Jonghyun and the cell phone


*Quick note: Since Eun Ah is pretending to be a guy, I will put "he", "him", "his", etc when ever it's in anyone elses POV who doesn't know that Min Joon is a girl, oh and normal POV*


*Normal POV*

"So, Min Joon, what's your favorite song from us?" Key asked as they walked back towards the dorm after finishing their short lunch, Taemin leaning in to hear.

Min Joon scratched the back of his (see?) head before looking at two idols sheepishly, "I listen to your songs every now and then, but they're mostly the ones with music videos, so I haven't really heard them all."

"Oh." Key frowned a bit.

At the sight of Key's frown Min Joon immediately spoke up again, "But there is two songs I like you guys sing, 'Quasimodo' and 'The Name I Loved'. I really love the lyrics to both of them. Oh and 'SHINee Girl' has a nice beat to it."  

"But none of them has a music video to it." Taemin jumped into the conversation.

"I never said I only listen to the ones with music videos, I said mostly." Min Joon said grinning.

Taemin just glared at him and stuck his tongue out at him.

Min Joon chuckled and rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath on how childish the baby faced idol is.

" Hey Min Joon! Key! Taemin!" a voice called out behind them.

Turning around the trio could see Minho and Onew jogging up to them slowly. From where they were at, Min Joon could see a bit of rice on the side of Onews lip. He bit back a laugh that was spilling to escape his lips.

"You guys went out to eat, too?" Onew asked, panting slightly as they finally caught up.

Key nodded to answer his question.

"I just called your phone a minute ago, Min Joon!" Minho huffed looking at his 'brother'.

Min Joon's eye widened in realization, "Oh, sorry, but I think I left it on the kitchen table back at the dorm."

"Where's Jonghyun?" Onew suddenly asked looking at the trio in front of him.

"Oh, I forgot about that guy!" Min Joon exclaimed, "I feel bad, we should've inited him with us."

"Ah, don't worry about that dinosaur. He can take care of himself." Key said, already walking ahead of the group, not bothering to wait.

The group started to follow, but Min Joon lightly grabbed Onews forearm to get his attention. Turning around, Onew raised a brow, which only added to how silly he looked to Min Joon with the piece of rice still on his face.

"By the way, Onew hyung," Min Joon said, smiling as he pointed to the side of his own lip, "You have something right there."

Onew reached up and felt around his lips untill he felt the rice and blushed before flicking it away.

"That's embarrassing, thanks for telling me." Onew said laughing sheepishly, "Oh and...sorry bout earlier. You know, the whole chest thing."

Min Joon just smiled at him before shaking his head, "No harm done."

The older boy grinned before they both started cathing up with the group up ahead.


*Jonghyungs POV*

"Those jerks." I muttered as I flipped throught the channels, "They just ditched me! Left me here with nothing to do!"

'It's all that dumb kids fault, Min Joon. Make Key smack me. Dumb kid.'

Though the t.v was turned up a bit, I could still hear a humming by the kitchen.

"What the heck?" I stood up and followed the humming to the kitchen.

There on the kitchen table laid a small cell phone that was currently humming a soft tune.

Since it didn't look fimiliar, I decided it was that kids phone. 

Just as I was going to answer the call, it stopped.

I know, I should've put the phone down afterwards, but...curiosity got the best of me.

I pressed down on the top of the phone to get "Slide to Unlock" screen to show up.

Sliding it through the screen with ease, I was surprised to see a cute girl in a yellow dress holding onto a giant panda bear(Obviously Eun Ah herself before the makeover!!) as the screensaver. 

Is this his girlfriend? Wow...she's pretty...No!! Bad Jjong!! If she is his girlfriend I shouldn't think like this!!

I mentally kicked myself before setting the phone back down.

I didn't want to keep looking through his phone because of my curiosity.

You know what they say anyway, 'Curiosity killed the cat'.

As I walked away I looked back at the phone before biting my lip softly.

"But they also say that even though curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back." I muttered to myself before walking back to the phone, "One little peek won't kill me..."

As I picked up the phone I heard the door to the dorm open and panicked.

Crap. Crap, Crap. 

I looked around, still holding the phone before sticking it in my jean pocket and turned around just in time to see Taemin walk into the kitchen.

"Hey hyung." he said as he walked towards the fridge and took out a small bottle of banana milk.

"Uh...'Sup?" I stuttered as I backed out of the room.

"Are you ok, hyung?" the younger boy gave Jonghyung a suspicious look as he took a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll just be in my room." I said before turning and walking out as fast as I could, only to bump into someone and fall back.

"Oh, hey, it's you." the person I collided with muttered.

"Sorry, gotta go." I stood up and ran towards my room without looking back.

I stopped next to Onew's room, which he now shared with Min Joon, before tossing Min Joons phone in.

I ran inside my room I share with Taemin and closed the door before sliding down against it.

"I will never again do something as stupid as that." I sighed as I thought back to almost getting caught red handed. guys!!

I really do apoligize for updating so late. And for making Jonghyun seem like a bad guy, which I assure you, he isn't. I just needed something to make this chapter longer. And~Jonghyung found a picture of Eun Ah as a girl!! DUN DUN DUNNN!!! Haha, I have no idea where to go from here. To be honest, this chapter would have taken longer to update, but I remembered a comment by leeyunee that kind of made me feel guilty (Which is good!! Cause it made me update!! Late, but still!!) and also made me want to update soon, but it kinda ended up being late. Oh and since it's summer, I SHOULD be updating a bit more. But if not...well...don't worry I'll update sooner or later.



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Chapter 16: pls update is nice story!!!~
donatella #2
Waoh i love your story.. When will you continue this?? I hope you'll do it very very soon.
Kisses :)
Chapter 16: Awesome story.
Chapter 15: Is her name Minji or Eunae?
Chapter 15: Eonnie. The end O_O
mackayll #6
Chapter 5: I so luv this fic.:-) update please!!!
Chapter 15: Hehe this is very interesting! Update soon~~ !
ABYK22 #8
Chapter 15: hahahhahahahahaha i can't help but laugh at every single chapter it's so funny and good please udate soon <3
jeyoun #9
Chapter 15: update soon xD
jeyoun #10
Chapter 14: update soooon~