soft he could feel. He curled his fingers down his palm and unknowingly followed Heejoon to the cupboards. He was a tad curious of what she was planning but he was never going to say so.
 “We’re going to cook a chocolate cake.”  Heejoon beamed, picking a large metal bowl from the counter.
Kris’s brow scrunched together, “Cake?”
If his memory served right, cakes were made by women. The first and last time he’d baked a cake was when he was 5 –when he didn’t know any better,
“You can make the batter while I’ll do the icing mixture.” Heejoon lightly ushered him to a spot where he could do the job.
The ingredients layed were surrounding the chopping board and some measuring equipment. 
Before Kris could comprehend he was seriously going to make cake batter, he was left alone to do his task. “I’m not doing this.” He bluntly said, staring accusingly at the ingredients as if it were their fault he was placed there.
Heejoon chuckled as she stopped pouring icing sugar into a bowl. She went to Kris’s side, “Don’t you know how to cook?” She asked innocently, making Kris flush a little. “I-I do.” He stuttered out.  Kris’s eyes widened and he instantly slapped his hand over his mouth. *I did not just stutter.*
Heejoon just broke into joyous laughter. “So the big, bad leader of EXO-M doesn’t know how to cook.”
Kris frowned. Was Heejoon taunting him? Provoking him to cook? If so, challenge accepted. 
He rolled his sleeves up on his grey dress shirt and plucked a random apron, wrapping it over his waist. He then washed his hands thoroughly before going to his station.
“Chop up the chocolate into small pieces.” Heejoon instructed.
Kris nodded, taking the sharpest knife he could find and batting the thick piece of chocolate as if he were butchering meat. 
Heejoon’s eyes almost bulged out, “A-Ah Kris?”
“What?” He barked, smashing knife repetitively over the chocolate like a senseless serial killer. 
“I didn’t ask for chocolate powder, I asked for chocolate pieces.” Heejoon sheepishly said.
Kris stopped for a moment before looking at the block of chocolate. He had brutally violated the sweet. *If this was a person, they’d beaten beyond recognition.*
“I think I’ll make the batter from here on.” Heejoon gently pushed Kris away and took the knife.
Kris growled, irritated but amused. *Hmmm, not bad.*
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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;