Blah Blah Blah


Eunae's POV

I swiftly ran into the living room and threw myself down onto the couch.

"Gah! What's wrong with me!" I complained as I grabbed a pillow and hit my head with it, "I'm a complete idiot!"

"Don't forget wierdo."

I turned my head to the side and blushed when I saw Jonghyung sitting on the other couch with his laptop open, "Hehe...Hi?"

He rolled his eyes before turning back to his laptop. Curious, I scooted to the end of the couch and leaned over to the couch he was on.

"Whatchya doing?" I asked, completely forgetting what happened earlier.

Jonghyung simply raised an eyebrow at me before smirking, "I'm playing a game, you wanna try?"

Though I had a feeling he was up to something, hence the smirk, I decided to ignore it. Besides if I'm supposed to stay here for 3 years I might as well be friends with everyone.

"Sure, what is it."

"It's like a maze game." his smirk widened and I got a sinking feeling, "Here let me restart the game."

It only took him about 3 minutes to "restart" the game before handing it to me, "So you basically just use the mouse and try to finish the maze without touching the sides."

The game didn't look suspicous, not entirely anyways. As i continued to play and go through the levels I finally reached the final level. The maze narrowed as it got close to the finish line so it wasn't easy to avoid the walls. Getting angry, I got closer to the screen and concentrated harder. I could hear Jonghyung trying to cover his laughing. I didn't understand what was so funny! This game was-

"GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" I jumped and shoved the laptop away from me. On the screen was a picture of the girl from the 'Exorcist'.

Jonghyung bursted out laughing and was pointing at me, "Your face! Oh my god, the look you had! That was so funny!"

My hand was above my heart as I tried to calm down. When I was sure I still had my heart in my body I glared at Jonghyung, "You jerk, you scared the lights out of me! That wasn't funny!"

Jonghyung looked over at me and laughed even harder.

I couldn't stop the smile that was creeping onto my face and before I knew it I was laughing along with him, "Okay, maybe it was a little funny."

Key walked into the room and raised an eyebrow, "Are you guys ok?"

Jonghyung grinned before ruffling my hair, "Yeah. just playing a joke on this kid."

"I'm not a kid!"

"Could've fooled me!"

I stuck my tongue out at him before turning back to Key, "Are you going somewhere?"

He nodded as he walked to the closet and grabbed his jacket, "I'm just going to the mall. Not for anything in particular. I just don't feel like being cooped in today."

I shot up from my seat and bounced over to him, "Can I come?"

"Me, too!" I turned and saw Taemin and Onew looking at Key expectantly.

Before Key could reply we heard a door slam and Minho running into the living room, "Hey, if Minjoon is going, I'm coming, too."

Key groaned, "Fine, fine, fine. You coming, too, Jonghyung?"

Minho, Onew, Taemin, and I have already gotten our jackets and were waiting by the door. I smiled thinking of how much of an umma Key was. It was cute.

"Were you planning on leaving me?" he replied with a smirk as he got up and walked past Key.

Everyone rolled there eyes as we all followed him out, with Key locking the door.

"Yes!" I shouted as I stumbled out of the car, "I'm free!"

Taemin, Minho, and Jonghyung got out behind me laughing. We were squeezed in the back of the car and it was no where close to comfortable. Key and Onew claimed the front seats so the rest of us had no choice.

"Stop over-reacting." Minho ruffled my hair as he stood next to me.

"Ha! Puh-lease!! You were probably all comfy by the window and hogging all the extra space for your spider legs!"

"I didn't think a midget like you would have any problem with sittingin the middle." he smirked

"Yah! I'm very tall for my age, thank you!" 

Minho just rolled his eyes and started walking ahead of me. That's when I finally noticed the mall. It was huge! And I could already see some of the shops. 

"You might wanna close your mouth before you catch flies." Taemin grinned as he pulled me along.

"This place is huge! I can already feel my feet crying in pain!" I cried as I looked down at my feet.

"Blah, blah, blah. C'mon, you haven't even looked inside yet so don't complain yet!"

I pouted, but walked with as we caught up with the others who were already inside. 

Hello, hello, my pretties!! Woah, that was wierd. Anywho, sorry for the long wait, but...TAH-DAH!! Here is the long awaited chapter!! i kinda have writers it's kinda y. Gaaaah! I'm a bad writer! no worries though!! It's summer! I should have time!! >n< Hopefully. See you soon!!

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Chapter 16: pls update is nice story!!!~
donatella #2
Waoh i love your story.. When will you continue this?? I hope you'll do it very very soon.
Kisses :)
Chapter 16: Awesome story.
Chapter 15: Is her name Minji or Eunae?
Chapter 15: Eonnie. The end O_O
mackayll #6
Chapter 5: I so luv this fic.:-) update please!!!
Chapter 15: Hehe this is very interesting! Update soon~~ !
ABYK22 #8
Chapter 15: hahahhahahahahaha i can't help but laugh at every single chapter it's so funny and good please udate soon <3
jeyoun #9
Chapter 15: update soon xD
jeyoun #10
Chapter 14: update soooon~