Lunch with the Diva and the Maknae


*Taemin POV*

"So, where are we gonna go eat?" I asked Key hyung happily, pushing my shades up farther and pulling my hat down lower to my face.

"No where special. Just the coffee shop across the street." He replied casually, also fixing his disguise.

"No offence, guys, guys look really silly. What's with the oversized shades, scarfs, and huge coats?" Min Joon asked confused.

We stopped by the crosswalk, waiting for the light to go from red to white.

"We can't get caught by the media, Min Joon." I stated, "Or the fans."

"Oh, right, I forgot you guys are one of those famouse pop bands." He replied, sounding embarressed.

The light turned white and we started walking.

"So tell me, how did you guys end up in this group?" he asked.

"We both danced at the auditions." Key answered. 

"But I was better!" I said, jumping in, "That's why I'm the main dancer!"

I saw Key roll his eyes before smiling at Min Joon, "Why do you ask?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. I'm just curious." he shook his head before looking up, "I was here this morning, but I didn't see a menu for lunch here."

"You were here this morning? I thought you just arrived an hour or so ago." I narrowed my eys at him, suspiciously.

Before he could say anything, Key answered for him, "Don't be so rude, babo. Does it matter if he was here this morning or not?"

We finally reached  the coffeee shop and walked in, sitting at a table close to the windows.

"I guess not." I muttered.

Since it was a small rectangle table with one end was at the table, I sat on one side by myself and Key and Min Joon sat together on the other side, Min Joon on the outside and Key on the inside.

I took my hat and slouched in the seat.

Key did the same, but didn't slouch, scolding me instead "Taemin, sit up straight or you'll end up with a hunch back!".

I pouted before sitting up and glanced at Min Joon, who just sat there and picked up the small menu book.

We sat in silence in about 7 minutes looking over the menu before a waitress came over, she looked around our age, probably older.

She was chubby, wore these big glasses that was almost as big as her face, though she had a pretty face, had about shulder- length hair, and she had this wierd looking doll in the oversized pocket of her uniform (A/N:can you guys tell who this is?? :D  I'll give you a hint: she's in the drama Dream High!)

*Eunae's POV*

"A-Annyeong. Are you all ready to place your orders?" she asked us qiuetly..

I looked over at Key to see him smiled politely at her before answering, "Yes, I'll have coffee, not too much milk, though. Just two spoons will be enough. And one spoonful of sugar, brown sugar. And along with the coffee I'll order the usual sandwich, please. Oh and instead of mustard, I'd like ketchup. A lot of ketchup."

If I were in an anime or a manga, you would see a big sweet drop on my head from how specific Key was with his order.

The waitress, whose name tag read Pilsuk(A/N: Surprise!! Special Guest Appearence!!), scribbled as fast as she could on her notepad.

"Alright. May I get yours?" she said looking at both me and Taemin.

I looked over at Taemin expectantly before he sighed and replied, " I'll just have hot coco with whipped cream and the Thai Chicken sandwich."

She nodded as she wrote down before looking back up at me, "And you?"

I smiled sweetly at her, "May I have an iced tea along with your lunch special?"

I noticed her cheeks turning pink before replying, "Umm, yes of course. I-is that all?"

I nodded before she speed walked away from us.

"Waah!! Min Joon, you're like your brother!!" Taemin said looking at me wide-eyed.

"Eh? That's a good thing, right?" I asked nervously.

"NO!! I mean, yes!! Wait, I don't know!" he exclaimed, waving his hands around.

Key chuckled next to me before saying, "He means on how much charisma you have."

I was still confused, and they could probably see it on my face because Taemin said, "Didn't you see how the waitress didn't seem fazed to see us. No blush, no studders, no nothing from when she talked to us! But when she talked to you, she blushed AND studdered!!"

I rolled my eyes, "So? Why are you making such a big deal out of it?"

"I don't know, but it's not fair! I'm the cutest here, why wasn't she affected by me?" he pouted cutely.

I couldn't help, but lean over and pinch his cheeks, "Aigoo, you big baby. Ok you are the cutest here."

I released his cheeks before leaning back next to Key.

I noticed that he was staring at me even more wide-eyed and frozen in place with his cheeks slightly pink.

I ingored him and rolled my eyes to the right, in time fto see Pilsuk walking slowly over to our table with 2 trays full of our orders.

She looked like she was going to fall so I ran over and held onto her elboy before taking one tray away.

"You shouldn't be carrying so much. You could fall and hurt yourself" I scolded her softly.

She nodded slowly, eyes wide, but she quickly shook her head before trying to take the tray from me, but thanks to my height she couldn't get it.

"I'm not going to give this back, so we might as well go back to my table to put it down, don't you think noona?"

She stared wide-eyed at me before looking down at her shoes and saying in a low voice, Thank you."

I smiled before walking ahead of her towards Key and Taemin.

I helped her set the things down before turning to her and returned the tray, "Don't work too hard, noona."

I heard her studder before replying, "A-alright. I w-won't. Please c-come again. "

I looked up to see her holding the trays close to her chest with her head down before walking away, mumbling something about a guy named Jason and good manners.

Looking up at my companies, I see Taemin glaring at me and Key smirking.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"You are a natural." Key smirked even wider.

"You're a player that's what!" Taemin mumbled under his breathe.

"Yah, I heard that." I said before taking a sip of the iced tea. "Can't I just help a girl without getting accused for something?"

"No!" they both said at the same time, though Key said it playfully while Taemin said it like I was ging to do something illegal.

"Let's just eat." I said before picking up the tuna sandwich.

They soon followed my lead, with Taemin looking up and narrowing his eyes at me.

'Seriously, this boy.' I thought to myself.

Hey, guys!! I updated!! :D Sorry for updating really...really....REALLY late. To be hinest I rushed a bit on this chapter so it might not be the best. And I know it's a bit stupid putting IU/ Pilsuk in the story for this one chapter, but I really like her! Can you blame me? And Taemin isn't going to be like this through the WHOLE story so don't worry about that. Oh and I didn't know how to end this chapter so it might be a bit...stupid, but I promise to make it better the next chapter!! 

Oh and I kinda changed the forward on Eunae to match the story a bit more. Please comment and tell me on your thoughts! PLEASE!! I'd like to know how you thought of the story, honestly. Oh and I'll try to update soon, chingu's! Hopefully, if my report card comes out AWESOME I can update in a week or two! But I'll be working on my other story 'Behind these Nerdy Glasses' and the story I'm doing with my unnie 'S.M Academy' so it might be a while, ok? 

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Chapter 16: pls update is nice story!!!~
donatella #2
Waoh i love your story.. When will you continue this?? I hope you'll do it very very soon.
Kisses :)
Chapter 16: Awesome story.
Chapter 15: Is her name Minji or Eunae?
Chapter 15: Eonnie. The end O_O
mackayll #6
Chapter 5: I so luv this fic.:-) update please!!!
Chapter 15: Hehe this is very interesting! Update soon~~ !
ABYK22 #8
Chapter 15: hahahhahahahahaha i can't help but laugh at every single chapter it's so funny and good please udate soon <3
jeyoun #9
Chapter 15: update soon xD
jeyoun #10
Chapter 14: update soooon~