Chapter 12

Dear Diary

"Where'd Ami go?" Minho approached the kitchen counter.


"She went home." Kibum looked up from the stove.


"Huh?" Minho rubbed his eyes and sat on one of the stools at the counter.


"She went to get her stuff. I told her it would probably be easier for her to do her job if she stays here." Onew walked up behind Minho.


"Ami's going to live here?!" Taemin bolted from his room, hugging a pillow to his chest. "Can she sleep with me?!" he jumped up and down.


"No. Here's the deal. Either Key and Jonghyun move into one room, or Taemin and Minho." Jinki rested his elbow on the counter and looked around.


"Did I hear my name?" Jonghyun sat up on the couch and blinked as he looked s over.


"She can use my room! I'll move in with Minho!" Taemin giggled. "I'll go pack!" he ran off down the hall.


"I don't get any say in this?" Minho sighed.


"I think having a roommate will do you good." Onew grinned. "How's the chicken coming along Key?" Onew glanced over the counter at the stove.


"Good." Kibum smiled. "They're almost done. They should be ready as soon as she gets back!"


"Which is...?" Jonghyun groaned from the couch.


"Right about..." Key put a hand on his hip and tapped his foot. ""


"I got my stuff! I might need to go back sometime and just pick up a few more things." Ami dragged two suitcases into the dorm.


"Let me help!" Onew ran to the door and grabbed one suitcase from the girl.


"Oh, thanks!" she smiled brightly. "Oh it smells wonderful!" she glanced towards the kitchen. "Aren't I supposed to be doing all that stuff now?"


"We thought we could do this as a welcome." Taemin winked. 


"Here, eat!" Onew grabbed the plate from Kibum and shoved it into the girl's hands.


"I just got here!" Ami giggled and gently placed the suitcase down. "Let me sit at least."


"Sit sit sit!" Jinki ran over to the table and pulled out a chair.


"Such a gentleman!" she smiled.


"I'm going to my room." Minho rolled his eyes and left the scene.


"Is he okay?" Ami looked worried.


"Don't worry about him, baby." Jonghyun shook his head as he let out a breathy laugh. Ami pouted her lips as she began nibbling the steaming chicken.


"Oh! It's so delicious!" she smiled at Onew who smiled kindly back.


"I'm headed out. Taemin are you coming?" Kibum looked at the maknae. 


"Yes!" Taemin smiled and grabbed his jacket from the closet.


"I'll go too." Jonghyun followed the dancer and pulled his jacket from a hanger. Ami waved as the three members left the dorm.


"You'll be staying in Taemin's room. I'll bring your things." Jinki grabbed the suitcases and dragged them down the hall before Ami had the chance to thank him.


"What a sweetie." Ami smiled to herself and stood, bringing her empty plate to the sink.

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Chapter 18: OMGGGG JINKI!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: waaaaaa finally you update it!!!!!^^
Chapter 16: finally Onew tells her omggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!
he maybe the devil but who knows, he may fall for her later
Chapter 15: evil Onew has finally appeared!!!!
Chapter 14: you make me so curious with the story...omg Onew what are you!!!
MwolhaedoOnewSangtae #6
Chapter 13: Onew is so ominous! Haha, I'm kind of nervous for Ami XD
MwolhaedoOnewSangtae #7
Chapter 12: This is VERY different from the kind of stuff I usually read, but I'm strangely addicted! It's very well written :)
Chapter 11: this story is so interesting, keep updating ^^
Chapter 9: OMGGGG EVIL ONEW, I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Chapter 8: wowww this story is so myteriously interesting,can't wat for your next updates^^