Chapter 13

Dear Diary

"I hope it'll be okay here." Jinki gently placed one of Ami's suitcases by the door.


"It'll be just perfect." She smiled and looked around. 


"It's Taemin's room but he's going to stay with Minho."


"I see. Thanks for everything." She turned and jumped up, wrapping her arms around the leader. "I can't believe this is all happening to me."


"No...thank you for coming to us." Jinki lowered his face beside hers and inhaled her scent. He bit his lip as her sweet fatty aroma filled his body. 


"Well I'm just going to unpack." Ami stepped back and pulled one of her suitcases towards the bed.


"Need any help?" Onew's body numbed as her energy left him. 


"I'm good, thanks though." she grinned and dropped her first suitcase on the mattress. 


"I'll be watching TV if you need anything." he smiled and left, closing the door behind him. Ami smiled and pulled the diary from the pocket of her suitcase.


"Let's see." She opened it but to her dismay no new entries had appeared. "I'll write my first entry then." she pulled a pen from her purse and sat on the bed, back against the wall hunched over the book.


                                                                                                           December 4th 2012


Dear Diary, 


This will be my first entry. My name is Ami Elson and I'm from New York but I landed this amazing internship in Korea. Right now, I have moved into SHINee's dorm. Sounds too good to be true, right? They all seem really nice...except Choi Minho. He's a bit strange...I'm not exactly sure what's up with him. I've just decided to stay away from him a bit...on the other hand...Lee Jinki, or Onew as he calls himself now...I guess this will become a private diary officially. I may be starting to have a little high school crush on him. Of course he's good looking...but he's really the only one who's taken care of me so thoroughly. He seems to really care. He kind of gives off this mysterious vibe, like he has a dark side. But I like's y, right? Taemin's a sweetie too, he's a little too clingy for my taste though. Kibum is a bit cold but I can live with him. Jonghyun? I'm not sure about him yet...he seems...a be honest I really can't put any words to him yet. Maybe in a few days. Well Jinki said he was going to watch TV...maybe I'll go join him :x shhh don't tell anyone it's our secret okay? 


I guess I'll write again if something big happens....



She closed the journal and slipped it under her pillow. As she opened the door she looked around in the hall but it was vacant. She could hear the television faintly from her position.


"Mind if I join you?" she chimed as she entered the TV room. She saw Onew laying on the couch, a fancy wine glass filled with a deep burgundy liquid. "Is that wine?" she pointed at the glass.


"I like my wine." he smirked and patted the couch beside him.


"It's morning!" Ami laughed and sat on the opposite side of the couch. 


"People drink grape juice in the morning. This is only a bit more...extreme." he swung his legs off the couch. "Why are you so far away? Aren't we friends now?" he glanced at her. She nodded and scooted a bit closer. "Want a sip?" he held up the glass.


"N-no thanks..." the girl shook her head. She watched as the boy lifted the glass to his plush stained lips and tilt the glass. She stared as the poison slid down the glass into his mouth and she noticed how his jaw and throat moved as he swallowed the drink.


"Am I that fascinating?" he held out the empty glass and placed it on the coffee table.


"Uh..." Ami blushed and looked away at the TV. "So is Taemin's room temporary? You said he'd be staying with Minho. That kinda sounds like he'll move back soon."


"I guess you could say it's temporary." the leader glared down at the girl.


"I don't understand..."


"Don't worry about it." he smiled brightly and reached his arm around Ami's shoulder. 


"Okay." Ami smiled as Jinki pulled her against his side.


"I'm going to buy-" Minho walked into the TV room and fell silent when he saw his leader holding the girl against him.


"Going to buy what?" Jinki smiled.


"...never mind I think we have it." he pointed to the fridge.


"Have what?" Onew squinted his eyes.


"...Milk. But we have it!" Minho opened the fridge to display the full carton.


"I think we need more soap." Onew blinked.


"Key can go buy it." Minho started to turn around.


"I can go get some!" Ami smiled. Minho whipped his head back around.


"I'll go get soap." He hurried to the door, giving a quick glance at Jinki before leaving.


"Isn't that my job though?" Ami looked at Onew.


"You'll have plenty of things to do for us, don't you worry." he grinned and released his hold on the girl.

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Chapter 18: OMGGGG JINKI!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: waaaaaa finally you update it!!!!!^^
Chapter 16: finally Onew tells her omggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!
he maybe the devil but who knows, he may fall for her later
Chapter 15: evil Onew has finally appeared!!!!
Chapter 14: you make me so curious with the story...omg Onew what are you!!!
MwolhaedoOnewSangtae #6
Chapter 13: Onew is so ominous! Haha, I'm kind of nervous for Ami XD
MwolhaedoOnewSangtae #7
Chapter 12: This is VERY different from the kind of stuff I usually read, but I'm strangely addicted! It's very well written :)
Chapter 11: this story is so interesting, keep updating ^^
Chapter 9: OMGGGG EVIL ONEW, I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Chapter 8: wowww this story is so myteriously interesting,can't wat for your next updates^^