Chapter Four: Finding Some Comfort

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling

"AHHHHHHH" Taemin screamed, suddenly feeling faint. Was this another dream?? "WHAT THE HELL TAEMIN!!" the beast suddenly screamed. Taemin pulled back, wondering how in the world the monster knew his name. "You scared me to death!! Why are you screaming? Youre going to wake the everyone up!" The monster suddenly reached up, and 'took off' his big green eyes....which turned out to be slices of cucumbers. Small, brown almond shape eyes looked out at him. Taemin gasped in relief. "Key...?"

Key scowled, his face scrunching up adorable under his avacado face mask. "Who did you think it was? I just got home from the fashion shoot, and my skin was dry, so i made this." He reached up and tenderly felt his green face. "Hmm Minnie, its about dry now, right?"

Taemins' lips turned up halfway. "Deh, hyung. It looks like you should wash it off now. Want me to help?" Key looked up at the younger boy, finally noticing his slightly red eyes. ".....Sure Taemin. Come with me to the kitchen, arraso?" he said, slightly concerned.

I wonder what happened in THIS dream he thought sadly. I wish i could protect him. Key pouted, thinking about his vulnerable maknae.

Taemin followed Key downstairs to the kitchen. He looked around. " does this work?" he asked curiously. Key always had some sort of skin product on, he was obsessed with clear and smooth skin. Key sighed, shaking his head. "Minnie, youve never used any kind of face cream?!" he asked incredulously. "Remind me where ive been since we started SHINee?"

Taemin giggled and gave Key a hug. "No umma i havent. Care to share?" Key laughed and pushed Taemin roughly. "Yah! I told you guys not to call me that!" He crossed his arms, and tapped his foot. "And there are all kinds of skin products. You have face cream, face moisturizer, face scrub, face wash, face exfolients, fa-"

"Key! I was just curious, you dont have to tell me about the drug store you keep in your closet!" Taemin covered his eyes, feeling like laughing and overwelmed at the same time. Key uncrossed his arms, and sighed. "Arraso, lets just get this face mask off me before it dries out my skin."

He walked over to the sink and the water, turning the faucet handle to the left and waited for the warm water. "Taeminnie, grab me a towel from that door ok?" he pointed to the draw farthest to the rigth. Taemin nodded, and dug around in the nearby drawer for the wash clothes. Grabbing one, he stopped and stared at it. And we have wash clothes in the KITCHEN.....why? Aish, Key really must put a lot of these things on his face!

Taemin brought it over, and watched as Key wet his face, and then dampened the towel. Putting his face over the sink, he gently rubbed at his face, and splashed water over it all, until the green mask came off. "15...16...17" Key counted. "What are you doing?" asked Taemin, curious to why he was counting.

"You arent supposed to have your face in contact with hot water for very long" Key explained. "It damages the pores somehow and you get more skin problems". Taemin whistled. "Wahhh, hyung, you sure know a lot of things about skin issues." He walked over and leaned into Key, looking at his face and whistled once again.

"Omo, your skin looks so great! You have the smoothest skin now! Can i touch it?"Taemin looked at Key, his eyes pleading. Key laughed. "Deh, you freak, you can." Taemin reached out and gently ran his finger down Keys face. He sighed, as felt the divas' soft skin. He stared in wonder, and poked Key in the cheek. "Yah! How is it possible you have such amazing skin! I want skin like that too" he exclaimed.

Key his own face smugly. "I know. Everyone does! Notice that its so late and i dont even have bags under my eyes?" Taemins face fell after he heard those words, and he became quiet. Key glanced over at him, noticing the change. "Yah" he said quietly. "You ok?"

Taemin looked away. "I dont know, Key. Im just getting worried about our schedule and i think i might be getting sick." He sat down at the island chair in the middle of the kitchen. "I had another dream..." Key nodded, understanding. He sat down and wrapped his arms affectionately around Taemin. "Hey its ok Minnie. Im sure they'll stop soon. Have you figured out why you keep having the dreams?"

Taemin blushed, slightly embarassed that ALL the SHINee members knew that he was having problems. He hugged Key around his waist and pulled him close. "No, not yet. I just get so frustrated. Im always running. I dont know where im going. Onew thinks that i should just relax for a bit, Jonghyun think that im trying to go somewhere, like im running to something... I just dont know." He snuggled closer to Key, loving the feeling of being close with him.

Key leaned his head on Taemins shoulder, thinking hard. "Youre always running? Hmm.." he mumbled. "I dont know what that means, but i think that Jjongs slightly right. Maybe you need someone with you. Want me to sleep with you tonight Minnie?"

Taemin sighed, greatful for Keys sincerity. "That would be great Key. When Minho and i roomed together, i never had these problems." He leaned back against the table and closed his eyes. "I dont know what to do, and i dont want to start taking medicine. That will make everything worse, but im just feeling worse and worse every day."

He felt Key release his arms around him, and leave his side. Key spoke saying; "Well, i agree that you shouldnt have to take medicine. Have you tried anything to help? Like calming tea's, a heated blanket, music or keeping a light on?" Key rummaged in the fridge, while Taemin thought. "Everything excpet for the light. Isnt that a bit too...childish?"

"I dont think so!" Key said. "Yah, if it helps, do it right?"

Taemin shrugged. "Alright ill try it" he said glumly.

With his eyes still closed, Taemin felt Key come closer and suddenly he heard clinking of glasses and cups. He felt vague curiousity, but he was so damn tired that he just leaned there, and listening to Keys' soft breathing. Suddenly, he felt something cold, and runny on his face slide up his face. His eyes flew open and he pulled back, slipping and almost falling out of his chair.

The shadows rose even more, burning his eyes, covering his eyes, blinding his eyes...............

And everything went dark.

Key jerked back, startled. The spoon filled with the yogurt moisturizing face mask clattered to the floor. Taemin was breathing heavy, his eyes darting around and looking paniced. "YAH! What are you doing?!" he whispered furiously. "You scared me to death hyung!"

Key looked hurt, and bent to pick up the spoon. "I was only going to put on a quick yogurt mask...Youre skin is looking stressed and dry. I was just trying to help!"

Taemin let out a long breath, and tried to slow his racing heart. It was only a dream he thought to himself. They cant hurt me, im fine, everything is okay, its just a dream.

Key put down the mixing cup he held in his hand and wrapped his arms around the maknae again, and buried his head in Taemins chest.

"Hey, its ok Minnie. Everythings okay" he whispered."Miahne. I didnt mean to scare you or anything."

Taemin relaxed slightly, and then felt bad for Key. "H-hyung, its okay, you can put that on me. It-it felt kinda good." He clenched his fists, hoping he hadnt hurt the divas feelings to badly.

Key brightened. "Really? Great!" He picked up the cup and washed the spoon again. Dipping the spoon into the mixure, he got a huge glob in the utensil and told Taemin to lean farther back onto the table so the mask wouldnt slide off. He leaned back until he was almost lying down. Taemin took a deep breath.

Key gently dropped a the spooful of yogurt moisturizer on Taemins face. "This is just a quick 10 minute one, and its great to put on before bed because your face will stay soft all tomorrow too!" Taemin almost smiled at Keys enthusiasm. "Yeah." he replied softly.

The mask was evenly spread slowly across his face, starting from his round cheeks down to his chin, and then on his nose and forehead. Taemin sighed, now actually feeling relaxed. The yogurt was cool and smooth, and it felt great on his stressed skin.

Key had been thinking while he was spreadin the mask. "Taemin" he said gently. "Deh?" Taemin replied sleepily. "I kind of agree with Jonghyun. Your dreams must mean something i mean, they just started two weeks ago when we moved here. Either the place is haunted and you cant subconsciously tell, or youre missing something. The dorms are knew, so i doubt its the former.....maybe its all the things we have scheduled." Key sighed. "I-I just dont know, honey."

Taemin, drifting off, thought about it. "Maybe i just need someone with me" he laughed softly, trying not to crack his face mask. "I feel a lot better now that im with you." Key chuckled. "Aigoo, so cutee~" he said, finishing the mask and plopping the spoon on Taemins nose and staring him in the eyes. "What are you gonna do if i leave?" he asked playfully. Taemin grabbed his chin and glared at him.

"Yah, you already told me you'd stay with me tonight." He sounded pretty pitiful.

Suddenly, Key mentally swore. He had forgotten that he had to get up early, even though tomorrow was one of SHINee's rare "days off". He had to head back to the fashion show really early. "Aish...Minnie, maybe i cant stay with you tonight?" he said apprehensively.

"BWO?!" Taemin said. "But you promised! I need you!" he looked at Key, slightly hurt that he would just dump him like that.

Key said nothing for a while. Finally he said; "I stayed late at the fashion shoot today even though i wasnt required. They actually let us go early, but i chose to stick around. We're supposed to be going in today at like 5:30 a.m. so ill just be resting for a bit, and then leaving. Ill just wake you up, and todays your day off. I dont want that."

Taemins' heart clenched a bit. He dreaded going back to bed, alone. He was suddenly scared. What if i keep having these dreams?

Key sat heavily down in the seat next to Taemin and rested his head on his shoulder. They sat there together and waited for the remaining time to be up. Finally the 10 minutes were up, and Keys' timer went off. Getting up to fetch a new washcloth, Key noticed there wasnt anymore left in the drawer. "Hang on a sec" he called, running up the stairs to the upstairs bathroom. Taemin the mask gently, trying not to rub it off. He was so preoccupied, he didnt notice when the front door swung open silently and the lean, musclular figure walked through. The man walked so silently, there were no footsteps that could be heard. Coming into the dim kitchen, the man switched another light on, only to be confronted with a being with a HUGE white face and tiny eyes. "AHHHH~" he yelled, jumping at least a foot. Taemin sat up, startled. "......Minho??"

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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10