Chapter Two: Too Tired

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling

So i logged in on this account and was going to write another chapter. I was drinking water (NOT the best idea) and looked at my first chapter. 135 views and 4 subscribers?? I kinda spat water all over my desk lol. Thank you guys sooo much! I had no idea people would actually like my story, in fact i thought it wasnt that great at all! I would really appreciate if you kept commenting so i can improve my writing. Sorry for any mistakes, i dont edittt ^___^ 

(Btw, I AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW. I just was about 9/10 done with the second chapter, and i accidently clicked away from the page AND IT DELETED IT ALL!!!!! I was like , now i have to write it all over again. I apologize, this chapter will be really bad, since i really dont want to write all of it over again >.<)

But yeah thank you all so much! Please keep reading! =))))


With a gasp, Taemin sat up in his bed. Tears ran down his face from the horrifying nightmare, and he couldnt stop his hitched breathing. He in shuddereing gasps of air, and tried to calm down. Mopping at his eyes, he stumbled out of bed and to the near bathroom. Aish, he thought, Not again. Fumbling for the light switch, he was surprised to see his hyung step out of the shower. He quickly grabbed a tissue, and dabbed at his eyes. "Onew...?"

Onew quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Glancing at the cute maknae, he was surprised to see him with such red eyes. "Taemin? Are you alright?" "Deh, hyung, im sniff fine." Not quite convinced, Onew took a step toward Taemin. "Are you sure?" "Its sniff ok, i just had a sniff bad dream, im fine".

Onew mentally sighed. He was exhausted and hungry, he had just come back from rehearsel. He had planned on taking a quick shower, and grabbing some food before he crashed. Mmm. Food. Chicken to be exact. He his lips unconsciously. He was so tired, he didnt want to deal with this right now. It was 2 A.M. for God sakes! was Taemin. Taemin, the adorable maknae. Taemin, the cute and strong glue that kept SHINee strong. Taemin, the 17 year old amazing dancer that caused jealousy in every other idol that watched him. He had to do something to help..... Mentally he called to the fridgeWait for me, im coming soonnnn.

Onew sighed out loud. Taemin looked at him from under his wet lashes. "H-hyung, really, its alright, sniff you can g-go sniff". Pushing past Taemin, Onew walked the few steps into his room to grab some clothes. Still drying his eyes, and trying to stop his running nose, Taemin followed dumbly behind him. He sank onto Onews bed and sniffed. Now dressed, the leader sat gently beside Taemin and helped him dry his tears. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Taemin shook his head, wincing at the sudden pounding headache. He pressed his soft, full lips together and covered his eyes with the now-wet tissue. "Hyung, what does it mean if im always running away in my dreams?"

"I think it means that youre really tired? Im not sure Taeminnie..." Onew placed his head in his hands, and groaned under his breath.  He swayed, and sighed heavily. I really cant concentrate right now he thought tiredly. Slightly crushed, Taemin could see that Onew wasnt paying a lot of attension. He loved his leader dearly, but he really needed someone with him right now. But Taemin understood. No matter what Onew did, Taemin still wouldnt feel better. Although he was trying to comfort the end Onew couldnt help him.  

Realizing this, Taemin blinked. Feeling depressed, he growled violently under his breath silently.

(For all of you who want to scream fangirl style, check out this clip. Sooo freakin adorable!!

"Yeah, cause that makes sense. Im so tired, that i have more dreams that keep me awake. Im so SICK of this! Its been going on for the past two weeks already!" Onew jumped, slightly started. Taemin was usually always in a good mood, something must have happened in this dream that really upset him! He gently reached out and patted the maknae akwardly on the shoulder. "Hey, itll be ok Taeminnie."

Taemin relaxed slightly at the touch. "Im sorry for snapping at you, hyung. Its just that im so tired...and lately i havent been feeling hungry at all. I dont know, its so strange, i feel like i cant do anything right." Onew nodded, although he didnt understand the not-being-hungry part. He was always  hungry. "Have you taken medicine for it?" "Of course not hyung, our crazy schedule remember? If i took sleeping pills, you wouldnt be able to wake me up in the morning..."

Taemin whined on, "I need a break, we just moved into the new apartment two weeks ago. We have fan signings, and we have to finish the Hello MV. I have to unpack everything from my bags and i STILL have stuff all over my bed".

At the word 'bed' Onew suddenly realized how soft his own was. He settled comfortably back ever so slightly. Taemin continued on, "I cant sleep, im tired, i dont eat, and im messing up dance steps. Remember yesterday?" Onew responded with a soft "Mhmm". And still Taemin barreled on. "I just feel so empty lately....i think i just need to take a step back or something. Maybe if i lean back from everything, ill be able to sleep and......" Turning to face Onew, Taemin realized that the leader had done some leaning back of his own.

Onew lay with his eyes gently shut, and his breathing even. Taemin suddenly felt bad from deterring his leader from rest. He gently got up and tapped Onew on the shoulder. Assuring himself that he was really asleep, Taemin pulled him farther up on his bed and threw some covers over him. Stopping to pick up the damp tissue, he glanced back and his full lips pulled back into a sad smile. Suddenly, he suddenly felt even worse now that he was alone. The only person who knew what was going on, fell asleep while he was ranting his heart out! Tears started to well up in his eyes again, as he felt alone once more. "Sweet dreams hyung" he whispered, wishing Onew would sleep better than he did.

Shutting the door softly, he turned and sighed again. He turned and looked down the long hallway at the 6 doors. Walking past the bathroom door and past Jonghyuns room, he suddenly heard the quiet strains of the song Jjong was practicing for his most recent girlfriend. His heart feeling heavy, Taemin placed his back against the wall near Jjongs room, and slid to the floor with a thump. He leaned his head against the wall, and closed his eyes letting the tears leak out once more, listening to the sweet melody floating around him.

G chord, D chord, Am chord, C chord. Repeat with variations. Recognizing a pattern Taemin began to hum along. "Ooh ahhh....Yeahh. You can be the peanut butter to my jelly/You can be the butterflies i feel in my belly/You can be the captain and i can be your first mate/You can be the chills that i feel on our first date...".

Suddenly the music stopped and footsteps came toward the door but Taemin was too absorbed in the song to even hear either. More tears welled up in his beautiful brown eyes, and ran down his soft cheecks. He sung softly, "You can be the hero and i can be your sidekick/You can be the tear that my heart cries if we ever spli-". The door swung open aburptly. Startled, Taemin opened his wet eyes and saw Jjongs calm face staring at him. "Jonghyun....?"

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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10