Chapter 17: Open Window

My Lady


Jiyong leaned on the dirty walls.

The small alley was, well, small, and a little cold. It was dark but not enough. The moon shone dimly through the heavy clouds. But it was quiet. A little quieter from the streets outside. It gave a pretend bubble of silence that he needed for a little while.

His hand was itching to take out his lighter and a pack of cigarette. But he didn’t smoke anymore, did he? He patted his pockets quickly and there were none in his pockets. But man… he would kill for a stick, or a thousand and one cartons about now.

He sighed inwardly and kissed the forehead of the woman in his arms. One hand rubbing her lower back in a circular motion slowly, while the other was tight around her torso.

So, this was what T.O.P was warning him when the two of them met last month…





“So, you finally made it.” T.O.P said lazily as he sipped a little from his green bottle.

“Ah hyung…” was the only thing that Jiyong can say.

Honestly, the meeting was kind of unplanned but since he had been holding off the meeting for weeks, he might as well meet the man tonight, in this private room.

“Come sit, it will just be us tonight. Nobody will come in, nobody is going to disturb us.”

“Eh… This is gonna leave more weird rumours if anybody finds out about this dinner.”

“Huh…” Seunghyun exhaled, lined forehead showing evidently than ever. “Think of it as, fan service for the VIPs. Leave them to their naughty thoughts for them to enjoy. But whatever it is, I’d never bottom.”

He is talking garbage again.

“Hyung, how many bottles have you downed?”

“Don’t worry, I’m just starting on my second one. Or is it the fourth?” The man said, sloshing the liquid inside the bottle.

“Oh. My. God.” Jiyong exhaled as he slumped into an empty seat.

“He’s not drunk yet, don’t worry.” Jinwoo’s voice came floating in after he opened the door to their room.


“It’ll be more than the two of you, actually. Seunghyun’s been nagging for me to come by in case you bailed.”

“So, you know what we’re gonna talk about?” 

“Of course. Nothing escapes me in the building. You know that.”

“So… What are we talking about?”

“You know…” Jinwoo trailed as he looked to the side as the waitress opened their door to deliver the dinner. “Thank you miss.”

“Oh and Jiyong, please dig in.”

Jiyong looked at the table and it was load full of food. Full load of alcohol. It was more than the three of them could handle. Jiyong then felt a forbidding sensation at the pit of his stomach… and that was when it hit him.

“We’re having more guests over, right?”

“Clever boy.” Jinu praised Jiyong as he picked up his chopsticks.

“But Seunghyun hyung said–”

“Why are you listening to him? He’s already at his fifth bottle.”

Fifth? I can't. What?

“Sorry I’m a bit late!” The smiley first generation idol came in without knocking.

“Of course you’re here, hyung.” Jiyong sighed.

“Why wouldn’t I come if my favourite dongseng is the main focus today?”

Then when the other two, Sean and Tablo came, the table was complete.

They drank, eat and laughed.

It was when Jiyong started to feel slightly buzzed, he saw Seunghyun was suddenly sitting upright and looked at him dead in the eyes.

“Jiyong ah…”

“Yes, hyung?”

“You know Bom’s in a relationship with someone, right?”

He was about to answer but ended up keeping his mouth shut. He was afraid. He knows it. But if confirming it by his lips, movements from his mouth formation and the roll of tongue and sounds coming out of his voice box, he couldn’t do it. It will feel too real. Way too real. So he nodded, albeit slowly.

“But do you know it’s someone we know?”

“I remember Jinwoo hyung said something about that.”

“I did, I did. We know him way too well.” Jinu said, happily.

He was a happy drunk, that's not a brand new info but still, very interesting to see.

“But, you know that Jiyong, that someone, is a bit in trouble because of reasons…” Tablo said, mumbling now. "Reasons... Reasons... Oh so obvious. But didn't understand, no. No, no, no. He didn't understand. Love. Oh love. It tortures you when you're in it but without it, you'll miss it. Can't live with it, can't live without it. Like... Fuuuu -- hic!"

"Shut up, Blo-yah." Sean said, laughing at the bitter drunk.

“You know our Bommie is very popular, right? You know how many men tried to approach her even before she debut with 2NE1, right?” Dongwook said, sighing.

Jiyong only continued to nod.

“You don’t need to know who it is, now because in time, things will unravel itself.” He continued. “Yes, but it’s the other man we’re worried about.”

“He has been losing focus. He’s being a bit vengeful because he’s feeling betrayed.” Seunghyun said calmly. “He talked to me during recordings.”

Was his being drunk an act? He’s looking mighty sober right now. It pissed Jiyong a little.

“Can you just tell me the names?”

“It’s… Huh…”

“It’s him.”

"You know... That... guy."

"Yeah. Him."

“Oh for 's sakes, just tell me who!" Jiyong exploded.

The men went silent for a couple of seconds but then laughed their asses off at the outburst. That was the end of it.

But when everyone was calling everyone else to get picked up, Jiyong stood outside Yeolbong. His lips itching for a smoke, again.

"If starts to hit the fan, I want you to be ready." Seunghyun said, suddeny appearing next to him. "Things are done so ed up, I don't even know what to make of it anymore."


"Bom... Bom is really precious, Jiyong ah. You know that. Everyone knows that. But she's different. You know that, too, having to date her years ago." Seunghyun took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

He ing knows. How the does he knew about it?

"How I knew about it?" Seunghyun laughed.

. I need to stop talking while thinking.

"Not gonna work, Jiyongie." He chortled. "Since you ing moaned her name in your sleep that day you fainted. Several ing times."


Seunghyun didn't stop there.

"Oh, and sneaking out every night out and answering people that you're going out with a nameless butterfly? and naming a certain noona's name with a butterfly emoji in your phone? Nice. What an amazing cover up." The man shook his head several times.

Jiyong was red with embarrassment at this point.

"I guess at some point, we all kinda knew about you two. But we weren't quite sure. An open secret?"

"So does everyone knows now?"

"Not really. Your bestie and dongsaengs didn't know about anything. Always too slow. But the rest of the men. Up there with us, knew it even without you confirming."

"Ya." Seunghyun said softly. "I know you tried to avoid her pretty much since you broke up with her and treating her like she doesn't exist sometimes. You really are stupid, Jiyong ah. So, very, stupid. She believes that you have no feeling for her anymore when you continuously dated Kiko."

Jiyong looked down. Smiling bitterly at his stupid choice.

"She has been going around too, you know. I set her up with some of my friends sometimes. But it was always that. Just a dinner date and then," the man made a cutting motion, "just like that. Not even staying the night."

"She's not like that."

"I know she's not. But man... How can she keep on living without having the night pleasures with people?"

"Hyung." Jiyong chided.

"I know. But that's what I thought before I learnt that she secretly has a boyfriend. Believe me when I say this, Jiyong. Their relationship started three years ago."

Feeling a bit numb at what Choi Seunghyun was saying, his legs shook a little.

Three years? What...? 

"Exactly. This was the same reaction that he got when he learnt about it a couple months ago."


"You'll know in time."


~End of flashback~



In another words, people who knew about Bom’s relationship with Danny were a bit twitchy for the couple of months. Because sure as , when Teddy is angry, he's about as friendly as an arsonist at an oil factory.

Park Bom and Danny Im.

What the hell is going on?

. Who would have thought? But still... .

Isn't Danny hyung married? Everybody knows that.

... Park Bom.

What the happened?

While he mulled things over, Park Bom’s cry has turned to soft sniffles here and there.

At least she has calmed down by now. It was louder earlier, and a little crazy too. She was clutching at his sleeves like she was going to rip them apart. She stopped the action when he pointed out that her fake nails are coming off. She chuckled a little but continued to sob again after that.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes. Or was it more than ten minutes? Not that it mattered. Give him a thousand of years, he would still be glad to be the one she let her cries out at. He was relieved when he came up to her, she didn’t push him away and he was content to know that he was there for her when she was at her most vulnerable. This time. Again.

Time truly had stopped. The world felt like there were only the two of them. If there was a choice, he would want the moment to be on a happier occasion.

No matter what the situation was, with her so close to him like this, his heart cannot help but beat faster and faster by the second. It’s funny, isn’t it? Love, it didn’t ing make any sense.

“Sorry,” she murmured against his chest.

Jiyong didn’t say anything. He just hugged her tighter, feeling her soft body against his. He kissed her forehead and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

The last bit made her let out a little gasp but he just smiled.

“You really are full of surprises, aren’t you?” Bom said in disbelief.

“After all these years, didn’t you learn to expect the unexpected from me already?”

Bom let out an unladylike snort and eventually laughed out loud. Jiyong looked at her, feeling that his cheeks are already hurting from his huge grin.

“Bom…” Jiyong looked at her meaningfully.

“Yeah, I know.” She said, sighing loudly.

Bom turned to the restaurant and started to walk but before she stepped inside the restaurant, Jiyong obediently followed her from behind.

“Park Bom, I thought you could do better than that.” Teddy said quietly as Jiyong and Park Bom entered the secluded room.

The setting was grim, everyone was quiet, and everyone was still. Jiyong looked around a little and his sunbaes and friends were either sitting or standing. But nobody moves. Nobody even has the slightest twitch.

So different from the atmosphere from just two hours ago.

What a surprise.

Well, if that isn't the theme of the night?

Jiyong turned to look at Park Bom who kept quiet the whole time.

“You, Danny.” Teddy said. Sure his still figure didn’t betray him of anything but it was there in his eyes. Fiery. "I thought you're married. Didn't we attend it all?"

Breaths were still.

"Don't nobody knows you got a kid?"

Hell broke loose on that one. Apparently, nobody knew about it except for Teddy and the BIGBANG members.

Questions, questions, questions.

But no answer.


With that, they went silent again.

"Is it really necessary to have so many people in here?"

"Think of your own first, Taebin. We're mad pissed at you right now but we don't want him to beat the outta you. Especially when he's half drunk like this."

"So, Bom, do you know about him having a kid?"

Every pair of eyes burned the woman that is Park Bom at the moment. It was intense. It was crazy suffocating.

Jiyong stepped slightly in front of Park Bom to protect her from the judging eyes.

But his strong Park Bom moved forward and looked at Teddy in the eyes, saying, "Yes. I do know about it. I knew about it even before he told me."

"You did?" Danny said, awed. "What do you mean? I mean, how?"

"Please, oppa. You are so obvious." Bom snorted but without malice. It was an affectionate gaze. "Who checks out books about baby names on his old Kindle? Or the fact that your iPhone is so heavily protected all the time?"

"You're not mad?"

"Why should I? We dated but it was never really official, when we think about it, right?"

"You're not really official?"

"No, not really."

"Danny oppa is... wa​s my practice boyfriend. But it can become so real at times, he had to set a limit, especially when he got engaged."

"But, Bom ah..."

"We tried to be real, it lasted for only about eight months. Then for the next two years, he became my on and off practice boyfriend."

"WHAT THE ." Seunghyun exclaimed loudly.

"We officially ended it... two months ago." Bom said, shyly.

But he saw it, the small smile. That she peeked at Jiyong under the fringe of her eyelashes.

"Let me repeat myself, WHAT THE ."

"Then, I need everybody to leave. I need to talk with Taebin about something."

"Are you sure you won't go crazy on him, Teddy?"

"Maybe. A little." Teddy said, uncertain. "Jinwoo hyung, stay a little bit with us two. I don't trust myself enough."

One by one, they went out with feelings mixed and confused as .

But before the door was completely closed, Teddy called Park Bom and when she went over, the two of them whispered to each other.

When they seemed to have stopped talking, Teddy opened the door and hugged Park Bom hard.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then. Bye oppa!" Bom said as she bounced her way to him.

The staff and thier friends started to pack their stuff, still talking and chatting.

Some comforted Bom, teasing her, even. As if nothing happened a few minutess ago.

After taking his stuff, he was ready to dial Seungri's number to pick him up when Bom stood beside her.

"Jiyong ah, fancy a ride in my car?"

"You drive?"

"Yes, I do." Bom answered, leading the way. "But we have to drop Seunghyun at his villa first."

"Big oaf is coming?"


"Sorry, hyung."

They got into the white M3 quietly. TOP insisted on drivng which scared the living out of Jiyong's mind.

Seunghyun was a good driver, but the man wouldn't understand the meaning for "slow down" even if it hit him in the head with a giant stick. Which was why, tired of people complaining about his speedy driving, he ended up saying he didn't have any licence.

Bom on the other hand laughed out loud for the speed. She rolled down the window on her side and enjoyed the sharp wind. Jiyong did the same.

He looked at her using the rearview mirror when something tingled at the back of his mind, "We do belong together"

As if their minds were in sync, they started to sing We Belong Together, using their own parts, all at once.

They laughed out loud and continued to sing randomly until they reached TOP's villa.

As Jiyong slid into the driver's seat and Bom in the passenger's seat, they looked at each other.

Jiyong took her hand and kissed it.

"So, we're going to my place, right?"

Bom's cheeks were flaming red and Jiyong chucked in pleasure.

But she was smiling. Oh so sweetly. So very sweetly.

My piece of art, Mona Lisa, Oh my ave maria, it’s just us two...

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Just dropped chapter 18. Happy reading ^^


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kratepow #1
Chapter 20: bom has to know that jiyong cheated on her!!
permatang #2
Chapter 20: jiyong was selfish... i really can't understand what he thought about Bom.... she's not a doll that he can do as he please.... ok Bom please do something... there are Teddy and Seunghyun too..
authornim i'm totally loved your story...
Rika35 #3
Chapter 20: I'm just starting to read fanfics and this was the best I have read so far. So will you continue the story? It feels incomplete, plus Jiyong character and the way he thinks is really making me upset. Also, I want TOP happy as well I feel he will make Bom happy in this story he's also my bias. Please continue.
laveniaoviola #4
Chapter 17: I just read this fanfics today.. i love it! But I'm also confused.. Who is bommie dating? danny im? and i dont understand chapter : "A Different Outlook".. can someone please explain waht happen in this chapter..
Chapter 20: Huhuhu...Damn u Jiyong..Ur so stupid 2 cheat on her in d 1st place..Gaaahd..Good work authornim!ur able 2 make me feel these emotions out of ur fic=)
Chapter 20: Love your fanfic ~ update soon ^^
Eden19 #7
@violetgreen .ur old username Nyongbom right? ^_^ i'm just guessing coz i think i saw someone mention on gbom chatbox.
@StarLightTears u really have no manner< if u lost then reread. simple as that..

i know ur track dude,dont come to my face for bragging!
StarLightTears #9
Chapter 20: lost tracks, idk what is this story all about now -_-