Chapter Eleven: Unexpected feeling

Nightmare: An unexpected feeling


However, Minho merely smirked again. He reached up, winding his arms around Taemins neck and applied some pressure to the right side. 

"Ahh. Ah!" Taemin cried out, leaning towards his right to lessen the pressure Minho was applying. Minho grinned, and lurched up, kicking his leg up and out, and spun around to once again, dominate on top of Taemin. He held down Taemins wrists, and locked his legs so that Taemin wouldnt be able to kick around. Smiling, he leaned down to breath in Taemins ear,

"Much better."

Taemin shivered at his warm breath, and meowled, protesting weakly.

"Yahh! I thought you didnt want me sleeping with you!" he said, glaring at Minho. "If you dont want me in here, i was going to leave. Ill just go sleep in MY room. In MY bed. By MYself." he pouted a little at the last bit. I really dont want to be sleeping by myself anymore he thought glumly.

Minho sat up and pursed his lips. "You know, I never said that" he said charmingly. "I was just asking the innocent question if you were *ahem* not quite comfortable with sleeping in the *cough* darkness of the night?"

Taemin rolled his eyes. "I am not afraid of the dark!!" he cried again. "Seriously, just keeping rubbing the fact that Im going to suffer from nightmares for the rest of my LIFE in my face. Go ahead! Its alright! Ill just go tell Key that you were being mean to me, and you kicked me out of your bed halfway through the night." Taemin paused. "You know.....hes got a pretty good arm. Remember what happened last time you tried to run from his spatula?"

Minho winced.

"Yeahh.....lets not do that. Okay? I have a bruise on my shoulder for a week. How he hit me, from around the corner....and i was running full speed too....I dont know. Youre really going to resort to threats now?" Minho shivered.

Taemin nodded savagely. "If it comes to that!" He glared up at Minho again, eyes shooting daggers.

Minho glared right back at him. "You wouldnt. I havent even done anything!"

Taemin drew his eyebrows together. "You were teasing me!"

"I was not!"

"Yes you were!"

"No, I wasnt!" Minho bit his lip, glowering. His gaze was fixed on Taemin, and he stared down at him with his lip curled. Taemin defiantly glared right back. So much tension filled the room it seemed like electricity was crackling in the air.

Both of them sat there looking at each other, silently daring each other to say something else. Their gazes were locked tight to the others face, and became a staring match.

Minhos grip was tight on Taemin, so the boy couldnt move an inch. Though he didnt know it, Minhos' stare was so intent on Taemin that the space between them was slowly closing, because he was leaning in.  He tilted his head, his gaze not breaking for an instant.

Taemin was focused as well, his face scrunching up in opposition. His nose started to crinkle adorably.

Still, the staring match went on. It was already past a minute, but both stubbornly kept resisting. Minho was strong, but he was also tired from past events, and now it was early morning and he hadnt gotten any sleep. His arms were still holding Taemin down, but they were starting to shake with the effort. He started to adjust his grip on Taemins arms, but he slipped.

His hands slid off the boys arms and to the sides of the bed. Minho slumped down several more inches because of his lost grip, which suddenly resulted in his face suddenly being very close to Taemins.

Taemin flinched but didnt blinked or move away, his steady gaze still looking in Minhos eyes.

Minho was startled from the sudden closeness. He blinked several times, but kept his eyes on Taemins. His breath started to come a tiny bit short, his heart suddenly pounding faster.

Hmm...I never noticed how Taemin's eyes were so pretty he thought absentmindedly as he continued the staring match. Wow, they're a really pretty shade of light brown....almost goldish auburn?

Taemin also wondered as he stared at his hyung. There was a some kind of special shining quality about Minhos eyes. His eyes are the perfect dark brown. Sweet and soft just like chocolate he thought, swept away by the depth of those mesmerizing eyes. He started to blush at having them stare into his very soul.

Minho noticed the rising color in Taemins cheeks and suddenly felt very warm himself. He felt the heat rising in his body, which was aburptly painfully aware how intimate their positions were.

Taemin was lying underneath him, and he was straddling his waist, his arms on either side of Taemins face. And both of their faces were close enough to...

Minho stopped that thought right in its tracks.

Meanwhile, Taemin was mentally cursing himself. Why the hell are you blushing?! Stop it!  But his body completely failed to stop reacting to the close proximity of Minho’s body. He had been staring deeply into Minho's eyes, but in a decision he didnt even remember making, his eyes flicked down towards Minhos lips.

Wait! Why did I just do that??  he thought desperately, now mentally smacking himself.

Minho caught the eye flicker, and flushed himself. He found himself suddenly thinking of the quick kiss they had shared earlier on the stairs. Taemins lips had been so soft....

Minho was now hanging so close over Taemin that they could feel each others breath on their faces. Both of their hearts started to quicken, and again there was a sense of tension, but now there was also anticipation in the air.

Taemin once again stared up at Minho, blinking shyly. His long lashes fluttered and heat was moving over his entire body. Not even realizing it, he was starting to strain to be closer to Minho, and he shivered. Hes so close.

Minho felt the reaction to his approach and searched the boys eyes. However he saw no resistance or disgust, and for some reason this made him feel elated. His own eyes flicked down to glace at Taemins lips, which were full and very pink. 

Taemin made up his mind. He opened his mouth.

"Hyung" he said softly.

Minho was surprised to hear the boy speak after such a long pause. He pulled back just slightly to properly look the boy in the face.

Immediately Taemin felt some of the heat leave as Minho started to withdraw.

He used his arms to sit up a tiny bit, pulling closer to Minho once again. He lifted one of his hands, and placed it on Minhos shoulder, close to his neck. He drew even closer to his hyung.

"So....if you didnt say that i couldn't sleep with you from now on....was that a yes?"

Taemin went back to staring into Minhos eyes, but now instead of merely  looking, he started searching.

Minho came to a choice. He was a great believer in 'Actions speak louder than words.' At the maknaes' question, he felt a feeling rush through him. His deep brown eyes held an answer, but instead of answering out loud, Minho made a decision. He closed the rest of the distance between their lips.

He leaned forward to place his lips on Taemins. The boy slightly gasped, his heart starting to race even faster. Minho tilting his head, deepening the kiss and closed his eyes. Taemin lay frozen, with the sweet taste of Minho on his lips. Time seemed to stand still. Then Taemin also closed his eyes, kissing Minho hungrily back.

Surprised with the sudden eagerness, Minho broke the deep kiss.

Both of them were panting heavily, and their hearts were thundering in their chests. Taemin frowned a little when Minho retreated. His arm still on Minhos shoulder, and he used it to help himself sit up, but Minho was still straddling him. He looked silently at Minho once more in the eyes, at a loss for words.

"That was a yes" Minho whispered shyly.

Taemin smiled, and crashed his lips back together with Minho. He didnt know how long they stayed like that, devouring each others lips sensationally. This time it was different, now they kissed more roughly. Minho bit gently on Taemins bottom lip, asking for entrance. Taemin in a breath of surprise, not expecting it. Minho ran his tongue along Taemins lips, who then opened his mouth, allowing him in.

Minho's tongue slipped inside the maknae's mouth, and started exploring his wet, warm cavern. His hands traveled up to cup Taemins soft cheeck, and warm sensations ran through both of their bodies as they remained locked together.

Suddenly the door opened.....................




Ahhhhh hot damn i really at ''!!!! Lol i was blushing like crazy while writing this, and THIS WASNT EVEN THAT BAD OF A SCENE! Aish.

Miahne, this chapter was kind of quick and terrible, but i felt the need to throw something like this in here keke~

Thanks so much for all the new subscribers!! I love you guys! The comments=motivation! The subscribers=encouragement!

Once again, sorry for the terrible chapter, i tried though lol. Kamsamnida! <333

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howlingwolffate #1
Chapter 20: omg i love this~! make more soon and i wonder how Taemin will act off this! XD i hope its somthing along the lines of 'i suddenly got very hot' :3
YuShing7 #2
Chapter 20: Please update!!! I need to know the ending !!! :D
Muahahahaha now kiss lol
ilovekorea #4
You updated!
Can't wait for more~~
PikaKyuLove #5
Way to go, Taemin. XD
VioletButterflyDemon #6
May I ask how you added this poll to the story? Would help a lot...>.<
ilovekorea #7
*giggles~*<br />
I want more..<br />
VioletButterflyDemon #8
I want a nice sweet relationship between them...^^ and more emphasis on the nightmares...that would be cool...*_*
Naisama3 #9
Omg! Evil Tae
VioletButterflyDemon #10