Chapter 1

Dear Diary

Day 365


Dear diary,


It's over. I'm free. Their ownership over me has come to an end. I shall not have to hide, quivering in the dark damp corner of this cell another minute, for I am ascending from hell. If this diary is found, in a year, in a decade, in a century, in a millennium...please be wary. Don't be fooled by their appearance, for they are much darker, corrupt and heinous creatures than they lead you on to be. At first their touch seems so sweet, so pure. Their whispers seem to comfort you and protect you. Their embraces warm you. But their savage nature will reveal itself when it's too late for you to escape. You will stay, forever loved, in a dark shadow of this world. Be warned. Do not be blinded by their shine.


I bid my final adieu, 




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Chapter 18: OMGGGG JINKI!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 17: waaaaaa finally you update it!!!!!^^
Chapter 16: finally Onew tells her omggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!
he maybe the devil but who knows, he may fall for her later
Chapter 15: evil Onew has finally appeared!!!!
Chapter 14: you make me so curious with the story...omg Onew what are you!!!
MwolhaedoOnewSangtae #6
Chapter 13: Onew is so ominous! Haha, I'm kind of nervous for Ami XD
MwolhaedoOnewSangtae #7
Chapter 12: This is VERY different from the kind of stuff I usually read, but I'm strangely addicted! It's very well written :)
Chapter 11: this story is so interesting, keep updating ^^
Chapter 9: OMGGGG EVIL ONEW, I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Chapter 8: wowww this story is so myteriously interesting,can't wat for your next updates^^