Yum yum Breakfast!


*Normal POV*

"Whoo! That was fun!" Minjoon yelled as he opened the door to their dorm, "What a work out!"

Taemin was behind him, panting as he entered, "You didn't tell me you were that good!"

Minjoon took off his shoes before heading to the kitchen, with Taemin close behind, "Didn't I tell you I used to run track at my old school?"

"No, you didn't." 

"Oh." Minjoon grabbed two bottles of water and threw the second one at Taemin, "Well, I did."

"Did you two go running?" 

Minjoon and Taemin turned to see Minho yawn as he walked into the kitchen.

"I did my normal easy morning routine, your brother on the other hand, he ran a marathon." Taemin replied, sipping on his water.

"Hey, I told you I wouldn't go slow for ya, didn't I?" Minjoon smirked.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Taemin rolled his eyes, "Do you want to take a shower first or should I?"

"Depends if my oh-so-sweet room mate has woken up yet." Minjoon scowled.

Minho chuckled, "He's still asleep."

Minjoon sighed, "You take take the shower first, I'll wait."

"Sounds good to me." Taemin walked away, ready to rid his body of the stench.

"While your'e waiting, could you make me breakfast?" Minho asked, smiling in what he considered a cute way.

"Only my second day and you're already putting me to work." Minjoon sighed, "Where are the pans?"

Minho's smile widened as he pointed to the cabinet.

*Onew's POV*

Beep! Beep! Bee-


I rolled onto my back and slowly opened my eyes, staring at the bottom of the top bunk bed. I turned back to the alarm clock and sighed as the bright red lights flashed 7:30.

'Might as well get up.' I thought to myself as I rolled off the bed and stetched.

As I ruffled my hair I looked for my towel and found it on the dresser. I grabbed it and walked out of my room, only to be hit with a wonderful smell.

"Is Key cooking?" I asked myself as I walked past the bathroom and into the kitchen. As I got closer I could hear talking and giggling. I poked my head into the kitchen to find everyone sitting at the table and eating what looked like a breakfast made in heaven!

"Is there any left for me?" I grinned as I walked in.

"Sure there is!" Taemin grinned back.

"Great!" I practically ran to the table and sat down at the empty chair, "This looks good!"

Before I could even grab a plate my hand was smacked away.

Shocked, I looked up at Key, "What was that for?"

"You can't have any!" Taemin answered, still grinning.

"Why not!" I pouted as I tried to grab for a waffle, only to have it smacked out of my hand.

"Minjoon told us not to let you have any while he's in the shower." Jonghyung smirked.

"Minjoon?" I repeated the name, "Oh Minho's brother? Haha, I forgot he was still here!"

"I know you did." 

I froze as I felt a dark angry aura behind me.

Taemin's grin widened even more, "Oh, look it's Minjoon!"

Before I could react, I found myself in a chokehold and my right cheek getting stretched painfully.

"YOU LEFT ME TO SLEEP OUTSIDE ON THE FLOOR, YOU JERK!!" Minjoon shouted as he pinched my cheeks harder.

"GAH!" was the only thing that came from my mouth.

As fast as it happened, it was over as Minho and Key pulled Minjoon off and Taemin and Jonghyung laughed together.

I jumped up and grabbed a fork and held it out as a protection, "I didn't tell you to sleep outside on the floor! You could've came in!"

I saw his right eye twitch as his fists tightened, "Yeah right! The door was locked!"

"You are Minho's brother! You both have a thing for hitting Onew." Jonghyung sighed, trying to calm his laughter.

"Why pick on me?" I pouted.

Minjoon's only reply was to stick his tongue out at me and sat down at the table and started shoveling food onto his plate.

'Yeah, reminder to self: Do not lock the door tonight.'

After a nice, abuse-free breakfast, I headed for the bathroom to shower. As I undressed(this is the part where you squeel in delight) there was a knock at the door, "Hey, did you see my phone?"

"I'm kinda in the bathroom right now." I yelled as I turned the shower head on and stepped in, "Bug me later!"

I glared at the bottle of shampoo in my hand before squeezing some into my hand and massaging it into my hair, "I'm the hyung here so why am I being bullied?"

I continued my rant as I rinsed my hair, "I should show Minjoon who he's messing with."

I nodded in approval of my idea as I picked up the yellow body scrub and started to wash myself, "Yeah! I'm not to be messed with!"

Filled with determenation, I turned off the water and stepped out and wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out the door. First, to get some clothes!

As I entered my room there was Minjoon was on a red iPhone sitting on the computer chair. His eyes looked up before widening, "Y-yah!!" His face turned a dark shade of red before his hands flew up to his face, "Put something on, ert!"

"Why you acting like a girl for?" I questioned him as I walked closer.

He peaked behind his fingers before closing them again, "Don't come closer! I-I mean it!"

"You act like you've never seen a guy half before." I scoffed as I leaned closer to his covered face, "You sure you're not a girl?"

I must've hit a button becuase right when I said that he sprung up from the chair causing me to step back in surprise, "Hey! Don't get any-...." he trailed off as he gulped.

*Eunae's POV*

"Hey! Don't get any-..." I trailed off as I noticed the the beads of water still on him, especcially the one running down his neck...over his collarbone...down his surprisingly toned chest...and dissapear under the white towel over his waist. I gulped as it started to feel hot in the room.

A hand waved in front of my face, bringing me back to reality, "Uh...are you ok?"

Looking up I saw Onew rubbing the back of his neck as he glanced at me.

"I'm fine!" I squeked as I ran out of the room.

Haha, I updated! I kinda had writers block so I just tryped up the best I could do. >3< I tried updating quickly like I promised, jeyoun-sshi! Hehe...Um...as for Eunae's part in the end....uh...I have no explanation for that, hehe, I wanted to do something 'different' here. Don't kill me! 

Until next time, my darling readers!!

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Chapter 16: pls update is nice story!!!~
donatella #2
Waoh i love your story.. When will you continue this?? I hope you'll do it very very soon.
Kisses :)
Chapter 16: Awesome story.
Chapter 15: Is her name Minji or Eunae?
Chapter 15: Eonnie. The end O_O
mackayll #6
Chapter 5: I so luv this fic.:-) update please!!!
Chapter 15: Hehe this is very interesting! Update soon~~ !
ABYK22 #8
Chapter 15: hahahhahahahahaha i can't help but laugh at every single chapter it's so funny and good please udate soon <3
jeyoun #9
Chapter 15: update soon xD
jeyoun #10
Chapter 14: update soooon~