Chapter Fourteen: Realization

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling


Suddenly they all heard footsteps down the hallway. Jonghyun appeared, in his night clothes, looking disheveled. He took the scene in with one glance, Minho backed into the corner, Taemin in front of him trying to protect him, and Key was standing over both attempting to hit Minho.

“Whats going on yeobo?” he blurted, before he could stop himself.

Three heads turned towards him simultaneously.

“Yeobo?” asked two stunned voices.

Jonghyun swiftly took in an intake of air. Damn. That wasnt supposed to come out of my mouth.

Minho and Taemin both turned back to Key, eyebrows raised, waiting for an answer. Key seem to have deflated at the turn in events. He slowly lowered his spatula, and blinked a couple times, now trying to find something to say.

Jonghyun sighed, and entered the room. He walked steadily over to Key, and with a sigh, put his arm around Key's shoulders. Immediately, Key shrugged off his arm, and glared up at him with his eyes wide. Their silent communication was incredible; Jonghyuns' facial and body language centered on Key, and Key's eyes said everything.


"What are you doing Jonhyun?? I thought we agreed we wouldnt tell them yet...."

"I just blurted out 'honey', you think they're gonna over look that? Its already been a little over two weeks since we've been together. Are you really THAT afraid of telling them we're dating?"

Key turned to face Jonghyun, and raised his eyebrow.

"I am NOT afraid of tell them. Its just that..."

"Just what? Im tired of sneaking around with you, Key. I love you, and if they hate us together, I dont care. I told you, Im here for you. Always. Ill tell you until you believe me."

Jonghyun put his hand on Keys shoulder, smiling gently at him

".....I know. But I feel like they might reject 'us'. SHINee would be weakened by this....."

"I know. But arent you willing to risk it? They are our friends, Im sure they will understand."

Key pursed his lips.

"You're right, Im sorry. We should just tell them now...I trust you. Anyways i just caught Minho kissing my Taeminnie. *He flicked his eyes toward them* They have something going on too, I thin-"


Jonghyun eyes widened.

"You were doing WHAT?" he shouted at Minho, turning to face him suddenly. Taemin and Minho both jumped, not expecting him to suddenly whirl to them. The couple had been conversing for a good 40 seconds, silently having an intense discussion.

Watching them, Minho and Taemins' eyes had swung back and forth between them, sensing something was taking place, but too scared to inturrupt. Now that Jonghyun was furiously staring at Minho, Taemin felt some protective need kick in.

"Why are you shouting?" he pouted, crossing his arms and looking sadly at the floor.

He was only doing it to ensure that Key would....

"Pabo!" *Smack* "Why are you shouting? Your startled them, and its so early!"

Yup. There we go.

Jonghyun rubbed his arm, wincing at the mark the dive was sure to have left. "Miahne, I didnt mean to. I was just startled." He turned back to the pair, who were still standing close together.

"....Taemin. You want to explain what you were doing?"

Surprised, Taemin looked questioningly at Key. Key definitely had not said anything to Jjong, so how did he....?

Key merely looked back at Taemin, a bemused look on his face. He hadnt expected Jonghyun to be so startled at the news that the two were making out. Taemin turned to Jonghyun, now panicing.

"Umm...we werent doing anything!"

Minho sighed, and looked down at him.


"That was the best you could do?!"

"Im sorry! I paniced! What did you want me to say??"

"Anything other than that! Come one Taemin!"


Key froze, looking intently at them. Couple communication, he mused to himself. They're already so close with each other....

Meanwhile, Jonghyun was rolling his eyes.

"You kissed Minho?" he asked bluntly.

Taemin was blushing, heat creeping up his neck at the direct question. Thoughts raced through his mine, swirling around and around, trying to form a coherent sentence. What to say...? Technically he kind-of did kiss Minho. Not first, of course, Minho had made the first move....well he had approached Minho first..... eotteoke??

He stood there frozen in indecision. Sensing how confused the boy was, Minho wrapped his arms around him. He also blushed. He was slightly humiliated both of them were there to see him like this. Minho was at a loss for words, and now completely questioning himself and why he had kissed Taemin in the first place. No he didnt regret it, but why had he done it in the first place? He wasnt gay! He didnt like Taemin like that.....did he?

Still wondering why the older boys were both so angry when it came to their kiss, Minho decided on a half-assed answer.....and hesitantly spoke.

"We got...carried away when...he woke up from a scary dream...he was merely thankful and I...didnt stop him. I kissed him back. You guys know that we are very close, we have a lot of skinship on and off stage. You both know that" he repeated firmly. "Its a misunderstanding. Theres no need to get upset over it guys."

Key and Jjong stood there for a moment longer, blinking at them.

Minho continued. "Jonghyun, go back to bed. Key you can leave for your model shoot. I know thats why you got up in the first place. Thanks for checking in on us" he said shortly. "Im going back to sleep, and dont worry, I wont touch Taemin in bed..."

Key's brow furrowed, taken aback. 

"D-deh" he said slightly softly. Minho added, "Taemin asked to sleep in my room from now on. I said yes. Dont worry, nothing more will happen. You can leave now."

Jonghyun looked them up and down, not really sure whether or not to believe him. Not that he didnt trust Minho and Taemin, but there was something else....something Minho wasnt telling them. Seeing the closed off look on Minho face, he decided it would be best for both of them to simply leave.

He grabbed at Key, finally closing on his arm, and turned to walk out of the room. Key just stared at the two of them as he was dragged out, not even talking, kind of stunned.

His explanation didnt make sense to Key, he could see it in Taemins face the boy was infatuated with Minho...what was going on? Didnt Minho feel the same way? Why did he just deny what happened. 

Taemin felt relieved when the two left, now he wasnt required to say anything. He wouldnt have to embarass himself any further in front of his hyungs! At the same time, there was this nagging feeling....

Minho sighed in relief, incredibly happy that both Key and Jjong had left. No more abuse of awkward questions.

He looked down at Taemin, who he was still hugging close in his arms.

"Yah, that was terrible! Key almost killed me!" He withdrew his arms, examining them closely for marks. Several spots were already turning a darker color than normal. He groaned. ", he gave me bruises again! He knows that we have the Hello video shoot soon!"

Taemin stood there dumbly, nodding. The warmth from the close embrace that Minho had him in was fading, and that nagging feeling was growing louder. He turned to Minho, looking up at him, seeking an answer. Minho looked at him.

Taemin cocked his head, still not speaking. What was it? Something was wrong...what was happening to him? Taemin shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

"Deh, I cant believe him!" he said brightly, trying to cover his odd behavior. He left Minhos side, walking quickly to Minhos bed, and sitting down. "He really should be careful with that spatula, one day hes really going to kill someone by accident."

Minho nodded, and also walked to the bed, happy that Taemin was falling back into the normal behavior. He had subconsciously thought that Taemin might have gotten mad that he had denied what really happened. I didnt really go back on my word Minho thought defensively. I dont regret it...I just wonder why i kissed him in the first place. Its nothing...

Taemin decided it would be best to simply go to sleep. He had had little sleep, it was already past 5 in the morning, and all he had done was be scared by a nightmare, talk to 4 people, kiss one of them...and that was it. Like an hour of sleep total. Great -__-

Forgetting the intimacy the two had just shared minutes ago, he layed down, shutting his eyes. He felt.....slightly insulted. What had just happened? They had just ing KISSED and Minho completely denied it from happening. Well....I did plant the lie he thought, pursing his lips. He turned over, watching as Minho also got comfy on the bed.

"Im just gonna go bac-...gonna go to bed" Taemin said quietly. "Im really tired."

Minho looked at him, his eyes questioning if he was alright. Taemin nodded, and turned over so he would have to look at Minho any longer.

Feelings rushed through him. Why did he want Minho to snuggle close to him again, like at the beginning of the night? He wanted to feel Minho's fingers intertwined with his, close and secure.

Whats wrong with me?

Taemin swallowed tears that rose abruptly in his throat. Sudden memories flew through his mind....




"What does it mean if im always running in my dreams?"

"Onew said its because im tired, and i need to take a step back from everything..."

"I think that youre not running away from things, i think youre running TO something. You just have to figure out what that is...."

"Either the place is haunted and you cant subconsciously tell, or youre missing something."

"Maybe i just need someone with me?"

He smiled, and felt the most calm he had that night, after 'the dream'. Minho gives the best hugs

He felt his heart almost stop at the beauty that was radiating from the man who had basically rescued him from his nightmare.

What the hell? Im not gay  Taemin thought.

I must have some kind of subconscious need for Minho when i sleep! Duh. Why havent i figured that out yet??


Taemin clenched his fists, refusing to make a sound as a feeling of loss swept over him. He....he really DID like Minho. Minho had just kissed him, told him he could sleep with him from now on, told him he wouldnt regret it....and then completely denied anything had happened. Minho basically just rejected the idea that...they could be together. 

Taemin bit his lip.

. Im in love with Minho. And now I cant tell him, otherwise he'll throw me out of his room. If I confess, he wont want me sleeping here anymore. It would be too strange for him....

A single tear eased its way down his soft cheek.





Heyyyyy guys!! Im back!! (Kind of)

I want to thank everyone that stayed with me while I totally failed at being an author, and didnt update for like 2038429057 days!! I lost some subscribers, and gained some, but to everyone; THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Have I ever told you guys how much I appreciate you? No? Well I do, I really really really really really really really really really really really love you guys!!!

Anyways, sorry for the long wait, again, school was kicking my , and....will continue to do so until June 16th -____-

Since I felt so bad for not updating this story forever, i decided to write a super long chapter...I hope it will hold you guys over till i can write again!! Ignore any, and all mistakes, I dont edit at all.

Kamsamnida! <3

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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10