The Chicken Lover and the Incident


*Your POV* 

After Minho pulled me away from from the others, I could hear Key explaining to them where I was staying.

"So which room am I sleeping in?", I asked.

"This one.", he opened the door to a neat room with a bunk bed, 2 dressers, a wide screen T.V, a small desk with a mac laptop, and a small closet.

"Woah, this is pretty neat for a guy." I said as I walked in, placing my bag on the floor.

"Yeah, well...he has to keep it clean or Key will flip. Out of all the members Onew is the clumsiest, so of course he has to keep it clean." Minho replied.

"Ah, neh. Speaking of this Onew guy, where is he?" I was getting curious on who my room mate is.

"Don't worry about him, he's probably out buying chicken for himself. He never shares with us...pabo chicken eater..." Minho sighed before talking again, "But hyung sleeps on the bottom bunk so you'll get the top. And the bathroom is across across the hall and two doors down, so please, play it safe and bring your clothes with you, not just your towel. If you forget just call either me or Key since we're the only other two who know your secret, arasso?"

"Key? Why should I call him? I can understand calling you cause your my brother, but Key?!" Is oppa going crazy here?

"Eh? You don't gotta worry about Key, he's gay! (A/N: Key isn't really gay, Minho's just being a pabo) I mean, have you ever met a straight guy who's into doing his nails, wearing Prada and Gucci, and dancing to girl group songs?" He asked giving me a look.

"Oh, well no, but that doesn't give you the right to label them as 'gay', oppa!! That's just being plain old rude!!" I said frowning.

"Whatever, but look on the bright side, you can look at Key as another girl." Minho said nodding his head at his own expanation.

I paused and nodded along with him, "Hmmm...That doesn't sound so bad."

Minho just grinned to himself before walking out, but before fully leaving the room he stopped and looked back, "Yah, Eunae, remember not to leave your...girl clothes....lying around, your dresser is the one by the window."

Then he left the room.

I rolled my eyes before opening my bag and started putting my clothes in the dresser.


*Onews POV*



I liked my lips before biting into my precious chicken, again.

*la sigh* 

"Chicken, chicken, chicken, if you were alive, I'd marry you," I said to myself before stopping, ".....Nah, I'd still eat you. MWAHAHAHA--OOF!!"

Aishhh, never walk up stairs while carrying an extra large bucket of chicken.

I walked towards the dorm door and searched for my keys.

After finding them, I pushed the keys into the lock and slammed the door open.

"YAHH!! BECAREFUL WITH THE DOOR!!" Key shouted, coming out of his room.

"Neh, mianhe." I said biting back into the chicken.

"Hyung!! Did you buy us chicken for dinner,too?" Taemin asked from the living room.

I scoffed and replied, "Yah, if you want chicken go buy your own!"

"Hey, that's not fair, I'm the maknae you should spoil me and love me." Taemin said, popping out of no where and giving me his creepy aeygo face.

I looked away and covered my bucket of chicken with my arm, "Don't try that face on me, it won't work!!"

He sighed and walked away, mumbling something about me being an addict and a meanie or something.

I smiled happily before sitting down on the table and continued eating.



Just as I was about to take another bite, I felt someone grab my shoulder.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MINE,MINE,MINE,MINE,MIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!!" I shouted at the person, covering my bucket with one hand and beating the person with my other hand.


I stopped my actions when I realised it was Key.

"Oh...hey...." I said awkwardly, "...Nice hair style?"

Key glared at me before fixing his hair and clothes, "Before you brutally attacked me, I was gonna tell you that Minho's brother is here already and that YOU have to share a room with him."

"Why do I have to share a room with him?" I asked scratching my head.

"Well, if you haven't noticed, you're the ONLY member who doesn't have to share a room. So of course he's gonna be with you." Key replied, rolling his eyes, "Make sure you introduce yourself properly."

"Neh, umma." I said going back to eating my chicken.

Key just rolled his eyes again and left.

I finished the rest of my chicken within 3 minutes, and decided on meeting this new guy.

I started heading towards my room and opened the door to find a girl with short hair wearing guy clothes sitting on the top bunk bed.

"Ah, annyeong, you must be Onew." She said jumping off the top and bowed slightly.

She smiled at me and extended her hand towards me.

"I'll be your room mate for a while, nice to meet you." she said.

I stared at her, thinking how innocent and cute she looked.

"Uh....Yes....ummm....excuse me, for a sec...." I said backing away towards the door.

She gave me a confused look, but nodded.

I ran out the door and ran to the living room where the other members where.

"You ok, hyung?" Jonghyun asked me.

"Uh, yes, no, maybe....uh....I dunno..." I replied.

"What happened?" Minho asked raising an eyebrow.

"Umm...why is there a girl in my room?" I asked looking at all the members.

I noticed that both Key's and Minho's eyes widened, but shrugged it off.

"GIRL?!?! WHERE?!?!" Jonghyun yelled smirking ertedly, before running to my room followed, the rest of us ran after him.

"Huh? Hyung, there's no girl here! It's just Minho's brother, Minjoon." Jonghyun complained.

"Brother? Are you sure he's not some chick in disguise as a guy?" I asked pointing at Minho's brother.


*Minho's POV*

I looked over at Key to see him look just as wide-eyed as I was.

I thought hyung was supposed to be clueless about things like this!

"Hyung, have you been watching Key's drama set, again?" Taemin asked.

"What? No!! ....I watch it from online now..." Onew confessed.

"See so you must be mixing reality with T.V." Key said, trying to sound calm.

"Oh...I guess you're right." , Onew said laughing a bit, "But just to make sure..."

My eyes widened in horror as Onew walked up to Eunae and patted her chest.

"YAHHHH!!! LEE JINKIIIIII!!! THAT'S MY -" my shouts were muffled by Key who covered my mouth and held me back from attacking Onew.

"Yah!! Shut up!! I had a feeling something like this would happen so I bought Eunae some of those wrapping things for her chest!!! " Key whispered harshly to me.

Onew stopped and looked at me, raising an eye brow, his hands still on her chest.

I stared at him, mouth open, veins ready to pop.



*Key's POV* 

Oh no, Onew you should have at least left your hands off her chest.

All of a sudden I felt Minho bite into my hand and I let out a shout of pain and pushed him away.

Aww, crap, I shouldn't have let him go!!

And just as I thought, Minho pushed Onew away from Eunae, onto the floor and punched him....repeatedly....


What a day...

Kekeke, will Onew live or die?? Lol, just kiddin' of course he'll live!! Yay!! I updated!! Aren't you guys happy? So tell me guys, you think I'm doing pretty well for my first story? Oh and no, don't worry, Key is absolutely straight, so please don't get mad, Lockets!! It's all part of the story! (>‿◠)✌ Kekeke, keep in tune!! SARANGHAE!! *blows kisses and throws flowers at readers* Lol.


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Chapter 16: pls update is nice story!!!~
donatella #2
Waoh i love your story.. When will you continue this?? I hope you'll do it very very soon.
Kisses :)
Chapter 16: Awesome story.
Chapter 15: Is her name Minji or Eunae?
Chapter 15: Eonnie. The end O_O
mackayll #6
Chapter 5: I so luv this fic.:-) update please!!!
Chapter 15: Hehe this is very interesting! Update soon~~ !
ABYK22 #8
Chapter 15: hahahhahahahahaha i can't help but laugh at every single chapter it's so funny and good please udate soon <3
jeyoun #9
Chapter 15: update soon xD
jeyoun #10
Chapter 14: update soooon~