Chapter Sixteen: Confessions

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling


Taemin had always used his aegyo powers to get what he wanted from his hyungs. His ability to bring tears to his eyes was astounding, and the fact that he had bawled his eyes out previously this night...well. Could he possibly use it in this situation...?

All Taemin knew was that his heart hurt. And it was Minho's fault.

Minho deserved to be punished. Here we go....!!


Minho didn’t even dare to breathe.  His hand still hovered over Taemin’s face, inches from touching the smooth skin. He remained still as the boy sighed, as if worried, and then closed his mouth into an adorable pout.

“Mmmhho” Taemin said sleepily.

Minho raised his eyebrows. The boy dreamed about him?

Minho’s little conscience sounded sullenly in the back of his head. Well of course he would, moron. You just broke his heart. Idiot. Why the hell would you kiss him, tell him you wouldn’t regret it, and then just drop his feelings like a glass dish? Youre such a douche bag!

Minho winced, now realizing the extent of his actions. It looked like Taemin had serious feelings for him, and it had taken everything he had to lean forward to Minho to kiss him. Although he had closed the final distance, Minho had just ended pushing him away after his small promise of no regret.

Well douche bag, look where you are now. You kept the promise for him to sleep in your room, but you just told him those kisses shouldn’t have happened. Do you even care what your dongseong is going through right now? He likes you and is sleeping next to you. Do you know what he must feel like right now?


And do you know WHY he feels like a piece of ?


Minho withdrew his still hand, now feeling guilty. He had gotten carried away, yes, and made the hasty decision to kiss his junior because yes, he was ually deprived and frustrated, but now that his head was on straight…things didn’t feel quite right.

He understood why he felt bad for Taemin; the kid was going to have it rough if he wanted to sleep with the person he was in love with.

But Minho didn’t understand why he was feeling so…pained.

He placed a cautious hand over his heart as he lay on his side. It beat normally, but it felt…weird. Almost painful. Minho cast his mind around.



".....ani" Taemin said softly and Minho jumped at the unexpected word.

"Deh?" he whispered quietly, lifting his head a tiny bit off the pillow to stare at his dongseong.

"Ani" Taemin said again, louder this time. His small body began to shake, and his head started to turn slightly to either side.

"Taemin?" Minho asked, now slightly concerned.

"Ani...ani...eodie..." Taemin moaned louder, his breath coming in shorter gasps. Minho sat up, staring at his 'dreaming' friend.

"Hyung. Hyung, no! I didn't, I di-" Taemin's breath stuttered, and he started sobbing slightly, chest rising and falling erratically. "Where...? So dark, I cant...I cant see you...where are you? Hyung. Hyung!" His voice rose in pitch, now sounding hysterical.

Minho frowned, wanting to wake Taemin up to get him out of his dream before he woke the rest of the household, but the boy quieted suddenly as if hearing Minho's thoughts.

"Hyung. Miahne...m-miahne. Dont leave me. Please. Dont do this." Minho reached out a hesitant hand to lie on Taemin's shoulder when...

"I-I just wanted to be with you." Taemin said softly. Minho froze, shocked. His arm dropped limply on the pillow beside the boys head.

"I c-cant sleep without you. Please. Please! Stay with me..stay with us! Hyung! No! N-no, dont go. I d-didnt mean to..." Taemin's eyelashes were suddenly wet, tears squeezing themselves pathetically through the closed eyelids and running down his soft cheeks.

"Please. I'm begging y-you. Don't leave. You mean so much to me, to us, I can't live if youre not by my side. Hyung. Hyung! Stop! W-where are you? I-I cant...see you. Minho! I cant see you! Come back! C-come..." his voice trailed off once more, choked back in his own throat. "Saranghae" he said softly. "Minho-hyung, saranghae" Taemin sighed softly, his eyes still overflowing, and nestled even farther into the pillow. "Please..." Taemin called quietly. "Please."

Minho swallowed. Taemin's emotion was evident in his voice, and his tear-stained cheeks were more than enough evidence of his sincerity. Gazing down at Taemin's face, Minho felt his heart wrench painfully. He could never stand the way Taemin's eyes would droop down sadly after he cried. Minho always felt the powerful need to protect his dongseong...but now? Now he was the one hurting him. 

He sighed, and Taemin started to stir once more.


"Shhh" Minho said softly. "It's okay Taemin, everythings alright, I'm here I didnt leave." He the boys forehead, brushing his fine hair off his sweaty forehead and out of his eyes "Everything is fine" he cooed softly to Taemin. "I'm here, I'm not leaving, I'm never leaving you. Dont worry its okay" he chanted continuously till Taemin's breathing once more became constant.

Minho patted Taemin's head and cast a regretful look at Taemin's face. "Na....nado saranghae" he said softly. "Miahne, Taemin. I won't ever leave. I...I promise." Hesitantly, he leaned down and swept the gentlest kiss across Taemin's forehead.

Then he swung his feet gently to his side of the bed and eased himself off down, careful not to wake Taemin. Once he had softly placed both feet on the floor, Minho carefully stood slowly to prevent Taemin from waking up. He hurried to grab a box of tissues located somewhere in the room for Taemin's eyes.




Taemin opened an eye and peeked through his wet eyelashes to check on what Minho was doing. An evil cheeky grin adorned his face.

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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10