Chapter Eighteen: And Suddenly...

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling

Taemin took a slow, deep breath.

Relaxing his body normally, he let the butterflies in his stomach to naturally allow him to shake and quiver against his hyung while he quietly whimpered. Minho, still believing that his beloved dongseong was suffering from a fever, shushed him gently and his back softly.

Taemin nuzzled his face closer Minho’s shoulder with a smirk. “Hyung…so cold” he wickedly said one more time, just in case Minho had somehow missed that.

“I know” Minho whispered back softly, hugging the boy closer to him. “I know.” He shifted Taemin around so that Taemin had his back to his chest, and then he hugged the boy even closer.

Taemin won’t freeze on my watch.


In all reality, the blanket that had warmed Taemin up with electricity was now making him feel quite toasty. With the remaining warmth lingering on his skin, Taemins’ body completely under the covers and Minho tightly pressed against him; Taemin was feeling really hot and bothered. Sweat was practically pouring off of him, and when Taemin closed his eyes it seemed as if his whole body was steaming.

This is not pleasant…

Taemin quickly attempted to come up with a plan that would get Minho out of the room so he could cool off and lessen the amount of sweat that was coming off of him.

“Mmhnn.” He tried once, reeling back from Minho’s shoulder for a quick moment.

Minho immediately lifted his head. “Deh Taeminnie?” he responded quickly. “Do you want anything?”

Taemin took care to nod his head slowly, as if he really were in a lot of pain. “Could I…have a glass of water?” he said quietly, his voice deliberately lower and rough. “I just…my throat…it’s so dry” he made his voice draw out the last word, deliberately trailing off into a whisper.

Instantly, Minho withdrew from Taemin, nodding furiously. “Of course! I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere…” he stopped suddenly, rolling his eyes. “Oh. Oh course he can’t go anywhere, he’s sick” he muttered to himself, shaking his head.

“Obviously.” Taemin stuck his tongue out at him weakly.

Minho’s lips twisted up in a sudden smile at how impudent his dongseong could be even when he lay sweating from a fever.

Fever. Right, he needs water. Minho got up from the bed, careful not to jostle the boy, and headed for the door. “I’ll be right back Taemin.”

“You already said that hyung!” Taemin called feebly after him with a laugh.

“Go to sleep!” Minho called back to him, a smile still lighting his face as he left the room.

A couple seconds passed as Taemin strained his ears to ensure that Minho had really gone downstairs.


“God damn!”

Taemin burst from beneath the covers as if there were a spider hidden between the sheets. He flung himself out of the boiling hot bed and stood, almost panting, in the center of the room. He cast a look at the bed. “That was such a bad idea” he shuddered to himself. He held his clothes away from his body with his thumb and forefinger; one could see through his white shirt and pants since they were almost drenched with sweat.

“Right.” Taemin decided. “These are coming off.”

He lifted the bottom of his shirt, twisting around in the center of the room trying to get his sopping shirt off. He flailed around for a moment, almost succeeding in getting his shirt off before his arm got twisted and the shirt caught around his neck, bunching together annoyingly.


Minho made his way quietly to the kitchen. He had been so caught up with Taemin and everything that had happened that he didn’t know what time it was. Sure that Jonghyun was still sleeping, he quickly and silently snagged a glass from the cabinet and filled it almost to the brim.

For a moment, Minho stopped and debated on whether or not to put ice in the glass, since water always tasted better cold to him. However, when he remembered Taemin’s repeated whispers of how chilled he was, Minho decided against the ice. Walking as carefully as possible, he made his way to the stairs and ascended them slowly.


“Arrghh!” Taemin growled, frustrated by the clothes. He jumped around, struggling even more fiercely with the shirt.

Finally, the bunched material came loose from his neck, slipping off and started coming off his head.

Even blinded as he was taking off his shirt, Taemin still bounced around. “Yess!” he hissed as it finally came loose.

And of course Taemin just happened to be prancing around wildly by the door.

Where Minho just happened to be walking through at that exact moment.

With a glass of water.

They both collided and fell with a dull thud “Ahh!” sploosh…

“Minnie? What the hell just happened….?” Minho started, blinded by the hit to his head. Although he still clutched the glass, nothing remained in it. Its contents were now rapidly spreading over himself and the remaining clothes that Taemin had on...

Minho took a second to absorb what had just happened. He slowly lifted his head to take in the situation.

He was lying on the floor. Taemin lay frozen with shock on top of him, and both of them were currently covered in water.

And Taemin was half .





Thanks for reading everyone! Love you guys so much!


~ Lan

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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10