Chapter Fifteen: Thoughts and Dreams

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling


Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Don’t panicdontpanicdontpanic…..

Okay, this is really NOT helping me.


Clearly, Taemin was having a hard time falling asleep.

He found that trying to sleep in a bed next to the person that he now had feelings for wasn’t one of the best ways to slip off into dreamland. He had tried counting sheep. He tried counting chicken (Onews’ strategy). He tried thinking about relaxing lullabies. He rearranged himself into a comfy position. And yet…

Minho lay inches away, not affected, probably sleeping, and not aware of the internal struggle Taemin was currently having.

Do I tell hin?

That’s a really bad idea. He’ll definitely reject me.

But what if he doesn’t....

No! He probably will.

I could always try! You never know, he might have the same feelings and-

You moron, he already SAID that he didn’t. In front of Key and Jonghyun!! Is your memory that bad??

You don’t have to insult me *Pout*

Pabo I AM you -______-

Oh. Right.

Minho inhaled and sighed quite suddenly, rolling over. His stomach brushing the ends of Taemin’s shirt. Touching, but…not quite. Taemin’s back tingled from the little contact, and his stomach clenched. Minho started to snore slightly. Taemin turned his head slightly to observe his face. Minho was skewed all over the pillow, his now short hair flipped in all directions and draping into his eyes. His arms were underneath the pillow, which was why Taemin was able to move around. Normally the rappers arms were wrapped loosely around the slim dancer.

Back in the old dorms they had found the intimate position was more comfortable for both of them, since they frequently fell asleep together on the same bed. Tight space called for desperate measures right?

 They had perfected the technique to contently sleep together. It involved three pillows, spooning, and Minho’s arm loosely tucked around Taemin’s waist and under his head.

Taemin glanced up into Minho’s face, and smiled. His eyes traced the beautiful, yet masculine face that was five inches from his own. He pursed his lips, debating whether or not to flip over too. With a sigh, he inched away from Minho and tucked his head more firmly onto the pillow, back still resolutely facing Minho.

If he flipped over then he would want to get closer to Minho.

If he got closer to Minho he would want to snuggle with him.

If he snuggled with him then he would want to kiss him stay like that forever.

“Arghhhhh” he muttered darkly under his breath. Minho was making him so confused. Now Taemin couldn’t sleep and it was all Minho’s fault. This man was the reason for his misery.

“Minnie….” Minho suddenly murmured. Taemin jerked slightly, not expecting Minho to have reacted to his exasperated cry sigh.

 “Yeah?” he whispered. Minho didn’t respond at all and Taemin turned his head once more.

“Hello?” Nothing.

“You awake?” he further questioned, but he was just met with silence. Taemin crinkled his nose.

The apocalypse has arrived! Zombies are coming!” Taemin whisper-shouted over his shoulder.

“What?!” Minho’s head jerked off the pillow and his eyes flew open for a brief second before he snorted and fell back to sleep. Taemin snickered into his pillow, amused that that had startled Minho. He flipped over and propped himself up on his elbow to stare at the sleeping Minho once more. He closed his eyes and blew some air into the man’s ear playfully, disrupting up his already messy hair.

The man shivered ever so slightly and sighed.  Then he shifted slightly, muttering something which Taemin strained to hear.

“I….like…” Minho mumbled.

Taemin’s eyes widened expectantly. Could this be the thing he was waiting fo-

“Protein shakes….” Minho finished.

Taemin sighed. Deh hyung, I know you love your health food.

“And y….” Minho started. Taemin perked up his ears. Not many things started with the letter Y! Could it possibly be…?

“Yoga” Minho murmured.

Taemin scowled. “You have got to be kidding me.” His face scrunched up once more in a pout. What was wrong with Minho? Couldn’t he tell that Taemin cared about him? What would it take to get him to return those feelings?

The two were facing each other now. Taemin sighed and thinking something along the lines of “Screw it”, cautiously got closer.

Inch by inch Taemin shifted closer to his Minho. He scooted closer using both his elbows and his to move up to the chest of Minho. Using his superb wriggling skills, he managed to get within a few inches of his hyung, before Minho sensed him. Not waking up, but budging the slightest bit, Minho stirred. He moaned slightly, furrowing his brow.

Taemin froze. If Minho woke up when Taemin was so close to him, he would start asking awkward questions. And that was NOT good. An inquisition would probably end up in an “Umm….uhhh….” situation. Taemin whimpered. His lying explaining skills were a bit...lacking.  

Oh no.

Taemin squeezed his eyes shut hurriedly; hoping Minho hadn’t opened his eyes yet. He completely relaxed his slim body so if Minho woke up he would only see Taemin next to him and-

“Wait…don’t” Minho grunted in his sleep. Taemin ducked his head further into the bed.

Please don’t wake up, please don’t wake up, please don’t wake up…

And his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Minho’s sudden movements, clearly indicating that he had woken up.

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitake mushrooms.

 Taemin regulated his breathing, trying to ensure that Minho didn’t notice his ‘accidental’ proximity. He rearranged his face hurriedly, aiming for a drowsy yet adorable look. Inwardly he growled in frustration. This ‘acting’ was all Minho’s fault. Taemin wouldn’t have to hide if Minho hadn’t been so insensitive about everything.

He deserves to be punished Taemin thought wickedly.




Minho was having a strange dream.

He was dreaming that he was mountain climbing without a partner. He was more than halfway up a slope when his foot slipped on some whipped cream and he started tumbling. However as friendly snake offered him his body as a length of rope on the long way down. Gladly accepting, he tugged the snake which stopped his sudden fall. But it started laughing and turned into a bell rope and clanged horribly loud. Somehow, the ringing turned into SHINee’s Ring Ding Dong sound, which was sounding from his pocket. Fumbling in his pocket, hanging onto the bell rope with one hand, he answered his phone.

“Yoboseyo?” Minho asked, now extremely confused.

“The grape vines will let you go if you don’t answer this truthfully” a feminine voice answered.

“Grapes?” Minho inquired politely.

“Aren’t they suspending you from your death?” the voice asked impatiently.

“Sorry but….no.” Minho replied, now staring at his clenched fist holding on for dear life. “I’m pretty sure that it’s a bell rope”.

“Ah damn it UNNIE!! I TOLD YOU TO GET THAT FIXED!” the voice screamed. Continuing on in a quieter voice; “So Minho, how are you?”


“I asked how you were.” The voice repeated.

“I’m…..fine thank you? How are you?” asked Minho dazedly.

“Great! What is your favorite drink?”

“I like protein shakes” Minho replied truthfully.

“Very good!” the voice purred. “Just curious, but which would you choose, tai chi, tae kwon do, or yoga?”
“…Yoga.” And then Minho promptly hung up.

Shaking his head, he was alarmed to notice that now he was hanging from a rope attached to a hot air balloon. Shaking, he clung to the rope for dear life; heights were the only thing in the world that truly scared him.

Inside the balloon, Yuri, who was wearing yellow clothes, was playing with a yo-yo. Somehow the yo-yo turned into a stalk of broccoli, which climbed the side of the basket. It held a knife and started sawing the rope that was holding Minho up.

“No! Don’t!” Minho started yelling. Alarmed, he started thrashing around in an attempt to climb the rope in a hurry. But his flailing only helped the rope to part further and Minho dropped in heart stopping moment. 





Minho sat straight up in bed, heart pounding. He looked wildly around, still convinced for a few seconds that he was plummeting hundreds of feet. Clutching his heart, he tried to breathe calmly and deeply to quiet his racing heart. After a few moments the loud pounding in his ears calmed slightly and Minho sat back with a sigh.

He lay on his back, his arms folded across his chest as he tried to remember exactly what happened in his….nightmare.

Wait a second. Nightmare?

It had been many years since Minho had had a nightmare; he normally slept easily and soundly through the night.

That’s bizarre he thought bemusedly. Funny how that turns out, the same night that Taemin has one-


 Minho froze, having completely forgotten that Taemin was in his bed. He twisted his neck, checking on the boy.

Surprised, he noticed that he was on Taemins’ side of the bed. What’s more, Taemin lay less than an inch away from his body. The adorable boy lay on his back, his face pressed into the pillow facing Minho, mouth slightly open. Minho stifled a chuckle at his position. He lifted a gentle hand to Taemins’ hair out of his eyes. The boy shifted slightly with a moan at the touch and Minho froze.


Im back! *Cringes* Dont kill me pleasee! Im sorry that I totally left this alone for....oh about 2 months? Tsk tsk such a terrible author, I really am sorry =(

I wasnt sure in what direction I was going with this, but now I think I know...hopefully you guys like this short update, I think Taemin is going to get a bit wicked in the next chapter XD

In does anyone want to write some semi- for me? Lol I'm being totally serious...Because due to the fact that I havent got much experience in writting steamy-ish scenes I'm gonna ask for some outside help! Leave me a wall post if you feel up to it! I'll totally credit you and send readers your way if they like it ^___^

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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10