Chapter Seventeen: Some More Punishments

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling



Taemin opened an eye and peeked through his wet eyelashes to check on what Minho was doing. An evil cheeky grin adorned his face.

‘Well that went better than I expected’ Taemin thought happily. He quietly snuffled, his eyes still watering from his little “nightmare”. He raised a hand softly and brushed it across his eyes, trying to look like less of a mess. ‘Maybe I can milk this for all its worth’ he mused. ’Should I get him to apologize and confess that he loves me when I’m actually awake? Or is he just saying ‘Saranghae’ because he feels bad for making me cry? I…I love him, and I know that he has feelings for me too. Somewhere. Even if he’s not aware of them right now, I’ll MAKE him realize that he loves me .’

He grinned triumphantly as a new thought crossed his mind. He immediately put his plan into action and slid the warm blankets and sheets silently over his head. Lets make him WORRY...



Minutes later…

“Aha!” Minho quietly exclaimed. Locating a tissue box isn’t that difficult in a room, but trying to find it when the lights are out in the early morning? Nearly impossible if you can’t see what you’re doing. Minho found the box under some clothes by the window, and had successfully fished it out. Padding softly back to the bed, he slipped under the covers and grabbed several tissues.

“Taemin” Minho whispered, double-checking to see if the boy had woken up in time he had left the bed. But no answer.

Minho sighed in relief, and drew the covers back so he could dab at Taemin’s still-wet eyes.

But as he drew back the covers, he gasped.

Taemin was covered in sweat. His forehead gleamed in the low lighting with the amount of moisture that covered his round face. His face was more than pink, and his hair clung in wet strands to his face. Minho immediately laid a hand on his forehead to check Taemin’s temperature.

His skin was burning at the touch.

“Oh no. Oh no, no, no!” Minho frantically looked around for rags that he could wet and lay on Taemin’s forehead. “What happened Taemin? You were fine a couple minutes ago! You were only-”


Taemin had a fever because he had been crying.

He was crying because he was upset.

He was upset because Minho was a douche bag.

“ ” Minho muttered under his breath, tearing more tissues from the box and dabbing softly at Taemin’s forehead.

The boy moaned once more, but this time it was more drawn out, as if in pain.

“Ohnim” Taemin said weakly. He started to lift his head weakly, but then sank back as if it were too much effort. “I’m so…I’m so cold hyung. Why does my head hurt so much…?” He squirmed around the bed, making protesting noises are Minho tried to keep wiping his forehead.

“Shhh, its okay Taemin. You have a bit of a fever, don’t worry, I’ll go get Key and-“

“Ani!” Taemin practically shouted, flailing a bit under the covers. “Don’t leave me! If you leave, you won’t come back. I…I know you won’t. Stay with me, hyung please don’t leave me” Taemin begged, his soft brown eyes pleading with Minho.

"Alright fine I wont leave" Minho said doubtfully. "But you're really burning up, I'm afraid you have an extremely high fever..."

"That's okay" Taemin responded weakly. "We have today off anyways." He closed his eyes, as if too tired to keep them open. A droplet of sweat beaded, and then ran down Taemin's neck. He groaned softly again. "So...cold" he whispered, shivering.

Minho's brow furrowed. worrying about his condition. Taemin didn't want him to leave to get water, a cold rag, medicine or anything else. He refused to let Minho leave the bed, or let him out of his sight for a second.

So Minho just sat there and listened to his favorite dongseong sweat out a ridiculously high fever. He cautiously dabbed at Taemin's face with tissues as much as the boy would allow, but he couldn't do much else as Taemin shivered and shook.

Finally, against all reason and sanity, Minho forsake his common sense and reached over to nudge Taemin.

"Yah. Move over." He lifted the blankets briefly (Taemin whimpered at the sudden loss of heat) and slid himself down to Taemin's seemingly fragile body.




Taemin immediately reached out his arm for the electric blankets control switch. Scrabbling his hand around frantically, he remained stationary as Minho nestled his body closer to his. 'Shiiiitake mushrooms, where is that damned switch??' He finally found it on the other side of his body as Minho wrapped his arms around him. He quickly flipped the temperature switch from "10" to "0" with his nail.



Minho wrapped his sturdy arms around the blazing body, immediately feeling the immense amount of heat that radiated from the small boy. Taemin was still squirming around in panic discomfort, so Minho brought them back to their most comfortable position. Taemin flipped over to face him, and Minho gently pulled the boy's body closer to him. He wrapped his arms around Taemin's back and hugged/cuddled him gently, trying to give some of his own body heat to his chattering dongseong. Taemin wrapped his arms around Minho's neck once more, and pressed his form into his hyung. He nuzzled his nose into Minho's shoulder again, tucking his head comfortably under Minho's head. They shared a close intimate moment for a couple seconds before...

"I'm so cold..." Taemin mewed pitifully, unbeknownst to Minho that he was grinning wickedly into Minho's shoulder.

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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10