Chapter Three: Running TO somewhere?

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling

Hey everyone, thanks so much for the subscriptions, comments and views! It means a lot, i feel like i have to update every night now lol ^___^

Please keep supporting me!


Suddenly the music stopped and footsteps came toward the door but Taemin was too absorbed in the song to even hear either. More tears welled up in his beautiful brown eyes, and ran down his soft cheecks. He sung softly, "You can be the hero and i can be your sidekick/You can be the tear that my heart cries if we ever spli-". The door swung open aburptly. Startled, Taemin opened his wet eyes and saw Jjongs calm face staring at him. "Jonghyun....?"

The guitar in his hand hummed gently as Jjong knelt down; he had accidentally brushed it against the door. Jonghyun saw the tears that watered in Taemins eyes and the side of his mouth turned up slightly in amusement at the maknae. "Ahhhh Taeminnie, again?" he casually asked.

"D-deh?" stammered Taemin, slightly flustered that he had been caught listening to the golden-haired boy practicing.

"Was it another dream? I thought you were a big boy, cant you handle these things?" Jonghyun picked up the damp tissue that lay in Taemins lap, and gently brushed it across the boys lashes. Blushing slightly, Taemin quickly reached up his hand, and snatched at it. "If i could stop them, i would hyung! Im not asking to be kept up with these horrible dreams that feel like reality!"

Jonghyun rocked back on his heels, and glanced away, feeling slightly guilty for baiting the younger boy. He hadnt really meant it, he just enjoyed playing with Taemin.... but the boy was far too adorable to keep shedding tears. He reached out a hand, rough and strong with callus from playing guitar, and lifted the boys elbow and then let it fall. "Aww Taemin, i didnt mean it. Come on, you can come in and listen to me if you want."

Taemin looked up quickly, his tear-filled eyes spilling over. "Really? You would let me?" Since they had movied into the new apartment, Jonghyun had been distant and refused to let any SHINee in his room while he had been practicing. For two weeks, the rest of the group had drifted off to sleep listening to his sweet guitar playing at night. Well, except for me of course thought Taemin glumly. 

He got up shakily and wiped the rest of his tears, promising himself that he wouldnt cry from the scary dream for the rest of the night. Technically day...its already 2:30 A.M. Taemin sighed heavily once more, and follow the second band member into his room. Jjong sat down on his long water bed, which bounced slightly, and readjusted his guitar on his lap. He strummed gently, and hummed a line, and then reached over to place the line in his composition book. "You wanna talk about it?"

Taemin shook his head at the question for the second time that night. His head still pounded, and now he felt very cold. He started to shiver and wrapped his slender arms around his body. His legs began to shake, and with a shudder he remembered the shadow in his dream. Jonghyun, noticing the change in the atmosphere, looked up, concerned. "Hey hey hey, dont pass out here ok?? Come here punk, sit down before you faint or something!" 

Taemin took a step and almost collapsed, but luckily Jonghyun was just getting up, so when he tumbled to the floor, at least Jjong could cushion him when he fell....


"Maihne!!" Taemin lay on top of Jonghyun, who was momentarily shocked.

"Y-y-yah! I have a girlfriend! What are you trying to do!" Jonghyun lay flat, his arms pinned down accidentally by Taemin, who looked half dazed. Struggling with the heavy teen, Jjong managed to free an arm and push at Taemin who rolled off him with a thump.

"I....I just felt so tried hyung, miahne..." Once again, tears started to well up. Damnit! I said I wouldnt cry anymore!

Jonghyun sat up and chuckled. "Its alright". He checked himself, running his eyes over his toned body. "No damage done here."

Both of them sat on the bed, feeling slightly akward. "Hyung?" Taemin asked.

"Deh?" Jonghyun answered, slightly apprehensive.

"What does it mean if im always running in my dreams? Onew said its because im tired, and i need to take a step back from everything..."

Jonghyun scratched his head. Not really knowing the answer, he comtemplated the boy for a minute. Taemin looked up at him, his wide brown eyes making him look sad and exhausted. Jonghyun thought suddenly that the maknae needed something to comfort his heart. He had seemed so out of it lately...

"Taemin...are you sure youre always running away? Maybe its something else that you need?"

Taemin blinked. He hadnt thought of that before. "Well....i do kind of feel like ive been missing something lately. Its really weird. It only started after we moved into the new apartment. Maybe i dont realize i dont like the new rooms?"

SHINee's old dorms had only 3 rooms. Onew had a room to himself, Key and Jonghyun had shared a room, and Taemin and Minho had shared a room. They all had grown tired of the close space and moved so that all the members now had a room to themselves.

"Did i leave something behind at the old dorm...?" Taemin mused to himself.

Jonghyun laughed. "I think that youre not running away from things, i think youre running TO something. You just have to figure out what that is...."

Taemin held his breath, and then let it out in a long sigh. "Great. So im looking for something that i have no clue about? Thanks hyung."

Jjong got up. "No problem Taeminnie. Now can you get out of my room? I think im going to head to bed soon. After i finish this song..."

Taemin smiled, his first one that night. "Deh. Thanks for the advice. Ill try to get back to bed now, maybe if i sleep on it, the answer will come to me." He got up, the tissue in his hand and crossed the room to the door. He turned and gave a slight bow. "Kamsamnida!"

Jonghyun smiled slightly, and pushed him the rest of the way out of his room. "Silly kid" he grumbled under his breath. Taemin put his fingers up in a V, mouthing 'peace out'. Jjong snorted, and shut the door. As Taemin walked away, he could hear him start strumming and singing again.

Taemin turned leaned for a second against the door to think. So.....Onew-hyung thinks that im just too tired of the world, and i need to take a brea. Jonghyun thinks that im not running away, im running TO somewhere. Whose right? He turned around, prepared to walk back down the hall and head back to his soft bed, only to bump into a small being. It reveal a monster with a green face and HUGE eyes.

"AHHHHHHH" Taemin screamed, suddenly feeling faint. Was this another dream?? "WHAT THE HELL TAEMIN!!" the beast suddenly screamed. Taemin pulled back, wondering how in the world the monster knew his name. "You scared me to death!! Why are you screaming? Youre going to wake the everyone up!" The monster suddenly reached up, and 'took off' his big green eyes....which turned out to be slices of cucumbers. Small, brown almond shape eyes looked out at him. Taemin gasped in relief. "Key...?"

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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10