Chapter Nine: The idea

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling

Taemin jumped, his deep thoughts interrupted and raised his head quickly. Not realizing Minho had looked down, and his face was closer than he had judged, they collided. To be more precise, their lips collided.

Time slowed down...

Taemin's soft lips met Minhos firm ones, and they both gasped in surprise. Once again, Taemin felt a little weak. Minho staggered for a second, so startled at the kiss. Though it only lasted a bit, Taemin closed his eyes and saved the moment to his memories forever. 

Minho was the one to pull away after exactly 2 seconds. He blinked rapidly, and his mouth was gaping wide as he stared down at Taemin. "Umm." he said, rather nervously.

To be honest, Taemin was just as surprised as Minho at the sudden contact, but he was doubly mortified because he had just been questioning himself about his hyung when their lips had met. He shrank down from Minhos face, and pulled himself together. Mentally and physically, drawing his arms close to his body in defense.

"S-s-sorry hyung! Th-that...well, i mean, i didnt...." he stuttered, feeling his entire face bloom with color. "I didnt mean for that to happen, im sorry!!" he finally got out. Why had this happened to him?!? He didnt deserve anymore drama in his life, he didnt have time!

Minho swallowed.

He looked down at the reddening boy and laughed at the terrified expression on Taemins face.

"It-its ok Taemin-ah!" he quickly said. "Miahne, im sorry i startled you in the first place..."

Already on the second floor, Minho hurried up the last flight of stairs, while the awkward silence between them stretched on and on and on.

Taemin mentally hit himself for not saying anything. Or rather, not being able to think of anything to say.

Ahhhh...this is hella uncomfortable he thought frantically. Think of something to say! Thinkthinkthink!

But Minho finally reached the top of the stairs and turned into his bedroom. His flipped on the switch and the room filled with light. His room was a blue, like the deep ends of the sea but also like the towering sky. He didnt have much furniture in the room, just his essentials since he didnt need much. However there were trophies all over the place.

Sports, Taemin thought glumly. He would never be as good an athlete as Minho, although he was fleet-footed and had great balance.

Crossing the room, Minho suddenly and unceremoniously dumped Taemins on the bed.

"Yah!" Taemin whispered furiously (knowing that his other hyungs were sleeping). "Whyd you do that??"

Minho smirked. "That was for colliding with my face, you jerk."

Taemin looked down, his face reddening once more. "I already said sorry..." he pouted. He rubbed his now sore backside and sighed. "Whatever Ohnim. Im going to beddddddd" he said, stretching out the word to annoy Minho. He bounced up, flipping over to crawl quickly under the covers. He snuggled down, curling up into the fetal position, and adjusted his head on the pillow to be more comfortable. All in about a second.

Minho smiled at the sleepy boy and changed into his pajamas. His work out clothes were nice, but he loved his comfy pj's! It was a matching set, with soccer balls on both top and bottom of the outfit. He crawled in the bed with Taemin, still sensing some awkwardness and staying on the far side of the mattress.




"Youre really not going to turn off the light?" Taemin asked, disgruntled.

Minho chuckled. "Fine. I thought you might want it though. Youre the one who had a scary dream remember?"

Taemin inaudibly whined, his memories from the nightmares seeping back into his mind. There were gone till now hyung! Why did you have to bring them up again?

Minho threw off the covers, scrambled over Taemins hunched body, fell off the bed ("Im okay!") and ran to the light. "Its so cooooold" he mumbled as he ran back, his bare feet freezing. He jumped on his bed, barely missing landing on Taemin and thrashed around, trying to get comfortable. And warm!

Taemin waited for a minute to let Minho settle so he could sleep.

And then he waited for another minute.

And another.


"YAH! Will you quit moving around??" he snapped. He was not in a good mood, all the memories of the past nightmares had filled up his mind in the new darkness, and he was scared.

Scared that he wouldnt be able to sleep.

Scared that he would have another nightmare.

Scared that his bad dreams might haunt him forever.

But Minho was in a great mood. He was now warm, content, sleepy, and with Taemin. He yawned, answering Taemin with a quick "Sure".

"Such a hypocrite".

"What?" Minho asked.

"Nothing!!" Taemin said quickly.


".....cant even stay still, what kind of perso-"

"Are you talking to me?" Minho could definitely hear mumbling.

"Nope!" came the cheery reply. Taemin rolled his eyes at his deaf hyung, and closed his eyes.

Please just let me be able to sleep.....i need a good nights rest.....let me have a good nights sleep tonight.... he mentally prayed. No dreams. No dreams. No dreams. He suddenly have a vision of the shadows covering his face again, with him helpless once more. Before he could stop himself, he shivered violently.

Instantly Minho (being the attuned person that he is) realized what was running through Taemins head. He was struck again by sympathy for the maknae. I never got my answer if he was ok or not. Looks like hes not  he mused to himself.

Rolling over suddenly, he draped his long arm over Taemins back and pulled him close to his body, in the familiar position they used to share at their old dorms.

"Yah" he whispered into Taemins ear. "Tell me whats wrong Minnie?"

Taemin stiffened from the unexpected contact, but then relaxed, knowing that Minho was just there to help. His back was warm from the close contact with Minho and his hand crept up to snake and entwine through the fingers of Minhos hand. All of the awkwardness had seeped out of the room and he exhaled, and prepared to tell Minho what was on his mind.

He started off with recapping the dream that had happened before talked with the bandmates. Then he told Minho how each of the SHINee (BTW ive actually accidentally misspelled shiny because i love their group too much! Yeah...random fun fact of the day lol)  members had talked with him and what they had told him. He complained about the second dream, and told Minho about how the dreams had just been happening in the last two weeks. Lastly, he shyly told Minho how he had kind of 'saved' him from the shadows, and why he had been so touchy-feely after Minho woke him up.

"Ah. That makes sense" Minho smiled. He liked the idea that he had saved Taemin ^_^

Taemin sighed, and then turned over. He squirmed and brought his arms up to wrap around Minhos neck. Basically Minhos arm was wrapped around his back/shoulders, and Taemin was snug against his chest. He tightened his hands, pressing both of their bodies closer together. For the third time that night/day, he rubbed his nose into Minhos shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent.

"I dont know Ohnim...maybe i should go see a doctor and get some pills to help?" Taemin asked cautiously. He really didnt like doctors AT ALL.

Minho massaged the maknaes back in small circles, while thinking concerned thoughts. He didnt like the doctors either, and he really didnt like the idea of Taemin on drugs.

" not so sure that would help you, like Onew said" he said lightly. "I think you should just exercise and eat healthy, and try not to over exert yourself."

Taemin muffled a laugh into Minhos neck. Typical answer he thought. Eat healthy, and run around.

He thought sleepily back through all the conversations that he had had with his group mates. He was really comfortable with Minho so close, and when he was wrapped up in Minhos arms, nothing frightened him anymore. Hell, nothing had bothered him at all when he was with Minho at the old dorms. They used to snuggle together every night and he never had nightmares! Drowsily he wondered why he had ever left Minhos room.

And then suddenly, everything made sense.

He used to share a room with Minho. Minho made him feel extremely comfortable and at ease. He never had nightmares. They switched dorms, and everyone had seperate rooms. He started having nightmares.

I must have some kind of subconscious need for Minho when i sleep! Duh. Why havent i figured that out yet??

Taemin was delighted at his new discovery. He finally knew how to stop the terrible dreams!

"Hyung!" he practically shouted.

"Whaatt?" mumbled Minho, who was in the middle of falling asleep.

Taemin took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"Can I..........."



Teehee so im terrible i know, for leaving off there! Miahne but im really tired and i have school in the morning!! Please dont hurt me =3

I kind of came up with this idea last night as i was dropping off to sleep, let me know what you think! Sorry for any spelling mistakes, i dont edit as i write!

I hope everybody liked this chapter, and thanks again for everyone that is supporting me! I reallyreallyreallyreally appreciate it!! Aja! ^___^

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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10