Chapter 8: Addiction, Obsession

My Lady


The commotion about someone breaking into the building was shocking for most of the tenants – all occupied by YG’s staff and two idol groups. The crazy part is that nobody knows who it was or how that person got in.

Jiyong never really minded such ruckus but what made him felt alarmed was when Mistah Naise said that after he went for another thorough observation on the security tape, there was a man before Jiyong who had stood in front of Park Bom and Minji’s door, punching in the code to their apartment.

Jiyong tried to recall what happened that night. He couldn’t really. He was home after a few rounds of norebang with his friends and he was a little drunk, to be frank. He did remember that he saw someone walking about wearing a long coat and had his face covered. Jiyong just assumed that he was one of the staff who caught a cold.

That was how he ended up at Park Bom and Minji’s door. He was all about trying to profess his never ending love for Park Bom, again and again. He never really went a up level because he made a mistake, it was intentional. It was all thanks to his cowardice that made him retract back to his own apartment.

As long as Mr. Nice was being nice and kept his lips tight, he won’t get caught.

This time, for real, he went to the girls’ apartment with the pure intention on checking his hoobaes. He should drop by CL and Dara’s apartment first since to avoid suspicion about his being worried at the person staying a level up from his apartment.

On the way there, he had this nagging feeling that the person slash intruder was someone they had known for so long. It was mind boggling. But it couldn’t be him…? Could it?

Let’s look at the facts; 1) The man did enter the building without causing any alarm which means he was either a tenant or someone people did not get suspicious at, 2) The man was familiar with the building structure and 3) The man knew the code to the girls’ apartment.

Jiyong stood still in the elevator, mauling over things and possibilities about this thing. If only he wasn’t drunk last night, maybe he’s solved who this ert was already.

He suddenly realized that the two floor trip took him longer than it would have and realised that he hadn’t pressed the floor button yet. He face-palmed himself and poked the button for Chaerin and her wife’s apartment. What the hell is wrong with him? Right, too many thinking.

Less than a minute later, he was standing in front of his destination. Popping his shirt’s collars, a few wriggling for his bracelets and watch, he pressed the doorbell. Nothing happened. He pressed the bell again. Again, no response.

Well, damn.

He took his smartphone and slid the lockscreen and dialled Chaerin’s number.

“Hey CatRin. Where you at?”

“I’m at Bommie-unnie’s apartment with Mingki. Why?”

“Ani… I’m in front of your door right now. Is it okay for me to come up there?”

Chaerin laughs, “Oppa, since when do you ask permission to go up the BomJi apartment?”

Jiyong felt hs throat gone dry. That was a very good question. Why did he need to ask for permission?

Well, since he felt like going back for Park Bom, that’s when.

His body was going through the changes again. Like the first time he was about to confess his love for her. It’s because this time, it was for real. He finally admits that he couldn’t really take Park Bom out of his life, no matter what. Whether it was as friends, lover or co-worker.

“Besides, the horror happened at their apartment, not ours.”

“Ey, Lee Chaerin.” He replied. “It doesn’t mean the dude wasn’t going to go to yours.”

“Yeah. Probably.” Chaerin said as she sobered up. “Come up, we’ll open the doors.”

With that, Jiyong ended the call and went down a floor and walked quickly to the apartment.

He knocked rang the doorbell, he knocked on the door.

He was greeted by a tired CL with an equally tired with puffy eyes Minji hugging her from the back.

“Hey Jiyong, come in.” somewhere inside the apartment, Dara hollered.

But where was she? The woman he wanted to see the most? Walking to the living room, what he saw was something he thought was almost impossible. But this is something of a normal occurrence, right?

On that couch, Park Bom slept with her nose so red, her eyes swollen from all the crying. If that was weird, not really. She had even shared this part of her in 2NE1TV. The almost rare and impossible sight was that the untouchable Teddy Park was hugging Bom in his lap and fell asleep together with Jiyong’s Park Bom.

What the .

Jiyong felt his chest rise and fall rapidly at the sight. Is that how he would feel if he were to see Park Bom in the arms of another man?

Goddamnit, it hurts.

Logic defying his mind, he went to the cozy-looking people and slumped hard next to Teddy, waking both of them.

“What the …?” Was Teddy’s response.

“I just… Sleep… Mumble…” came out from Park Bom’s beautiful lips.

And what do you know? She fell back into sleep. She must have been dead tired from meeting the police, their ever worrying President, the nosy reporters.

He chuckled at Park Bom, then his eyes went straight to Teddy. One of his great friends, his hyung, his favourite producer, his consultant.

“Chaerin clawing your hairy yet?” Jiyong asked, laughing lightly after Chaerin glared at him from the kitchenette.

“She ain’t gonna.” Teddy replied. “Loves me too much, dig?”

“Hyung, one of these days, you’re really gonna get it.” Jiyong sighed. “If you can, be clear to her. If you fancy her back, go ahead. You have everybody’s blessing. If not, just say no. Simple, yeah?”

“Yah, dongsaeng. Since when are you the love expert?” He said, to which Jiyong just shrugs. “The same goes to you, mang.”

A few seconds of silence passed.

“She cried, I came down here. I sat next to her, she sat on me. Not my fault, man.” Teddy said.

“Didn’t ask for any explanation.” Jiyong muttered.

“Your face says it all.” Teddy said, yawning. “Stop being a jealous little kid. This noona of yours does not have your name tattooed on her forehead.” He laughed.

“What the hell are you saying, hyung?” He replied, forcing a light chuckle.

“I’m saying that I know you feel protective over her since you knew her as long as I have. Shoulda come earlier and see the panicked expression from both of your maknae and Youngbae. Seunghyun also came earlier but only for a few. He crashed at the Awkward Bro’s apartment.” Teddy sighed. “I worry about her a lot, too. Every day. I check up on her, I call her. You remember what happened last time she was hurt, right? The thing is, it doesn’t mean she’s mine, or if she’s yours. Unless she acknowledges it.”

Jiyong sat there and maul things over again. Just how many of his friends or close ones are after Park Bom? Or if any of them had advanced on her. He never thought about it in this light before.

He looked at Park Bom in Teddy’s lap.

They fit.

Will it look like that if Bom was to sit on his, with his arm around her?

But he knew, this time, he thinks, whatever it is, Park Bom will be his and his only.

She is his addiction, she is his obsession.

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Just dropped chapter 18. Happy reading ^^


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kratepow #1
Chapter 20: bom has to know that jiyong cheated on her!!
permatang #2
Chapter 20: jiyong was selfish... i really can't understand what he thought about Bom.... she's not a doll that he can do as he please.... ok Bom please do something... there are Teddy and Seunghyun too..
authornim i'm totally loved your story...
Rika35 #3
Chapter 20: I'm just starting to read fanfics and this was the best I have read so far. So will you continue the story? It feels incomplete, plus Jiyong character and the way he thinks is really making me upset. Also, I want TOP happy as well I feel he will make Bom happy in this story he's also my bias. Please continue.
laveniaoviola #4
Chapter 17: I just read this fanfics today.. i love it! But I'm also confused.. Who is bommie dating? danny im? and i dont understand chapter : "A Different Outlook".. can someone please explain waht happen in this chapter..
Chapter 20: Huhuhu...Damn u Jiyong..Ur so stupid 2 cheat on her in d 1st place..Gaaahd..Good work authornim!ur able 2 make me feel these emotions out of ur fic=)
Chapter 20: Love your fanfic ~ update soon ^^
Eden19 #7
@violetgreen .ur old username Nyongbom right? ^_^ i'm just guessing coz i think i saw someone mention on gbom chatbox.
@StarLightTears u really have no manner< if u lost then reread. simple as that..

i know ur track dude,dont come to my face for bragging!
StarLightTears #9
Chapter 20: lost tracks, idk what is this story all about now -_-