Chapter 18: Beginning

My Lady



Jiyong opened his eyes, feeling disoriented.

My back hurts.

He looked around and noticed that he was lying half- on the cold floor… of his balcony.

How in the actual…?

Not only that, there were neatly lined banana peels on top of the metal grills, a mural-like drawing on his white walls and a set of messy make-up sets with broken eyeliner pencils, a couple of basically destroyed lipstick/lip gloss, powder from blushers to eye shadow palettes were ground to fine quality.

Looking at the chaos in horror, he was almost afraid to venture into his apartment for further inspection.

But he had to, didn’t he? He has to. He stood up and the world spun.


He fell down to his knees, groaning when they met the ground. He went all fours. His head was hung low, it felt really heavy. Literally.

What in the world…

He risked a peek into the living room and felt blood drained from his face as his eyes landed on that colourful thing on the wall that says,

“Kwon Jiyong and Park Bom forever!”

He didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry about it. Especially when there was another mural painted next to the wordings.

Mixed in the colour Green, Blue, Red, Pink and Yellow, it said,

“May the world be in peace. May the earth ever be filled with loads of little aliens in banana and corn pajamas.”

“Where is Jiyong’s baby?”


Jiyong looked around, trying to find the source of the voice but there was none.

“Where is Jiyong’s baby? Should we put it in another wall?”

What in the name of hell…?

His head rung hard that he fell onto the floor again.

“Jiyong already morphed into a corn, Bom ah.”

“No! Jiyong will live happily as the wrangler of these little aliens.”

Feeling like he couldn’t take it anymore, he rushed to the main living room despite his head feeling about to explode and was  dumbfounded at what he saw.

“What in the hell are you two doing?”

Jiyong himself felt the horror and confusion seeping into his hoarse voice. Two of the very familiar faces turned around in a dash to face Jiyong – looking equally confused.

A hyung with a wine stained silver/blue silk shirt ed all the way to the bottom, a black brief and supporting tiny pigtails on his head, was smiling very widely. The orange lipstick and green/pink eye shadow combo does not compliment this rugged man. Neither did the eyeliner marks on his chest in the shapes of… whales or something...?

A noona, the love of his life, his flower, his butterfly, his soul, his Gaho and Jolie’s mom, his inspiration… was sitting with her legs folded on the floor, looking up at him, puppy-eyed.

But it disturbed him more that she was in one of her super tight tank top. Easily no bra judging from the bounce of her ample s on her every movement.

And wearing a boxer.

His boxer.

Holy . What the really happened last night? Did he and Bom…?

But if they did, he would be by now. And the silk brief that he had on told him otherwise.

Or worst...

Bom and Seunghyun?

That... can't be...?

The thought of that left him feeling uncomfortable and the morning confusion along with the unsettling distortion led him into feeding the thought. It made him feel angry.

But before he could fire the burning question for the two, Bom crawled a bit towards him and sat on her knees in front of him.

“Oh, Jiyong ah~” Bom cooed.

“Oh, Jiyong ah~” Seunghyun imitated.

Then the two of them started to giggle without any reason.

“The are you two laughing about?” He asked, feeling hot over everything.

Great, now they are laughing even harder.

For a second he had forgotten about the hyung. If the man had not made any sound to indicate his presence, Jiyong would sure as will start to feel Bom up. Whether or not she has wrecked his apartment with her “murals”.

But right now, he was feeling jealous over TOP. He felt angry at himself because he felt his insecurity climbing its way to his brain, affecting his feelings; and the fact that TOP has spent time with Bom doing whatever when Jiyong was out cold...

But thinking about the possibility of Bom and TOP having was what did it.

He suddenly has this intense need to mark his woman.

And beat TOP senseless with a huge stick.

Shifting his eyes back down to the woman who was smiling serenely at him on her knees evoked the former intention in him.

He wanted to leave a mark on her neck, to let everyone know that she has a man. He wanted to take her plump lips and make them swollen with his kisses. Both sets of her lips swollen and wet. He wanted her hair messy from with him. He wanted her body sweaty with his. He wanted to hear her moan his name and scream in pleasure upon his doings. He wanted her to complain to him how sore she was, all in the right places. He wanted her waking up every morning with the smell of his cologne on her body. He wanted to make her body feel accustomed to the presence of his body at all times. He wanted the woman so bad he was shaking at the thought.

He has to take Bom and it has to be today.

But why was he acting like this, you think?

Because with Jiyong and Bom, TOP somehow always ended up appearing out of nowhere in the equation. Like a math question that was impossible to solve. It was always the three of them.

For starters, TOP was a handsome bastard. Every gender would kill to have a piece of him. Jiyong has already seen that appeal in action. Whether intended or not. It was so powerful that even left Seungri the maniac speechless, and his other two group members to be more cautious about and feeling self-conscious about their own abilities in that department.

If he could turn a straight guy gay and a gay woman turn to check TOP out, do you really think Bom can resist that intense eye ing the hyung always gives? She might be able to not do that now but sooner or later, she would succumb. Jiyong knows.

And Jiyong knows about TOP’s little secret… He knew.

He pieced up together everything from his small actions, to the choice of words and the change in behaviour.

He knew about the feeling that TOP has harboured for Bom for so many years now. He noticed it from the very beginning. It was that very moment when Bom stepped inside in the old YGE building for her audition.




Choi Seunghyun elbowed him on the arm and pointed at, “the long haired cutie sitting on the audition bench.”

Jiyong who was deeply concentrating on fixing his lyrics at that time turned around and let his eyes wandered a bit before he found the one that was meant to be seen. He saw her wearing a moss-green v-necked tee with a slightly baggy jeans. A designer sling bag fell on her side, a thin string of bracelet on one wrist and a single chrome hearts ring on her right index. Sporting a high pony-tail, a thin layer of bb cream on her pretty face; she was at the time reapplying her lip gloss and smacking her lips.

Jiyong, without giving the benefit of a doubt quickly categorized her as the same many other hopefuls waiting to be trainees at one of the very hip-hop entertainment agency, dreaming for the fame and money only. It was rare to see new auditionees that can actually sing, play instrument or dance nowadays. Or at least that was what he was told by the staff.

He looked at TOP and shrugged. The man’s intense staring started and he knows they were lingering on her pouty lips. TOP’s Adam’s apple bobbed slightly at the sight. And he hasn't been this way since his last girl.

“She’s alright.”

“Ah, but I don’t think I’ll have a chance.” TOP muttered under his breath and shook his head. “Too pretty.”

“What?” Jiyong snorted. “You so could tap that, hyung. She looks easy enough.”

“Aish.” TOP protested. “She has a different aura man.”

“Just. A-no-ther. Bim-bo. Hyung.” Jiyong emphasied every syllable with a chopping motion with his hands.

“I. Don’t. Think. So. Ji. Yong.” he replied.

"But why?" Jiyong asked in a teasing manner to which Seunghyun just shrugged.

They kept quiet for a second or two when Youngbae came out from the gent’s room not far from the bench where Bom was sitting.

"Yo mah brothas~" Youngbae greeted them with the typical secret handshake and shoulder bump.

Youngbae then noticed something was up with the usually calm and collected hyung. He was unusually twitchy; perfecting the angle of his cap again and again, clearing his throat again and again and biting his lower lips as the quick give away to his nervousness.

"Ah~" He said, knowingly, giving his famous eyesmile a chance to surface at Seunghyun's behaviour. "I was just out from the gents and this happened." He shook his head. "There's someone you fancy, hyung?" he asked softly while his eyes were trying to detect which of the fifty turn ups it was.

"Oh, ponytails on the bench?" He asked again with Jiyong chuckling softly.

"Do you wanna know her name?" Jiyong asked, wagging his eyebrows to tease the hyung.

"I... I don't. I..." Seunghyun mumbled and earned a few "Woot!" from the two, making his ears read from embarrassment.

"Yah! I'm your hyung, goddamnit!" Seunghyun exploded. "Stop it before I get your asses grounded!"

It didn't have the effect that Seunghyun wanted, which was to stop the kids from teasing him but it did cause the two bestfriend to laugh out loud, gasping for air.

"Grounded? For what? Asking if you want to know her name? Hyung, my stomach!"

"Us? Grounded? Just because we were teasing him?! I'm dying!"

"Yah! Cut it out you two!"

"Hyung! I think I know what her name is!" A young Hyunseung ran next to Seunghyun.

The strong willed boy was wearing a sweatshirt with loose jeans, donning less hip-hop fashion than the other three was but as a forceful dancer, he won that part. His dancing skill was how you would describe as hard and full of force but has no ground or lack of presence. It was his only problem.

But right now, the way he was smiling brightly as if he had accomplished a very important mission, made the whole situation funnier.

"Hyung, you went as far as asking Hyunseungie to find out her name?" Jiyong asked ridiculously.

"Are you serious, hyung?!" Youngbae interrupted.

"Why? What's wrong? But that girl is-" Hyunseung said, feeling confused.

"Hyunseung, shut up." Seunghyun said in a very calm manner that it was a bit scary.

But this only makes Hyunseung feeling agitated.

"What? Hyung, you asked me to ask around for her name but-" 

"Hyunseung, you better stop. Right now."

Looking at each other, giving an "Ah-ha!" expression on their faces, they knew what the deal was.

"Choi Seunghyun is having a heavy crush on a girl~" The three of them said at the same time.

"I swear on my mother's name, you bas-"

"Oh! Here you guys are!" A high voice hollered at them, interrupting the moment.

It was small Seunghyun. His serious dark circles were what you notice first about his face. Then the mischevious smile that adorns his lips at all times. His pants were too baggy, his shirt was too baggy but it was fitting for a creative dancer like him. To quote him, "it gives me more room." for what, they didn't want to know. His singing voice was decent but very soft and calming. He could be a great singer if he was willing to work harder on it.

"What do you want, punk?" Youngbae said, taking Panda in a choke hold.

"Hyung~ Why are you like this?"

"Hey guys! Hyungs and noonas are calling for us to observe the auditions or something?" Another high pitched voice hollered.

Known as the least attractive trainee in the building but has the most angelic voice that can send you to die peacefully to heaven, Kang Daesung. He was always running around in the building with his singlet and quarter shorts, a smile on his face and a very great personality to boot. He doesn't give a damn about appearance, and always left the stylists in YG feeling frustrated.

The leader fashionista, the childish oldest, the masculine one, the smiling angel, the strong willed pretty boy and the noisy maknae.

But they fit just fine, the six of them.

Their debut is coming and Jiyong could feel it in his bones.

And he couldn't ing wait.

"Jiyong ah! You coming? It's about to start!" Youngbae called from the entrance of the practicing studio, pulling him from his trance.

He laughed and jogged towards the five, entering the studio joking and chatting with each other while they each make themselves comfortable in the small studio.

Watching the nervous participants, it brought a smile to the lips of the predebut BIGBANG members as it triggered their memories from their own past experience.

"Thirteen. Please come forward and introduce yourself." Jinwoo announced as a girl came forward.

She took a confident step forward.

Her hands were trembling a bit but her stance was full of courage. She played with her hair a bit, pulling it to the side.

Jiyong turned to Seunghyun and was about to tease the hyung but already, the fool was smiling like an idiot. Jiyong gave up and shook his head. He turned back to the front when the girl cleared her voice.

Jiyong heard both Seunghyun and the girl said, "Park Bom."

So, he actually already knew her name. I wonder how?

"I go by the name Jenny in America. I'm twenty-one years old, twenty-two for Korean age. I can speak English fluently. My passion in music is heavily influenced by hip-hop, r&b and soul music. I idolize Mariah Carey and Destiny's Child. Or specifically, Beyonce. Talking about music, I can play music instruments too. Piano, flute, cello and the harp."

"Okay, that's quite a nice resume." Jinwoo said in a monotone. "Do you think you have star potential?"

"I know I do."

"How far do you think you can do this? Like, how much are you willing to sacrifice?"

"If you are asking about my determination, I can assure you that I can endure anything. I have been auditioning for the past five years and I kept coming back." She said cooly. 

That was quite a shock to Jiyong and the rest as well. But, was that how Seunghyun hyung knew her name?

"Hyung, on which year of those auditions did you find out her name?"

"Last year." Seunghyun, said smirking.

"You had a crush on her since last year?" Jiyong asked, feeling scandalized.

"Never said that." Seunghyun said. "It's just that, I knew her name since last year."

He did not know what to do with the information but Jiyong can feel that this hyung had a crush on Bom and the idiot wasn't even aware of it.

"Ah, yes, Park Bom-sshi. I remember you." Sean said, smiling wide.

"Thank you." Park Bom said in a small voice. "Anyways, if you're still doubting about my determination, I'll tell you a little story."

"Ah man..." A few groans from the auditions and a little, "Here's the sob story..."

"Listen, please." Bom said in a monotone, with an equally robotic movement of motioning her hands up and down. That induced some laughter from the audience.

"She's kinda cute," Jiyong thought. "Really cute and funny."

"I began singing when I was in America. I have won various competitions there and one day when I called my mom to tell her the news, she said to me, "Are you crazy?" and flew to move me from LA to Maine immediately when she took a flight to see me the next day." She said, arranging and rearranging the way she speak a few times.

That was when the judges, even the audience moved forward a bit to listen some more. There was more to this Park Bom than her pretty long hair, cute as a button facial features and a bangin' body. She was brave and she knows how to captivate her audience.

"Despite the disapproval from my parents about me being a singer, I used that as something to motivate me more." She said carefully. "I graduated my high school in Maine and later went to Lesley University to major in Psychology." to which then she laughed a bit. "It's crazy, isn't it? Me? Psychology? It was just a next ticket to be a doctor in that field. But as much as I love learning Psychology, music and singing just attracts me more. And so... I did something crazy."

"What?", "What did you do?", "Did you drop out of your school?"

Smiling gently, she said, "rather than dropping out of school... I secretly... transferred to Berklee College of Music to learn more about music."

From there, people from the audience and other auditionees stood up and cheered for the petite woman.

"Well, Park Bom-sshi, this is the first time you speak about this."


"Did you held back?"



"Because right now, I really want it and decided this is it. This has to be it."

"What will you do if you did not get this?"

"I will still be here for the next audititon."

"What if they tell you that you're too old to audition?"

"Is age really that important if you have the talent and passion to boot?" Park Bom asked quietly. "If it really does, then explain to me about Andrea Bocelli, Susan Boyle, Martha Stweart, Harrison Ford and so forth?"

When there was no response, she gave a little smile.

"Dreams are not limited by age, I think." Bom said, lifting her eyes from the ground to her audience. 

That was when Park Bom sang.

She captivated the audience, not just by her charming personality and pretty face.

It was her voice.

Jiyong has never felt such a rush when he heard someone sang like this. In Korea.

His heart was beating so fast he thought it was going to explode. The soul, the feel and the passion he heard in that voice was... enchanting.

At the moment, all he could think was that there was this woman in front of him singing and then there was him, sitting in awe. The echoes in the small studio bounced her lovely tone right into his ears, piercing his heart. The gradual crescendo when she belted it out, the lovely humming with vibrato and ad-libs that are as soft as a lover whispering sweet nothings to his ears.

"Do you understand now when I said she has a different aura than the others?" Seunghyun suddenly asked Jiyong, jolting him back into reality.

Feeling relaxed, he nodded numbly.

"I have to have her." He thought.





They were young and stupid at that time. And Jiyong being the competitive and prideful son of a he was, looked at TOP as his rival.

That was the difference between the two of them. Jiyong’s way was always so up front and aggressive while TOP was the complete opposite of him. The man was always so subtle but meaningful— he starts slowly but steadily. If Jiyong hadn’t start stealing Bom’s attention at every second, he would have lost to TOP.

To make things more solid, TOP’s feelings for Bom never really went away. Jiyong notices the mood changes that his hyung has, like he went depressed whenever Bom was sad. He felt happy whenever Bom was just as happy.

And he saw the way TOP looks at Bom at rehearsals for their shows… Never caught by the eyes of the staff, but to those who understand Top knows something is up. And the way he was sending a bit of a “ you” to Jiyong at their Big Show's “Oh Yeah” performance with Bom.

Even Bom was amused at TOP’s action that night. She was a bit scared about TOP’s fangirls but she never really minded them. Well, not as much as she used to in the past.

He laughed at himself. The thing that he started with Bom was a bet he made against himself.

“I have to have her because she was totally the in thing right now. The boys seems to fit right home with her, especially Youngbae. And Seunghyun-hyung… that’s a special case. I can’t lose this one.”

He was owned by the game he started with himself. He found himself starting to really care about this woman that he intended only to have a light relationship in the beginning. To have fun with her, to show her off to everyone and to break up with her when the time was up; eventually reverting their relationship back to being friends after a while.

That mind-set, however, changed after he realised that he was starting to fall for her. Instead of letting his entire being consumed by the love that was blooming, he fretted.

He panicked.

He was still young and there were many things that he has not experienced yet. The thought of not fully living life scared the hell out of him.

So he cheated on Bom. As the many few things that he wanted to "change" and be "different" about how he looked at life and how life should look at him.

Bom thought that Jiyong's first time experiencing the unworthy act was with Kiko.

But that was not the case. No. Not at all.

The obvious truth was that he was with someone else. He couldn't remember her name, much less her face. But one thing that he did remember was the thrill of whether or not he was going to get caught and then... the whole panicking or yolo became a habit. It became a habit that was too hard for him to kick.

But one day, he lost it. Bom was showing no sign of acknowledgement on his extra curriculum activity, he tried to take it to the next level. He kept on showing that he was cheating on Bom with Kiko on purpose. Call him crazy but Bom's lack of attention on the matter drove him mad. He was leaving trails of evidences behind like her shirt in his dirty clothes hamper, trying to make it obvious in front of s about Kiko, mentioning Kiko every chance he got.

Funny thing was, Kiko didn’t even know that she was "the other girl". Not then, not now.

He did not have any intention of telling Kiko the truth as much as he would not tell even Bom about it.

Because now, he had a chance to be with Bom again.

Nobody is going to know.

Jiyong feeling satisfied with what he was doing at the time vowed that will claim his woman back and shove it in Choi Seunghyun's face.

Snapped back to reality, Jiyong sat down on the floor and squiggled his over closer to Bom.

He looked at her and stared at the blessed beauty that God had gifted this earth. His brown eyes inspecting the beautiful curves of her engraved facial structure, her cheeks, her lips. The two orbs without the circle lenses stared back at him in confusion, her soft eyebrows forming a frown, her eyelashes gracefully casting shadows on her cheekbones.

She was beautiful. Much more beautiful now that he realizes how much he wanted to have her in his life forever.

"Jiyong, you okay?" She asked, voice laden in careful curiosity.

"Yeah, love, I'm alright." He answered, smiling as he cupped her left cheek and softly brushing the chubby area with his thumb.

At the mention of the endearment and the loving gesture, Jiyong can see how stiff Choi Seunghyun had became.

"Excuse me." Seunghyun said quietly.

He stood up and went to the bathroom. At the sound of the little click when the door closed, Jiyong let out a small smirk.

Turning his head back to his love, the hand that cupped her cheek slipped to the back of her head and he pulled her closer.

Bom's beautiful lashed fluttered as Jiyong leaned in. With their lips less than an inch together, her breath and his breath mingling together, heated and careful. It was as if a minute interval of breathing went wrong, the bubble will burst. But it didn't. He wouldn't let it.

He searched the eyes that has became so dark, shining with anticipation as if asking her if she was ready to do this.

Her hands scratching his flank told him that she was ready.

He whispered to her, "mine," and claimed the plump lips for a few soft kisses before it became fully aggressive and bringing her back to his bedroom with their clothes trailing after them one by one until they hit the bed.

This morning, he will make Bom his. He will make her his despite all the that happened in the past.

Nobody is going to stop him.

And nobody was going to know that he cheated on Bom way before Kiko.



a/n - So, I have finally updated lol. Tell me our thoughts as per usual on the comment section below. I hope you guys enjoyed this one ^^

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Just dropped chapter 18. Happy reading ^^


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kratepow #1
Chapter 20: bom has to know that jiyong cheated on her!!
permatang #2
Chapter 20: jiyong was selfish... i really can't understand what he thought about Bom.... she's not a doll that he can do as he please.... ok Bom please do something... there are Teddy and Seunghyun too..
authornim i'm totally loved your story...
Rika35 #3
Chapter 20: I'm just starting to read fanfics and this was the best I have read so far. So will you continue the story? It feels incomplete, plus Jiyong character and the way he thinks is really making me upset. Also, I want TOP happy as well I feel he will make Bom happy in this story he's also my bias. Please continue.
laveniaoviola #4
Chapter 17: I just read this fanfics today.. i love it! But I'm also confused.. Who is bommie dating? danny im? and i dont understand chapter : "A Different Outlook".. can someone please explain waht happen in this chapter..
Chapter 20: Huhuhu...Damn u Jiyong..Ur so stupid 2 cheat on her in d 1st place..Gaaahd..Good work authornim!ur able 2 make me feel these emotions out of ur fic=)
Chapter 20: Love your fanfic ~ update soon ^^
Eden19 #7
@violetgreen .ur old username Nyongbom right? ^_^ i'm just guessing coz i think i saw someone mention on gbom chatbox.
@StarLightTears u really have no manner< if u lost then reread. simple as that..

i know ur track dude,dont come to my face for bragging!
StarLightTears #9
Chapter 20: lost tracks, idk what is this story all about now -_-