Chapter 5

Dear Diary

"Miss Elson, I assume?" a middle aged man stood and walked around the large table centered in the room. "Hi, I'm Han Kijoo, SHINee's manager." 


"Nice to meet you." Ami bowed her head.


"Boys, introduce yourselves." the man walked back over to his seat.


"We've met." Onew smiled. "I'll just name everyone off." he pointed to the member sitting closest to the door. "Kim Jonghyun. Kim Kibum." he pointed to the boy sitting to Jonghyun's right. "Choi Minho." the tall boy gave a quick wave. "Lee Taemin. Everyone, this is...Ami Elson..." Onew's voice got softer, not wanting to make a mistake.


"Nice to meet you all!" the girl waved and sat down at the empty spot, putting all of her papers in front of her. 


"Chat for a minute I'll be right back." the manager stood and hurried out of the room. Ami smiled and started flipping through her papers.


"What's that?" Jonghyun leaned into the table, and pointed at the leather journal poking out from the bottom of the pile.


"This?" Ami pulled it out and laid it on the table.


"Where did you get that?!" Kibum's eyes widened. 


"Uhm...a market...why?" Ami stared at the boys. 


" just looks...interesting!" Onew laughed, gazing at s. 


"Yeah, it's neat." Ami opened, seeing the journal entry on the first page. She flipped the page, and started coughing. 


"Dry throat again?" Onew chuckled. Ami didn't respond, but stared at what was on the page.


Dear diary,                                                             April 13, 1773


Can my luck get any better? It's almost too good to be true. My prince wants to take me away, he wants to live with me somewhere. He promised to take care of me and watch over me. The most mystical part of the day was when my prince arrived at my home. He asked to speak with daddy in private. And when they returned, daddy was smiling and told me I could leave with my prince and live a happy life. He wants me to pack tonight so we can leave tomorrow. Such an adventure this is! I don't even know where he's taking me, but I trust him more than anything. I'll write again tomorrow when we are traveling. With excitement - Margaret. 


"Is there something written in it?" Taemin asked.


"Huh?" the girl closed the journal and hid it back under her papers. 'I cannot look like a total freak and lose this internship.


"It looked like you were reading." Taemin pouted his lips.


"Oh, no I was just-"


"Alright everyone, shall we begin our meeting?!" their manager burst back in. Ami exhaled and nodded.


"Of course." she smiled.

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Chapter 18: OMGGGG JINKI!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: waaaaaa finally you update it!!!!!^^
Chapter 16: finally Onew tells her omggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!
he maybe the devil but who knows, he may fall for her later
Chapter 15: evil Onew has finally appeared!!!!
Chapter 14: you make me so curious with the story...omg Onew what are you!!!
MwolhaedoOnewSangtae #6
Chapter 13: Onew is so ominous! Haha, I'm kind of nervous for Ami XD
MwolhaedoOnewSangtae #7
Chapter 12: This is VERY different from the kind of stuff I usually read, but I'm strangely addicted! It's very well written :)
Chapter 11: this story is so interesting, keep updating ^^
Chapter 9: OMGGGG EVIL ONEW, I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Chapter 8: wowww this story is so myteriously interesting,can't wat for your next updates^^