Chapter 16

Dear Diary

"W-wh-wh-wh-wha..." Ami's body trembled as she watched Jinki close the door to his bedroom.


"It'd be best if you just went back to sleep." his voice had returned to normal. Ami just stood and kept her eyes on him. "Ami I don't want to go through this now. I'm tired as well. You can sleep on my bed, and if it makes you feel better I'll sleep on the floor." the girl shook her head furiously. "Ami...if you don't go to sleep on your own I'll have to make you." Ami bit her lip and slowly made her way towards the large bed. "Thank you." Onew smiled. "Do you need help falling asleep?"


" am I supposed to..t-trust you?"


"I'm too tired for anything. Do you want help or not?" 


"Fine," Ami pulled the covers up to her eyes and glared at the boy. He looked at her softly for a moment before she felt her eyelids close slowly.




"Ami..." a voice pulled the girl out of sleep. Her eyes fluttered open and met the gaze of SHINee's leader. "I brought you some breakfast..." he held up a tray.


"I'm not hungry." Ami rolled over.


"It's time I explain to you what's to come..." Onew sighed. 


"Can I just go home?" 


"...You members and I are not human..."


"Like I didn't figure that out?" Ami adjusted the pillow beneath her head. "What are you...vampires?" 


"No. Those four...they're demons..." 


"Oh yeah? What about you?" Ami sat up and widened her eyes to find Jinki sitting beside her.


"I...I'm the devil..." Onew said plainly. 


"Have I sinned?" she pulled the covers up around her and sat back against the headboard.




" you're like...Satan? Like...Lucifer? A fallen angel?"


"Whatever your people have named me...yes."


"So what am I? Why am I here?!" 


"That journal..." Onew snapped his fingers and the old book appeared in his hand. "This belongs to me. Those entries that have appeared...they were written by our last..."


"Your last what...?"


"...Our last...girl." Onew looked down at the journal and flipped it open to the first page. 


"Your last...girl...what does that mean...?"


"Every...few years...I need.,.."


"Need what?" Ami bit her lip.


"Energy. You see Ami, you signed you name...and sealed it with your blood..."


"Wait! That's not fair! You've tricked me! That's not fair!" she began to tear up.


"I am the devil, my dear. I don't play fair."


"So this means..."


"This means you've signed yourself away to me." Onew grinned. 


"No...No..." Ami jumped off the bed and ran to the door only to find it was locked.


"Just a cannot leave this dorm. The walls are infused with an energy to keep you in. So the front door and windows are off limits. If you try to escape you will get injured. Try if you desire, but I advise you listen to me. I also do not want you talking to Minho. I might just have to ask him to leave..."


"What's wrong with Minho? Is he really bad..."


"Minho..." Jinki laughed. "He wasn't born a demon like the other three...he...converted for say."


"What...what do you mean? What was he before?"


"An angel..." he looked straight into the girl's eyes. "Oh your fear my dear's irresistible..." her mind went numb as the boy approached her. "I think I'll play with you awhile before I feed." he ran his icy fingers down the girl's cheek "You're going to submit to me, Ami. I am your master now." he began laughing as he whispered into the girl's ear. "You will do everything I tell you. Your pleasure and your fear will be mine to take. Welcome to my world, Ami Elson."

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Chapter 18: OMGGGG JINKI!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: waaaaaa finally you update it!!!!!^^
Chapter 16: finally Onew tells her omggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!
he maybe the devil but who knows, he may fall for her later
Chapter 15: evil Onew has finally appeared!!!!
Chapter 14: you make me so curious with the story...omg Onew what are you!!!
MwolhaedoOnewSangtae #6
Chapter 13: Onew is so ominous! Haha, I'm kind of nervous for Ami XD
MwolhaedoOnewSangtae #7
Chapter 12: This is VERY different from the kind of stuff I usually read, but I'm strangely addicted! It's very well written :)
Chapter 11: this story is so interesting, keep updating ^^
Chapter 9: OMGGGG EVIL ONEW, I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Chapter 8: wowww this story is so myteriously interesting,can't wat for your next updates^^