Chapter Seven: Unexpected feeling

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling

Throwing everything together in the bowl, he stuck it on the burner and stirred it around for a few minutes. Rummaging around in the fridge, he pulled out some cheese, shredded it, and dumped it in the pan too. Stirring, he waited until the scrambled eggs were done and plopped it all on two plates, with some toast and jam. Turning around, he balanced them carefully trying not to drop them like the bowl, only to find Taemin sleeping gently with his cheek on his arm, on the counter. Minho put everything down on the island and went around the end of the island to sit next to him. "Taeminnie....?"

Taemin didnt respond, only burrowing deeper into the comfort of his arm. Minho rolled his eyes at the maknae. I couldve predicted this he thought wryly. Going around to the other side of the table, he grabbed a fork and sat down facing the sleeping Taemin.

Staring at the boy, Minho munched his way through the toast and jam. Taemin had deep circles around his eyes, and instead of looking more peaceful while sleeping, he just looked exhausted. Minho chewed his lip.

"Should i wake him up to go to bed? Or just wait for him to wake up on his own..." he mused out loud, half hoping the sound of his voice would wake Taemin up, so he wouldnt have to. However, Taemin completely failed to do anything but breathe. Inhale in and exhale out. Gently. His soft breath moved his long bangs, dumping them from their sweeping-sideways position, to almost cover his eyes.

Minho tilted his head, unconsciously smiling as he looked at the adorable younger boy. Finishing his toast, he moved to the scrambled eggs, and lifted the fork to his mouth while still watching Taemin.

Poor thing he thought protectively. He really does need some sleep...

He continued to eat, staring at Taemin, half waiting for him to wake, and half content to observe the boy without anyone knowing.

Now done with the meal, he glanced at the place set for Taemin. He can eat later he thought, finally making up his mind.

Minho got up, and moved around the other side of the island table. Tapping on Taemins shoulder, he called gently to the boy.

"Taemin-ah! Get up!" Minho paused, observing the boys reaction. Nothing. He called out "Dont you want to get up? Come on!"

*Ten minutes ago*~~~~~~~~~~~

Taemin sat down, and watched Minho gather everything for the eggs. Feeling sleepy, he rested his head on the table and yawned. His whole face scrunched up, and he slumped afterwards, feeling really worn out. Glancing up, he saw Minho look away with a smug look and a smile, and Taemin blushed. His hyung was soooo very good looking when he smiled.

He leaned into his arm, thinking happy thoughts and drifted off.........................................

**Every time he had this dream, he was killed. Every damn time, he was struggling to get away. He couldnt stand being confined, he needed to be out in the open. He wanted desperately to be able to take a breath without feeling stress. Every time, he opened the door something different happened. He had been dropped off a cliff, screaming. He had been suffocated by steam. He had been burned beyond recognition. He had been drowned, choking for air and unable to move. What would it be this time?**

He turned the knob. Squealing loudly, the doors hinges opened and Taemin entered. Looking around, he saw the shadows forming, gathering together and growing.

Taemin paused, feeling very confused. He was having an out-of-body DREAM. This had already happened, and now for some reason, he was going to watch himself go through it again. He watched himself find his wings and suddenly he had a pair too. They both kicked off.

Wondering if he could warn himself what was going to happen, Taemin took a deep breath. Spiraling over to the tree, he landed next to....himself. He then proceeded to yell in his own face, and wave his hands frantically, but to no avail. He had no connection to the 'other Taemin'. He almost laughed, he was so frustrated.

"Taeminnie....?" Came a voice. Taemin jumped, startled. At the same time, the tentacle was wrapping itself around the other Taemins foot. 'Great" Taemin thought. 'Now im hearing voices in my own dream -____-'

He watched and followed the movements of his other self, for several minutes, knowing every dip and dive his wings were going to take him.


A shadow caught his other foot. Immediately he felt more weighted down. Flapping frantically, he was still losing air. His foot began to ache, his bones began to feel like there were burning.

Taemin gasped, suddenly feeling the familiar sensation of the dream. Whipping his head around, he searched for the 'other' Taemin and found him no where. Now HE was going through the nightmare again!!

He started swiping at the shadows once more, still losing ground. He kept falling, and hit the ground just as hard as before. This time, the ground was twice as hard as before, and his breath whooshed out in a short breath that hurt. Taemin cried out, and flailed around, trying to get up before he could be overwhelmed again.

It did no good.

More pressure. More weight. Slowly the darkness rose to cover his face. Taemin lay broken on the ground, unable to stop the darkness from covering his face. Pain radiated through his whole body, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Taemin lay there once more, and almost gave up. 'Whats the use?' he thought tiredly.

"Taemin-ah! Get up!"

Taemin jerked, startled at hearing Minhos strong voice. The pressure on his broken body seemed to lessen. He started struggling once more with the shadows. This time, his hand managed to brush some off, and they shrank away. Minhos voice came again; "Dont you want to get up? Come on!!"

Encouraged, Taemin felt a burst of power, and his body felt refreshed. He felt himself gather his power, and then he thrashed around, and was able to stand. He closed his eyes and threw open his arms and felt a white light burn around him. The aura burned, but this time, it affected the shadows. A high pitched squeal came from the patches of darkness as they fled.

Taemin opened his eyes and.......

.......saw Minho. The aura from Taemins dream remained, and it burned brightly around Minho as he leaned closer to Taemin. Taemin blinked, feeling his heart almost stop at the beauty that was radiating from the man who had basically rescued him from his nightmare.

Minho leaned over Taemin, and shook his shoulder, helping the maknae get out of his short-nap sleepiness. "Hey, you ready to go to bed?" he asked, smiling. He was completely unprepared when Taemin sat up, grabbed his collar, and pulled him close, into a tight hug.

Minho froze. Taemins arms were wrapped securely around Minho like usual, but this time Minhos heart stuttered. The younger boy once more rubbed his nose into the mans shoulder, but now Minho was feeling a bit different. Is it just me, or is it hot in here he thought vaguely.

Minho finally closed his arms around Taemin in the usual, tight hug. The two stood awkwardly in the kitchen, but locked in a tight embrace. Taemin rested his head against Minhos chest, and closed his eyes. He could hear his hyungs heartbeat. It was strong and steady. Minho slowly inhaled, feeling Taemin move against him. He had hugged the boy many times before, but now something about his hug made it feel more intimate than usual...., im very sorry for my lie. I had a crazy week, and i had like, nooo time to update on thursday, miahne!! Well, i hope peoples liked this chapter...

As i am a complete n00b at writing, i doubt i can really write good , so dont expect any of thattt next chapter lol. Maybe in another story though ;)

I bet you all can tell i was listening to random music, my writing kind of took a strange turn in this chapter. I really appreciate all your comments about the character-changing-thing-in-ever-chapter, i hope i didnt disappoint!

@love-tendencies Yes, Yuri. I know, it was totally random. But i had found this clip, while browsing YouTube; and was like....... -______-

Lol Minho is Taemin's. Period.

Nothing against Yuri, i love the girl, shes amazing and that kiss was so fake, it was cute.....but still. NO. >.<

But anyways!! Thanks so much for the support for my first fanfic!! i think the next chapter will be the last, so i just wanted to say how much i appreciate all of you! Please keep supporting me!! <3



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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10