Two Friends

Say 'I love you' It's Simple!

Just after Heejoon left, Kris gathered all his gang members into his organised and modern styled office.

All were confused and inquisitive of what their leader was planning to say and tell them.

Kris finally broke the thick, heavy silence, "Jjing had requested that we kill these men" Kris spread images of males across his desk.

He pointed to a particular picture and looked at s, "He’s Wang Lee. He used to work for Jjing but he ended it and is now running his own illegal items. Jjing especially wants him dead and as for his men, the same fate"

"Omo, he really had the guts to go against Jjing." Luhan applauded. He admired Wang Lee’s courage to defy the almighty Jjing but belittled him for his stupidity.

Jjing wasn’t just any normal leader of illegal trade but a complete mastermind. His intelligence was unreal, it was one of the reasons his business continued to run effectively for so many years without being caught or raise suspicions.

His work was incredibly detailed and nothing was or would be weak in his planning, everything was firm and stable.

"When do we go after this Wang Lee?" Lay asked in his fluent Chinese.

"Tonight" Kris replied, "Jjing requested that we end him as soon as possible. The faster we eliminate, the more income we get"

"Great" Tao rubbed his palms together.


It was ten on the dot.

Time for action

Kris disguised himself as an ordinary customer, wanting to buy gear from Wang Lee. He held the case that ‘supposedly’ had one million in cash encased inside in his palm and walked across the creaky dock where Wang Lee promised to meet him.

At the end of the dock, Kris could spot the outline of Wang Lee himself. He quickened his pace and soon, he was in the presence of Wang Lee.

Kris could smell the strong beer stench mixed with the saltiness of the sea. *This jerk must be drunk*

And he was right; he was swaying aimlessly, tripping every now and then.

"Wang Lee" Kris called. "Did you bring what I came for?"

Wang Lee hauled to a stop and stepped closer to Kris. His alcoholic breath made Kris wince in disgust. "I brought the money, pass me what I came for now" Kris blocked his nose from the foul smell.

Wang Lee hiccupped, toppling over. "To be honest…I didn’t bring it but I do feel like that money you have is mine, so pass it over" He laughed drunkenly.

*Jerk* Kris spat; he opened the case pushing it in front of Wang Lee’s face. "Since we’re being honest here, I should be too. I didn’t bring the money" Kris tossed the case to Wang Lee.

Wang caught it and shook the black case, there was no money. His expression hardened in an instant, "Punk, you know what you just did?"

"Tell the truth?" Kris smartly commented.

Wang Lee scoffed, throwing the case into the sea. "You must be an idiot, it looks like you came by yourself but I brought back up" He proudly stated. "Come out guys" He demanded.

Kris waited and waited but nothing emerged from the dark and foggy mist, "Where did they go?"

"Hell" Lay came to scene with the rest of EXO-M.

Wang Lee’s eyes circled, "W-What did you guys do to my men?"

Luhan held out his knife, "What do you think we did?" He blew on his treasured dagger, "We killed them and disposed them in there" He motioned to the wild waves of the sea.

Sure enough, the sea was stained red with blood. They had slaughtered Wang Lee’s companions and he was next.

Wang Lee trembled at the sight, his men had died, and he was left to defend himself in his drunken and un-concentrated state.

"W-what do you guys want?" Wang Lee stuttered, reversing.

"Your life" Tao smirked, taking out a gun from his pocket.

Wang Lee crashed onto his knees, tears messily spluttered over his face. "W-what did I do?"

"You went against Jjing and now he wants revenge. He wants your life" Chen skilfully twirled his gun between his slender fingers.

Wang Lee swallowed hard as he watched Chen do that, he counted the males in black and gasped in realisation. "Don’t tell me you’re-"

"EXO-M at your service" Xiumin saluted.

Wang Lee knew he had no chance of surviving. EXO-M was the most skilled, professional and trained gangs that Jjing owned. They never failed a mission.

Wang Lee gulped visibly, "Please have mercy boys, I had to get away from Jjing’s clutches. If not, my family’s lives would have suffered terrible consequences. I had to start my own company to protect my children and wife from Jjing." He pleaded, bowing vulnerably to EXO-M. He bowed so low his forehead contact the wet, wooden dock. He kept that position, continuing his endless cries of mercy.

EXO-M hesitated but Wang Lee’s pitiful cries didn’t change their goal of killing him. EXO-M were trained too well, emotions seemed to cease when they were in action. It was an advantage as well as a disadvantage.

They were getting so used to killing off people to the point it was getting normal.

"Please" Wang Lee begged shamefully, clasping his hands together. "Please let me live for my family, I promise I won’t do this again and I’ll even return to work under Jjing if he wishes" He sincerely promised.

"You should have thought of the possibilities before acting" Kris exposed his gun; he loaded it carefully and pointed the end of the gun to Wang Lee. "Any last words?"

Wang Lee quaked uncontrollably he heard the bullets load and he knew perfectly well that EXO-M showed no mercy. Their rules restricted them to do so.

Wang Lee lifted his head and stood up, his watery, red eyes made them widen their eyes.

They knew he wanted live for his family and he dared to sacrifice his own life for the sake for his family. The man was innocent.

Wang Lee coughed as the salty wind brushed harshly against his frail body, "Tell my family that-"

Kris pulled the trigger before he could finish off his sentence. He perfectly shot the space between his brows, killing him fast.

Wang Lee’s breath hitched inside his throat before falling backwards into the sea, joining the rest of his deceased men.

Everyone stared at Kris with utter shock, "Duizhang, why didn’t you let him finish off?" Tao asked, feeling a bit of sympathy for Wang Lee.

"We don’t need any useless words. We just needed to end his life" He spoke without pity. He chucked the gun into the sea and walked back to the car, his expression the same from the moment he arrived. Void of any motions.

*Every day he becomes more pitiless and merciless* Luhan sighed deeply, shaking his head, eventually he followed after his team mates. "When will we be able to be free from Jjing? We’re turning into monsters"


Heejoon didn’t have trouble adapting to her new environment. She had plenty of help from the boys who befriended her since the moment she arrived.

She was grateful, really grateful that she had bothered to wake up at four in the morning make tiny bags of cute biscuits for each and every one of her male friends.

During lunch, she sat at the corner of the cafeteria. Proud of her work, she set the biscuits onto the table and waited for her male friends to come.

Heejoon didn’t have any female friends because they were either jealous that she received much attention from the male population or they just disliked her for no reason at all.

Heejoon checked the time and smiled, *they should be coming in less than 2 minutes* She thought. She took one bag of biscuits and held it in her palm, she reminisced through her precious memories of heaven and friends. *I wish I was back there again. I really miss everyone* She sadly thought.

As predicted, many boys came to her table in less than two minutes. They curiously eyed the biscuits on the table making Heejoon laugh, "These are for all you guys. I wanted to thank you for making my school life so easy. Take some guys." She encouraged the beaming boys.

They all took some, thanking their goddess.

There were 3 reasons for Heejoon’s popularity.

She was stunningly beautiful, incomparable to anyone else

She was very kind

She was easy-going, a social type of person

She received endless praises for her baking skills which also meant she received truckloads of critism from the females but she didn’t mind. Remembering Kai’s smile lifted her spirits.

When lunch ended, her fan boys bade farewell and rushed to their scheduled classes, she giggled watching her two of her bestest friends squabble with another.

"Minki and Jun!" She peeled the two apart. "What happened this time?"

Jun pointed to Minki, "He said I was ugly"

Minki jabbed his finger at Jun with a long sigh, "This creep tried to steal my biscuit you baked me"

"Is that all?" You raised your brows in amusement, "Girls mostly act this way, and so why are you two acting like this?"

Jun and Minki turned to you, wiggling their brows in a suggestive manner, "You know Heejoon, we were thinking. Can we pweasssse sleep over at your house again? Pweeasseee?" Jun pouted, batting his surprisingly long lashes girls would kill for.

"Ani" Heejoon blinked, "I have homework."

"How about tomorrow?" Minki suggested.

"Mianhe." Heejoon apologised, "I have plans on that day."

"Sunday? Pweassssse? You wouldn’t want to break my achy breaky heart now, would you?" Jun purposely used his aegyo to the limit.

Heejoon thought about it, she really didn’t have anything that day. "I guess so" She hesitantly answered.

"YESS!" The two boys pumped their fists into the air, they hi-fived each other and danced some weird victory dance.

"But, you two can’t stay in the same room as me." Heejoon declared.

"Why? Afraid we’ll make a move on you?" They nudged Heejoon, "You know what you want Heejoon baby~"

Heejoon laughed and flicked the two on their foreheads. "Behave when you come over, especially you Minki" Heejoon furrowed her brows at the male feigning innocence.

Jun gave Minki the same look as Heejoon did, "Did you do something to my Heejoon the last time we slept over?"

"Besides almost catching her , nope nothing at all" He shrugged casually.

"MOWH?!" Jun was exasperated at the mere thought. "Y-You almost caught Heejoon ?"

Minki nodded pompously "Yes I did, and?"

"Why didn’t you let me join?" Jun pulled on his friend’s collar, shaking him back and forth. "I want to catch a glimpse of a Heejoon too~" He whined.

Heejoon pinked, she couldn’t stand the two boys arguing about wanting to see her . So silently, she slipped away to someplace peaceful, the library.

She plopped herself onto one of the bean bags and contently sighed. *So comfortable* She stretched her arms over her head. She randomly picked out a book and flipped to the first page. "Once upon a time there live a-"

"Handsome and smexy prince?" A voice finished off.

Heejoon slammed the book closed from alarm and glanced up to meet Chen’s glittering eyes. Behind him was Mr Grumpy face, Tao.

"What are you doing here?" Heejoon asked.

"Well…" Chen chose to sit alongside Heejoon on a free bean bag. "Libraries are peaceful and quiet. Plus, there are no fan girls here either to disturb me" He happily added.

Heejoon spotted Tao’s nodding as he mumbled some swears.

*Always the same* She thought.

"You still coming on Saturday?" Chen asked, hoping she could hurry and say ‘yes’ instead of letting him wait anxiously.

"Of course, why? You don’t want me to come again?" You softly punched his arm.

Chen laughed, rubbing his arm. "Ani Heejoon ah, I want you to come"

*Childish* Tao rolled his eyes.








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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;