Sleeping Comfortably


*Minji's POV*

I couldn't help drumming my fingers against the kitchen table.

Tap... Tap... Tap, tap tap... Tap....

"Having fun there?" Minho asked as he walked in.

"No, I'm bored." I didn't mean to sound like I was whining, honestly, "I wanna do something fun."

"Uh, you do know it's 5:30, right? The day has basically already passed." he grabbed a small bottle that had a post-it note on it that read "THIS IS MY BANANA MILK!!! DO NOT TOUCH".

"I didn't know you drank banana milk." I blinked at him.

"I don't." he said grinning, "This is Taemin's. I just drink it cause he gets mad about it afterwards."

I rolled my eyes at him before drumming my fingers again.

Tap, tap, tap...Tap....Tap,tap....Tap...

"If you're so bored," Minho drank the rest of the bottle before throwing it away, "why don't you go communicate with the others? You know, get to know them better?"

"I rather not...It's awkward." I sighed, "Onew seems like the odd one in the group. Jonghyung looks like a jerk, no offense. Key is probably the only one I'm ok with. And that other guy, I don't even know, he has that adorable face with the cutest pinchable cheeks ever, but her might be a wierdo for all I know."

"Wow, aren't we being a bit judgemental?" he muttered as he walked out and ruffled my hair.

"I have nothing to do..." I sighed as I put my head down.

"Hey, Minjoon."

Oh, it's that Jonghyung guy. 

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Eh?" I shot up as I looked over at him, "Girlfriend? Whaa... Why?"

I noticed how his cheeks got slightly pink, "I'm just trying to start a conversation!"

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him, "You're not gonna try to take my money, again, are you?"

"That was just a joke!" wow, his cheeks just turned into a darker shade of pink, "I wasn't really going to take your money... I'm not that bad, you know." 


"Really! I'm not!"

"Ok, if you say so."


"Did you just growl?" I asked trying not to smile or laugh.


"You did!" this time I couldn't stop the smile from slipping, "That's adorable!"

"Adorable?" clear confusion was in his voice, "Are you making fun of me?"

"No! I'm just saying...nevermind..."

"You sound like a girl." he scoffed, "I guess you couldn't have a girlfriend then."

I heard him mutter something else, but decided to just ignore it.

"Then what about you, Mr. Con Artist? You look like a player, so you must have more than one girfriend, right?" 

"Hey, if you don't fully know me, don't judge me." he said as he flicked my forehead.

"What the hell are you talking about, hyung?" Key walked in and smirked at Jonghyung, "You are a player."

"Yah! Since when?" 

Key just rolled his eyes as he came and sat next to me, "Just stating facts."

Jonghyung glared at Key before sitting across from us, "Can we change the subject or what?"

"I dunno," I sighed dramatically, "What could be more interesting than talking about how much of a player you are?"

That comment got me another flick on the forehead...

After about an hour of making jokes and more flicks to the forehead, I was finally feeling tired.

"Yah, Minjoon. You should probably head to bed. Today's been a long day for you." Key patted my back lightly.

"Should I?" I covered my mouth as I yawned, "Haha, I guess I should."

"Idiot." Jonghyung muttered, but I heard him and turned to glare at him.

"Player." I stuck my tongue out at him before leaving the kitchen.

I yawned again as I started walking towards my room. It's only 6:47, but I'm so tired. 

Finally reaching the room I shared with the wierdo, I opened the door to find it locked.

'What the?'

"Yah." I was to tired to yell as I tried pounding on the door, "Hyung...Open...You stupid chicken loving jerk..."

I slid down against the door and yawned again, "Fine, be a jerk."

On my first night here, I slept outside my room I shared with that idiot...

Gaaaahhh!!! I'm sorry!!! It's been sooo long!!! To be honest this chapter was done months ago...I just forgot about it...Hehe, so I tried making it longer to make up for lost time! I hope I didn't lose any of my precious subscribers!! You all know I love you, neh? Hehe, consider this chapter an early Christmas present!! 




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Chapter 16: pls update is nice story!!!~
donatella #2
Waoh i love your story.. When will you continue this?? I hope you'll do it very very soon.
Kisses :)
Chapter 16: Awesome story.
Chapter 15: Is her name Minji or Eunae?
Chapter 15: Eonnie. The end O_O
mackayll #6
Chapter 5: I so luv this fic.:-) update please!!!
Chapter 15: Hehe this is very interesting! Update soon~~ !
ABYK22 #8
Chapter 15: hahahhahahahahaha i can't help but laugh at every single chapter it's so funny and good please udate soon <3
jeyoun #9
Chapter 15: update soon xD
jeyoun #10
Chapter 14: update soooon~