
Say 'I love you' It's Simple!

Heaven was a tranquil and very beautiful place.

Fluffy, soft warm clouds were heaven's paths as magical unicorns were what angel's had for a pet.

Heaven was surely pure happiness and bliss. 

It was beyond perfect, including the angels who lived here, everything about them were perfect, well almost.

Every angel had atleast one special ability but as for Heejoon, she was blessed with two very unique powers.

Healing and brainwashing.

Her powers were considered to be the most 'dangerous' amongst the kingdom of heaven because not in the whole history of angels was there a single angel who had been gifted with those exceptionally priceless powers.

It was a sunny bright day in heaven, like usual. Not once did it rain in heaven but a weird feeling was running through Heejoon’s veins as she gazed outside her bedroom window. *I feel like there's going to be a big storm* but there were no grey clouds in sight, the sky was baby blue, clear of any bad signs. *Maybe it's nothing* She shook the idea away and cracked a beaming smile, pushing her window open. "Ahhh, paradise" She squeezed her eyes shut and inhaled the sweet scents of heaven.

"Do I smell nice?" A voice blurted, sounding cheesy in a way.

"Oppa!" Heejoon smiled in recognition, and opened her eyes.

She was greeted by Kai's gentle smile. "Hey princess~" He winked with a small salute.

Kai was dressed in white attire, flying in midair with his arms firmly crossed across his chest.

He made flying look too easy. In reality, flying was a skill that needed to be mastered. For Heejoon, flying was hard. She had no idea how to control her wings. "Did you come here to show off your flying skills?" She teased, pointing to his beautiful, flapping wings.

"Maybe" Kai smirked. He extended his arm and waved his fingers towards himself, "Come here princess."

"It’s fine." She warily stepped back, "I'd rather not die in your arms."

"Too bad." Kai smirked and teleported into your her and stood behind her. He caught hold of Heejoon’s waist and gently pushed her against himself so her back was against his chest. She gasped and twisted herself around to face Kai's handsome face, "T-That's not fair." She pouted lightly. "You have the power of teleportation."

"What?" Kai shrugged innocently, "This is why we have powers, to take advantage of them and use them for our own good." He explained casually.

"That’s the opposite reason why we have powers." Heejoon mumbled and narrowed her brows accusingly at Kai "You better have not been using your powers to peak on people while they’re doing things."

Kai raised his brow, fascinated as to where this conversation was heading. "What things would that include…princess?" Kai took the opportunity to fully wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer in his embrace.

Heejoon wasn’t affected by his skinship; he was always like this towards her since young.

At first she really would be embarrassed when he would hug her so closely in public but over the years she became used to his skinship to the point it wasn’t much of a problem.

"Ummm…they might be counting their coins. They need all the privacy if they’re doing something so important." She replied and sweetly smiled.

Kai softened while his heart weakened with love; Heejoon was the only one who could do this to him. *You really are an innocent one*

Kai grinned and leaned closer; Heejoon instinctively leaned back and blinked confusingly at him. Kai just smiled and leaned closer to her; he took her loose strand of her silky, wavy hair and carefully curled it behind her ear.

Though it didn’t seem like it but Kai had always been attentive towards her, he liked being her little helper. "Let’s go have some fun~"

"What kind of fun?" She eyed Kai suspiciously; "Last time we got into trouble because we swam in the purity waters and YOU said it was completely fine" Heejoon giggled, recalling her last adventure with Kai that lead to a big disaster, that her father, heaven’s king had to deal with the harmless situation.

"Please?" Kai batted his lashes, persuading Heejoon to come along.

She surrendered with a sigh, and then beamed, "What should we do oppa?"

"Flying" He smirked and abruptly lifted her into his strong arms, bridal style. He held her close as Heejoon voluntarily secured her arms loosely around his neck.

"You ready?" Kai gazed down and met her caramel orbs that always had him being enthralled by their beauty.

She hesitantly nodded.

"Hold on princess, I don’t want to you to fall while we’re flying. You don’t want to turn out crippled now, would you?" Kai laughed and drew his wings out. His large pair of wings glistened in the sunlight, almost making her blind.

Kai timely walked outside to her balcony and tightened his grip on her; he jumped off and fluidly began to flap his wings to elevate the two of them in the air.

Heejoon swallowed hard when the tickling sensation surged throughout her body; she was terrified of flying but being with Kai made her feel safe.

She cautiously held out her arm and felt the warm breeze sift between her fingers, it felt refreshing.

"You like it?" Kai asked.

"Mmm" She slung her arm back over Kai’s neck. She nestled her head closer to the crook of his neck and sighed relaxingly.

The comfortable silence lingered in the air while Kai continued to fly around the peaceful skies of heaven.


The two of them gently landed on a fluffy cloud, "Here we are" Kai announced.

Heejoon glanced around the place; there was nothing until 5 familiar heads popped out from nowhere to greet the two.

"Heejoon!" They all chimed and ran towards her with open arms.

"Oppas" She beamed and jumped out from Kai’s arm and hugged each and everyone one of them.

Kai rolled his eyes, watching Heejoon and his friends’ converse favourably amongst each other. *How dare you 5 idiots steal my Heejoon’s attention*

"Look what happened to my lips Heejoon ah" D.O poked his finger at his small cut on the side of his lips, "Suho hyung’s stupid unicorn attacked me." He pouted.

She chuckled, "Did you take its food again?" She arched her brow, amused.

D.O forced a laugh, "Not my fault my own unicorn was starving."

Suho pinched D.O on the arm and shot him a reprimanding look, "And this is why you go buy your own food for your unicorn."

D.O’s shoulders sagged, "But my lips still hurts." He whined, stomping his right foot.

"Oppa, I’ll fix it." Heejoon paced closer to D.O and gently grazed her finger across his cut. It disappeared wholly leaving nothing behind.

EXO-K never got sick of watching Heejoon display her healing powers, they thought it suited her. "There." Heejoon satisfyingly nodded and retreated her hand.

"Thank you Heejoon!" D.O suddenly secured his arms around her and squeezed her tightly. "Now I can finally kiss my darling girlfriend properly"

"Yah!" Kai stormed over and forcefully peeled D.O from her, pulling her to his side.

D.O threw his hands in the air, wisely backing away from the Kai. "I was only showing my appreciation"

Sehun and Baekhyun snickered, *someone seems a bit over protective* they both thought.

While this was happening Chanyeol was spacing out, a wide, goofy grin plastered on his lips. Who knows what he had stored in his mind that made him look like a hypnotized idiot.

"Let’s play hide and seek." Sehun suggested.

Everyone glanced at each other and agreed.

"I’ll be the seeker then." Suho volunteered. He slipped his hands over his eyes and steadily began to count to 30.

Everyone rapidly dispersed to their hiding spots; as Heejoon wondered where she should hide. "Come hide with me" Kai whispered, waving her over.

"I’ll find my own hiding place." She smiled, "You go and hide oppa, if I come with you. I’m sure I’ll be the one to get us caught."

"You sure?" Kai asked.


"Okay, good luck." Kai wished her luck and brought out his wings. Heejoon watched him fly away.

*Hmm, where should I hide?* She beamed when she thought of a place. She sprinted to her hiding place with a wide grin. *They’ll never find me there.*

"28…29…30, Ready or not, here I come!" Suho chanted and uncovered his eyes. His eyes widened in disbelief when he saw Chanyeol still standing in the same place looking dazed. He face-palmed himself and shook his head. "Found you Chanyeol." he said in a deflated tone.

Chanyeol snapped out from his trance and blinked up at his hyung, "Huh?"

"Nothing." Suho chortled.

"Oh…okay." Chanyeol fell back into his trance.

Suho tapped his chin, thinking of places that his friends would hide.

Since heaven was a huge and vast place, he needed to think carefully. "Let’s see, I’ll start from Sehun….he likes soft things" *Bingo* "He’s in the land of clouds." Suho cleverly concluded. He took out his wings and spread them, heading to the land of clouds.


*So this is how the ‘Lost Land’ looks like*

Heejoon keenly peered over the weird objects covered in dirt and dust. This place was different from the rest of heaven, it didn’t look safe either, and it was rather daunting.

She noticed a black, crystal ring dug partly into the ground; she bent down and touched it.

She shivered feeling some dark vibes spring up her arm but she pulled out the ring and gazed at it.

There were foreign symbols etched on the sides of the ring. *This…what language is this?* She was puzzled and held the ring closer to her eyes.

Suddenly the winds began to blow more roughly; she quickly slipped the ring into her pocket and hugged herself. The harsh breeze made her hair fly messily in front of her eyes, slightly obscuring her sight.*What’s happening?* She compellingly dragged her legs over the sandy floor of the lost land.

She halted seeing a black dot floating a couple of meters from her; it stretched wider and wider until it was big enough for a person to fit into.

Her eyes widened in realization, it was a black hole. She tried to reverse herself but the winds pushed her closer to the hole, she screamed calling out for help but no progress was being made.

She was slowly being pulled towards the hole, *someone please help me.* She desperately thought, defending herself against the strong wind currents that urged her closer to the black hole but it was too late, she was effortlessly into the hole.

"OPPAS!" She squealed as she was taken away.







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Fairy_Exol #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading this after kris's dating news... Kris found a n angel in real life
amethystran #2
Chapter 19: Aw so sad that this is the last chapter in this story. The story is so addicting and I hope to see another update soon. Loving all the plots and the characters!
BLINKforever #3
Chapter 8: The chinese name of KRIS is Wu Yi fan but instead u write it Wu Fan. Sounds weird to me. Correct it ASAP, okay?
Chapter 17: authornim pls. update jebal TT
hunnie11 #5
Chapter 17: Update?? Jebal!!! ♥♥♡♡
Chapter 17: Finally an update!! ~( > v < )~
Chapter 16: Ahahahaha omg kriiiiiis x,DDD
PandasandUnicorns #8
Chapter 12: Wahh! I seriously love this!! >< I hope you update soon!~ ^_^
id3ntical341 #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh. I love this fanfic! But I hope that Heejoon will remain untainted with her angel morals and all. And since she's going to be healing them a lot, what will happen to her?
Chapter 12: This chapter was amaziing as well!! *-*

Srsly why u people don't comment? I love this fic! ;-;