Chapter Thirteen: Surprises

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling



For the second time that night/morning, the two jerked out of an embrace. Key towered in the doorway, rage showing on his pretty-boy features.

The two of them sat frozen on the bed, their faces two inches apart, both turned towards him. Minho’s mouth attempted to make some sort of excuse, opening and closing dumbly, but was unable to speak. He looked like a goldfish, gaping over at Key. Taemin, on the other hand, went back to blushing furiously. Heat of embarrassment crept up both of their necks.

Finally, Key kicked open the rest of the door. He started to storm over to the bed, then stopped. He stood glaring at Minho, who was still sitting on top of Taemin, and then whirled around to leave the room. Both Minho and Taemin could hear him pad softly but firmly down the stairs.

To the kitchen.

Where the utensils are kept.

“Oh no” both of them breathed in unison. There was a rattling from the kitchen, and then more steps on the stairs.

‘’ Minho thought frantically. He tried getting up, telling his muscles to move but nothing happened. He sighed, knowing what was coming next.

“Yah” he whispered at Taemin. “No matter what, I don’t regret what just happened arraso?” He leaned back in, brushing his lips chastely across Taemins’.

And that’s when Key reached the doorway again.

And saw them locked together.


He growled, a low inhumane sound, and charged into the room to protect his Taeminnie.

Although he was half the size of the muscular Minho, he had the strength of a lioness when he threw Minho halfway across the room.

“I asked you a question” he spat. Looking behind him, he smiled reassuringly at Taemin, who was still sitting shocked on the bed.

“Taemin, its ok, I wont let him molest you again, arraso?” The next second, the smile was replaced with a fierce glare as he whirled back to Minho, who was trying to escape the room and the divas wrath.

“And where do you think youre going?” he snarled, raising the spatula. He advanced with a glint in his eyes. “I haven’t even started with you yet. How DARE you lay a finger on my Minnie? Why would you take advantage of him like that?”

He lunged forward swiftly. A resounding smack echoed through the room, as the spatula whacked Minho soundly in the side. He yelped holding the spot.

“Yah! Why are you *whack* hitting me?? *Whack* Stop it, I haven’t *whack* done anything wrong!” *Whack* Key paused, anger growing in his face even more.

“B-bwo? Havent done anything wrong??” he repeated, astounded. “You took away his first kiss pabo!! You dare lay a hand on MY Taeminnie….? This, THIS tops it all! You’ve resorted to molesting him now? I thought I could trust him to you, that he would feel better if he stayed with someone during the night. I thought I could TRUST  you with him, but since you cant control your hormone raging body…!!! *Whack*



Key firmly stood his ground, flailing away with his sturdy utensil. Minho was now backed into the corner, trying to speak, but every time he opened his mouth, Key would hit him harder.

Meanwhile, Taemin was still motionless on the bed. Mouth agape, he mutely watched as Key attempted to “protect” him. He raised a hand weakly to try to get Key’s attention, but the diva was too busy trying to whack the life out of Minho. (Teehee poor Minho!)

“Umm…” Taemin started.

“Minnie, stay out of this!! Ill make him pay for taking your first kiss!” Key advanced even further to Minho, who had grabbed a book, and was attempting to protect himself.

It didn’t work.


“God dammit Key! STOP HITTING ME!” Minho finally roared. “You didn’t even let me explain!!”

“I don’t care!” shouted Key. “You don’t have to explain anything you e!

At this, Taemin muffled a laugh. He touched his still tingling lips and went to aid Minho. He scooted off the end of the bed, and raced across the room.

“Key…stop this! Calm down arraso? Minho wasn’t ‘molesting’ me, or anything. I kissed HIM” he lied smoothly.

Key froze. His entire body stopped in a quick short move, the news effectively shutting him up and locking him in place. Nothing moved, except for his eye, which twitched.

“Bwo?” he said softly and dazed, after what seemed an eternity.

“I…I kissed him” Taemin repeated. He came up with a brilliant lie. “I was having a nightmare and he woke e up and I was so grateful…” He trailed off, and wrapped his arms around Minho’s waist, blinking shyly up at him and giving him a discreet wink. He continued on, “Sorry for startling you Key, but…he helped me arraso?” Taemin cocked his head, blinkingly sleepily at Key and smiled a tiny bit, using his massive cuteness to his benefit.

Key frowned, tapping his spatula against his leg. “Hmmm…” he muttered. He suddenly scowled. “Then why were the two of you making out when I came back into his room?!”

Taemins’ smile slid off his face.



Key advanced on Minho once again, whipping his utensil back and forth.

“Minnie, don’t lie to protect him…he abused both of us, your body and MY trust” Key went back to glaring. Minho pulled Taemin in front of him for some self-preservation as they retreated from the angry diva.

Taemin tried speaking again while holding his arms wide to defend Minho.

“We-we were…uhm you see… I didn’t…” was the only thing that came out of his mouth.


Minho winced as Keys’ super skilled aim, smacked him yet again.

Suddenly they all heard footsteps down the hallway. Jonghyun appeared, in his night clothes, looking disheveled. He took the scene in with one glance, Minho backed into the corner, Taemin in front of him trying to protect him, and Key was standing over both attempting to hit Minho.

“Whats going on yeobo?” he blurted, before he could stop himself.

Three heads turned towards him simultaneously.

“Yeobo?” asked two stunned voices.



Well, heres a short update, you know, i kind of expected this story to be.....oh about 6 or 7 chapters total.

Oops! I swear, i really didnt intend for it to be this long lol. The characters kind of grabbed the story line right out my hands, i swear, i tried to stop them! But im really really REALLY greatful to everyone who has subscribed and commented, it really makes my day! (How pitiful does that sound lol) But im not joking, i really do appreciate it =)

Many thanks to everyone again!! Kamsamnida! (<--- Btw, am i spelling that wrong??)

And if you guys want, you can check out my new fic! Heres the link:

Since so many people were commenting and saying they liked the 'cute' writing style, i decided to write a fic filled with MASSIVE amounts of SHINee fluffiness. Its called A Kitten Tale. Check it out sometime ^__^

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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10